Democrat politicians set to rob the public to pay reperations to slaves.

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

Sounds like BS to me.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Eleven U.S. mayors — from Los Angeles to Kansas City — have pledged to pay reparations for slavery to a small group of Black residents in their cities, saying their aim is to set an example for the federal government on how a nationwide program could work.

The mayors had no details on how much it would cost, who would pay for it or how people would be chosen.

All of those details would be worked out with the help of local commissions comprised of representatives from Black-led organizations set up to advise the mayor of each city. But the mayors say they are committed to paying reparations instead of just talking about them.
Our mayor has been talking about it everyday on the news. His intentions are not bs.

So somewhere in the city budget things would have to be cut to pay for this bullshit. So what/who gets cut so he can fucking pander for votes?
Fire department budget?
Family planning budget?
Public safety budget?
Food pantries?
Homeless shelters?
Infrastructure budget?

This should be put before the people if they're going to use our money.
Don't you worry Mizzouri is cutting off all pandemic aid and putting people back on the streets while the governor saves all the billions in aid for a rainy day....Like when they keep losing court cases from suing the feds and other states, to the lawsuits the state keeps losing from mishandling their jobs and the finances.

You want to forget about paying debts owed for work done many years ago. You like the idea because you like being stiffed by a customer when you do a job.

They didn't work for me, did they work for you? You know there were white and indian slaves in our history as well, are we just going to cut everyone a check? Oh and what about the black African slave traders that sold other blacks, how do you plan of collecting from their decedents?

Did any blacks own whites?
None of my ancestors owned any slaves.

End of story.
Another evasion
Wrong. Whether any blacks owned whites is utterly irrelevant to the question of whether I'm obligated to pay reparations to anyone.
Reparations is a pipe dream
Some cities are already paying them.
Native Americans have been paid reparations multiple times. Government didn't enslave blacks or push blacks onto reservations.

When were these reparations paid, exactly?

I mean, how to you repay people for outright fucking genocide?
Look it up and it wasn't genocide you crybaby idiot.
From the time Europeans arrived on American shores, the frontier—the edge territory between white man’s civilization and the untamed natural world—became a shared space of vast, clashing differences that led the U.S. government to authorize over 1,500 wars, attacks and raids on Indians, the most of any country in the world against its Indigenous people. By the close of the Indian Wars in the late 19th century, fewer than 238,000 Indigenous people remained, a sharp decline from the estimated 5 million to 15 million living in North America when Columbus arrived in 1492.
Umm, so?
So genocide is OK with you
Building a nation is ok with me. It turned out pretty damn nice and unless you live on Plymouth Rock it worked out well for you too.

So you condemn the Jan 6 rioters?
"The 9ones who actually committed violence. Not people who were simply there."
Condemn them for doing what? They didn’t kill anyone, no property was destroyed. What should I condemn them for?
Oh no, geez that’s horrible. Insurrection right? Well trespassing. So that’s something.
I’d need to see these 140 injuries report. Did they trip over a donut? They killed one unarmed woman, the rest of the people actually walked out between rope barriers to the exits. Where and how did more cops get injured than there were people inside the building?
Fascists hate the police
Like defunding them? Yeah we get where the fascism is coming from.

He's a confused, owned puppet on a short string.
He's so brainwashed he doesn't know his ass from his mouth.
What specifically did I say that wasn't true?

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

Sounds like BS to me.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Eleven U.S. mayors — from Los Angeles to Kansas City — have pledged to pay reparations for slavery to a small group of Black residents in their cities, saying their aim is to set an example for the federal government on how a nationwide program could work.

The mayors had no details on how much it would cost, who would pay for it or how people would be chosen.

All of those details would be worked out with the help of local commissions comprised of representatives from Black-led organizations set up to advise the mayor of each city. But the mayors say they are committed to paying reparations instead of just talking about them.
Our mayor has been talking about it everyday on the news. His intentions are not bs.

So somewhere in the city budget things would have to be cut to pay for this bullshit. So what/who gets cut so he can fucking pander for votes?
Fire department budget?
Family planning budget?
Public safety budget?
Food pantries?
Homeless shelters?
Infrastructure budget?

This should be put before the people if they're going to use our money.
Don't you worry Mizzouri is cutting off all pandemic aid and putting people back on the streets while the governor saves all the billions in aid for a rainy day....Like when they keep losing court cases from suing the feds and other states, to the lawsuits the state keeps losing from mishandling their jobs and the finances.

You want to forget about paying debts owed for work done many years ago. You like the idea because you like being stiffed by a customer when you do a job.

They didn't work for me, did they work for you? You know there were white and indian slaves in our history as well, are we just going to cut everyone a check? Oh and what about the black African slave traders that sold other blacks, how do you plan of collecting from their decedents?

Did any blacks own whites?
None of my ancestors owned any slaves.

End of story.
Another evasion
Wrong. Whether any blacks owned whites is utterly irrelevant to the question of whether I'm obligated to pay reparations to anyone.
Reparations is a pipe dream
Some cities are already paying them.
Native Americans have been paid reparations multiple times. Government didn't enslave blacks or push blacks onto reservations.

When were these reparations paid, exactly?

I mean, how to you repay people for outright fucking genocide?
Look it up and it wasn't genocide you crybaby idiot.
From the time Europeans arrived on American shores, the frontier—the edge territory between white man’s civilization and the untamed natural world—became a shared space of vast, clashing differences that led the U.S. government to authorize over 1,500 wars, attacks and raids on Indians, the most of any country in the world against its Indigenous people. By the close of the Indian Wars in the late 19th century, fewer than 238,000 Indigenous people remained, a sharp decline from the estimated 5 million to 15 million living in North America when Columbus arrived in 1492.
Umm, so?
So genocide is OK with you
Building a nation is ok with me. It turned out pretty damn nice and unless you live on Plymouth Rock it worked out well for you too.

So you condemn the Jan 6 rioters?
"The 9ones who actually committed violence. Not people who were simply there."
Condemn them for doing what? They didn’t kill anyone, no property was destroyed. What should I condemn them for?
Oh no, geez that’s horrible. Insurrection right? Well trespassing. So that’s something.
I’d need to see these 140 injuries report. Did they trip over a donut? They killed one unarmed woman, the rest of the people actually walked out between rope barriers to the exits. Where and how did more cops get injured than there were people inside the building?
Fascists hate the police
Like defunding them? Yeah we get where the fascism is coming from.

He's a confused, owned puppet on a short string.
He's so brainwashed he doesn't know his ass from his mouth.

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

Sounds like BS to me.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Eleven U.S. mayors — from Los Angeles to Kansas City — have pledged to pay reparations for slavery to a small group of Black residents in their cities, saying their aim is to set an example for the federal government on how a nationwide program could work.

The mayors had no details on how much it would cost, who would pay for it or how people would be chosen.

All of those details would be worked out with the help of local commissions comprised of representatives from Black-led organizations set up to advise the mayor of each city. But the mayors say they are committed to paying reparations instead of just talking about them.
Our mayor has been talking about it everyday on the news. His intentions are not bs.

So somewhere in the city budget things would have to be cut to pay for this bullshit. So what/who gets cut so he can fucking pander for votes?
Fire department budget?
Family planning budget?
Public safety budget?
Food pantries?
Homeless shelters?
Infrastructure budget?

This should be put before the people if they're going to use our money.
Don't you worry Mizzouri is cutting off all pandemic aid and putting people back on the streets while the governor saves all the billions in aid for a rainy day....Like when they keep losing court cases from suing the feds and other states, to the lawsuits the state keeps losing from mishandling their jobs and the finances.

You want to forget about paying debts owed for work done many years ago. You like the idea because you like being stiffed by a customer when you do a job.

They didn't work for me, did they work for you? You know there were white and indian slaves in our history as well, are we just going to cut everyone a check? Oh and what about the black African slave traders that sold other blacks, how do you plan of collecting from their decedents?

Did any blacks own whites?
None of my ancestors owned any slaves.

End of story.
Another evasion
Wrong. Whether any blacks owned whites is utterly irrelevant to the question of whether I'm obligated to pay reparations to anyone.
Reparations is a pipe dream
Some cities are already paying them.
Native Americans have been paid reparations multiple times. Government didn't enslave blacks or push blacks onto reservations.

When were these reparations paid, exactly?

I mean, how to you repay people for outright fucking genocide?
Look it up and it wasn't genocide you crybaby idiot.
From the time Europeans arrived on American shores, the frontier—the edge territory between white man’s civilization and the untamed natural world—became a shared space of vast, clashing differences that led the U.S. government to authorize over 1,500 wars, attacks and raids on Indians, the most of any country in the world against its Indigenous people. By the close of the Indian Wars in the late 19th century, fewer than 238,000 Indigenous people remained, a sharp decline from the estimated 5 million to 15 million living in North America when Columbus arrived in 1492.
Umm, so?
So genocide is OK with you
Building a nation is ok with me. It turned out pretty damn nice and unless you live on Plymouth Rock it worked out well for you too.

So you condemn the Jan 6 rioters?
"The 9ones who actually committed violence. Not people who were simply there."
Condemn them for doing what? They didn’t kill anyone, no property was destroyed. What should I condemn them for?
Oh no, geez that’s horrible. Insurrection right? Well trespassing. So that’s something.
I’d need to see these 140 injuries report. Did they trip over a donut? They killed one unarmed woman, the rest of the people actually walked out between rope barriers to the exits. Where and how did more cops get injured than there were people inside the building?
Fascists hate the police
Like defunding them? Yeah we get where the fascism is coming from.

He's a confused, owned puppet on a short string.
He's so brainwashed he doesn't know his ass from his mouth.
While most QAnon believers are not violent and limit their involvement to furthering the conspiracy online, a number of real-world events have borne out the FBI’s warning.

August 12, 2020, Waco, Texas: Police arrested and charged 30-year-old Cecilia Celeste Fulbright with driving while intoxicated and aggravated assault after she chased two cars and crashed into one. Fulbright claimed she was attempting to “save a child from pedophiles.” Fulbright’s social media history indicates that she was deeply influenced by the QAnon conspiracy theory. She once wrote in a text message to an acquaintance that President Trump was “literally taking down the cabal and the pedophile ring.” This paranoid obsession with pedophiles and child trafficking is common within QAnon. A former roommate said Fulbright had a history of untreated mental health issues.
August 2020: Several hundred “Save the Children” rallies were organized across the country. In the early days of August, QAnon followers began using the hashtags #savethechildren and #saveourchildren to garner attention for their baseless allegations of child sex trafficking by Democrats. This campaign quickly made the leap into the real world with nationwide rallies. Not all these rallies were directly linked to QAnon, but an NBC investigation found that the organizers of the largest rallies all espoused QAnon opinions on their private social media.
March 20, 2020, Russellville, Kentucky: QAnon follower Neely Blanchard was charged with kidnapping her children. Blanchard has been active online promoting both QAnon conspiracies and anti-government, sovereign-citizen dogma.
December 30, 2019, Kalispell, Montana: Cynthia Abcug was taken into custody, charged with conspiracy to commit kidnapping. Her son had previously been taken from her after Abcug had become obsessed with QAnon conspiracy theories, claiming in one YouTube video that child protective services “has child trafficking rings in certain areas.” A warrant by the Parker Police Department says that child protective services took custody of her child because Abcug was suspected of Munchausen syndrome by proxy. According to the Washington Post, Abcug stopped going to therapy and started leaving her Denver-area home only to meet with QAnon followers. She spoke of “evil Satan worshipers” and pedophiles, according to her daughter’s report to police.
April 2019, New Mexico: Members of the United Constitutional Patriots militia, a right-wing militia operating on the US-Mexico border, held nearly 300 migrants at gunpoint. The group and its leader, 69-year-old Larry Mitchell Hopkins, actively promote the QAnon conspiracy theory on their social media accounts.
March 13, 2019, Staten Island, New York: Anthony Comello allegedly shot and killed Gambino family crime boss Francesco Cali outside his home on Staten Island, New York. In court Comello displayed many references to QAnon. According to statements made to his attorney at the time of arrest, Comello believed that Cali was part of the “deep state” working to unseat President Trump. In court filings, Comello’s attorney has argued that "Mr. Comello's support for QAnon went beyond mere participation in a radical political organization, it evolved into a delusional obsession."
January 23, 2019, Washington, DC: Ryan Jaselkis attempted to set fire to the Comet Ping Pong pizza shop. Jaselkis had previously posted a QAnon conspiracy video on his parents’ YouTube channel. Comet Ping Pong is an important location in QAnon circles; in 2016, Edgar Maddison Welch fired a military-style rifle into the pizzeria because he believed it was harboring a Democrat-run sex slavery ring. The #pizzagate conspiracy theory forms much of the basis for QAnon.
June 16, 2018, Hoover Dam, Nevada: QAnon believer Matthew Wright pleaded guilty on a terrorism charge after blocking the Hoover Dam in Nevada with a homemade armored vehicle on June 15,2018. Wright was armed and had more 900 rounds of ammunition in his vehicle when he was arrested.

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

Maybe that's just what this country needs? A permanent reparations program so the black people will no longer have to work?
Some types of families did much better than average. A couple with only one spouse working (and receiving the same average wage) would have paid in $361,000 if they turned 65 in 2010, but can expect to get back $854,000 — more than double what they paid in. In 1980, this same 65-year-old couple would have received five times more than what they paid in, while in 1960, such a couple would have ended up with 14 times what they put in.

Such findings suggest that, even allowing for inflation and investment gains, many seniors will receive much more in benefits than what they paid in

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

Maybe that's just what this country needs? A permanent reparations program so the black people will no longer have to work?
President Trump signed the "Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act" (the CARES Act) on the afternoon of March 27, 2020, following voice-vote approval earlier in the day by the US House of Representatives and a unanimous 96-0 vote by the US Senate on March 25. The CARES Act’s estimated $2+ trillion price tag includes: extraordinary public health spending to confront the COVID-19 pandemic; immediate cash relief for individual citizens; a broad lending program for small business; and, targeted relief for hard-hit industries
A lot of Americans just got here a few years ago. Will they be happy paying Oprah WInfrey reparations?
be optimistic. The issue is not "INCOME" ---it is a disparity in the possession of wealth.
Have you heard about the poverty stricken Dutchess Meagain Markle? She has to face a future in which she will never be queen.
A lot of Americans just got here a few years ago. Will they be happy paying Oprah WInfrey reparations?
be optimistic. The issue is not "INCOME" ---it is a disparity in the possession of wealth.
Have you heard about the poverty stricken Dutchess Meagain Markle? She has to face a future in which she will never be queen.
Any world that Megan Rapinoe can be a Victoria Secret model is a fucking clown show that deserves Markke as it’s queen.
1. Crazy talk? Reading comprehension issues? Read this link again, and then google "gain of function for Covid funded by the US"

Yes, you can find all sorts of links to that level of crazy.

You can also find a lot of links if you type in "Aliens created Covid".

Crazy talk is thinking covid went from bats who live 900 miles from Wuhan to humans. Seeing Dr. Fauci being grilled by Senator Rand Paul and tap dancing is priceless.

Um, talking to Rand Paul is like talking to the Crazy Person who thinks the CIA is watching him from a lamppost. Yes, Dr. Fauci was nervous, but not for the reason you think.

2. Look at the US economy GDP. It would have recovered even faster if the stupid dems didn't pay lazy bastards more to sit on their porches.
No "job losses", the jobs are there, just too many lazy workers.

I did look at the GDP. We took massive losses in 2020. The funny thing about Covid was that all these people we won't pay a living wage to are now "essential workers" and won't you please, pretty please go back and risk your life doing that job for $10.00 an hour.

First you start with two parents who work very hard to provide for their kids, and who work even harder to be sure that they do well in school. Then you oppose CRT and the 1619 Project that says they are inferior and oppressed, and that white people are their oppressors. Race hatred doesn't help anyone, it just isolates the poor even more.

Most black kids live with their parents. Pretending racism doesn't exist doesn't make it go away.

Compared to the 1%, we're all trailer trash. Marxism isn't the answer. There is no answer. I support higher taxes. Here's a graph showing that the pols took care of their rich 1% oligarch donors:

Okay, but who was in charge for most of the time since 1968? You see, the funny thing is, 1968, we had had close to 40 years of Democrats running things, creating more rights for workers. Then the Republicans came along and got stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests and for the interests of the one percent by playing on your racial, sexual and religious fears.
Have you heard about the poverty stricken Dutchess Meagain Markle? She has to face a future in which she will never be queen.

There are six people ahead of Harry in the line of succession anyway. She was never going to be queen nor did she want to.

I give her and Harry credit for wanting to live their own lives rather than be part of this institution that really serves no actual function at this point in history.
All I keep hearing is how Trump killed 500,000.
You show your usual flare for ignoring facts.
The silence of 15 Democrat MDs and Falsee allowed those deaths to happen.

Is this your knew talking point, Corky?

Look it up and it wasn't genocide you crybaby idiot.

Really? When Columbus got here, there were 200 million people living in the New World.

There are less than 5 million Native Americans in the US today.

IF that isn't genocide, what is?
Columbus never made it the what is the USA idiot. And nobody knows how many natives there were in the USA back then maybe a couple of million. You are trying to combine over 1,000 tribes in 2 continents to muh what would become the USA. There is zero fucking evidence that there was 200 million natives in N and S America.

How is stealing my money paid in taxes, ment to manage the cities needs, to pay random black people going to solve ANYTHING? I wasn't even alive when slaves existed.
We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

360000 men died fighting for the north. When will random people receive reparations for their sacrifice?

When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

False framing
When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

Really? How is that?

So I can honestly claim when my Grandparents came here, they came here between the World Wars, when anti-German prejudice was at it's height, even though Germans were the biggest ethnic group in the country. My grandparents countered by using "American" first names (Louis instead of Ludwig, Helen instead of Magdalena) and changing how they pronounced the family name.

But here's the thing. At a certain point, anything that made people in my family "German" kind of vanished. No one in my family speaks German today (I speak a very little, and badly), we don't really follow any German customs.

Blacks can't stop being black, and biases against blacks in our society haven't disappeared. That's the major difference and if you don't see it, then you are being willfully blind.

We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

Actually, let's look at that. Let's look at the payments for "Welfare" for people of color vs. "Entitlements" enjoyed by Middle Class white people to keep them OUT of the poor house.

SNAP (Food Stamps) - 79 Billion dollars
Section 8/HUD (Housing) - 68 Billion
TANF (Welfare) - 16.5 Billion
WIC (Women, Infants and Children) - 4.9 Billion
Medicaid - 613 Billion

Except for Medicaid, those are all pretty small numbers.

Okay, now let's look at Entitlements- or as I like to call it, "White People Welfare".

Social Security - 1,096 Billon
Medicare - 799 Billion
Veteran's Administration- 269 Billion
Unemployment Insurance - varies, but in 2020, it topped 329 Billion.

Now, obviously, some white people get traditional welfare (in fact, they are the majority of people on assistance) and some minorities get "entitlements" if they make enough money.

But is absurd notion that we are spending all this money on "Welfare", so that gives us a hall pass to excuse 400 years of institutionalized racism is just silly. What these figures show is white people are very good at taking care of themselves.
That is the stupidest post I've seen here in months.
I agree. None one in my family owned slaves. I never met a slave. Anyone who had anything to do with slavery has been dead for 150 years.

Reparations my ass.
Columbus never made it the what is the USA idiot. And nobody knows how many natives there were in the USA back then maybe a couple of million. You are trying to combine over 1,000 tribes in 2 continents to muh what would become the USA. There is zero fucking evidence that there was 200 million natives in N and S America.

Actually, that's probably a low estimate.

I agree. None one in my family owned slaves. I never met a slave. Anyone who had anything to do with slavery has been dead for 150 years.

Reparations my ass.

That's a nice little slogan, but you can't pretend that slavery and segregation for 400 years haven't had an effect... because you'd just look silly saying it.
When will black leaders rise up and demand that the left stop patronizing them?
Someone somewhere in my family tree was treated unjustly or worse but that has NOTHING to do with my success or failure in life.

Really? How is that?

So I can honestly claim when my Grandparents came here, they came here between the World Wars, when anti-German prejudice was at it's height, even though Germans were the biggest ethnic group in the country. My grandparents countered by using "American" first names (Louis instead of Ludwig, Helen instead of Magdalena) and changing how they pronounced the family name.

But here's the thing. At a certain point, anything that made people in my family "German" kind of vanished. No one in my family speaks German today (I speak a very little, and badly), we don't really follow any German customs.

Blacks can't stop being black, and biases against blacks in our society haven't disappeared. That's the major difference and if you don't see it, then you are being willfully blind.

We have created an endless tidalwave of victimhood & entitlement.
We've also spent TRILLIONS trying to help poor minority families and individuals to no avail.

Actually, let's look at that. Let's look at the payments for "Welfare" for people of color vs. "Entitlements" enjoyed by Middle Class white people to keep them OUT of the poor house.

SNAP (Food Stamps) - 79 Billion dollars
Section 8/HUD (Housing) - 68 Billion
TANF (Welfare) - 16.5 Billion
WIC (Women, Infants and Children) - 4.9 Billion
Medicaid - 613 Billion

Except for Medicaid, those are all pretty small numbers.

Okay, now let's look at Entitlements- or as I like to call it, "White People Welfare".

Social Security - 1,096 Billon
Medicare - 799 Billion
Veteran's Administration- 269 Billion
Unemployment Insurance - varies, but in 2020, it topped 329 Billion.

Now, obviously, some white people get traditional welfare (in fact, they are the majority of people on assistance) and some minorities get "entitlements" if they make enough money.

But is absurd notion that we are spending all this money on "Welfare", so that gives us a hall pass to excuse 400 years of institutionalized racism is just silly. What these figures show is white people are very good at taking care of themselves.
I get what you are saying. There has been an effort to correct wrongs of the past. The people running those efforts are the people of social science. Trillions and trillions of dollars. Riots from 30 years ago and 60 years ago still have occurred. As all of us in general, many wounds can be self inflicted. And there is no dialogue of that.

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