Democratic Party is very smart

If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent see everyone as equals.

It would seem that most black folk disagree with you. Do you think they are just too stupid to tell the difference?

You think blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

So Lessee-- -- -- no one can find a single black person out there without ID or affected by evil "voter suppression," yet all the young white liberals who essentially put Biden in office are CONVINCED this is a serious issue for Blacks! Got it! :auiqs.jpg:

That makes the young white college liberal/progressive voter essentially a bunch of functional brainwashed morons! :21:

We have a functional moron in the Whitehouse now elected there by young college white functional brainwashed idiots!

That is functionally funny! :laughing0301:

They are enough of them to functionally elect anyone they want.

Remember liberals think blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

Other than crazy right wingers, not a single person believes that.

Oh really....

Jessie Waters built an entire show with that tactic. Film hundreds of people, and then edit the ones that you can make sound like what you want.

There shouldnt be a single person who thinks blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

Franco obviously believes blacks are stupid.
I have a master's in history European history 20th century
Once again, WHAT SCHOOL? I don't want my kids going there. I linked my facts. Where is your link, moron.
University of Rochester. Your links are to pure crap propaganda, brainwashed functional moron lol. You want me to explain the real world to you? Lol Read anything watch anything not published by Rupert Murdock or internet nut jobs.
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent see everyone as equals.

It would seem that most black folk disagree with you. Do you think they are just too stupid to tell the difference?

You think blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

So Lessee-- -- -- no one can find a single black person out there without ID or affected by evil "voter suppression," yet all the young white liberals who essentially put Biden in office are CONVINCED this is a serious issue for Blacks! Got it! :auiqs.jpg:

That makes the young white college liberal/progressive voter essentially a bunch of functional brainwashed morons! :21:

We have a functional moron in the Whitehouse now elected there by young college white functional brainwashed idiots!

That is functionally funny! :laughing0301:

They are enough of them to functionally elect anyone they want.

Remember liberals think blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

Other than crazy right wingers, not a single person believes that.

Oh really....

Jessie Waters built an entire show with that tactic. Film hundreds of people, and then edit the ones that you can make sound like what you want.

There shouldnt be a single person who thinks blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

Franco obviously believes blacks are stupid.

No they just have the worst situation economically and the worst educational possibilities in their war zones and our discriminated against nonstop... But this is a god-awful GOP mess of inequality and hopelessness. People did not magically get stupid and lazy, the cost of everything has risen ridiculously. The rich love it. Snap out of it.
LuckyDuck A big part of the problem is many blacks are refusing to assimilate into American culture. Choosing instead to fight "Da White Man" at every turn instead of working within the system we have.
If negative culture inner-city blacks left the U.S. and moved to an African nation, they'd have to learn to speak the language fluently, get up in the morning, go to work on time, do a good job, obey their laws and obey the police as well. If they disobey the laws, they'd find their system a lot stricter than ours. Hell, if they go to any nation in the world, they still have to obey the laws, whether Muslim nations, Communist nations, military juntas, or Democracies and when they intend to live in any other nation in the world, they have to learn how to speak the languages in those nations, if they want to get ahead, regardless of what race runs the nation.
I seem to recall when black families stayed together, with a mother AND father, and their kids were respectful.
Yeah. But if either of the parents is a "negative" influence on the child, that kid will probably end up following down the negative parent's path.
Sadly, there are fathers that belonged to criminal gangs and have no objection to their kids doing the same. So, it's not just having two parents, but whether they are "good" role models.
Yes yes it's all the black s and browns fault, nothing to do with the GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else especially blacks and browns. Great job, change the goddamn channel I caramba.
How do you explain Baltimore? GOP's fault?
Baltimore? Hell, how about every urban shithole run by Democrats for DECADES?!?!?!?!
I would like him to address Baltimore specifically
After 40 years of Reagan tax rate giveaway to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and the one's suffering the worst are the blacks and browns and rural whites for that matter. Change the channel stupid. Oop s Brainwashed functional moron.
So Baltimore is Reagan’s fault? That’s your final answer?
He even blames bad weather on the GOP. francoHFW is a shining example of a, historically atrophied Leftist. he doesn't realize urban decay happened LONG before Reagan.
Yes then they had a few years of progress under the great society and since then southern California GOP bologna and the big rip off and the big lies. Reagan was clueless, totally bought by corporate interest....
Franco, you honestly believe the Democratic Party is the perfect party?
By far the best that we have. Of course not. I just say the GOP is the party of greedy big money and not regular people. Painfully obvious except for their disgraceful propaganda machines.
Those that support this so-called Democrat party (actually Marxist now), are a combination of immature, jealous, gimmie, gimmie, gimmie, I want what they have, covetous and lazy loafers.
The Republican party is about individualism and making in on your own, not stealing from those that worked for the wealth they own.
Just because some woman spread her legs and popped you out, doesn't make the government or others responsible for you when you are an adult.
You do what I have always done. You get your education, get a job, get up each morning and continue trying to improve yourself to move up to where you are comfortable with your station in life. If you don't like where you are in life, seek another path that will help you advance. If you don't advance, wake up......"life isn't fair" in any nation. LITERALLY EVERY NATION, no matter what type of political system there is, has its poor, its homeless, its crime and its family sufferings. If someone makes it rich, that's his or her business. He or she doesn't owe you a penny of what they earned. If they are kind and generous and donate to various charities that's nice, but you are not their responsibility and shouldn't be.
That's real deep lol, brainwashed functional moron. Your love and admiration for greedy mega Rich liars is noted. You pay the same percentage in taxes as the richest assholes in America on average. Great job! For 40 years now and nobody around the world can believe you are so stupid. We don't have enough money to have cheap college and training and good infrastructure like everywhere else. You're destroying America.
Aahh, insults. The last refuge of an individual losing an argument.
I don't love the rich. I just don't want what they earned. It's NOT MINE! I want only what I worked for and no more. If you want what they earned and not you, you are the greedy and jealous individual. If you don't like that businessmen/women get to have deductions beyond the standard deductions, complain to your legislators. Just remember that the deductions they use are a combination of charitable donations (research all the donations Trump made. It's pages of them). Business expenses that come out of their pockets are eligible deductions, even for small (non-rich) businesses.
If you think Marxism/Communism is so great, I challenge you to pack up and fly to a Marxist/Communist nation, carrying only enough money to get you there and be able to purchase a couple of meals. Then we'll have you check back after a year or so. If you object to being poor, you really aren't going to like living under a Communist dictatorship.
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent see everyone as equals.

It would seem that most black folk disagree with you. Do you think they are just too stupid to tell the difference?

You think blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

So Lessee-- -- -- no one can find a single black person out there without ID or affected by evil "voter suppression," yet all the young white liberals who essentially put Biden in office are CONVINCED this is a serious issue for Blacks! Got it! :auiqs.jpg:

That makes the young white college liberal/progressive voter essentially a bunch of functional brainwashed morons! :21:

We have a functional moron in the Whitehouse now elected there by young college white functional brainwashed idiots!

That is functionally funny! :laughing0301:

They are enough of them to functionally elect anyone they want.

Remember liberals think blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

Other than crazy right wingers, not a single person believes that.

Oh really....

You sure put that lying, smug BITCH in her place with THAT one! :auiqs.jpg: You made her look like an IDIOT.

Wonder how FOOT tastes to the Bullshitter?

Once again, putrid leftists caught in bold faced ignorant lies with their pants around their ankles.

Wow. You crazy trump supporters think an edited and manipulated video proves you are right. It's easy to keep you nutbags excited, isn't it.
league of Nation
Been gone for 75 years moron. It was dissolved under Truman, a DUMBOCRAT, dumbass!
The problem is francoHFW wants a one party country with the Left in 100% control of everything. California prospered under Reagan as did the entire country that was blessed to have him as a two term President.
He gave us a huge giveaway to the rich and corporations, a screw job for everyone else, and a disgraceful propaganda machine that is the laughing stock and horror of the rest of the world. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
Your record is broken again --- brainwashed functional moron....brainwashed functional moron...brainwashed functional moron...brainwashed functional moron...brainwashed functional moron...
That's the GOP base today. Everyone knows it but the GOP base lol. Try reality.
Still waiting. Is there a Democrat policy or stance that you disagree with or have ever disagreed with in your lifetime?
not really. Nothing comes to mind
LuckyDuck A big part of the problem is many blacks are refusing to assimilate into American culture. Choosing instead to fight "Da White Man" at every turn instead of working within the system we have.
If negative culture inner-city blacks left the U.S. and moved to an African nation, they'd have to learn to speak the language fluently, get up in the morning, go to work on time, do a good job, obey their laws and obey the police as well. If they disobey the laws, they'd find their system a lot stricter than ours. Hell, if they go to any nation in the world, they still have to obey the laws, whether Muslim nations, Communist nations, military juntas, or Democracies and when they intend to live in any other nation in the world, they have to learn how to speak the languages in those nations, if they want to get ahead, regardless of what race runs the nation.
I seem to recall when black families stayed together, with a mother AND father, and their kids were respectful.
Yeah. But if either of the parents is a "negative" influence on the child, that kid will probably end up following down the negative parent's path.
Sadly, there are fathers that belonged to criminal gangs and have no objection to their kids doing the same. So, it's not just having two parents, but whether they are "good" role models.
Yes yes it's all the black s and browns fault, nothing to do with the GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else especially blacks and browns. Great job, change the goddamn channel I caramba.
How do you explain Baltimore? GOP's fault?
Baltimore? Hell, how about every urban shithole run by Democrats for DECADES?!?!?!?!
I would like him to address Baltimore specifically
After 40 years of Reagan tax rate giveaway to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and the one's suffering the worst are the blacks and browns and rural whites for that matter. Change the channel stupid. Oop s Brainwashed functional moron.
So Baltimore is Reagan’s fault? That’s your final answer?
He even blames bad weather on the GOP. francoHFW is a shining example of a, historically atrophied Leftist. he doesn't realize urban decay happened LONG before Reagan.
Yes then they had a few years of progress under the great society and since then southern California GOP bologna and the big rip off and the big lies. Reagan was clueless, totally bought by corporate interest....
Franco, you honestly believe the Democratic Party is the perfect party?
By far the best that we have. Of course not. I just say the GOP is the party of greedy big money and not regular people. Painfully obvious except for their disgraceful propaganda machines.
Those that support this so-called Democrat party (actually Marxist now), are a combination of immature, jealous, gimmie, gimmie, gimmie, I want what they have, covetous and lazy loafers.
The Republican party is about individualism and making in on your own, not stealing from those that worked for the wealth they own.
Just because some woman spread her legs and popped you out, doesn't make the government or others responsible for you when you are an adult.
You do what I have always done. You get your education, get a job, get up each morning and continue trying to improve yourself to move up to where you are comfortable with your station in life. If you don't like where you are in life, seek another path that will help you advance. If you don't advance, wake up......"life isn't fair" in any nation. LITERALLY EVERY NATION, no matter what type of political system there is, has its poor, its homeless, its crime and its family sufferings. If someone makes it rich, that's his or her business. He or she doesn't owe you a penny of what they earned. If they are kind and generous and donate to various charities that's nice, but you are not their responsibility and shouldn't be.
That's real deep lol, brainwashed functional moron. Your love and admiration for greedy mega Rich liars is noted. You pay the same percentage in taxes as the richest assholes in America on average. Great job! For 40 years now and nobody around the world can believe you are so stupid. We don't have enough money to have cheap college and training and good infrastructure like everywhere else. You're destroying America.
Aahh, insults. The last refuge of an individual losing an argument.
I don't love the rich. I just don't want what they earned. It's NOT MINE! I want only what I worked for and no more. If you want what they earned and not you, you are the greedy and jealous individual. If you don't like that businessmen/women get to have deductions beyond the standard deductions, complain to your legislators. Just remember that the deductions they use are a combination of charitable donations (research all the donations Trump made. It's pages of them). Business expenses that come out of their pockets are eligible deductions, even for small (non-rich) businesses.
If you think Marxism/Communism is so great, I challenge you to pack up and fly to a Marxist/Communist nation, carrying only enough money to get you there and be able to purchase a couple of meals. Then we'll have you check back after a year or so. If you object to being poor, you really aren't going to like living under a Communist dictatorship.
Of course I am not for a communist Marxist operation, brainwashed functional moron. I would like to catch up with the rest of the modern world who all have a living wage health care great infrastructure and vacations ID card to end illegal immigration, cheap college and training and mainly taxing the rich for crying out loud their fair share. A flat tax system like we have if you count all taxes is a huge giveaway to the rich. Try reality.
league of Nation
Been gone for 75 years moron. It was dissolved under Truman, a DUMBOCRAT, dumbass!
The problem is francoHFW wants a one party country with the Left in 100% control of everything. California prospered under Reagan as did the entire country that was blessed to have him as a two term President.
He gave us a huge giveaway to the rich and corporations, a screw job for everyone else, and a disgraceful propaganda machine that is the laughing stock and horror of the rest of the world. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
Your record is broken again --- brainwashed functional moron....brainwashed functional moron...brainwashed functional moron...brainwashed functional moron...brainwashed functional moron...
That's the GOP base today. Everyone knows it but the GOP base lol. Try reality.
Still waiting. Is there a Democrat policy or stance that you disagree with or have ever disagreed with in your lifetime?
not really. Nothing comes to mind
Therein lies the problem. You’re a sycophant. Every party has made mistakes but you only see the ones from the GOP.
LuckyDuck A big part of the problem is many blacks are refusing to assimilate into American culture. Choosing instead to fight "Da White Man" at every turn instead of working within the system we have.
If negative culture inner-city blacks left the U.S. and moved to an African nation, they'd have to learn to speak the language fluently, get up in the morning, go to work on time, do a good job, obey their laws and obey the police as well. If they disobey the laws, they'd find their system a lot stricter than ours. Hell, if they go to any nation in the world, they still have to obey the laws, whether Muslim nations, Communist nations, military juntas, or Democracies and when they intend to live in any other nation in the world, they have to learn how to speak the languages in those nations, if they want to get ahead, regardless of what race runs the nation.
I seem to recall when black families stayed together, with a mother AND father, and their kids were respectful.
Yeah. But if either of the parents is a "negative" influence on the child, that kid will probably end up following down the negative parent's path.
Sadly, there are fathers that belonged to criminal gangs and have no objection to their kids doing the same. So, it's not just having two parents, but whether they are "good" role models.
Yes yes it's all the black s and browns fault, nothing to do with the GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else especially blacks and browns. Great job, change the goddamn channel I caramba.
How do you explain Baltimore? GOP's fault?
Baltimore? Hell, how about every urban shithole run by Democrats for DECADES?!?!?!?!
I would like him to address Baltimore specifically
After 40 years of Reagan tax rate giveaway to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and the one's suffering the worst are the blacks and browns and rural whites for that matter. Change the channel stupid. Oop s Brainwashed functional moron.
So Baltimore is Reagan’s fault? That’s your final answer?
He even blames bad weather on the GOP. francoHFW is a shining example of a, historically atrophied Leftist. he doesn't realize urban decay happened LONG before Reagan.
Yes then they had a few years of progress under the great society and since then southern California GOP bologna and the big rip off and the big lies. Reagan was clueless, totally bought by corporate interest....
Franco, you honestly believe the Democratic Party is the perfect party?
By far the best that we have. Of course not. I just say the GOP is the party of greedy big money and not regular people. Painfully obvious except for their disgraceful propaganda machines.
Those that support this so-called Democrat party (actually Marxist now), are a combination of immature, jealous, gimmie, gimmie, gimmie, I want what they have, covetous and lazy loafers.
The Republican party is about individualism and making in on your own, not stealing from those that worked for the wealth they own.
Just because some woman spread her legs and popped you out, doesn't make the government or others responsible for you when you are an adult.
You do what I have always done. You get your education, get a job, get up each morning and continue trying to improve yourself to move up to where you are comfortable with your station in life. If you don't like where you are in life, seek another path that will help you advance. If you don't advance, wake up......"life isn't fair" in any nation. LITERALLY EVERY NATION, no matter what type of political system there is, has its poor, its homeless, its crime and its family sufferings. If someone makes it rich, that's his or her business. He or she doesn't owe you a penny of what they earned. If they are kind and generous and donate to various charities that's nice, but you are not their responsibility and shouldn't be.
That's real deep lol, brainwashed functional moron. Your love and admiration for greedy mega Rich liars is noted. You pay the same percentage in taxes as the richest assholes in America on average. Great job! For 40 years now and nobody around the world can believe you are so stupid. We don't have enough money to have cheap college and training and good infrastructure like everywhere else. You're destroying America.
Aahh, insults. The last refuge of an individual losing an argument.
I don't love the rich. I just don't want what they earned. It's NOT MINE! I want only what I worked for and no more. If you want what they earned and not you, you are the greedy and jealous individual. If you don't like that businessmen/women get to have deductions beyond the standard deductions, complain to your legislators. Just remember that the deductions they use are a combination of charitable donations (research all the donations Trump made. It's pages of them). Business expenses that come out of their pockets are eligible deductions, even for small (non-rich) businesses.
If you think Marxism/Communism is so great, I challenge you to pack up and fly to a Marxist/Communist nation, carrying only enough money to get you there and be able to purchase a couple of meals. Then we'll have you check back after a year or so. If you object to being poor, you really aren't going to like living under a Communist dictatorship.
Of course I am not for a communist Marxist operation, brainwashed functional moron. I would like to catch up with the rest of the modern world who all have a living wage health care great infrastructure and vacations ID card to end illegal immigration, cheap college and training and mainly taxing the rich for crying out loud their fair share. A flat tax system like we have if you count all taxes is a huge giveaway to the rich. Try reality.
So you keep saying fair share and living wage but never define the terms.
I would recommend standing up to the left. Unfortunately my ancestors didn’t.

If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent see everyone as equals.

It would seem that most black folk disagree with you. Do you think they are just too stupid to tell the difference?

You think blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

So Lessee-- -- -- no one can find a single black person out there without ID or affected by evil "voter suppression," yet all the young white liberals who essentially put Biden in office are CONVINCED this is a serious issue for Blacks! Got it! :auiqs.jpg:

That makes the young white college liberal/progressive voter essentially a bunch of functional brainwashed morons! :21:

We have a functional moron in the Whitehouse now elected there by young college white functional brainwashed idiots!

That is functionally funny! :laughing0301:

They are enough of them to functionally elect anyone they want.

Remember liberals think blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

Other than crazy right wingers, not a single person believes that.

Oh really....

Jessie Waters built an entire show with that tactic. Film hundreds of people, and then edit the ones that you can make sound like what you want.

There shouldnt be a single person who thinks blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

Franco obviously believes blacks are stupid.

No they just have the worst situation economically and the worst educational possibilities in their war zones and our discriminated against nonstop... But this is a god-awful GOP mess of inequality and hopelessness. People did not magically get stupid and lazy, the cost of everything has risen ridiculously. The rich love it. Snap out of it.

Blacks have the same opportunities as the rest of us.
Paying women to have children is the problem. As far as inflation goes you can point your finger at the dems.
And again you think blacks are stupid which you just displayed in this post.
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent see everyone as equals.

It would seem that most black folk disagree with you. Do you think they are just too stupid to tell the difference?

You think blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

So Lessee-- -- -- no one can find a single black person out there without ID or affected by evil "voter suppression," yet all the young white liberals who essentially put Biden in office are CONVINCED this is a serious issue for Blacks! Got it! :auiqs.jpg:

That makes the young white college liberal/progressive voter essentially a bunch of functional brainwashed morons! :21:

We have a functional moron in the Whitehouse now elected there by young college white functional brainwashed idiots!

That is functionally funny! :laughing0301:

They are enough of them to functionally elect anyone they want.

Remember liberals think blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

Other than crazy right wingers, not a single person believes that.

Oh really....

You sure put that lying, smug BITCH in her place with THAT one! :auiqs.jpg: You made her look like an IDIOT.

Wonder how FOOT tastes to the Bullshitter?

Once again, putrid leftists caught in bold faced ignorant lies with their pants around their ankles.

Wow. You crazy trump supporters think an edited and manipulated video proves you are right. It's easy to keep you nutbags excited, isn't it.

There shouldnt be a single person out there that believes blacks are too stupid to get an ID.
Thats a demeaning attitude that should piss off all blacks.
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent see everyone as equals.

It would seem that most black folk disagree with you. Do you think they are just too stupid to tell the difference?

You think blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

So Lessee-- -- -- no one can find a single black person out there without ID or affected by evil "voter suppression," yet all the young white liberals who essentially put Biden in office are CONVINCED this is a serious issue for Blacks! Got it! :auiqs.jpg:

That makes the young white college liberal/progressive voter essentially a bunch of functional brainwashed morons! :21:

We have a functional moron in the Whitehouse now elected there by young college white functional brainwashed idiots!

That is functionally funny! :laughing0301:

They are enough of them to functionally elect anyone they want.

Remember liberals think blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

Other than crazy right wingers, not a single person believes that.

Oh really....

You sure put that lying, smug BITCH in her place with THAT one! :auiqs.jpg: You made her look like an IDIOT.

Wonder how FOOT tastes to the Bullshitter?

Once again, putrid leftists caught in bold faced ignorant lies with their pants around their ankles.

Wow. You crazy trump supporters think an edited and manipulated video proves you are right. It's easy to keep you nutbags excited, isn't it.

There shouldnt be a single person out there that believes blacks are too stupid to get an ID.
Thats a demeaning attitude that should piss off all blacks.

Wait 'til you see this woke Democrat:

"Science Journal Decries Racism in Geology, Claims Black People Are Too Scared to Hold Hammers​

On June 22nd, a group of scientists offered “An Actionable Anti-Racism Plan for Geoscience Organizations.”

As indicated by the article, white supremacy is alive and well amid the study of earth and rocks.

In the write-up — headed by Fort Hays State University professor Hendratta Ali and signed by 18 other academics — experts lament the lack of diversity in geology.

It is, they assert, one of the least diverse areas of engineering and science.

And for a sinister reason:

Racism has led to the geosciences becoming one of the least diverse among all science and engineering fields.”
The “R” word isn’t merely present; it thrives:
Racism thrives in geoscience. Geoscience organizations function alongside the same racist ideologies and practices shaping society.
Hence, changes must be made.

Among them: an end to terribly racist, judgmental attitudes.

According to the manifesto, geoscience is rife with “expectations around manners, clothing, hair, professional attire, language, and diction.”

So how’s about a great push for “diversity”?"
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent see everyone as equals.

It would seem that most black folk disagree with you. Do you think they are just too stupid to tell the difference?

You think blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

So Lessee-- -- -- no one can find a single black person out there without ID or affected by evil "voter suppression," yet all the young white liberals who essentially put Biden in office are CONVINCED this is a serious issue for Blacks! Got it! :auiqs.jpg:

That makes the young white college liberal/progressive voter essentially a bunch of functional brainwashed morons! :21:

We have a functional moron in the Whitehouse now elected there by young college white functional brainwashed idiots!

That is functionally funny! :laughing0301:

They are enough of them to functionally elect anyone they want.

Remember liberals think blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

Other than crazy right wingers, not a single person believes that.

Oh really....

You sure put that lying, smug BITCH in her place with THAT one! :auiqs.jpg: You made her look like an IDIOT.

Wonder how FOOT tastes to the Bullshitter?

Once again, putrid leftists caught in bold faced ignorant lies with their pants around their ankles.

Wow. You crazy trump supporters think an edited and manipulated video proves you are right. It's easy to keep you nutbags excited, isn't it.

There shouldnt be a single person out there that believes blacks are too stupid to get an ID.
Thats a demeaning attitude that should piss off all blacks.

Wait 'til you see this woke Democrat:

"Science Journal Decries Racism in Geology, Claims Black People Are Too Scared to Hold Hammers​

On June 22nd, a group of scientists offered “An Actionable Anti-Racism Plan for Geoscience Organizations.”

As indicated by the article, white supremacy is alive and well amid the study of earth and rocks.

In the write-up — headed by Fort Hays State University professor Hendratta Ali and signed by 18 other academics — experts lament the lack of diversity in geology.

It is, they assert, one of the least diverse areas of engineering and science.

And for a sinister reason:

Racism has led to the geosciences becoming one of the least diverse among all science and engineering fields.”
The “R” word isn’t merely present; it thrives:
Racism thrives in geoscience. Geoscience organizations function alongside the same racist ideologies and practices shaping society.
Hence, changes must be made.

Among them: an end to terribly racist, judgmental attitudes.

According to the manifesto, geoscience is rife with “expectations around manners, clothing, hair, professional attire, language, and diction.”

So how’s about a great push for “diversity”?"

Yeah,I saw that earlier today.
If I was black I'd be royally pissed off.
If you want the black folk to quit thinking of the GOP as racist, your best bet would be for the GOP to quit being racist.
I said they (you) paint them as racist then the real racists are you as you see African Americans as inferior and in need of special help. I, an Independent see everyone as equals.

It would seem that most black folk disagree with you. Do you think they are just too stupid to tell the difference?

You think blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

So Lessee-- -- -- no one can find a single black person out there without ID or affected by evil "voter suppression," yet all the young white liberals who essentially put Biden in office are CONVINCED this is a serious issue for Blacks! Got it! :auiqs.jpg:

That makes the young white college liberal/progressive voter essentially a bunch of functional brainwashed morons! :21:

We have a functional moron in the Whitehouse now elected there by young college white functional brainwashed idiots!

That is functionally funny! :laughing0301:

They are enough of them to functionally elect anyone they want.

Remember liberals think blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

Other than crazy right wingers, not a single person believes that.

Oh really....

Jessie Waters built an entire show with that tactic. Film hundreds of people, and then edit the ones that you can make sound like what you want.

There shouldnt be a single person who thinks blacks are too stupid to get an ID.

Franco obviously believes blacks are stupid.

No they just have the worst situation economically and the worst educational possibilities in their war zones and our discriminated against nonstop... But this is a god-awful GOP mess of inequality and hopelessness. People did not magically get stupid and lazy, the cost of everything has risen ridiculously. The rich love it. Snap out of it.

Blacks have the same opportunities as the rest of us.

How couldn't they? Not only are the same jobs out there for them as anyone else (unless someone can produce a job ad which states for Whites Only), but there are MANY laws in place criminalizing hiring on the basis of race, PLUS there are many programs out there which incentivizes / rewards for hiring Blacks.

So at some point, if Blacks still can't get the education required to meet the needs of good jobs or still can't get jobs for themselves, they are going to have to STOP making up excuses, blaming others, and take some responsibility for themselves.
league of Nation
Been gone for 75 years moron. It was dissolved under Truman, a DUMBOCRAT, dumbass!
The problem is francoHFW wants a one party country with the Left in 100% control of everything. California prospered under Reagan as did the entire country that was blessed to have him as a two term President.
He gave us a huge giveaway to the rich and corporations, a screw job for everyone else, and a disgraceful propaganda machine that is the laughing stock and horror of the rest of the world. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
Your record is broken again --- brainwashed functional moron....brainwashed functional moron...brainwashed functional moron...brainwashed functional moron...brainwashed functional moron...
That's the GOP base today. Everyone knows it but the GOP base lol. Try reality.
Still waiting. Is there a Democrat policy or stance that you disagree with or have ever disagreed with in your lifetime?
not really. Nothing comes to mind
Therein lies the problem. You’re a sycophant. Every party has made mistakes but you only see the ones from the GOP.
So tell me a bad democratic policy. Lol. There only problem is they can't pass stuff over the GOP and it's brainwashed functional moron base.
league of Nation
Been gone for 75 years moron. It was dissolved under Truman, a DUMBOCRAT, dumbass!
The problem is francoHFW wants a one party country with the Left in 100% control of everything. California prospered under Reagan as did the entire country that was blessed to have him as a two term President.
He gave us a huge giveaway to the rich and corporations, a screw job for everyone else, and a disgraceful propaganda machine that is the laughing stock and horror of the rest of the world. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
Your record is broken again --- brainwashed functional moron....brainwashed functional moron...brainwashed functional moron...brainwashed functional moron...brainwashed functional moron...
That's the GOP base today. Everyone knows it but the GOP base lol. Try reality.
Still waiting. Is there a Democrat policy or stance that you disagree with or have ever disagreed with in your lifetime?
not really. Nothing comes to mind
Therein lies the problem. You’re a sycophant. Every party has made mistakes but you only see the ones from the GOP.
So tell me a bad democratic policy. Lol. There only problem is they can't pass stuff over the GOP and it's brainwashed functional moron base.
No no you do not get to deflect on me. Defunding the police in NYC, Minneapolis and Chicago is one. Pretty bad. ACA is another.
league of Nation
Been gone for 75 years moron. It was dissolved under Truman, a DUMBOCRAT, dumbass!
The problem is francoHFW wants a one party country with the Left in 100% control of everything. California prospered under Reagan as did the entire country that was blessed to have him as a two term President.
He gave us a huge giveaway to the rich and corporations, a screw job for everyone else, and a disgraceful propaganda machine that is the laughing stock and horror of the rest of the world. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
Your record is broken again --- brainwashed functional moron....brainwashed functional moron...brainwashed functional moron...brainwashed functional moron...brainwashed functional moron...
That's the GOP base today. Everyone knows it but the GOP base lol. Try reality.
Still waiting. Is there a Democrat policy or stance that you disagree with or have ever disagreed with in your lifetime?
not really. Nothing comes to mind
Therein lies the problem. You’re a sycophant. Every party has made mistakes but you only see the ones from the GOP.
So tell me a bad democratic policy. Lol. There only problem is they can't pass stuff over the GOP and it's brainwashed functional moron base.
No no you do not get to deflect on me. Defunding the police in NYC, Minneapolis and Chicago is one. Pretty bad. ACA is another.
You mean improving the training of police officers and having some social workers and mental health workers involved? It's a great idea. But de funding the police is the stupidest wording ever.

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