Will The Democrat Party Ever Recover From The Get Trump @ All Cost Strategy?

  • No, they went too far even committing felonies, to prop up a fake narrative

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • Yes, if they come clean and admit to the American Public they created a hoax to win a campaign

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • No, the party will crumble & a new one will emerge when the corruption is exposed at every level

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Yes, if The Democrat Party works with The President and begins to put America First

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Yes, if they purge the party of radicals & advocate small government & Conservative American Values

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Keep on hating America and our president. Keep on promoting Fake News & unprovable accusations. And please keep Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schummer, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Keith Ellison, Tom Perez and Barak Obama as the face and mouth of your party. Congratulations on the worst month of fund raising in 8 years followed up by the worst month of fund raising in 14 years! You earned it.

DNC Fundraising for April 2017 Lowest Since 2009


Party chairman Tom Perez booed in California.

Democrats Had Another Awful Month of Fundraising in May
“worst May fundraising since 2003”

The Democratic National Committee hit a record low for fundraising in April and the news got no better in May.

And if that isn't bad enough, these "tricksters" think that they are going to find ways to hood wink and bamboozle middle America by studying what that average working man and middle class family think about.

That's laughable. Shouldn't you already know how to communicate and appeal with ordinary taxpayers?

Or do you only care about The Ultra Rich Elite 1%, and the 47% who pay NO TAXES?

How Democrats Murdered the Middle Class by Creating a Classless Society


Voters say Democrats hurting party, nation with scorched-earth anti-Trump tactics: Poll
Even Democrats say it’s better for party, country to work with White House

Voters say Democrats hurting party, nation with scorched-earth anti-Trump tactics: Poll


Democrats say they now know exactly why Clinton lost

Many Democrats have a shorthand explanation for Clinton’s defeat: Her base didn’t turn out, Donald Trump’s did and the difference was too much to overcome.

But new information shows that Clinton had a much bigger problem with voters who had supported President Barack Obama in 2012 but backed Trump four years later.

Those Obama-Trump voters, in fact, effectively accounted for more than two-thirds of the reason Clinton lost, according to Matt Canter, a senior vice president of the Democratic political firm Global Strategy Group. In his group’s analysis, about 70 percent of Clinton’s failure to reach Obama’s vote total in 2012 was because she lost these voters.

Democrats say they now know exactly why Clinton lost

Democrats' Biggest Problem? Their Voters Don't Like Them


How Did the Democrats Become Favorites of the Rich?

Opinion | How Did the Democrats Become Favorites of the Rich?

Democrats once represented the working class. Not any more
Democrats once represented the working class. Not any more | Robert Reich

The Democrats’ ‘Working-Class Problem’
Party problems reaches well into what was once the party’s base.

The Democrats’ ‘Working-Class Problem’
House Democrats have already raised more money in online contributions this year ahead of the midterms than they did during all of 2015, the most recently comparable year, a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee official told NBC News.
House Dems smash fundraising records ahead of midterms

Your FAKE NEWS article was published in May before the dismal April donations report was published and before the dismal May donations report was published.
And I did some background checking on "The Claim" and this was a FLUFF piece, i.e. a bold faced LIE to cover up the fact that Dem Party Donations are at an all time low.

Hey The Left has a right to try to put out misinformation to keep their troops from getting disheartened, but it's not suitable for debate when it's just a piece of propaganda, and it also is deflating when The Party Line doesn't match THE ACTUAL FACTS!

But when you are the party of situational ethics, lying and misinformation are just tools that you use to extricate yourself out of a "situation".

This is why The Dem Party created a false Russian Hacking Narrative, Engaged in Wiretapping, Leaking of Classified Information, Unmasking, Rigging their Primary, Registering Illegals, and Committed not only Voter Fraud, but attempted to alter the outcome of an election by Colluding with Obama Bin Lying and The Media.

Nothing Inspires America putting their Trust in your Party when they realize your Core Values are NO VALUES at all.
House Democrats have already raised more money in online contributions this year ahead of the midterms than they did during all of 2015, the most recently comparable year, a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee official told NBC News.
House Dems smash fundraising records ahead of midterms

Your FAKE NEWS article was published in May before the dismal April donations report was published and before the dismal May donations report was published.
And I did some background checking on "The Claim" and this was a FLUFF piece, i.e. a bold faced LIE to cover up the fact that Dem Party Donations are at an all time low.

Hey The Left has a right to try to put out misinformation to keep their troops from getting disheartened, but it's not suitable for debate when it's just a piece of propaganda, and it also is deflating when The Party Line doesn't match THE ACTUAL FACTS!

Total Raised
Total Spent Cash on Hand Debts

Democratic Party $1,292,188,200 $1,279,227,681 $34,911,617 $43,171,752
Republican Party $968,828,665 $933,581,443 $53,128,197 $31,322,147
Democratic National Cmte $372,182,925 $368,480,666 $11,788,858 $4,143,971
Republican National Cmte $343,371,200 $323,058,132 $25,328,012 $0
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $220,891,388 $216,358,584 $6,682,244 $14,000,000
National Republican Congressional Cmte $170,601,976 $160,642,785 $11,436,461 $11,150,000
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $179,800,229 $177,414,911 $3,298,818 $20,106,670
National Republican Senatorial Cmte $138,376,518 $133,949,377 $7,132,930 $18,000,000
NOTE: All the numbers on this page are for the 2016 election cycle and based on Federal Election Commission data released on May 18, 2017.

Political Parties Overview | OpenSecrets
House Democrats have already raised more money in online contributions this year ahead of the midterms than they did during all of 2015, the most recently comparable year, a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee official told NBC News.
House Dems smash fundraising records ahead of midterms

Your FAKE NEWS article was published in May before the dismal April donations report was published and before the dismal May donations report was published.
And I did some background checking on "The Claim" and this was a FLUFF piece, i.e. a bold faced LIE to cover up the fact that Dem Party Donations are at an all time low.

Hey The Left has a right to try to put out misinformation to keep their troops from getting disheartened, but it's not suitable for debate when it's just a piece of propaganda, and it also is deflating when The Party Line doesn't match THE ACTUAL FACTS!

Total Raised
Total Spent Cash on Hand Debts

Democratic Party $1,292,188,200 $1,279,227,681 $34,911,617 $43,171,752
Republican Party $968,828,665 $933,581,443 $53,128,197 $31,322,147
Democratic National Cmte $372,182,925 $368,480,666 $11,788,858 $4,143,971
Republican National Cmte $343,371,200 $323,058,132 $25,328,012 $0
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $220,891,388 $216,358,584 $6,682,244 $14,000,000
National Republican Congressional Cmte $170,601,976 $160,642,785 $11,436,461 $11,150,000
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $179,800,229 $177,414,911 $3,298,818 $20,106,670
National Republican Senatorial Cmte $138,376,518 $133,949,377 $7,132,930 $18,000,000
NOTE: All the numbers on this page are for the 2016 election cycle and based on Federal Election Commission data released on May 18, 2017.

Political Parties Overview | OpenSecrets
NOTE: All the numbers on this page are for the 2016 election cycle

and pertains to donations THIS YEAR in what way?
House Democrats have already raised more money in online contributions this year ahead of the midterms than they did during all of 2015, the most recently comparable year, a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee official told NBC News.
House Dems smash fundraising records ahead of midterms

Your FAKE NEWS article was published in May before the dismal April donations report was published and before the dismal May donations report was published.
And I did some background checking on "The Claim" and this was a FLUFF piece, i.e. a bold faced LIE to cover up the fact that Dem Party Donations are at an all time low.

Hey The Left has a right to try to put out misinformation to keep their troops from getting disheartened, but it's not suitable for debate when it's just a piece of propaganda, and it also is deflating when The Party Line doesn't match THE ACTUAL FACTS!

Total Raised
Total Spent Cash on Hand Debts

Democratic Party $1,292,188,200 $1,279,227,681 $34,911,617 $43,171,752
Republican Party $968,828,665 $933,581,443 $53,128,197 $31,322,147
Democratic National Cmte $372,182,925 $368,480,666 $11,788,858 $4,143,971
Republican National Cmte $343,371,200 $323,058,132 $25,328,012 $0
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $220,891,388 $216,358,584 $6,682,244 $14,000,000
National Republican Congressional Cmte $170,601,976 $160,642,785 $11,436,461 $11,150,000
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $179,800,229 $177,414,911 $3,298,818 $20,106,670
National Republican Senatorial Cmte $138,376,518 $133,949,377 $7,132,930 $18,000,000
NOTE: All the numbers on this page are for the 2016 election cycle and based on Federal Election Commission data released on May 18, 2017.

Political Parties Overview | OpenSecrets
NOTE: All the numbers on this page are for the 2016 election cycle

and pertains to donations THIS YEAR in what way?

based on Federal Election Commission data released on May 18, 2017.
The report you are citing was yes released May of this year, but it is for 2016 donations, numb nuts. So the reports you are showing is indicative of The Dem's Elitist 1% donors trying to buy The Election last year where they spent a record $1.5 Billion just to fall flat on their face.

It also doesn't take in to account SPENDING for 2016, where Trump financed most of his campaign himself, which left a surplus of money for the GOP that is not accounted for that they can use for 2018.

That's called a WIN, WIN, WIN!

Last edited:
House Democrats have already raised more money in online contributions this year ahead of the midterms than they did during all of 2015, the most recently comparable year, a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee official told NBC News.
House Dems smash fundraising records ahead of midterms

Your FAKE NEWS article was published in May before the dismal April donations report was published and before the dismal May donations report was published.
And I did some background checking on "The Claim" and this was a FLUFF piece, i.e. a bold faced LIE to cover up the fact that Dem Party Donations are at an all time low.

Hey The Left has a right to try to put out misinformation to keep their troops from getting disheartened, but it's not suitable for debate when it's just a piece of propaganda, and it also is deflating when The Party Line doesn't match THE ACTUAL FACTS!

Total Raised
Total Spent Cash on Hand Debts

Democratic Party $1,292,188,200 $1,279,227,681 $34,911,617 $43,171,752
Republican Party $968,828,665 $933,581,443 $53,128,197 $31,322,147
Democratic National Cmte $372,182,925 $368,480,666 $11,788,858 $4,143,971
Republican National Cmte $343,371,200 $323,058,132 $25,328,012 $0
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $220,891,388 $216,358,584 $6,682,244 $14,000,000
National Republican Congressional Cmte $170,601,976 $160,642,785 $11,436,461 $11,150,000
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $179,800,229 $177,414,911 $3,298,818 $20,106,670
National Republican Senatorial Cmte $138,376,518 $133,949,377 $7,132,930 $18,000,000
NOTE: All the numbers on this page are for the 2016 election cycle and based on Federal Election Commission data released on May 18, 2017.

Political Parties Overview | OpenSecrets
NOTE: All the numbers on this page are for the 2016 election cycle

and pertains to donations THIS YEAR in what way?

based on Federal Election Commission data released on May 18, 2017.

yes, little girl...

they took all the information from the 2016 election cycle, added it all together, and released it on May 18, 2017.

The information is not from this year!!

I'm a fair guy and willing to do my part. I just called the DNC and left a message that I have a 1958 Edsel I am willing to donate, but it has no motor so they will have to pick it up. No return call yet.

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