Delusional Elizabeth Warren tells voters economy not working for them – Most voters disagree

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Can you imagine in the current economic conditions this piece of fecal matter LIES like this?

With three polls showing her in the lead, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., may soon eclipse former Vice President Joe Biden as the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination. That's great news for Republicans, because Warren has a problem: The central message of her campaign is that the economy is working for the very wealthy but it is not working for ordinary Americans. Unfortunately for her, ordinary Americans disagree.

A Marist poll asked voters whether "the economy is working well for you personally." Nearly two-thirds of Americans said yes. This includes large majorities in almost every demographic group.

Sixty-seven percent of college graduates and 64 percent of those without a college education say the economy is working for them. So do 68 percent of whites and 61 percent of nonwhite people.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The Party of INFANTICIDE can be so proud of their political elite!

This is the democrat mantra.

They figure if they tell everyone how shitty their lives are that people will eventually believe them.
This same idiot wants to crash the economy by breaking up companies, high taxes on companies. She wants Medicare for all, the new green deal and all her other crappy campaign promises. Her promises are estimated to cost 48 Trillion which means she wants to crash our country why is ncreasing the debt beyond reason.

Wonder why anyone would vote for someone who does not have your best intrests at heart. High unemployment, high national debt, double your federal tax. Such great campaign promises.
This same idiot wants to crash the economy by breaking up companies, high taxes on companies. She wants Medicare for all, the new green deal and all her other crappy campaign promises. Her promises are estimated to cost 48 Trillion which means she wants to crash our country why is ncreasing the debt beyond reason.

Wonder why anyone would vote for someone who does not have your best intrests at heart. High unemployment, high national debt, double your federal tax. Such great campaign promises.

Medicare for all would cut health care spending by half.
That has been proven by almost every country in the world.
Almost everyone has public health care, it costs less than half as much, and is better quality.

A green deal is just recognizing the reality that oil and gas is in very short supply, and is ruining the climate.
Using less gas and oil saves money, not cost more.
Some things like high speed rail have some up front costs, but are way cheaper in the long run.
Medicare for all would cut health care spending by half.
That has been proven by almost every country in the world.
Almost everyone has public health care, it costs less than half as much, and is better quality.

A green deal is just recognizing the reality that oil and gas is in very short supply, and is ruining the climate.
Using less gas and oil saves money, not cost more.
Some things like high speed rail have some up front costs, but are way cheaper in the long run.
I really love how clueless people keep pretending that other countries healthcare is so great. They always seem to skip a few things like the fact that taxes in those countries are 60% or so instead of the lower taxes in the U.S. or that a surgeon can tell immediately that a person has had replacements in a another country due to such things as hips or knees by the type of material used and how it was done. They also seem to try and miss the fact that some countries are experiencing health care problems.

Funny that every prediction for the last 30 years has not come true. Those that can afford it still have big SUVs houses on the coast that were due to disappear and still travel in private jets all while telling you that you should not use oil and it’s products. Do you see any problems with that? High speed rail? You mean t
like the one in California that went hundreds of million over and was abandoned after not traveling one inch? Exactly how many high speed rail systems do you think we need? How many are going to be crossing the oceans? Or are you thinking we should be using electric planes for ocean crossings.
Yes I am being funny with that last one because I find it hard to take people who spout this stuff seriously.

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