Democrats and their policies have broken our supply chain and many businesses

Because the government is bloated and all the free riding employees need to be gone. I've worked for the federal government--I get it. They are easy compared to the real world business. Little is expected and boy can you shine with little effort. Plus the pay and benefits are really good for not doing as much......but this bloated government bullshit is helping to bankrupt the country.
So your answer is to let those people who are employed by the govt. to draw unemployment..

Extended Unemployment ended in many red states at the end of July. It ended nationally at the end of August.

FAIL junior. No one is being "paid to stay home" any longer and haven't for months
So then he is worse than I thought. Biden was handed a recovering economy and has screwed it up.
1. Endless lockdowns.
2. Paying people to not work.
3. Mask & vaccine mandates.

Those 3 things have broken the back of our workforce and many businesses. The predictions were made by many on the right when this nonsense started and now the fruits of those policies have come to fruition.

From ships unable to offload to a lack of truckers to tens or hundreds of thousands of employees being fired across the nation for not getting the poke. Then you have a shortage of teachers. A shortage of police. Some areas desperate for substitute teachers while others telling people not to call 911 because there aren't enough police to respond. Store shelves becoming bare in some areas again. Etc...

There is no better example of how bad the left can fuck shit up than what we're seeing now. The only question is how bad is this disaster going to get...

Joeflation and The DemNazis are cancelling Christmas with their work stoppages and slow downs at our ports. Ridiculous that a country like this has thousands of ships anchored off of our coasts because of Liberal Policies".
A thread started about the issues the country is facing RIGHT NOW......and several complete troll, moronic, POS assclowns want to talk about Trump.

Why am I not surprised.

My ignore list just keeps growing.
of course they would not, that is my point. i am not saying it is limited to one side or the other.

Not surprised, and I do not think giving an opinion on a political appointee is anti party, squishy criticism...but clearly you do.

What is the point of an opinion forum if you cannot give your opinion?
Oh, you can give your opinion to your hearts content...The problem I have with fence sitters is that all they have is criticism...Very rarely do we ever hear of how they would like to see these issues fixed...

It's easy to criticize...Much harder to stand for something.
Joeflation and The DemNazis are cancelling Christmas with their work stoppages and slow downs at our ports. Ridiculous that a country like this has thousands of ships anchored off of our coasts because of Liberal Policies".
It wasn't democrats who sent jobs overseas, that has been a republican policy since Reagan.
It wasn't democrats who sent jobs overseas, that has been a republican policy since Reagan.
I think you are just another shill and habitual liar like every liberal I have met on here.

You claim that "Republicans sent jobs overseas," yet you hated Trump for trying to get legislation passed, and policies implemented that brought American companies back to The US. You really don't care about America or American jobs. You are just a shill for the DemNazi Party and their Corporate & Chinese masters.

You shut down an American pipeline that was contracted to be built by a Canadian company and stuck your finger in Canada's eye, while laying off 50,000 construction workers who were working on that pipeline and then actively went over to Europe to help Putin restart his pipeline project to Easter Europe, then you begged OPEC to ship us Foreign Oil when we have plenty of our own.

You found occasion to criticize the GOP, Meanwhile, in Dem controlled NY and CA people are fleeing with their lives, talents and businesses to less Marxist states. 1,000s of ships sit off the coast of CA & NY because of a DemNazi political strategy to make people suffer until they relent and accept a mandated experimental gene therapy that they don't want.

Joeflation and The DemNazis are cancelling the poorest of the poor's Christimas. Do you actually care about The Poor? Inflation is at 6%, and gas prices are getting closer to $5 a gallon and so is heating oil going through the roof. This affects the poor more than any other group, and yet you want to exchange efficient and cheap hydrocarbon fuels for inefficient, unreliable so called green energy which isn't really green at all. Toxic environment polluting chemicals like Cyanide, Lithium, Arsenic, Lead are needed for "GREEN ENERGY".

In other places like gun free Baltimore and Chicago controlled by The DemNazi Party, it is more dangerous to walk down the street there, than to take a stroll in Afghanistan. Yet, you claim you care about life, while you abort 60 Million Babies? You won't let law abiding citizens defend themselves, and persecute COPs caught between heaven and a Hell that you created when they have to act within seconds in a fog of war scenario.

And then your constant bitching about vaccines and masks mandates that you tell everyone if they would just surrender their "RIGHT OF CHOICE" that you will let everything go back to Normal while you hypocritically refuse to vaccinate illegals you let flood in to this country. Whatever happened to your standard of "My Body, My Choice?"

Disposable like all your other hypocritical mottos when it does not suit your agenda at any particular time.

Anything to say about that? How are the forest fires and oil spills going in The Sodom & Gomorrah state out there on The Left Coast?

Do you have comments on why Marxist Earth Worshipping Feel Good Globalist Policies are bad for a Free Society?

Of course not, because you are a lying shill.
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Oh, you can give your opinion to your hearts content...The problem I have with fence sitters is that all they have is criticism...Very rarely do we ever hear of how they would like to see these issues fixed...

It's easy to criticize...Much harder to stand for something.

It is a mistake to assume those that do not hold loyalty to one party or the other do not stand for something. I would argue we stand for far more than those that belong to a party. Our views do not change when the occupant of the White House changes. We can be against over spending and debt no matter who sits in the White House, for example.
Aren't Trump supporters saying we shouldn't follow Fauci's advice? All the same, the quote was asked for and it was provided.

This issue started before this year......but as I said above, Biden needs to handle it or he and his party will take the blame.
The issue started when democrats did what I outlined in the op

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