Democrat Senator Threatens Insurrection If SCOTUS Overturns Roe v Wade

I predict the Court will chickenshit out. Just look at what cowards they were in dealing with the Democrats stealing the election.

If it was me I wouldn't give a crap about what a bunch of evil Feminazis thought. I would save the lives of the children.
They still follow the Constitution and rule of law.. They don't pledge allegiance to a particular party or president.
Well then. You’ll have no problem pointing us to a Constitutional provision or a rule of law (other than RvW) that allows the murder of children.
Sounds like a terroristic thread. Sadly that's acceptable in the Biden administration if liberal trash is involved.

If Trump or some GOP had made that remark, they'd be moving to have them arrested.

THEN the idiot left will claim she never said anything.

I PRAY the SCOTUS ends Roe! I can't WAIT to see these little pig fuckers go ballistic rioting everywhere mere months before a major election they are ALREADY slated to take a heavy beating on! And with a little luck, some of these morons will get popped.

DO IT! DO IT! You Lefties-- -- leave NO DOUBT to the world that you vermin are the WORST thing that has EVER happened to America!
As we see with time, citizens views are changed whether they like it or not. Whether it is by cajoling or by pure force of elites. In all ways the circumventing of anything of sense can be. Whether it is good or bad. The result is our views we see here.
Somone might want to inform the Senator that the Supreme Court does not base it's decisions on public opinions or even veiled threats from politicans.
It wouldn't matter...These Democrats are not really "Liberal" in any sense of the word anymore...They are authortarian DSA assholes...What will happen is up to a seperate but equal branch to them which they hate.
Somone might want to inform the Senator that the Supreme Court does not base it's decisions on public opinions or even veiled threats from politicans.
Here’s the scary thing, and I DO mean scary: the newest justice said during her nomination hearing that justices are allowed to consider impact - and not just constitutionality - when weighing their decisions. That means that if the intolerant and violent leftists threaten bloodshed, the justices could take that into consideration.
Well, here we have an idiot Democrat. Are you thrilled? They won't overturn Roe v Wade..whether American women take to the streets in protest or not.
It could go either way. The legal backing of Roe v. Wade is rather flimsy from a constitutional standpoint. That being said, we've had flimsy rulings other than this one.

I do find it funny that "bodily autonomy" is the defense of the left for abortion, but it isn't applied to vaccines.
I read the article and the comments from the senator carefully, there was no mention of insurrection or violence.

Why is almost everything you post a lie?
To be safe, I say we put him in solitary confinement with no bail for about 6 months.
Here’s the scary thing, and I DO mean scary: the newest justice said during her nomination hearing that justices are allowed to consider impact - and not just constitutionality - when weighing their decisions. That means that if the intolerant and violent leftists threaten bloodshed, the justices could take that into consideration.
Possible but not probable if they do that then they invite it from all sides on any issue that comes before the court.
Funny how the Left can call for open violence to overthrow our government and everything is good.
The Left setting stage for yet more violence.

Nowhere in the piece does she say anything about violence. John Roberts himself is speaking out of both sides of his mouth. He also is concerned that overturning Roe vs Wade will hurt the Supreme Court'sw reputation. It could also add fuel to the fire to expand the Supreme Court.
"I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price!" Schumer yelled. "You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions."

Pay the price? How?

The Supreme Court's reputation has lready been hurt by their apparent approval of the Texas abortion law. It will add fuel to the fire to expand the Supreme Court.
The stench of this republican party will be remembered for decades "the evil men do live after them , the good interred in their graves"" so let it be with republicans

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