Democrat "infrastructure" bill


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Democrats want the massive bi-partisan infrastructure deal done quickly as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has said he wants the bill ready to hit the Senate floor by July 19, it has been reported.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has warned President Biden that he faces a 'hell of a fight' over his prized infrastructure bill, describing it as 'wildly inappropriate' and criticizing attempts to pass the plan along party lines.

The corrupt far left extremist Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer knows that the Democrats only have a short period of time to pass their massive looting spree bill that they are calling "infrastructure" because they will probably lose the senate and house in 2022.
Schumer is lying about their "infrastructure", because is is loaded with greedy pork and dirty kick-back deals.
It is a massive waste of the taxpayer's money.
It undermines our democracy.
The American Voters are disgusted by the Democrat Party's hate, racism, violence, greed, lying, corruption and far left extremism.

Dems need to ignore Republican lies about bipartisanship and just pass the legislation they want.
Democrats want the massive bi-partisan infrastructure deal done quickly as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has said he wants the bill ready to hit the Senate floor by July 19, it has been reported.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has warned President Biden that he faces a 'hell of a fight' over his prized infrastructure bill, describing it as 'wildly inappropriate' and criticizing attempts to pass the plan along party lines.

The corrupt far left extremist Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer knows that the Democrats only have a short period of time to pass their massive looting spree bill that they are calling "infrastructure" because they will probably lose the senate and house in 2022.
Schumer is lying about their "infrastructure", because is is loaded with greedy pork and dirty kick-back deals.
It is a massive waste of the taxpayer's money.
It undermines our democracy.
The American Voters are disgusted by the Democrat Party's hate, racism, violence, greed, lying, corruption and far left extremism.

The filthy Democrats lie every time they open their mouths. We knew that the "infrastructure" bill would have very little infrastructure in it just like we knew their Covid Relief bill had very little Covid relief.

The bill is loaded with with shit to cover for Democrat incompetency in running their cities and states in addition to paying off all the greedy despicable Democrat special interest groups.
Less than 25% is for infrastructure and that's what the bill is supposed to be for.

100% of it should be for infrastructure.

Not a good bill at all.
Call it what you want
Infrastructure PLUS

Valuable investments in our future
Dems need to ignore Republican lies about bipartisanship and just pass the legislation they want.

This. Tell Manchin and Sinema to get on board. It's the only hope of saving their political careers.
Manchin needs to get off his bipartisan horse
Republicans will not give him a ride.

Republicans passed bills through reconciliation. Manchin needs to allow Dems to do the same
Democrats want the massive bi-partisan infrastructure deal done quickly as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has said he wants the bill ready to hit the Senate floor by July 19, it has been reported.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has warned President Biden that he faces a 'hell of a fight' over his prized infrastructure bill, describing it as 'wildly inappropriate' and criticizing attempts to pass the plan along party lines.

The corrupt far left extremist Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer knows that the Democrats only have a short period of time to pass their massive looting spree bill that they are calling "infrastructure" because they will probably lose the senate and house in 2022.
Schumer is lying about their "infrastructure", because is is loaded with greedy pork and dirty kick-back deals.
It is a massive waste of the taxpayer's money.
It undermines our democracy.
The American Voters are disgusted by the Democrat Party's hate, racism, violence, greed, lying, corruption and far left extremism.

Where is the INFRASTRUCTURE in Joe's Infrastructure Bill?

Why can't the Democraps EVER do anything straight up honestly what they say they want to do?

When people lie to you to TRICK you into letting them do something else, we call that CROOKED.

Look good to me
Get it done
'cause you don't give a shit about the poor? :dunno:

Taxpayer subsidies for electric vehicles only help the wealthy​

". . .Electric vehicle sales have grown in recent years, and cars such as the Tesla Model 3 have made the market a bit more affordable (though not much) for everyday people. But data show most of those who claim the electric vehicle tax credit earn far more income than the national average. In fact, people with annual incomes of $100,000 or more have claimed nearly 80% of federal electric vehicle tax credits, and about half of all sales take place in California.

Taking a deeper look at the issue means asking ourselves an important question: Should average taxpayers be responsible for subsidizing electric vehicle purchases that overwhelmingly benefit high-income earners?

Also, what about the issue of infrastructure costs for charging electric cars? Last week, Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Andy Levin of Michigan announced a plan to install a national network of charging stations within five years. Levin told Reuters the charging network would be “expensive,” but he believes it will ultimately result in “broad scale adoption of electric vehicles.”

But until manufacturers are able to bring down production costs and the price consumers pay, without the help of generous taxpayer subsidies, widespread electric vehicle adoption may never occur, charging network or not.. . . "
Nope. I'd say loads of it are a waste of our tax dollars. Electric cars?? More green shit that will cost us up the ass.

100% of that bill should be for infrastructure. That would be good for America.
We need an INFRASTRUCTURE BILL. Stop playing party politics, blocking everything that is good for America is not the answer, Democrats must prioritize INFASTRUCTURE. Stop the party over country. Politicians WE PAY YOU TO GET THINGS DONE, no to play games .
Dems need to ignore Republican lies about bipartisanship and just pass the legislation they want.
Republicans and their constituents hold 50% of the Senate seats and they are not allowed a say in things? You Dems sure love a dictatorship.
They have repeatedly been invited to participate and concessions have been offered
No … not participating

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