Delta no longer requires a mandate on vaccinations?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

This is what the head of Delta says about why they are no longer requiring a vaccination

"The reason the mandate was put in by president, I believe, was because they wanted to make sure companies had a plan to get their employees vaccinated," Bastian said. "A month before the president came out with the mandate, we had already announced our plan to get all of our people vaccinated. And the good news is the plan is working."

"By the time we're done, we'll be pretty close to fully vaccinated as a company without going through all the divisiveness of a mandate,"

"We're proving that you can work collaboratively with your people, trusting your people to make the right decisions, respecting their decisions and not forcing them over the loss of their jobs,"

"Beginning Nov. 1, unvaccinated employees enrolled in Delta's account-based healthcare plan will be subject to a $200 monthly surcharge. The average hospital stay for COVID-19 has cost Delta $50,000 per person. This surcharge will be necessary to address the financial risk the decision to not vaccinate is creating for our company. In recent weeks since the rise of the B.1.617.2 variant, all Delta employees who have been hospitalized with COVID were not fully vaccinated."

Where to begin?

1. There is no mandate by Biden. I defy anyone to show me any Executive Order or official mandate to say otherwise, so this is a lie. But if there is a mandate by the Federal government, how then can Delta defy it?

2. The truth has come about why corporations are demanding these vaccines. This can be shown by how Delta is requiring it's employees to pay more for medical care, because when they get sick it costs Delta more money. So why then do they not increase the health care of those who smoke, who are promiscuous, who are over weight as well etc.? Is it because the Left only feels as though they can only pick on certain people within society that they know do not support them and never will and wants to leave the rest alone? For example, the Left will cause people to lose their jobs because they do not get the jab, but will make sure welfare recipients will get paid even though they don't get vaxed because they don't want to piss off their base.

3. Why can Delta do this but hospitals and the police can't What makes them different?

The bottom line is, the vaccine is all about short term profits by corporations who provide money for those in government. They care nothing about the long term consequences of the vaccine nor do they care about the small number dying or suffering from it. And they very last thing they care about is the Constitution and our freedoms.
Many companies health care programs do charge smokers more. Just to note, you do not know whether theirs does or not. Where I worked charged it. Heck they completely banned smoking on company property.
Many companies health care programs do charge smokers more. Just to note, you do not know whether theirs does or not. Where I worked charged it. Heck they completely banned smoking on company property.

Fat asses and people who have poor diets and do not exercise and have a family history of certain disease should be charged more as well.

This is what the head of Delta says about why they are no longer requiring a vaccination

"The reason the mandate was put in by president, I believe, was because they wanted to make sure companies had a plan to get their employees vaccinated," Bastian said. "A month before the president came out with the mandate, we had already announced our plan to get all of our people vaccinated. And the good news is the plan is working."

"By the time we're done, we'll be pretty close to fully vaccinated as a company without going through all the divisiveness of a mandate,"

"We're proving that you can work collaboratively with your people, trusting your people to make the right decisions, respecting their decisions and not forcing them over the loss of their jobs,"

"Beginning Nov. 1, unvaccinated employees enrolled in Delta's account-based healthcare plan will be subject to a $200 monthly surcharge. The average hospital stay for COVID-19 has cost Delta $50,000 per person. This surcharge will be necessary to address the financial risk the decision to not vaccinate is creating for our company. In recent weeks since the rise of the B.1.617.2 variant, all Delta employees who have been hospitalized with COVID were not fully vaccinated."

Where to begin?

1. There is no mandate by Biden. I defy anyone to show me any Executive Order or official mandate to say otherwise, so this is a lie. But if there is a mandate by the Federal government, how then can Delta defy it?

2. The truth has come about why corporations are demanding these vaccines. This can be shown by how Delta is requiring it's employees to pay more for medical care, because when they get sick it costs Delta more money. So why then do they not increase the health care of those who smoke, who are promiscuous, who are over weight as well etc.? Is it because the Left only feels as though they can only pick on certain people within society that they know do not support them and never will and wants to leave the rest alone? For example, the Left will cause people to lose their jobs because they do not get the jab, but will make sure welfare recipients will get paid even though they don't get vaxed because they don't want to piss off their base.

3. Why can Delta do this but hospitals and the police can't What makes them different?

The bottom line is, the vaccine is all about short term profits by corporations who provide money for those in government. They care nothing about the long term consequences of the vaccine nor do they care about the small number dying or suffering from it. And they very last thing they care about is the Constitution and our freedoms.

Delta Air Lines CEO ditches ‘divisive’ COVID vaccine mandate; marks 90% employee vaccination rate​

Accommodations will be made for the unvaccinated instead of threatening employment, Ed Bastian says​

The ceo is a republican.
Well on the surface it seems good but they are still forcing employees to get it by charging them 200 dollars on their healthcare plan if they aren't vaccinated.

"Oh we won't force you to get the vaccine, but we will tax the shit out of you until you do what we say".

It's still not letting people freely decide what they want to do because they are financially punishing them for not complying.
Well on the surface it seems good but they are still forcing employees to get it by charging them 200 dollars on their healthcare plan if they aren't vaccinated.

"Oh we won't force you to get the vaccine, but we will tax the shit out of you until you do what we say".

It's still not letting people freely decide what they want to do because they are financially punishing them for not complying.

We can argue whether we agree or not but the company is saying there are financial aspects to your choices and you should be the ones to carry those costs. What is wrong with people bearing the additional costs they choose to make?

Delta Air Lines CEO ditches ‘divisive’ COVID vaccine mandate; marks 90% employee vaccination rate​

Accommodations will be made for the unvaccinated instead of threatening employment, Ed Bastian says​

The ceo is a republican.

What is the actual text of the federal mandate?

Link to it.

This is what the head of Delta says about why they are no longer requiring a vaccination

"The reason the mandate was put in by president, I believe, was because they wanted to make sure companies had a plan to get their employees vaccinated," Bastian said. "A month before the president came out with the mandate, we had already announced our plan to get all of our people vaccinated. And the good news is the plan is working."

"By the time we're done, we'll be pretty close to fully vaccinated as a company without going through all the divisiveness of a mandate,"

"We're proving that you can work collaboratively with your people, trusting your people to make the right decisions, respecting their decisions and not forcing them over the loss of their jobs,"

"Beginning Nov. 1, unvaccinated employees enrolled in Delta's account-based healthcare plan will be subject to a $200 monthly surcharge. The average hospital stay for COVID-19 has cost Delta $50,000 per person. This surcharge will be necessary to address the financial risk the decision to not vaccinate is creating for our company. In recent weeks since the rise of the B.1.617.2 variant, all Delta employees who have been hospitalized with COVID were not fully vaccinated."

Where to begin?

1. There is no mandate by Biden. I defy anyone to show me any Executive Order or official mandate to say otherwise, so this is a lie. But if there is a mandate by the Federal government, how then can Delta defy it?

2. The truth has come about why corporations are demanding these vaccines. This can be shown by how Delta is requiring it's employees to pay more for medical care, because when they get sick it costs Delta more money. So why then do they not increase the health care of those who smoke, who are promiscuous, who are over weight as well etc.? Is it because the Left only feels as though they can only pick on certain people within society that they know do not support them and never will and wants to leave the rest alone? For example, the Left will cause people to lose their jobs because they do not get the jab, but will make sure welfare recipients will get paid even though they don't get vaxed because they don't want to piss off their base.

3. Why can Delta do this but hospitals and the police can't What makes them different?

The bottom line is, the vaccine is all about short term profits by corporations who provide money for those in government. They care nothing about the long term consequences of the vaccine nor do they care about the small number dying or suffering from it. And they very last thing they care about is the Constitution and our freedoms.

I agree save for one point. The numbers dying and injured from and by the COVID vaccines are NOT "small". Give no nod or concession to the enemy of mankind, which you do by falling back on and uttering such phrases of compliance as "small" adverse vaccine effects.
Well on the surface it seems good but they are still forcing employees to get it by charging them 200 dollars on their healthcare plan if they aren't vaccinated.
That is a financial mandate
And they're gonna hop right on up and bah, bah sheep sheep for all future COVID booster shots, largely because POTUS scrotum chin "mandated" them.

They would line up to get a booster every morning and they would wear 10 masks if they were told to.

Total definition of a cult.

Absolute brainwashed sheep. It is so bizarre.
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They would line up to get a booster every morning and they would wear 10 masks in they were told to.

Total definition of a cult.

Absolute brainwashed sheep. It is so bizarre.

You COVID CULT MEMBERS should read this

What defines a destructive cult​

Psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton, defined destructive, totalitarian cults, as having three key metrics:

  • A charismatic, authoritarian leader, who employs
  • Coercive persuasion to gain absolute influence over followers, using
  • Economic, sexual, emotional, physical or financial abuse and harm.
And yes, the definition can extend to radical political groups, multilevel marketing schemes, and self-help seminars. Even your mate who tried to sign you up to Herbalife.

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