Democrat Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) Escalates Corona Spread


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I know most liberals won't bother to read this because facts upset them. But, here goes anyway.....

Let's look at the actions of leaders. We already know that the actions, or lack thereof, of the Chinese government is the root cause of this.

Trump thought we should immediately restrict travel from China and he did that. He was sharply criticized by the left, who accused him of being racist. His talk of the virus, setting up a task force, and restricting travel during his SOTU was met with eye rolls and a shredding of his speech by Pelosi.

In late February, Pelosi was encouraging people to go to Chinatown in San Fran to have dinner. In early March, De Blasio was telling people it was perfectly safe to go out and enter the crowded subways of NY. When later asked, by a lib media person, if he felt guilty for misleading people and putting them in danger he replied that it was pointless to look back. In other words, don't call out a Dem for totally fucking things up just to spite Trump.

After such irresponsible actions, they now have the nerve to want to investigate Trump. They are doing this supposedly because the things that he did, which they bashed him for, should have been done sooner. In other words, they want power so will try to go after him at any cost.

Meanwhile, there was no plan of action in some Dem controlled cities and they aren't about to take any blame for it.

The next thing to bash Trump for was him bringing up the success doctors have had with the Chloroquine. Doctors around the globe continue to support the use of this for serious cases. More and more patients have come forward to say they went from feeling like they would die to having symptoms eased within hours. But, because of their severe TDS, the left refused to admit that Trump was right to offer hope to people and some immediately sought to ban the drug from being used in their state. Saving lives was not nearly as important as proving Trump wrong. While many have reversed that decision, they still pretend Trump was wrong. De Blasio actually got credit for suggesting some of the same things Trump said, things De Blasio bashed him for earlier. The media is shameless in their effort to elevate the left and, incredibly, there are still some nitwits who can forget what they saw on the news last week and believe the new version this week.

While the deranged leftists go after Trump, they refuse to condemn China's lies.

Meanwhile, the leftist media is still doing their best to keep people scared.

They constantly present statistics, which are skewed at best. Some point to Germany, a country with socialized medicine, as the example to follow. Truth is that the only thing different is the number of people tested. Germany is so much smaller and it was easier to test more of their population. In the states, because of the lack of availability of tests, only people showing severe symptoms were tested. A majority of people infected likely had little or no symptoms. So, out of 100 infected people, maybe only 10 would have severe symptoms. Of those 10 tested, one might die. The media would report that as a 10% death rate when, in reality, it was more like 1%. That is what we learned from Germany, who was testing everyone. We have no idea how many thousands, even millions, here were infected but either weren't aware of it or thought they had a mild case of the flu. But, the leftists never let a crisis go to waste and they saw an opportunity to try and make Trump look bad while destroying the economy.

The left has politicized this at every turn, which made the problem worse. They have refused to work with Trump on anything and when you look at the hotspots for the virus- NY, Chicago and the west coast, you see a perfect example of leftist policies in action. In the last month, we have seen jobs disappear, freedom curbed, and waited in line only to see empty shelves in the stores. I hope everyone has enjoyed their taste of socialism/communism.

"When Trump outlawed the flights from China, DeBlasio immediately accused Trump of racism. His “enlightened” NYC policies have routinely been formulated to be the opposite of Trump. He brags about it, and New Yorkers have cheered him on by crowing about who we are. So, while Trump was closing us down with China and acknowledging that a virus was on its way, DeBlasio was making light of it. He defiantly kept mass subway and bus travel open, declaring the City could handle this minor problem, and was unwilling to close the public schools. Even after Pennsylvania and New Jersey had closed their schools, DeBlasio did not. It was New York’s governor who finally intervened and closed them down. No doubt, it was DeBlasio’s unending war against Trump, Trump the “racist against the Chinese,” that blinded him and inwardly compelled him to be AWOL on Corona until a mere couple of weeks ago. And, the City suffered.

As is known, on Jan. 31 President Trump wisely outlawed flights from China coming into the United States. He did so because China was, and is, the source of the deadly virus. Always playing identity politics and swift to malign and do the opposite of what President Trump enunciates, Nancy Pelosi told people to come to San Francisco’s Chinatown. There is nothing to worry about, she confidently said on a widely distributed video. She, like most Democrats, including Joe Biden, implied the president was guilty of anti-Chinese bias, racism. Similarly, the head of NYC’s Health Dept, Oxiris Babot, a well-known identity politics operative, contrasting NYC’s policy from that of Trump, told people to travel the subways, go to Chinatown, and mingle as New Yorkers do. This harmful activity by DeBlasio and Babot is yet another consequence of Democrat Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Early on, many of the liberal mouthpieces invoked “science” to tell us that this was not a virus that passed easily between human to human. In one of their oft-used refrains, liberals accused Mr. Trump of denying “science” by shutting down flights from China and later Iran and Iraq. Trump, they said, was motivated by prejudice, for science did not see harm in air travel from other countries. But now that the virus has become devastatingly infectious, Democrats are accusing Trump of “being against science” for not shutting down the country even earlier, asking, ironically,why he didn’t shut it down at the very moment they were telling everybody not to worry and keep the country open and fluid. Theirs is a science that is malleable according to how they want to politically exploit it. It is the science of expediency."

And the low IQ of Democrats doesn't help, either...
And the low IQ of Democrats doesn't help, either...
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They've even tried to inject racism into this. Most states are keeping up with testing those who meet the criteria for being potential victims. If there is a problem with testing, it would be in one of the hotspots, like NY or Chicago. Dem controlled all the way. They want a breakdown of the race of patients who were tested. If they manage to skew more results, expect Trump to be blamed for mishandling state testing, even though that is up to each state.

I am wondering if more effort was made to help the homeless population in San Fran and Los Angeles since they seem to huddle together in their public campsites. Are they keeping up with cleaning feces off the sidewalks since that might help spread disease?

I was amazed that the Dem rep in Michigan praised Trump for talking about the malaria drug. She said it helped her. Also, a CA Dem stated in an interview that Trump has been very helpful. I think it's mostly the radical left wanting to play games.

you dipshits claimed most people got over the virus just like they do the flu


Trump saved the world with nothing but his loud mouth and an untested drug.

poor, pathetic little urchins -

you dipshits claimed most people got over the virus just like they do the flu


Trump saved the world with nothing but his loud mouth and an untested drug.

poor, pathetic little urchins -
best you could do, huh? you worthless punk....Again, deny that your side fucked up from the beginning, you a typical liberal on denial. That isnt a river in Egypt.
an untested drug.

Untested drug? Hyrdoxychloroquine is far from untested. It has been frequently used in the US since 1955 when it was approved by the FDA. I know what you meant to say is that it hasn't been tested as a treatment for COVID 19, but how is that relevant to the problem at hand. If there was any evidence that penicillin could be used as a treatment to lesson the effects of COVID 19, would you oppose it being used until we went through years of tests to prove it worked? It makes absolutely no sense not to try a drug that has been vetted for 60+ years to try to save someone's life, particularly given the preliminary evidence that shows it is helping.

you dipshits claimed most people got over the virus just like they do the flu

Don't they?

Yes, they do! Most recover just fine on their own. In fact, some have little or no symptoms and there is no telling how many recovered without knowing they had it.

I don't get liberals. They are the ones who bashed Trump and treated him like an alarmist when he put together a task force and wanted to restrict travel from China. They acted like the virus was no big deal. There is plenty of video of Dems, like Biden, accusing Trump of being a racist for wanting to stop travel from China. How dare he!!! When he discussed this in his SOTU speech, it was met with eye rolls and Pelosi tearing up his speech.

De Blasio and Pelosi actually encouraged people to go out in crowded public places after facts were known about the spread. Of course, we've been told that there is no reason to look back at that or ask them to explain themselves. Now they say Trump should explain himself. Unreal.

Now they act like they were concerned all along. And Trump didn't tell them what they should have done so it must be his fault that the hotspots in the country are all Dem controlled cities.

Luckily, the majority get over it fine, some said it wasn't as bad as flu. Others have a harder time, but people's general health and age are big factors.

I just looked at stats for my home state of Iowa.

Since this began, we have had 1,048 people test positive. 104 of those are currently hospitalized. 341 have recovered. Sadly, 26 elderly people died. The rest. more than half of those infected, remain in isolation at home treating themselves.

Most counties in Iowa have a handful of cases and the numbers haven't budged much. Some countries still have no cases. We have a few hotspots, but even they haven't increased anywhere near as much as the doomsday crowd predicted.

When you look at the total number of positive cases and subtract the ones who recovered, died or are hospitalized, you see over half are able to treat themselves at home. These statistics only include those who had symptoms and got tested. Thousands likely had it and didn't know it. 11,670 people who showed symptoms were not positive for Covid and likely have flu. We are seeing across the country that flu is still way more prevalent.

Nearly a third of the positive cases are healthcare workers, which is not surprising since they are in constant contact. I would guess that other essential employees rank high on the list but can't find stats for that.
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an untested drug.

Untested drug? Hyrdoxychloroquine is far from untested. It has been frequently used in the US since 1955 when it was approved by the FDA. I know what you meant to say is that it hasn't been tested as a treatment for COVID 19, but how is that relevant to the problem at hand. If there was any evidence that penicillin could be used as a treatment to lesson the effects of COVID 19, would you oppose it being used until we went through years of tests to prove it worked? It makes absolutely no sense not to try a drug that has been vetted for 60+ years to try to save someone's life, particularly given the preliminary evidence that shows it is helping.

They are only being difficult because Trump stated that doctors were using it successfully and he wanted to offer hope for people who were living in fear because of the doomsday media. They cannot and will not agree with Trump even if it means people dying. That is how severe their Trump derangement syndrome is.

They also discovered that Covid affects the body in a similar way that malaria does, which is why the drug works. Hard to put into layman's terms but Covid, like malaria, blocks the exchange of oxygen between the lungs and bloodstream. Even if a person is breathing normally or on a respirator, it does no good if the blood isn't picking up oxygen. It's not the same as flu though some of the symptoms are similar.

Some experts are even calling for the isolation to stop EXCEPT for the elderly and those at risk and the left does not like that idea at all. There is a thing called herd immunity. If around 60 or 70% of the healthier people are exposed, their bodies will start to develop an immunity. That would protect people better than isolation everyone for a long period of time and not allowing this to occur. Short of a vaccine being developed in a lab, allowing it naturally would be the best course. Otherwise, we will see this coming back each year, like the flu, and it would be disastrous to try and isolate like this each year. Of course, leftists would prefer to control us from here on out so they will not give up their newly- gained power easily.

I really think the left sees a crisis that shouldn't go to waste. Why would Dems ignore the warnings and encourage people to put themselves at risk? Why would they try to ban a drug that has proven to be effective at saving lives? Why were they so quick to grab power over our lives and still want to go further? Some talked about taking control of all private businesses. They are practically drooling at the thought of a dictatorship. And they've proven they don't really care about our well being even though they are trying to spin things to make it appear so. They have their sights set on the election and some have pushed the idea of keeping us in quarantine till it's over. Mail-in ballots, with no verification is their dream. Cheating would be a piece of cake. No debates. Biden has lost his mind and couldn't debate a 2-year old right now.

If anyone wondered what it would feel like to live in a socialist country, now you know. It's sucks and we aren't even as bad as the typical socialist hellhole.
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I know most liberals won't bother to read this because facts upset them. But, here goes anyway.....

Trump talks too much, and by conducting these press conference, ostensibly on the Covid-19 pandemic, he opens himself up to unrelenting questions about past decisions and statements. The latest controversy is the moronic statement by his acting navy secretary. It was so bad, the guy resigned before he got fired. In four days Trump has fired Intelligence Community inspector general Michael Atkinson, Glenn Fine, the acting inspector general at the Department of Defense, who was going to lead the newly formed Pandemic Response Accountability Committee, and White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham, a press secretary who never held a press conference.

All of this and more requires an explanation. The possibility exists that CNN and other networks show Trump's press conferences which have long outlived their usefulness to show how incompetent Trump is. It is so easy for reporters to get Trump riled up and off on tangent that has nothing to do with the pandemic.

The death toll is now over 12,700, and we just had our worst day, 1,877. Prompted by a question from a reporter, Trump got himself all worked up over the Wisconsin primary, mail-in ballots, voter I.D., and election fraud.

My apologies to them, the networks are doing a fine job. In November, Biden will be a shoe-in.
I know most liberals won't bother to read this because facts upset them. But, here goes anyway.....

Trump talks too much, and by conducting these press conference, ostensibly on the Covid-19 pandemic, he opens himself up to unrelenting questions about past decisions and statements. The latest controversy is the moronic statement by his acting navy secretary. It was so bad, the guy resigned before he got fired. In four days Trump has fired Intelligence Community inspector general Michael Atkinson, Glenn Fine, the acting inspector general at the Department of Defense, who was going to lead the newly formed Pandemic Response Accountability Committee, and White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham, a press secretary who never held a press conference.

All of this and more requires an explanation. The possibility exists that CNN and other networks show Trump's press conferences which have long outlived their usefulness to show how incompetent Trump is. It is so easy for reporters to get Trump riled up and off on tangent that has nothing to do with the pandemic.

The death toll is now over 12,700, and we just had our worst day, 1,877. Prompted by a question from a reporter, Trump got himself all worked up over the Wisconsin primary, mail-in ballots, voter I.D., and election fraud.

My apologies to them, the networks are doing a fine job. In November, Biden will be a shoe-in.

I highly disagree. Trump's actions regarding the pandemic have been far more helpful than the Dems, who have done nothing. They even held up the stimulus bill till they could get some serious pork spending added. The pork had nothing to do with stopping the virus.

The Dems were too busy trying to impeach Trump than to worry about the virus. They ridiculed Trump for taking measures.

The media isn't putting Dems on the spot for their reckless behavior, such as telling people it was safe to go out in public.

Even a California Dem praised Trump for his support in handling this.
I know most liberals won't bother to read this because facts upset them. But, here goes anyway.....

Trump talks too much, and by conducting these press conference, ostensibly on the Covid-19 pandemic, he opens himself up to unrelenting questions about past decisions and statements. The latest controversy is the moronic statement by his acting navy secretary. It was so bad, the guy resigned before he got fired. In four days Trump has fired Intelligence Community inspector general Michael Atkinson, Glenn Fine, the acting inspector general at the Department of Defense, who was going to lead the newly formed Pandemic Response Accountability Committee, and White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham, a press secretary who never held a press conference.

All of this and more requires an explanation. The possibility exists that CNN and other networks show Trump's press conferences which have long outlived their usefulness to show how incompetent Trump is. It is so easy for reporters to get Trump riled up and off on tangent that has nothing to do with the pandemic.

The death toll is now over 12,700, and we just had our worst day, 1,877. Prompted by a question from a reporter, Trump got himself all worked up over the Wisconsin primary, mail-in ballots, voter I.D., and election fraud.

My apologies to them, the networks are doing a fine job. In November, Biden will be a shoe-in.
My apologies to them, the networks are doing a fine job. In November, Biden will be a shoe-in
Joe "the Groper" Biden cant even remember what day it is, because he is mentally challenged. This person also must be mentally challenged to even think Sleepy Joe even has a chance. Stupid is as stupid does, and it votes Demoncrap.

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