Democrats are Demonic

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I wouldn't say evil or demonic, but it is a harmful ideology. The third trimester abortion stuff is just wild. Most people don't give a crap about abortion, but that even made them sick. Racial division, government power, policies eroding family, censorship, lawlessness, corruption. The equal outcome stuff is moronic, not evil. Equal opportunity, self respect and dignity, that is just common sense. Freedom is hard, so we give it away.
Damn girl...whatever you've been smoking did not come from a reputable source. You should only buy your cannabis from certified vendors.


All those people you're comparing Trump to?

They ALL socialists.

You're too stupid to even know you shot yourself in the foot
Nixon was a socialist? You also need to learn the difference between socialism and communism.
what difference?

I’m sorry you didn’t receive a quality education. The fault is kind of your own though. The internet is at your fingertips. Look it up.
Damn girl...whatever you've been smoking did not come from a reputable source. You should only buy your cannabis from certified vendors.


All those people you're comparing Trump to?

They ALL socialists.

You're too stupid to even know you shot yourself in the foot
Nixon was a socialist? You also need to learn the difference between socialism and communism.
what difference?

I’m sorry you didn’t receive a quality education. The fault is kind of your own though. The internet is at your fingertips. Look it up.
I find it amusing that the Rel Right is upset with the television show Good Omens, where the angel and demon work together to avoid the rapture. LOL
Damn girl...whatever you've been smoking did not come from a reputable source. You should only buy your cannabis from certified vendors.


All those people you're comparing Trump to?

They ALL socialists.

You're too stupid to even know you shot yourself in the foot
Nixon was a socialist? You also need to learn the difference between socialism and communism.
what difference?

I’m sorry you didn’t receive a quality education. The fault is kind of your own though. The internet is at your fingertips. Look it up.
well there is no difference. I don't have a thing to look up. you said there was a difference, therefore, I'm asking you to explain that.
Damn girl...whatever you've been smoking did not come from a reputable source. You should only buy your cannabis from certified vendors.


All those people you're comparing Trump to?

They ALL socialists.

You're too stupid to even know you shot yourself in the foot
Nixon was a socialist? You also need to learn the difference between socialism and communism.
what difference?

I’m sorry you didn’t receive a quality education. The fault is kind of your own though. The internet is at your fingertips. Look it up.
well there is no difference. I don't have a thing to look up. you said there was a difference, therefore, I'm asking you to explain that.
Dayum, you conservatives sure are lazy and ignorant.

Where the means of production, distribution, and exchange are owned by everyone.

Where all property is publicly owned and workers are paid according to their needs.​

Virginia Democrat defends bill allowing abortion as woman is giving birth
A Virginia House Delegate has proposed legislation that would allow abortions during birth. Shocking.

Have you read the 10 Commandments especially the one about lying. The bill would make it easier for a woman to get a 3rd trimester abortion. It had nothing to do with abortions during birth.

Virginia Democrat defends bill allowing abortion as woman is giving birth
A Virginia House Delegate has proposed legislation that would allow abortions during birth. Shocking.

Have you read the 10 Commandments especially the one about lying. The bill would make it easier for a woman to get a 3rd trimester abortion. It had nothing to do with abortions during birth.


Virginia Democrat defends bill allowing abortion as woman is giving birth
A Virginia House Delegate has proposed legislation that would allow abortions during birth. Shocking.

Have you read the 10 Commandments especially the one about lying. The bill would make it easier for a woman to get a 3rd trimester abortion. It had nothing to do with abortions during birth.


You definitely are ignorant.

Virginia Democrat defends bill allowing abortion as woman is giving birth
A Virginia House Delegate has proposed legislation that would allow abortions during birth. Shocking.

Have you read the 10 Commandments especially the one about lying. The bill would make it easier for a woman to get a 3rd trimester abortion. It had nothing to do with abortions during birth.


You definitely are ignorant.

and less than you!
Damn girl...whatever you've been smoking did not come from a reputable source. You should only buy your cannabis from certified vendors.


All those people you're comparing Trump to?

They ALL socialists.

You're too stupid to even know you shot yourself in the foot
Nixon was a socialist? You also need to learn the difference between socialism and communism.
what difference?

I’m sorry you didn’t receive a quality education. The fault is kind of your own though. The internet is at your fingertips. Look it up.
well there is no difference. I don't have a thing to look up. you said there was a difference, therefore, I'm asking you to explain that.

Your choice to remain ignorant. Doesn't change Trump aligning himself with dictators when it comes to a free press.

All those people you're comparing Trump to?

They ALL socialists.

You're too stupid to even know you shot yourself in the foot
Nixon was a socialist? You also need to learn the difference between socialism and communism.
what difference?

I’m sorry you didn’t receive a quality education. The fault is kind of your own though. The internet is at your fingertips. Look it up.
well there is no difference. I don't have a thing to look up. you said there was a difference, therefore, I'm asking you to explain that.

Your choice to remain ignorant. Doesn't change Trump aligning himself with dictators when it comes to a free press.
you deviated again and avoided the answer. it's all anyone needs to see.
Demoncrats, Satan’s choice.

That's the fact.

Good post: ^ | June 28, 2019 | Katie Pavlich


In case you missed it this week, 20 Democrats hopeful to take back the White House in 2020 participated in their first election debates.

Candidates were split on two stages between two nights, with each hour proving Democrats have officially abandoned any moderate position with a full embrace of the most radical leftist positions. Whether it's destroying the private health insurance system, raising taxes on the middle class, providing "free" healthcare to illegal aliens or supporting abortion up until nine months, candidates made their positions clear.

But according to a new Rasmussen poll, the majority of voters believe the positions Democrats are taking land far to the left of their own beliefs.

Voters see most of the Democratic presidential candidates as more liberal than they are and rate their agenda as outside the mainstream.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 25% of Likely U.S. Voters consider most of the announced candidates for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination to be about the same as they are in political terms. Fifty-four percent (54%) say most of these candidates are more liberal than they are, while only 13% think they are more conservative.

Last night the "moderate" in the race, former Vice President Joe Biden, performed poorly and his staff is panicking.

Meanwhile, Democrat voters say their main objective is to beat President Trump. From aCBS News poll :

Democrats have different thoughts on what "electability" entails, on what swing voters will want, and there is some division over what the party's message ought to be. They are split on whether the party's message should emphasize returning the country to how it was before Mr. Trump (47%), or whether they should argue for an even more progressive agenda than they had under President Obama (53%.) This something-known-versus-something-new dynamic helps explain some of the candidate preferences across key states.

With the socialist leap to the left, beating Trump is highly unlikely.


Next thing you know is that same party will call for the cancelling of all student loans and open borders with a $1000 check waiting for each new illegal!!!
I remember watching Bill O'Reilly a few years ago, and he was musing about the insane irrational hatred often exhibited by Liberals. He said that he could just not figure it out sometimes. Well, the answer is actually simple, but no news channel can ever say it lest they be labeled as insane.

The immortal battle between good and evil has been fought since God cast Lucifer down to hell. The spiritual battle between good and evil has raged since before memory.

This spiritual battle manifests itself in the material realm in many, many ways, often in inexplicable acts of evil and violence that people are dumbfounded to explain in rational terms.

The Democrat Part is the embodiment of Evil in America. There is no rational explanation for some of the evils they support and promote. But it is true evil they support, from infanticide to all manner of sexual perversions, to oppressive controlling government. Christianity is one of their targets, as they support Muslim fascists. The hatred they spew out, screaming and spewing spittle, defies all rational explanation.

Not just the democrats. The republicans are just as bad.
I remember watching Bill O'Reilly a few years ago, and he was musing about the insane irrational hatred often exhibited by Liberals. He said that he could just not figure it out sometimes. Well, the answer is actually simple, but no news channel can ever say it lest they be labeled as insane.

The immortal battle between good and evil has been fought since God cast Lucifer down to hell. The spiritual battle between good and evil has raged since before memory.

This spiritual battle manifests itself in the material realm in many, many ways, often in inexplicable acts of evil and violence that people are dumbfounded to explain in rational terms.

The Democrat Part is the embodiment of Evil in America. There is no rational explanation for some of the evils they support and promote. But it is true evil they support, from infanticide to all manner of sexual perversions, to oppressive controlling government. Christianity is one of their targets, as they support Muslim fascists. The hatred they spew out, screaming and spewing spittle, defies all rational explanation.

Not just the democrats. The republicans are just as bad.

Wrong. No Republicans behave as evil and insane as the Left does.
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