Democrats are Demonic

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Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
I remember watching Bill O'Reilly a few years ago, and he was musing about the insane irrational hatred often exhibited by Liberals. He said that he could just not figure it out sometimes. Well, the answer is actually simple, but no news channel can ever say it lest they be labeled as insane.

The immortal battle between good and evil has been fought since God cast Lucifer down to hell. The spiritual battle between good and evil has raged since before memory.

This spiritual battle manifests itself in the material realm in many, many ways, often in inexplicable acts of evil and violence that people are dumbfounded to explain in rational terms.

The Democrat Part is the embodiment of Evil in America. There is no rational explanation for some of the evils they support and promote. But it is true evil they support, from infanticide to all manner of sexual perversions, to oppressive controlling government. Christianity is one of their targets, as they support Muslim fascists. The hatred they spew out, screaming and spewing spittle, defies all rational explanation.

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Virginia Democrat defends bill allowing abortion as woman is giving birth
A Virginia House Delegate has proposed legislation that would allow abortions during birth. Shocking.
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Conservative writer calls Democratic Party an 'evil institution'
Conservative writer calls Democratic Party an 'evil institution'

Conservative writer Matt Walsh slammed the Democratic Party in an interview that aired Tuesday on "Rising," referring to it as an "evil institution" ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

"I think really at this point, the Democrat Party is really an abjectly evil institution," Walsh, a columnist at the Daily Wire, told Hill.TV's Buck Sexton last week at the Conservative Political Action Conference when asked about how he viewed the 2020 presidential campaign.

"Not only are they coming out in favor of infanticide, but they're full-on socialists now," he continued. "We know that socialism killed 100 million people through the 20th century."

Republicans have slammed Democratic-led legislation in states such as Virginia that would make it easier for women to obtain third-trimester abortions if their health was threatened by the pregnancy.

Various Republicans have equated the legislation to infanticide.

The issue could play a central role in Republican messaging in 2020.

"On one side, you have this really evil institution that stands for evil things, and on the other side you have, I'm not going to say, moral heroes by any stretch, but you have at least not that," Walsh said.

"I don't think as a decent person you can support the Democrat Party anymore, so we have to do what we can to keep them out of power," he said.
dimocraps are NOT liberals.

Liberals believe in Free Speech, equality for all instead of just for their own people, equal access to public services, fair and accurate Media, equal protection under the Law....

dimocrap scum believe in none of these things.

If you choose to address dimocraps, address them as the scum they are. If you so choose, 'Leftist' will do.

But 'liberal' is a misnomer. They are anything but. Unless you consider Hitler to have been a liberal
I remember watching Bill O]Reilly a few years ago, and he was musing about the insane irrational hatred often exhibited by Liberals. He said that he could just not figure it out sometimes. Well, the answer is actually simple, but no news channel can ever say it lest they be labeled as insane.

The immortal battle between good and evil has been fought since God cast Lucifer down to hell. The spiritual battle between good and evil has raged since before memory.

This spiritual battle manifests itself in the material realm in many, many ways, often in inexplicable acts of evil and violence that people are dumbfounded to explain in rational terms.

The Democrat Part is the embodiment of Evil in America. There is no rational explanation for some of the evils they support and promote. But it is true evil they support, from infanticide to all manner of sexual perversions, to oppressive controlling government. Christianity is one of their targets, as they support Muslim fascists. The hatred they spew out, screaming and spewing spittle, defies all rational explanation.

could you please explain what is so irrational about liberals hating conservatives who hate liberals?

perhaps you could you explain your irrational hatred of liberals first...

perhaps that would explain the liberals RATIONAL hatred for conservatives who delight in talking about how many liberals they want to kill.
Damn girl...whatever you've been smoking did not come from a reputable source. You should only buy your cannabis from certified vendors.


All those people you're comparing Trump and Nixon to?

They ALL socialists.

You're too stupid to even know you shot yourself in the foot
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could you please explain what is so irrational about liberals hating conservatives who hate liberals?

Conservatives hate Liberal policies because they are EVIL.
Rational people tend to dislike purveyors of evil and violence and hate.

Your question is like asking, "Why should a murderer hate people who hate him?" The answer would be, who gives a fuck what the murderer thinks.
Damn girl...whatever you've been smoking did not come from a reputable source. You should only buy your cannabis from certified vendors.


All those people you're comparing Trump to?

They ALL socialists.

You're too stupid to even know you shot yourself in the foot
Nixon was a socialist? You also need to learn the difference between socialism and communism.
All those people you're comparing Trump and Nixon to?

Your little childish cartoon only proves Trump correct.

Trump has said that FAKE news is the enemy of the people and he is correct.
Your little punkass cartoon makes it look like Trump thinks that ALL the press is the enemy, and he never said that.

Ironically, YOU have proven that YOU are the enemy because you just now willingly posted fake news. Well done, dumbfuck.

Your new Trump nickname is Lying Edgetho
could you please explain what is so irrational about liberals hating conservatives who hate liberals?

Conservatives hate Liberal policies because they are EVIL.
Rational people tend to dislike purveyors of evil and violence and hate.

Your question is like asking, "Why should a murderer hate people who hate him?" The answer would be, who gives a fuck what the murderer thinks.

So the majority of Americans are evil and only the tiny minority of conservatives can save us?

The Economy

  • 82 percent of Americans think wealthy people have too much power and influence in Washington.
  • 69 percent think large businesses have too much power and influence in Washington.
  • 59 percent—and 72 percent of likely voters—think Wall Street has too much power and influence in Washington.
  • 78 percent of likely voters support stronger rules and enforcement on the financial industry.
  • 65 percent of Americans think our economic system “unfairly favors powerful interests.”
  • 59 percent of Americans—and 43 percent of Republicans—think corporations make “too much profit.”

  • 82 percent of Americans think economic inequality is a “very big” (48 percent) or “moderately big” (34 percent) problem. Even 69 percent of Republicans share this view.
  • 66 percent of Americans think money and wealth should be distributed more evenly.
  • 72 percent of Americans say it is “extremely” or “very” important, and 23 percent say it is “somewhat important,” to reduce poverty.
  • 59 percent of registered voters—and 51 percent of Republicans—favor raising the maximum amount that low-wage workers can make and still be eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit, from $14,820 to $18,000.
Money in Politics

  • 96 percent of Americans—including 96 percent of Republicans—believe money in politics is to blame for the dysfunction of the U.S. political system.
  • 84 percent of Americans—including 80 percent of Republicans—believe money has too much influence in politics.
  • 78 percent of Americans say we need sweeping new laws to reduce the influence of money in politics.
  • 73 percent of registered voters have an unfavorable opinion of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.

  • 80 percent of Americans think some corporations don’t pay their fair share of taxes.
  • 78 percent think some wealthy people don’t pay their fair share of taxes.
  • 76 percent believe the wealthiest Americans should pay higher taxes.
  • 60 percent of registered voters believe corporations pay too little in taxes.
  • 87 percent of Americans say it is critical to preserve Social Security, even if it means increasing Social Security taxes paid by wealthy Americans.
  • 67 percent of Americans support lifting the cap to require higher-income workers to pay Social Security taxes on all of their wages.
Minimum Wage

  • 66 percent of Americans favor raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour.
  • 59 percent favor raising the federal minimum wage to $12 an hour.
  • 48 percent support raising the national minimum wage to $15 an hour. (A survey of registered voters found that 54 percent favored a $15 minimum wage.)
  • 63 percent of registered voters think the minimum wage should be adjusted each year by the rate of inflation.
Workers’ Rights

  • 61 percent of Americans—including 42 percent of Republicans—approve of labor unions.
  • 74 percent of registered voters—including 71 percent of Republicans—support requiring employers to offer paid parental and medical leave.
  • 78 percent of likely voters favor establishing a national fund that offers all workers 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave.
Health Care

  • 60 percent of Americans believe “it is the federal government’s responsibility to make sure all Americans have healthcare coverage.”
  • 60 percent of registered voters favor “expanding Medicare to provide health insurance to every American.”
  • 58 percent of the public favors replacing Obamacare with “a federally funded healthcare program providing insurance for all Americans.”
  • 64 percent of registered voters favor their state accepting the Obamacare plan for expanding Medicaid in their state.

  • 63 percent of registered voters—including 47 percent of Republicans—of Americans favor making four-year public colleges and universities tuition-free.
  • 59 percent of Americans favor free early-childhood education.
Climate Change and the Environment

  • 76 percent of voters are “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” about climate change.
  • 68 percent of voters think it is possible to protect the environment and protect jobs.
  • 72 percent of voters think it is a “bad idea” to cut funding for scientific research on the environment and climate change.
  • 59 percent of voters say more needs to be done to address climate change.
Gun Safety

  • 84 percent of Americans support requiring background checks for all gun buyers.
  • 77 percent of gun owners support requiring background checks for all gun buyers.
Criminal Justice

  • 57 percent of Americans believe police officers generally treat blacks and other minorities differently than they treat whites.
  • 60 percent of Americans believe the recent killings of black men by police are part of a broader pattern of how police treat black Americans (compared with 39 percent who believe they are isolated incidents).

  • 68 percent of Americans—including 48 percent of Republicans—believe the country’s openness to people from around the world “is essential to who we are as a nation.” Just 29 percent say that “if America is too open to people from all over the world, we risk losing our identity as a nation.”
  • 65 percent of Americans—including 42 percent of Republicans—say immigrants strengthen the country “because of their hard work and talents.” Just 26 percent say immigrants are a burden “because they take our jobs, housing and health care.”
  • 64 percent of Americans think an increasing number of people from different races, ethnic groups, and nationalities makes the country a better place to live. Only 5 percent say it makes the United States a worse place to live, and 29 percent say it makes no difference.
  • 76 percent of registered voters—including 69 percent of Republicans—support allowing undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children (Dreamers) to stay in the country. 58 percent think Dreamers should be allowed to stay and become citizens if they meet certain requirements. Another 18 percent think they should be allowed to stay and become legal residents, but not citizens. Only 15 percent think they should be removed or deported from the country.
Abortion and Women’s Health

  • 58 percent of Americans believe that abortion should be legal in all or most cases.
  • 68 percent of Americans—including 54 percent of Republicans—support the requirement for private health insurance plans to cover the full cost of birth control.
Same-Sex Marriage

  • 62 percent of Americans—including 70 percent of independents and 40 percent of Republicans—support same-sex marriage.
  • 74 percent of millennials (born after 1981) support same-sex marriage.
could you please explain what is so irrational about liberals hating conservatives who hate liberals?

Conservatives hate Liberal policies because they are EVIL.
Rational people tend to dislike purveyors of evil and violence and hate.

Your question is like asking, "Why should a murderer hate people who hate him?" The answer would be, who gives a fuck what the murderer thinks.

They are NOT 'liberal' policies.

They are "RADICAL" policies.

Let me explain --

dimocrap scum LOVE controlling words. They tell you what you can and can't say. In public, in here, in polite Company, at school, at work, etc, etc etc

Follow me, here......

Human Beings THINK in words. When you make plans, you THINK in words. When you consider going to the store or the Mall, whatever, you THINK in words. When you consider who to vote for, you THINK in words. Words are how we form thoughts. Period.

Now, if somebody can control what you say, they are controlling how you think.

Thought control

dimocrap scum have illegitimately taken control of the word 'Liberal' as applied to politics.

If you keep calling them 'liberals' people will THINK of them as 'Liberal' even though they are much more akin to Nazis.

It's a small thing but it matters.

dimocraps are NOT liberal b any stretch of the imagination. They are, mostly, scum.

But if you choose to address them collectively and don't want to unfairly call people 'scum' who might just be confused, call the whole bunch of them 'Leftists'.

That is much more accurate than 'liberal'. They laugh at you every time you do because, while you may not be able to convince others who and what they are, they know exactly who and what they are.

And they are not liberals.

Many of them are misguided dolts but the party itself?

All those people you're comparing Trump and Nixon to?

Your little childish cartoon only proves Trump correct.

Trump has said that FAKE news is the enemy of the people and he is correct.
Your little punkass cartoon makes it look like Trump thinks that ALL the press is the enemy, and he never said that.

Ironically, YOU have proven that YOU are the enemy because you just now willingly posted fake news. Well done, dumbfuck.

Your new Trump nickname is Lying Edgetho

Not even a bad trip could explain that post. Your issues go deeper.
Michael Reagan: Democrats are the party of evil
Michael Reagan: Democrats are the party of evil

The Democrats and their parrots and lapdogs in the liberal media never stop accusing people on the right of being racists, sexists and homophobes. But if you pay even the slightest attention to what the left says and does, you know that they are the real bigots.

They're the ones who thought it was real funny - and perfectly OK - when a "Saturday Night Live" skit on the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings last weekend used the word "queen" and other gay-world references to imply that Republican Senator Lindsay Graham was secretly gay.

The left are also the ones who didn't complain the other night when Don Lemon laughed along with his panel of CNN nobodies as they mocked Kanye West for being President Trump's "token Negro."

If any Republican or Fox News host ever referred to someone like Lemon "queen" or called him CNN's "token Negro," they'd be branded a racist homophobe by the liberal media and forced off the air forever.

The latest example of the left's devious wordplay is its new definition of the word "mob." Tucker Carlson, who said the mindless anti-Kavanaugh protesters banging on the Supreme Court's doors last week reminded him of zombies from the Netflix series "The Walking Dead," correctly called them a "mob."

CNN and their liberal ilk disagreed. As far as they are concerned, only right-wingers can become a dangerous mob - like the angry Tea Party activists who showed up and shouted at political meetings back in 2010.

Creepy Antifa kids disrupting traffic and harassing old folks in Portland Gangs of progressive screamers showing up in restaurants to publicly harass Republican officials or politicians? The leftwing media say they are not really "mobs." They're principled, youthful protestors trying to build a kinder, gentler, socialist world for every American who's not rich enough to buy their own car.

The voting public is not fooled by this double standard in the liberal media. They know it's not Republicans who are telling their people to chase politicians or pundits out of restaurants. They know it's Democrats like Congresswoman Maxine Waters. Irresponsible Democrats like her are going to get someone killed - a Republican someone
Your little childish cartoon only proves Trump correct.

Trump has said that FAKE news is the enemy of the people and he is correct.
Your little punkass cartoon makes it look like Trump thinks that ALL the press is the enemy, and he never said that.

Ironically, YOU have proven that YOU are the enemy because you just now willingly posted fake news. Well done, dumbfuck.

Your new Trump nickname is Lying Edgetho

You better do some recon, girl.

Figure out what's-what
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