Delta and United ditch NRA

I cannot really help that you lack the intelligence to have an adult discussion. But give it a few years and maybe you will grow into it.

Don't flatter yourself. If I had a frontal lobotomy I would still be 10 X 10,000 times smarter than you!

And here folks we have a walking, living example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

No doubt you learned about that on your cellphone looking up research on yourself along with your other forms of cognitive bias. The first sign of concern for your psychiatrist was no doubt your tendency to project your own flaws onto and see within others, a trait very widespread among your community of far left liberals. That's why liberals cheat on everything while accusing the GOP of cheating, that's why liberals steal then see theft among conservatives, that is why liberals support infanticide among millions, then accuse the NRA of being indifferent to school killings, and that is why the Left conspires with Russian nationals on everything from uranium to missile defense, to nuclear treaties to criminal dossiers, then sees collusion with the Trump Administration.

Which of these "far left liberal" positions is so offensive to your fucked up partisan mind?

Just all of you. You paint yourself as "conservative of the year" yet you are quite different reading your posts. Excellent, Hypocrite.
I cannot really help that you lack the intelligence to have an adult discussion. But give it a few years and maybe you will grow into it.

Don't flatter yourself. If I had a frontal lobotomy I would still be 10 X 10,000 times smarter than you!

And here folks we have a walking, living example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

No doubt you learned about that on your cellphone looking up research on yourself along with your other forms of cognitive bias. The first sign of concern for your psychiatrist was no doubt your tendency to project your own flaws onto and see within others, a trait very widespread among your community of far left liberals. That's why liberals cheat on everything while accusing the GOP of cheating, that's why liberals steal then see theft among conservatives, that is why liberals support infanticide among millions, then accuse the NRA of being indifferent to school killings, and that is why the Left conspires with Russian nationals on everything from uranium to missile defense, to nuclear treaties to criminal dossiers, then sees collusion with the Trump Administration.

Which of these "far left liberal" positions is so offensive to your fucked up partisan mind?

Just all of you. You paint yourself as "conservative of the year" yet you are quite different reading your posts. Excellent, Hypocrite.

HA! shows how much attention you pay to anything I post. I despise the label "conservative" every bit as much as "liberal". I am a small government, more personal freedoms kind of guy so neither of those labels fit me.

You have the same problem as all the other brainless Trump zealots. You assume because I am not kissing the ass of Trump on a hourly basis like you all do that I must be a liberal. You do this because you lack the basic intelligence to grasp even the very concept of someone being outside of your two label world.

You are just one more mindless zealot, no different than all the rest from both sides.
Many brands that offered discounts to NRA members are dumping the gun group after its furious response to the Florida mass shooting.

After initially defending discounts for NRA members traveling to Dallas in May for the group’s annual convention, both Delta and United announced plans to end their respective relationships with the NRA Saturday.

Companies Dumping NRA

Great news! Hope many more will follow.

You’re one proud little Nazi aren’t you? Going after and bullying groups that have nothing to do with mass killings. In fact quite the opposite as they encourage citizens to defend themselves against nutjobs and terrorists.

The companies are making free market, capitalistic decisions.

If you don’t like it, don’t patronize them.
The NRA needs to get out of politics and return to its original mission of firearm training and safety and shooting sports journalism.

There is no money in that. Politics is where the money is. And like any other business, the NRA cares about money over all else.
HA! shows how much attention you pay to anything I post. I despise the label "conservative".

Wha-- huh? Are you posting something again? Oh yeah----- you give a who's-who run-down list of hard-core quintessential conservative values you say you stand for, then say you despise the label conservative. Go back to what you do best------ playing golf all day long down there in Boca Raton.
HA! shows how much attention you pay to anything I post. I despise the label "conservative".

Wha-- huh? Are you posting something again? Oh yeah----- you give a who's-who run-down list of hard-core quintessential conservative values you say you stand for, then say you despise the label conservative. Go back to what you do best------ playing golf all day long down there in Boca Raton.

Today's conservatives stand for neither smaller government nor more personal freedoms. Thus I do despise the label.

I am getting ready to head out to the driving range, but no where near Florida. And you go back to doing what you do best, kiss Trump's ass and wait for the next talking points Email so you will know what to post about.
Today's conservatives stand for neither smaller government nor more personal freedoms.

Better check your facts: I'm a conservative and I stand for having the government our Founders envisioned: the Fed was to protect the borders, national security, military, foreign matters and those few other things not reserved by the states, while the individual enjoys the personal liberties as intended in the Bill of Rights. I don't know who you are thinking of, maybe you confuse many republicans in the GOP with being conservatives? The Democrats are pure Socialists and much of the GOP today is DNC-Lite. This country has been driven so far left that these days just coming back to the center is consider being a NeoCon Nazi. Now go play your golf.
Today's conservatives stand for neither smaller government nor more personal freedoms.

Better check your facts: I'm a conservative and I stand for having the government our Founders envisioned: the Fed was to protect the borders, national security, military, foreign matters and those few other things not reserved by the states, while the individual enjoys the personal liberties as intended in the Bill of Rights. I don't know who you are thinking of, maybe you confuse many republicans in the GOP with being conservatives? The Democrats are pure Socialists and much of the GOP today is DNC-Lite. This country has been driven so far left that these days just coming back to the center is consider being a NeoCon Nazi. Now go play your golf.

Anyone that supports Trump does not stand for having the government our Founders envisioned, it is pretty much that simple.
toobfreak et al are in a very small minority within the conservative umbrella. Far too many say the are for 'smaller government, lesser taxes, and blanced budgets,' yet bust the budget for their pet projects.

toob, I will take you at your word. But, flatly, old son, you have no idea what are "Socialists" or "DNC-lite" or a "NeoCon Nazi."

You are just spilling venom because you are pissed.
Today's conservatives stand for neither smaller government nor more personal freedoms.

Better check your facts: I'm a conservative and I stand for having the government our Founders envisioned: the Fed was to protect the borders, national security, military, foreign matters and those few other things not reserved by the states, while the individual enjoys the personal liberties as intended in the Bill of Rights. I don't know who you are thinking of, maybe you confuse many republicans in the GOP with being conservatives? The Democrats are pure Socialists and much of the GOP today is DNC-Lite. This country has been driven so far left that these days just coming back to the center is consider being a NeoCon Nazi. Now go play your golf.

Anyone that supports Trump does not stand for having the government our Founders envisioned, it is pretty much that simple.

Maybe, maybe not, but he was a long sight more in the right direction than putting Hillary in office to continue Obama's policies and her campaign of personal corruption. And if you didn't vote for Trump, you might as well ,voted for Hillary. Now go tee off.
Neither Clinton nor Trump should have been President.

The other candidates were far more qualified than those two jerks.
... And if you didn't vote for Trump, you might as well ,voted for Hillary. Now go tee off.

This is the lie that the two parties have been brainwashing everyone with for decades and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy...

A third party cannot win because nobody will vote for them...nobody will vote for a third party because they cannot win..A third party cannot win because nobody will vote for them...nobody will vote for a third party because they cannot win..A third party cannot win because nobody will vote for them...nobody will vote for a third party because they cannot win..A third party cannot win because nobody will vote for them...nobody will vote for a third party because they cannot win..A third party cannot win because nobody will vote for them...nobody will vote for a third party because they cannot win..A third party cannot win because nobody will vote for them...nobody will vote for a third party because they cannot win..

It is an endless cycle that ensures it is true. I once was a slave to the two parties, but have not been since 1996 and never will be again. I live in a state that Hillary won by more than 15%, so my vote was no less effective than the 2 million plus people that voted for Trump. And at least I did not have to sell my soul to the devil and I could look at myself in the mirror.
... And if you didn't vote for Trump, you might as well ,voted for Hillary. Now go tee off.

This is the lie that the two parties have been brainwashing everyone with for decades and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy...

A third party cannot win because nobody will vote for them...

What third party had a chance of winning here? Jill Stein? The only third party able to win here was the Trump Party, smart enough to go in under the guise of being a mainstream candidate while we all know he was a populist. Essentially conservative where it counts but liberal enough on some issues to have broader appeal, he WAS that third party choice everyone wanted, who worked within the two party system so that he had a real chance. Look out for those sand traps.
... And if you didn't vote for Trump, you might as well ,voted for Hillary. Now go tee off.

This is the lie that the two parties have been brainwashing everyone with for decades and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy...

A third party cannot win because nobody will vote for them...

What third party had a chance of winning here? Jill Stein? The only third party able to win here was the Trump Party, smart enough to go in under the guise of being a mainstream candidate while we all know he was a populist. Essentially conservative where it counts but liberal enough on some issues to have broader appeal, he WAS that third party choice everyone wanted, who worked within the two party system so that he had a real chance. Look out for those sand traps.

"Essentially conservative where it counts"...and where is that? it is not fiscally that is for sure, and that is where it should count the most. But it never does, all that ever matters to voters on the right is the social issues, the very thing you all need to keep your noses out of

No sandtraps on the driving range.
It's hard to get Trump out of office, but it will happen, imo, before the New Year.

It would have been almost impossible to get Clinton out of office.

Both parties have to do better in 2020.
... And if you didn't vote for Trump, you might as well ,voted for Hillary. Now go tee off.

This is the lie that the two parties have been brainwashing everyone with for decades and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy...

A third party cannot win because nobody will vote for them...

What third party had a chance of winning here? Jill Stein? The only third party able to win here was the Trump Party, smart enough to go in under the guise of being a mainstream candidate while we all know he was a populist. Essentially conservative where it counts but liberal enough on some issues to have broader appeal, he WAS that third party choice everyone wanted, who worked within the two party system so that he had a real chance. Look out for those sand traps.

"Essentially conservative where it counts"...and where is that?

Please don't waste my time. First thing he did was put Gorsuch in the SC which changed the balance of power in 1/3rd of our government. And he has been lowering taxes and cutting regulations ever since. No democrat would do any of that. You know as well as I do that the president doesn't control the budget or spending, CONGRESS DOES, and like I already said, half the GOP isn't all that conservative and the other half is afraid of the fallout over cutting funding and entitlements! NO ONE is willing to give up the fatted cow they've come to depend on and if the GOP slashed spending in some area tomorrow, and they already have in several, you'd be one of the first to decry it. Now go wash your balls.
Please don't waste my time. First thing he did was put Gorsuch in the SC which changed the balance of power in 1/3rd of our government. And he has been lowering taxes and cutting regulations ever since. No democrat would do any of that. You know as well as I do that the president doesn't control the budget or spending, CONGRESS DOES, and like I already said, half the GOP isn't all that conservative and the other half is afraid of the fallout over cutting funding and entitlements! NO ONE is willing to give up the fatted cow they've come to depend on and if the GOP slashed spending in some area tomorrow, and they already have in several, you'd be one of the first to decry it. Now go wash your balls.

The President submits a budget, and his was bigger than last years.

Now go wash your balls.

you mean you are not going to do that for me did so well last time.
Please don't waste my time. First thing he did was put Gorsuch in the SC which changed the balance of power in 1/3rd of our government. And he has been lowering taxes and cutting regulations ever since. No democrat would do any of that. You know as well as I do that the president doesn't control the budget or spending, CONGRESS DOES, and like I already said, half the GOP isn't all that conservative and the other half is afraid of the fallout over cutting funding and entitlements! NO ONE is willing to give up the fatted cow they've come to depend on and if the GOP slashed spending in some area tomorrow, and they already have in several, you'd be one of the first to decry it. Now go wash your balls.

The President submits a budget, and his was bigger than last years.

Now go wash your balls.

you mean you are not going to do that for me did so well last time.

Hey, you had the shortest golf game in history there! Back already? You must gave a problem with premature golfing or just have a very short putter. Take two Trumps and call me in the morning . . .

Trump: Making America Great Again, One Day At A Time.

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