Democrat "Lies"


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Over the past 50 years, Democrats have always taken joy in whining about Republican "lies."

Close examination reveals that there are no actual lies at the base of the accusation - they are usually assessments that are questionable, or prove wrong after time, or sometimes the definition of "lie" itself is bent, folded, and mutilated.

But how about this: The Democrats who are screaming about how this new Supreme Court justice would take away women' right to an abortion (I will hold my sarcasm here), all KNOW that there is no Constitutional right to an abortion; they know that the Supreme Court had no power, and HAS no power to create such rights; they know that the only way to create such a right starts IN CONGRESS; and they know that if they really want to champion such a right, they must - at the very minimum - propose a law that describes and creates such a right.

And yet they also KNOW that such a law would have no chance whatsoever of passing, even if Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the White House, because we have had that situation for many congressional sessions since Roe v. Wade and the Democrats have not even tried to legitimately create a "right to abortion." Again, because they know that the American people won't stand for it.

So while it is an inconsequential "lie" when the President claims that more people saw him sworn in than saw Super Bowl whatever, it is a damned serious lie when they tell their constituents that an honest, honorable, qualified, righteous man intends to take away their Constitutional rights. It is bullshit on steroids.

Democrats are worse than used car salespeople. They lie ALL THE TIME. They never stop lying.

Which is why they are always accusing Republicans of being liars.
Members of both parties lie as much as they can possibly get away with in order to push their agenda onto people who don't want it pushed onto them.

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