Democrats Are Forcing a Civil War

The Dem contribution to this unrest has been limited to letting the police show their true colors, failing to acknowledge the problem they helped create, and not showing enough contrition to convince anyone that any significant reform will be made.

Dems aren't leading the reform efforts. It is mostly Dem governments that the reforms are aimed at.

I think the Dem contribution has been much more than that.
I also think MOST Police Officers are good people and try to uphold the Law.

Dems are supporting a UN Resolution called Agenda21.
Please take the time to familiarize yourself with it.
Democrats Are Forcing a Civil War

Through Antifa and BLM, the Democrats are preparing for war. The riots, looting, arson, and public beatings taking place every day are merely practice for the coming revolutionary conflagration. They are war-gaming to see how best to seize control of the streets and intimidate citizens into ceding their right to vote for the candidate they support.
From the beginning, they forced the police to stand down. The constant drumbeat for defunding the police has sent a message to LEOs everywhere: "Don't interfere" when the insurrection goes hot.
Knowing that the police can be constrained into allowing anarchy to reign, they then went after the National Guard and regular army, saying it would be un-American to deploy troops to quell the violence and restore law and order against "mostly peaceful" protesters exercising their First Amendment rights.
They think they can convince Americans to forgo the fight and accept what they will force upon us. We must not allow them to succeed. They must be confronted when they come for our country. We must fight.
To date, the vast majority of Americans do not support the premise that America is unfair and must be changed. In response, the Democrats, in conjunction with Antifa, the party's paramilitary arm; BLM, the ideological arm of the party; and the media, its propaganda arm, are planning outright rebellion. What we are witnessing now from the Democrats is insurrection. It is a revolution that will end in bloody civil war. The left could not win total control of the nation at the ballot box, so leftists intend to take it.
They have miscalculated; what we are about to see in the streets of this country is going to make the violence and destruction of the riots seem mild by comparison.
But in the end, they lose, and we win...

Most Americans do not believe that the situation is as bad as truly is. There is a psychological term for cognitive inability to accept reality... It's "Normalcy Bias". When something is so far beyond a person's life experience that they cannot accept the fact of the reality of the danger facing them.
Trained Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies have been waiting for a century to prove their theories and they are now attempting to prosecute their strategy to the end. Know this, it always requires violence to subdue the opposition. They're now willing to bring it to the streets of their Blue Plantation cities to achieve their goals.
Many of the us that read and contribute to this site are combat veterans. We know what to do, and we know how to do it. That said, we also know how to minimize it or prevent such a scenario from occurring.
Everybody does not need the (nor do they want) the conditioning of armed combat. It will take very few to curtail whatever the Soros clan, BLM, ANTIFA, the academic PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists can deliver.
There will be no Pickett's charge, Gettysburg, or trench warfare. The Police, First Responders, National Guard, and active military are on the side of justice, law, and order and stand with us.
I've posted on several occassions that MacDonald's 'Turner Diaries' like Orwell's '1984' have come to pass and although fiction when written are happening as I write.
It behooves every American that belieives in our inalienable rights fought and won by our forefathers are in jeopardy and as Jefferson wrote the "Tree of Liberty" will once again be watered with the blood of loyal Americans and the blood of the vanquished.

They haven't been even democrats lately, they are the American Taliban
I agree with the OP to an extent.

But, I think these upheavals of Lunacy are fairly common throughout history and that they peter out mostly for the same reasons---the rioters Thieves and Ideologues, yes, but they are Pussies first.

But, on the rare occasion when things get really out of control---and the best example for today, in my opinion, is the French Revolution---they can get really ugly. In the French Revolution, the actors were Bolsheviks before they knew what Bolsheviks were. They killed all the rich people---under the sobriquet of "Liberty and Equality"...then they started killing each other.

They learned, as all eventually learn, that Liberty and Equality are not partners. Give a person with motivation the Liberty to fulfill his destiny and he will always outdo those who prefer to sit on the porch of the Federal Plantation and wait for their "Free Stuff"---and then the motivated man is going to want to leave his Earned Stuff to his children---it's human nature---instead of to the children of the Porch Sitters. Thus is Equality an illusion---unless force is used---which is where Socialism morphs into Communism..

I think the pendulum on this latest Socialist Nonsense is starting to swing back toward Sanity.

But, if not---when the Bolsheviks come for us in Mississippi---they'd best pack a lunch.
Shouldn't this fantasy be in the Conspiracy Theories room?
"Trained Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies have been waiting for a century...". :auiqs.jpg:

It is completely expected that many would like this topic in the Rubber Room.
How DARE Americans stand up for their country !!!

It's not fantasy, it's UN Resolution Agenda21

Long before people decide enough is enough, ALL Americans will be disarmed so a Civil War is highly unlikely.
Agenda21 is a UN directive, to be completed by 2050. China signed the agreement (hence covid19)
Are you familiar with Agenda21? It really explains EVERYTHING going on today. EVERYTHING.

If you believe America is going the wrong really should watch this informative video.

Horrors!! The UN is asking nations to go to a sustainable growth model so we can provide resources and a healthy environment for our children.
Here we go again. Another Trumpster warned that the "world would burn" if Trump lost, earlier today.

You guys have to realize you have been conned. You really need to get a grip.
They were right, if Trump loses the country will burn.

What they left out is that Donald "nero" Trump would be doing the burning
Shouldn't this fantasy be in the Conspiracy Theories room?
"Trained Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies have been waiting for a century...". :auiqs.jpg:

It is completely expected that many would like this topic in the Rubber Room.
How DARE Americans stand up for their country !!!

It's not fantasy, it's UN Resolution Agenda21

Long before people decide enough is enough, ALL Americans will be disarmed so a Civil War is highly unlikely.
Agenda21 is a UN directive, to be completed by 2050. China signed the agreement (hence covid19)
Are you familiar with Agenda21? It really explains EVERYTHING going on today. EVERYTHING.

If you believe America is going the wrong really should watch this informative video.

Horrors!! The UN is asking nations to go to a sustainable growth model so we can provide resources and a healthy environment for our children.

Tell that to China and India.
So much drama coming from the right
Yet, they are the ones constantly threatening Civil War

This is the typical, CarteBlanc reaction you will get from the Left.

They want you to cower in fear of being called stupid.
They want you silenced.

They want you to just shut up and stay quiet while they transform your country.
The LAST thing they want is resistance.
Yep, I have a few Facebook friends who constantly post the most insane shit you can imagine -- shit you see here all the time. They absolutely believe all of it, and they're absolutely furious about it.

I'll tell you this -- if Trump were to lose and shit gets violent, talk radio and Trumpster websites are going to have a lot to answer for. They've created a generation of ignorant, paranoid NUTS.
I uhh.. I'm not sure you are keeping up with the news in Portland. o.0
Yep, I have a few Facebook friends who constantly post the most insane shit you can imagine -- shit you see here all the time. They absolutely believe all of it, and they're absolutely furious about it.

I'll tell you this -- if Trump were to lose and shit gets violent, talk radio and Trumpster websites are going to have a lot to answer for. They've created a generation of ignorant, paranoid NUTS.
I uhh.. I'm not sure you are keeping up with the news in Portland. o.0
Sure, I see the insanity there. I'm not going through life with just one eye open.
So much drama coming from the right
Yet, they are the ones constantly threatening Civil War

Yet you're the ones destroying cities.
Do you think you can continue with this kind of behavior with no repercussions?
Cities are still standing last I saw

It is Trump killing 140,000 and counting
People on the Left coddle the keywords like a cub coddles honey.
Words like "Sustainability", 'Green", "transform" and "Climate Change" are all meant to manipulate people into either compliance or fear.
But they repeatedly fail miserably to understand what the words mean.

"Sustainability" means YOU are a problem Globally. YOU use too many resource. YOU create pollution.
"Sustainability" most likely means eliminating YOU.
It is Trump killing 140,000 and counting

This clown RightWinger, has ONE thing in mind......

The total transformation of America and the execution of Agenda21.

Recognize that this person desires a destructive outcome for America, including the elimination of US Police forces
and the division of the American people for the purpose of instilling fear that will bring the Transformation he erroneaously believes will "better" mankind", but will in fact lead to global suffering and destruction for all but a small handful of Elites.
Democrats Are Forcing a Civil War

Through Antifa and BLM, the Democrats are preparing for war. The riots, looting, arson, and public beatings taking place every day are merely practice for the coming revolutionary conflagration. They are war-gaming to see how best to seize control of the streets and intimidate citizens into ceding their right to vote for the candidate they support.
From the beginning, they forced the police to stand down. The constant drumbeat for defunding the police has sent a message to LEOs everywhere: "Don't interfere" when the insurrection goes hot.
Knowing that the police can be constrained into allowing anarchy to reign, they then went after the National Guard and regular army, saying it would be un-American to deploy troops to quell the violence and restore law and order against "mostly peaceful" protesters exercising their First Amendment rights.
They think they can convince Americans to forgo the fight and accept what they will force upon us. We must not allow them to succeed. They must be confronted when they come for our country. We must fight.
To date, the vast majority of Americans do not support the premise that America is unfair and must be changed. In response, the Democrats, in conjunction with Antifa, the party's paramilitary arm; BLM, the ideological arm of the party; and the media, its propaganda arm, are planning outright rebellion. What we are witnessing now from the Democrats is insurrection. It is a revolution that will end in bloody civil war. The left could not win total control of the nation at the ballot box, so leftists intend to take it.
They have miscalculated; what we are about to see in the streets of this country is going to make the violence and destruction of the riots seem mild by comparison.
But in the end, they lose, and we win...

Most Americans do not believe that the situation is as bad as truly is. There is a psychological term for cognitive inability to accept reality... It's "Normalcy Bias". When something is so far beyond a person's life experience that they cannot accept the fact of the reality of the danger facing them.
Trained Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies have been waiting for a century to prove their theories and they are now attempting to prosecute their strategy to the end. Know this, it always requires violence to subdue the opposition. They're now willing to bring it to the streets of their Blue Plantation cities to achieve their goals.
Many of the us that read and contribute to this site are combat veterans. We know what to do, and we know how to do it. That said, we also know how to minimize it or prevent such a scenario from occurring.
Everybody does not need the (nor do they want) the conditioning of armed combat. It will take very few to curtail whatever the Soros clan, BLM, ANTIFA, the academic PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists can deliver.
There will be no Pickett's charge, Gettysburg, or trench warfare. The Police, First Responders, National Guard, and active military are on the side of justice, law, and order and stand with us.
I've posted on several occassions that MacDonald's 'Turner Diaries' like Orwell's '1984' have come to pass and although fiction when written are happening as I write.
It behooves every American that belieives in our inalienable rights fought and won by our forefathers are in jeopardy and as Jefferson wrote the "Tree of Liberty" will once again be watered with the blood of loyal Americans and the blood of the vanquished.
..they are forcing people to join the KKK/etc for self defense

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