Democrat Panic: Biden’s Inner Circle at White House Briefed on Losing Message of ‘Bidenomics’

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
This illegal administration with the Usurper in the oval office is becoming unraveled. The media running a false narrative claiming the economy is good under Biden is in a loosing situation. Now it's damage control time for his inner circle.

From the OP link:
The problem is that people are not feeling good about the economy, despite constant claims from Biden and others that things are going great. No one feels good about the economy and inflation is still a major issue for most Americans.

So cheerleaders like "The Banker" can keep cheering, but people remember what life was like under the Trump economy. So no matter how they cheer for "Bidenomics" we all know that Trump's economy was better.
This illegal administration with the Usurper in the oval office is becoming unraveled. The media running a false narrative claiming the economy is good under Biden is in a loosing situation. Now it's damage control time for his inner circle.

He did what almost every major selling college textbook says will lead to recession and depression.
Plus buying into doddering Bernie Sanders' MMT theory, maybe the stupidest Economics voodoo of my life

Even the Washington Post knows Biden is a fool Economics-wise

Mitch Daniels: Modern Monetary Theory, debunked everywhere except among government big-spenders​

IF you have any background in Economics consider
America’s debt-to-GDP ratio is also on an unsustainable trajectory...As of 2020, it had skyrocketed to 129 percent — exceeding the previous high of 118 percent, set at the end of World War II.

With declining birthrate and all our social welfare paid for by the working for the retired, the disaster is ready to snap

One recession and the GDP ratio will bring on default
The WEF/democrats blame independent content creators and anonymous internet posters as the reason their message is failing. This is why they are moving to ban anonymous posting on the internet and change the internet forever as we know it.

Soon... if you post a complaint about the economy, Democrat fascist will show up at your door. BLM/ Antofa types.

This is how the WEF/democrats plan to fix their messaging problem.

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