Blue city news: Chicago mayor suing car manufacturers for making their cars too easy to steal

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
When I say that DemoKKKrats LOVE the crime, filth, disease, and drugs in their cities, this is what I'm talking about.

They have ZERO interest in solving any of those problems, or in any way improving the quality of life of the unfortunates who have to live there.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) announced on Thursday the city is suing automakers Kia and Hyundai for “their failure to include industry-standard engine immobilizers in multiple models of their vehicles,” which according to the city, is the reason for the high rate of crimes involving cars.

“The impact of car theft on Chicago residents can be deeply destabilizing, particularly for low- to middle-income workers who have fewer options for getting to work and taking care of families. The failure of Kia and Hyundai to install basic auto-theft prevention technology in these models is sheer negligence, and as a result, a citywide and nationwide crime spree around automobile theft has been unfolding around our eyes,” Johnson said in a statement.
When I say that DemoKKKrats LOVE the crime, filth, disease, and drugs in their cities, this is what I'm talking about.

They have ZERO interest in solving any of those problems, or in any way improving the quality of life of the unfortunates who have to live there.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) announced on Thursday the city is suing automakers Kia and Hyundai for “their failure to include industry-standard engine immobilizers in multiple models of their vehicles,” which according to the city, is the reason for the high rate of crimes involving cars.

“The impact of car theft on Chicago residents can be deeply destabilizing, particularly for low- to middle-income workers who have fewer options for getting to work and taking care of families. The failure of Kia and Hyundai to install basic auto-theft prevention technology in these models is sheer negligence, and as a result, a citywide and nationwide crime spree around automobile theft has been unfolding around our eyes,” Johnson said in a statement.

I really think the next logical step is to sue all businesses located in the ghettos that get robbed, because they have made it too easy for black folks to rob them, just by their location.
I really think the next logical step is to sue all businesses located in the ghettos that get robbed, because they have made it too easy for black folks to rob them, just by their location.

Since the DemoKKKrats' intent is to eliminate all private businesses in their shithole cities, yes, this would be a good next step towards that goal.
I'll answer in a Haiku.. the mayor might understand that.

Steal car on kareoke night

when caught, broken fingers, many tears...

Never do shit again!
Democrats may have really hit on new defenses. Women dressing to make rape easy. People wearing jewelry that's easy to steal. Doors without sufficient security making break-ins easier. Unarmed individuals in public facilitating kidnapping. Criminal law has been turned on its head.
When I say that DemoKKKrats LOVE the crime, filth, disease, and drugs in their cities, this is what I'm talking about.

They have ZERO interest in solving any of those problems, or in any way improving the quality of life of the unfortunates who have to live there.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) announced on Thursday the city is suing automakers Kia and Hyundai for “their failure to include industry-standard engine immobilizers in multiple models of their vehicles,” which according to the city, is the reason for the high rate of crimes involving cars.

“The impact of car theft on Chicago residents can be deeply destabilizing, particularly for low- to middle-income workers who have fewer options for getting to work and taking care of families. The failure of Kia and Hyundai to install basic auto-theft prevention technology in these models is sheer negligence, and as a result, a citywide and nationwide crime spree around automobile theft has been unfolding around our eyes,” Johnson said in a statement.

If I were the car manufacturers I would counter sue for progressive policies making cars so easy to steal.
When I say that DemoKKKrats LOVE the crime, filth, disease, and drugs in their cities, this is what I'm talking about.

They have ZERO interest in solving any of those problems, or in any way improving the quality of life of the unfortunates who have to live there.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) announced on Thursday the city is suing automakers Kia and Hyundai for “their failure to include industry-standard engine immobilizers in multiple models of their vehicles,” which according to the city, is the reason for the high rate of crimes involving cars.

“The impact of car theft on Chicago residents can be deeply destabilizing, particularly for low- to middle-income workers who have fewer options for getting to work and taking care of families. The failure of Kia and Hyundai to install basic auto-theft prevention technology in these models is sheer negligence, and as a result, a citywide and nationwide crime spree around automobile theft has been unfolding around our eyes,” Johnson said in a statement.

Ummm, if it's the car manufacturers fault for making it easy and inviting then it's Soros and The Radical leftist DA's fault and the squads defund nonsense that is at fault for making crime easy and inviting, including the car jackings.
The Chicago Mayor just singlehandedly knocked out Soros and his own progressive party's policies. 😄
If we got rid of criminals and dopeheads and crazy people we wouldn't need security systems in our cars.

I'd rather live in a country with less crime than a country with more security.
Odd, there are Hyundai and Kias in my area and for some reason nobody is stealing them. Yet, some dumbass liberal activist judge will probably allow this farce to go forward. Sad.
When I say that DemoKKKrats LOVE the crime, filth, disease, and drugs in their cities, this is what I'm talking about.

They have ZERO interest in solving any of those problems, or in any way improving the quality of life of the unfortunates who have to live there.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) announced on Thursday the city is suing automakers Kia and Hyundai for “their failure to include industry-standard engine immobilizers in multiple models of their vehicles,” which according to the city, is the reason for the high rate of crimes involving cars.

“The impact of car theft on Chicago residents can be deeply destabilizing, particularly for low- to middle-income workers who have fewer options for getting to work and taking care of families. The failure of Kia and Hyundai to install basic auto-theft prevention technology in these models is sheer negligence, and as a result, a citywide and nationwide crime spree around automobile theft has been unfolding around our eyes,” Johnson said in a statement.

I may be an old fart but I can remember the PSAs saying “lock your cars, don’t let a good boy go bad”. That’s where all this started. It’s not the car makers fault that some people steal cars. It’s the criminal’s fault.

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