Defining Conservatism

If Sweden has handled the pandemic in a good or bad way? We’ll know next summer. My guess it’s somewhere in the middle, globally.
I think you're right; the Northern Hemisphere will likely see a second wave next winter and spring, so we will all have to wait 12 months (or more) to judge the pandemic's worst damage.

Some estimates indicate 30% of those living in the US will refuse to take a Covid vaccine; how does that compare with Sweden?
They were giving ex-military gear to police departments back in the 1990s under Bill Clinton.
Back when Trump was a Democrat Bill Clinton thought he could beat Republicans at being "tough on crime" and we are still paying the price:

How the 1994 Crime Bill Fed the Mass Incarceration Crisis

"The right way to view the (Clinton) 1994 crime bill is as the moment when both parties, at a national level, fully embraced the policies and political posturing that exacerbated the mass incarceration crisis we are trying to fix today.

"In 2019 and beyond, the best course of action for politicians who want to promote a smart justice-oriented vision for America is to disavow the 1994 crime bill and instead support a 50% cut in incarceration rates on the federal and state levels.

"Those running for federal office should pledge to use their power to close prisons once in office.

"That would be the best way to counteract the effects of the 1994 crime bill and prove that you don’t believe in the discredited tough-on-crime policies of the past."

so, even though bill clinton, the democrat president did it, it is still the republicans fault?

got it. you are just bat shit crazy.
If Sweden has handled the pandemic in a good or bad way? We’ll know next summer. My guess it’s somewhere in the middle, globally.
I think you're right; the Northern Hemisphere will likely see a second wave next winter and spring, so we will all have to wait 12 months (or more) to judge the pandemic's worst damage.

Some estimates indicate 30% of those living in the US will refuse to take a Covid vaccine; how does that compare with Sweden?

Doesn't matter. Sweden's case rate is going down..... and they don't have a vaccine.

So apparently a vaccine isn't even important to this discussion.
so, even though bill clinton, the democrat president did it, it is still the republicans fault?
You either have a serious reading comprehension problem or you're a very amateurish troll. Democrats and Republicans joined forces to outsource millions of middle class jobs over the last five decades.

Republicans and Democrats resorted to filling prisons with large numbers of "disposable people" with little chance of finding living wage jobs.

To make this simple enough for you to grasp, Democrats and Republicans are at fault for the US prison population.

Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia
so, even though bill clinton, the democrat president did it, it is still the republicans fault?
You either have a serious reading comprehension problem or you're a very amateurish troll. Democrats and Republicans joined forces to outsource millions of middle class jobs over the last five decades.

Republicans and Democrats resorted to filling prisons with large numbers of "disposable people" with little chance of finding living wage jobs.

sorry, just shocked that you were not a partisan hack for a moment. i mean, you are still a communists hack, but you do seem to be able to criticize the dems, at least sometimes.


the prison population is a result of the breakdown of the family. the lack of good jobs, is a result of free trade and high levels of immigration.

i fully support policy reversals on all three of those.

you probably do not.

because, communist.
" Wikipedia is not a reliable source. Wikipedia can be edited by anyone at any time. This means that any information it contains at any particular time could be vandalism, a work in progress, or just plain wrong....
Your link:

"Wikipedia generally uses reliable secondary sources, which vet data from primary sources. If the information on another Wikipedia page (which you want to cite as the source) has a primary or secondary source, you should be able to cite that primary or secondary source and eliminate the middleman (or 'middle-page' in this case)."

Wikipedia isn't perfect but compared to the credibility of Trump and many other politicians it's far more reliable.

If you find any Wiki claim that isn't accurate in any of my posts, feel free to point it out.
so, even though bill clinton, the democrat president did it, it is still the republicans fault?
You either have a serious reading comprehension problem or you're a very amateurish troll. Democrats and Republicans joined forces to outsource millions of middle class jobs over the last five decades.

Republicans and Democrats resorted to filling prisons with large numbers of "disposable people" with little chance of finding living wage jobs.

To make this simple enough for you to grasp, Democrats and Republicans are at fault for the US prison population.

Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia

No evidence whatsoever that people are just tossing random unwanted into prison.

The people that are in prison, are there because they committed crimes.

What do you think we should do with criminals? Give them flowers, and put the back on the street? Are you yourself going to live in that type of neighborhood? No. So hypocrite?
Conservatism is dead thanks to Trump. Liberals should be happy

How can conseratism be dead? It's ideology. If one person still believes it, and you are talking to one, then it isn't dead.

Point taken. Let’s just say it’s not as popular amongst republicans as it once was.

I don't think it was ever super popular among Republicans. When was that? It wasn't Popular when Reagan was president. There were many Republicans that thought he was utterly wrong. He was later proven right, but still Bush Sr didn't believe in the conservative view that Reagan did.
" Wikipedia is not a reliable source. Wikipedia can be edited by anyone at any time. This means that any information it contains at any particular time could be vandalism, a work in progress, or just plain wrong....
Your link:

"Wikipedia generally uses reliable secondary sources, which vet data from primary sources. If the information on another Wikipedia page (which you want to cite as the source) has a primary or secondary source, you should be able to cite that primary or secondary source and eliminate the middleman (or 'middle-page' in this case)."

Wikipedia isn't perfect but compared to the credibility of Trump and many other politicians it's far more reliable.

If you find any Wiki claim that isn't accurate in any of my posts, feel free to point it out.

nah, I’ll just prefer to laugh at your gullible stupidity.
so, even though bill clinton, the democrat president did it, it is still the republicans fault?
You either have a serious reading comprehension problem or you're a very amateurish troll. Democrats and Republicans joined forces to outsource millions of middle class jobs over the last five decades.

Republicans and Democrats resorted to filling prisons with large numbers of "disposable people" with little chance of finding living wage jobs.

To make this simple enough for you to grasp, Democrats and Republicans are at fault for the US prison population.

Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia

No evidence whatsoever that people are just tossing random unwanted into prison.

The people that are in prison, are there because they committed crimes.

What do you think we should do with criminals? Give them flowers, and put the back on the street? Are you yourself going to live in that type of neighborhood? No. So hypocrite?

george knows that. he is just saying shit, because he is a commie.

normally i would say he is lying because he is a commie, but he didn't really make a point in that post. other than

"merica bad!!!"
If Sweden has handled the pandemic in a good or bad way? We’ll know next summer. My guess it’s somewhere in the middle, globally.
I think you're right; the Northern Hemisphere will likely see a second wave next winter and spring, so we will all have to wait 12 months (or more) to judge the pandemic's worst damage.

Some estimates indicate 30% of those living in the US will refuse to take a Covid vaccine; how does that compare with Sweden?
I really don’t know, but perhaps we will have to adapt and live with this virus for a very long time. I

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