Democrats, are you concerned about these rioters in the major cities and mayors are not allowing help from the gov't?

I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?
Democrate supportt the Rioters and the discord, why because they think it helps Joe Biden in 2020 and America is not stupid Vote for reality and common sense
Ha ha ha. Minneapolis is burned up. Who there asked for help?

democrats are laughable liars.
First Democrats burned and looted their own cities. Then they rioted against systemic racism, which doesn't exist. Now they're tearing down statues. How long can it be before they start burning books? The dangerous Democrat party is a lot like the Nazis were leading up to WWII.
When you are a person of limited intelligence and you only watch or listen to news sources which prey on that fact, you wind up believing that our cities are all burning down from riots.

The fact is that no riots are taking place at this time. Peaceful protests are taking place in Portland and ”federal agents” are attempting to incite riots.

If you believe that Trump is interested in anything other than scaring morons into voting for him, you are one if those morons.
If you wonder why Trump is losing in the polls, even the Fox News Polls, then the answer is exactly what you support. The Government coming in to "help". Remember Ronald Reagan said the most frightening words for anyone was "I am from the Government and I am here to help". While there is a core group of people who want to see the Feds bashing the skulls of those damned Leftists. Most people worry more about the future. What happens next? If this trend continues, will we see a Federal Police Force in which our local cops are federalized?

What is funny to many of us is that the arguments made by Conservatives for decades are not even mentioned. Local Issues, States Rights, and the usual. Normally the Conservatives are arguing that local school boards are best to determine what the local schools should be teaching. They normally object to Federal Authority being used locally. And a dime will get you a million dollars that if Biden wins in November, suddenly those cries will once again, take center stage. Unfortunately it will take a decade or more for them to resound, after the Conservatives threw that belief out the window in the pursuit of vengeance on their political rivals.

I voted for Trump in 2016. I have said so many many times. I do not know if I can do so again this year. My problem is that again I don't like either candidate. I don't like Biden, as evidenced by my Signature box. And I don't like Trump. I may just ignore the election and see what my fellow citizens decide to do.

In another month, we will see how bad it really is for Trump, and the Republicans. But the nightmare scenario is not that Biden is elected President. The nightmare is the Democrats having control, by a comfortable margin, of the House, Senate, and White House. If the Democrats pick up six or eight seats in the Senate, then the mid terms are irrelevant and you can count on at least four, probably eight years of Democratic control.
If you wonder why Trump is losing in the polls, even the Fox News Polls, then the answer is exactly what you support. The Government coming in to "help". Remember Ronald Reagan said the most frightening words for anyone was "I am from the Government and I am here to help". While there is a core group of people who want to see the Feds bashing the skulls of those damned Leftists. Most people worry more about the future. What happens next? If this trend continues, will we see a Federal Police Force in which our local cops are federalized?

What is funny to many of us is that the arguments made by Conservatives for decades are not even mentioned. Local Issues, States Rights, and the usual. Normally the Conservatives are arguing that local school boards are best to determine what the local schools should be teaching. They normally object to Federal Authority being used locally. And a dime will get you a million dollars that if Biden wins in November, suddenly those cries will once again, take center stage. Unfortunately it will take a decade or more for them to resound, after the Conservatives threw that belief out the window in the pursuit of vengeance on their political rivals.

I voted for Trump in 2016. I have said so many many times. I do not know if I can do so again this year. My problem is that again I don't like either candidate. I don't like Biden, as evidenced by my Signature box. And I don't like Trump. I may just ignore the election and see what my fellow citizens decide to do.

In another month, we will see how bad it really is for Trump, and the Republicans. But the nightmare scenario is not that Biden is elected President. The nightmare is the Democrats having control, by a comfortable margin, of the House, Senate, and White House. If the Democrats pick up six or eight seats in the Senate, then the mid terms are irrelevant and you can count on at least four, probably eight years of Democratic control.
Agreed. I voted for Don last time too, but won’t bother voting this time. Very little difference between Don and Joe, but the partisans on each side can’t see that. The ignorance is enormous...the left sees Don as the worst man ever to walk the earth and the right sees Joe as a demented Commie.
I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?

Actually before COVID and in past years on this forum I had mentioned that I thought the best thing for the United States was riots and a revolution. Things have to change. The rich have to much money and the poor too little. We need universal healthcare now especially with COVID. We need to spread the wealth and have more socialism.

So I am actually glad to see the riots maybe it will cause necessary change to happen in this country for the better. Our next president needs to be a democrat and we need major change to happen in this country.
Are there Democrats or even Independents considering voting for Trump? Not all Democrats can think this is good for our country....
Trump won't get any democrat vote and not much of any independents. He certainly does care about the Democrat run cities. That is a joke. He just likes to have secret police for show as if he were in a communist or strongman totalitarian government like the leaders he admires and thinks it makes him look like a law and order guy. With his record of supporting law or the constitution, nobody will buy that crap. He's made and he's out of here after the election, when the pardons (not just commutations) will fall like confetti, for any his cronies awaiting trial. Since the judge and the appeals court judges said it was illegal of him to steal the money from the military for his wall and it is already spent, I would like to see him prosecuted and jailed.

Opportunity zones and low unemployment before the virus. And you want him jailed. I'm sure the cities are glad you care.
When mayors and governors need help, they ask.

When mayors and governors allow this shit to happen, and do nothing at all to stop it, or even worse, are actively supporting the subhuman pieces of shit who are rioting, looting, and generally behaving the way subhuman pieces of shit behave, then there is something very, very wrong.

I am significantly concerned with the manner in which the feds are getting involved, but if those corrupt, malfeasant mayors and governors were doing their jobs, then there'd be no reason for the feds to get involved at all.
Riots at this level should involve feds. Not battle armed troopers using Brut force tactics but lending resources and help to the state cops. Trump should have handled this discreetly instead of making it a national news story. If he was really interested in getting it done that what he would have done. But no, he made a spectacle out of it and is playing politics. So are the governors that need help and aren’t asking for it. Pathetic on both fronts

Did you see the Seattle Chief Of Police order her police to fall back because they had no means to protect themselves? The mayor has made them completely helpless. Cops wouldn't wear their tack gear if people weren't throwing fire bombs at them.
I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?
Yes, I am very concerned about the protesters. Trump's storm troopers are out of control. That's why the moms linked arms to protect the innocent protesters from those jack booted thugs.

You might want to do some research. Those moms were looting and burning before they did their photo op. They have a long history of rioting. You have been had.
I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?

Actually before COVID and in past years on this forum I had mentioned that I thought the best thing for the United States was riots and a revolution. Things have to change. The rich have to much money and the poor too little. We need universal healthcare now especially with COVID. We need to spread the wealth and have more socialism.

So I am actually glad to see the riots maybe it will cause necessary change to happen in this country for the better. Our next president needs to be a democrat and we need major change to happen in this country.
Agree completely, but the trumpers will now proceed to call us commies and wish for our imprisonment. So much for free speech in the land of the free.

Neither political party including Don, Nancy, and Joe want universal HC or any fair distribution of wealth. Clearly this indicates they are all on the same page and intend to serve the needs of the 1%.

A revolution is needed and will ultimately come.
When mayors and governors need help, they ask.

When mayors and governors allow this shit to happen, and do nothing at all to stop it, or even worse, are actively supporting the subhuman pieces of shit who are rioting, looting, and generally behaving the way subhuman pieces of shit behave, then there is something very, very wrong.

I am significantly concerned with the manner in which the feds are getting involved, but if those corrupt, malfeasant mayors and governors were doing their jobs, then there'd be no reason for the feds to get involved at all.
Riots at this level should involve feds. Not battle armed troopers using Brut force tactics but lending resources and help to the state cops. Trump should have handled this discreetly instead of making it a national news story. If he was really interested in getting it done that what he would have done. But no, he made a spectacle out of it and is playing politics. So are the governors that need help and aren’t asking for it. Pathetic on both fronts
The People needed are the National Guard, who are trained in riot control, not these untrained homeland security camo wearing guys.

So why aren't your people stopping the violence?
I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?

Actually before COVID and in past years on this forum I had mentioned that I thought the best thing for the United States was riots and a revolution. Things have to change. The rich have to much money and the poor too little. We need universal healthcare now especially with COVID. We need to spread the wealth and have more socialism.

So I am actually glad to see the riots maybe it will cause necessary change to happen in this country for the better. Our next president needs to be a democrat and we need major change to happen in this country.

Trying to steal money from productive people will not help. It won't lift up the poor, it will just kill jobs and add more dependent people. Redistribution doesn't work, never has. Your best bet would be to make it so people can succeed.
I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?

Actually before COVID and in past years on this forum I had mentioned that I thought the best thing for the United States was riots and a revolution. Things have to change. The rich have to much money and the poor too little. We need universal healthcare now especially with COVID. We need to spread the wealth and have more socialism.

So I am actually glad to see the riots maybe it will cause necessary change to happen in this country for the better. Our next president needs to be a democrat and we need major change to happen in this country.

Trying to steal money from productive people will not help. It won't lift up the poor, it will just kill jobs and add more dependent people. Redistribution doesn't work, never has. Your best bet would be to make it so people can succeed.
Lol. What evidence do you have that indicates government can “make it so people can succeed?”
State and local officials could stop this with their own resources if they wanted to.

They screwed up big time by letting this get out of hand by placating these morons, which will make it more difficult now to bring the situation back under control.

A child could have predicted this would be the result of that placation and I know I said it here on this board after these local dolts let it go on for more than a few days. This is 100% on those idiots, who were more concerned about appearing woke than in maintaining basic order in their cities.

And yes, this will make me vote for whoever is not dem in November. If this is who and what they are, I want nothing to do with any more of it, that's for sure.
I can't believe that all Democrats think this is fine. What does this mean for your vote in November?
Yes, I am very concerned about the protesters. Trump's storm troopers are out of control. That's why the moms linked arms to protect the innocent protesters from those jack booted thugs.

You might want to do some research. Those moms were looting and burning before they did their photo op. They have a long history of rioting. You have been had.

Credible link?
State and local officials could stop this with their own resources if they wanted to.

They screwed up big time by letting this get out of hand by placating these morons, which will make it more difficult now to bring the situation back under control.

A child could have predicted this would be the result of that placation and I know I said it here on this board after these local dolts let it go on for more than a few days. This is 100% on those idiots, who were more concerned about appearing woke than in maintaining basic order in their cities.

And yes, this will make me vote for whoever is not dem in November. If this is who and what they are, I want nothing to do with any more of it, that's for sure.

Dude, nobody thought you were voting Dem in November to start with.

Here's how you bring this under control. You pass common sense police reforms, you hold the police accountable. That's how you get this under control. The idea that you can terrorize rightfully angry people into submission- that never works.
When mayors and governors allow this @shit to happen, and do nothing at all to stop it, or even worse, are actively supporting the subhuman pieces of @shit who are rioting, looting, and generally behaving the way subhuman pieces of @shit behave, then there is something very, very wrong.

I am significantly concerned with the manner in which the feds are getting involved, but if those corrupt, malfeasant mayors and governors were doing their jobs, then there'd be no reason for the feds to get involved at all.

Uh, Bob, these people are protesting what they consider an injustice, and most of them are doing so peacefully.

When I was a young man in the Illinois National Guard, we had an officer who trained us for Civil Disturbance. And one thing he said still stuck out with me.

"When you are on CD duty, those are not the enemy out there. Those are your fellow citizens, they are damned angry about something, and they have every right to be."

This was only about a decade after Kent State, and the National Guard never wanted a repeat of that horrific incident.


Now before you go whining about how they are looting and breaking things, I'll point it out once again.

They peacefully demonstrated for 8 years after one horrific incident after another, and the reforms didn't come.

You reap what you sew.
State and local officials could stop this with their own resources if they wanted to.

They screwed up big time by letting this get out of hand by placating these morons, which will make it more difficult now to bring the situation back under control.

A child could have predicted this would be the result of that placation and I know I said it here on this board after these local dolts let it go on for more than a few days. This is 100% on those idiots, who were more concerned about appearing woke than in maintaining basic order in their cities.

And yes, this will make me vote for whoever is not dem in November. If this is who and what they are, I want nothing to do with any more of it, that's for sure.

Dude, nobody thought you were voting Dem in November to start with.

Here's how you bring this under control. You pass common sense police reforms, you hold the police accountable. That's how you get this under control. The idea that you can terrorize rightfully angry people into submission- that never works.

No kidding, but I didnt vote Trump last time, and wouldnt have this time, but will at this point as a result if this garbage.

I've also been advocating common sense police reforms here for years and have cited studies numerous times indicating it is possible and relatively simple to identify bad cops.

What you don't do is allow violent protests to fester and grow as these local idiots have. That type of flat stupid governance I want nothing to do with.

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