Defaulting on Student Loans


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

This is a prime example of just a terrible precedent set. This lady from my state mind you, did not budget appropriately so she defaulted on her loans. That to me is not a pity moment but a teaching experience of don't take on more debt than you are able to handle. Period. End of story. What is interesting is that most universities lean far left but they have zero issue taking money from minorities and telling the Gov't its your problem not ours. Universities and NOT the tax payers should be responsible for this. If Brandeis University for example charges $150k for a degree in history and the graduate (who took out loans) doesn't have the means to earn sufficient monies to repay the debt then Brandeis should be partially responsible. Maybe universities should publish average salaries of graduates and then publish how much they need to grow to repay debt obligations? A repayment calculator?

This is a major issue and no one is holding universities responsible? Why?! Why must taxpayers be forced to cover this shortfall. Many prominent politicians mentioned. Such as Ilhan Omar, who I guess has a lot of student loan debt to repay. Maybe go into business, get a 2nd job, etc. Don't go into Gov't. Your debt, your responsibility. Not mine!

That is why they made bankruptcy courts for when people can't pay their bills. If a rich man can write off his loans so can a student.
Hey Chuckles. Fed debt can never be forgiven in bankruptcy. You think they are as dumb as you?
Myth Busted: Turns Out Bankruptcy Can Wipe Out Student Loan Debt After All
The gov't has no business at all getting involved with student loans, and it should GTFO of that mess. Same with mortgages, IMHO. No gov't backing at all, at least by the federal gov't. State and cities/counties can do whatever they want cuz they answer to their voters.
That is why they made bankruptcy courts for when people can't pay their bills. If a rich man can write off his loans so can a student.
Student loans are not eligible. I would actually be OK with that as it messes up your credit for ~10 yrs.
Eh, it doesn't mess it up any worse than not filing bankruptcy, it never did stop Trump.
The gov't has no business at all getting involved with student loans, and it should GTFO of that mess. Same with mortgages, IMHO. No gov't backing at all, at least by the federal gov't. State and cities/counties can do whatever they want cuz they answer to their voters.

I'm all good with that as long as we stop all sorts of bailouts. From direct bailouts to pumping by the Fed. When do you suppose that will happen?

If a "businessman" isn't disqualified from office for having filed for bankruptcy I don't see what she did here as relevant.
That is why they made bankruptcy courts for when people can't pay their bills. If a rich man can write off his loans so can a student.
Is that legislated or done by individuals or corporations? That’s no affair for congress! Every citizen has a right to file. Are you really that uneducated?
The gov't has no business at all getting involved with student loans, and it should GTFO of that mess. Same with mortgages, IMHO. No gov't backing at all, at least by the federal gov't. State and cities/counties can do whatever they want cuz they answer to their voters.

I'm all good with that as long as we stop all sorts of bailouts. From direct bailouts to pumping by the Fed. When do you suppose that will happen?

If a "businessman" isn't disqualified from office for having filed for bankruptcy I don't see what she did here as relevant.
Why is government needed? Explain
That is why they made bankruptcy courts for when people can't pay their bills. If a rich man can write off his loans so can a student.
Is that legislated or done by individuals or corporations? That’s no affair for congress! Every citizen has a right to file. Are you really that uneducated?
In the United States, bankruptcy is governed by federal law, commonly referred to as the "Bankruptcy Code" ("Code"). The United States Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4) authorizes Congress to enact "uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States".
That is why they made bankruptcy courts for when people can't pay their bills. If a rich man can write off his loans so can a student.
Hey Chuckles. Fed debt can never be forgiven in bankruptcy. You think they are as dumb as you?
Myth Busted: Turns Out Bankruptcy Can Wipe Out Student Loan Debt After All
Your link:

One study he did found that they got help through bankruptcy about 40% of the time. And he says more recent data from this past year show that figure rising to more than 50% of the time.

And you have to prove undue hardship and pay more in attorney fees...
The gov't has no business at all getting involved with student loans, and it should GTFO of that mess. Same with mortgages, IMHO. No gov't backing at all, at least by the federal gov't. State and cities/counties can do whatever they want cuz they answer to their voters.

I'm all good with that as long as we stop all sorts of bailouts. From direct bailouts to pumping by the Fed. When do you suppose that will happen?

If a "businessman" isn't disqualified from office for having filed for bankruptcy I don't see what she did here as relevant.
Why is government needed? Explain

My question was not addressed. I don't reply to questions when mine was not addressed.
That is why they made bankruptcy courts for when people can't pay their bills. If a rich man can write off his loans so can a student.
Hey Chuckles. Fed debt can never be forgiven in bankruptcy. You think they are as dumb as you?
Myth Busted: Turns Out Bankruptcy Can Wipe Out Student Loan Debt After All
Your link:

One study he did found that they got help through bankruptcy about 40% of the time. And he says more recent data from this past year show that figure rising to more than 50% of the time.

And you have to prove undue hardship and pay more in attorney fees...
Yet, there it is...
That is why they made bankruptcy courts for when people can't pay their bills. If a rich man can write off his loans so can a student.
Student loans can't be written off.

This is a prime example of just a terrible precedent set. This lady from my state mind you, did not budget appropriately so she defaulted on her loans. That to me is not a pity moment but a teaching experience of don't take on more debt than you are able to handle. Period. End of story. What is interesting is that most universities lean far left but they have zero issue taking money from minorities and telling the Gov't its your problem not ours. Universities and NOT the tax payers should be responsible for this. If Brandeis University for example charges $150k for a degree in history and the graduate (who took out loans) doesn't have the means to earn sufficient monies to repay the debt then Brandeis should be partially responsible. Maybe universities should publish average salaries of graduates and then publish how much they need to grow to repay debt obligations? A repayment calculator?

This is a major issue and no one is holding universities responsible? Why?! Why must taxpayers be forced to cover this shortfall. Many prominent politicians mentioned. Such as Ilhan Omar, who I guess has a lot of student loan debt to repay. Maybe go into business, get a 2nd job, etc. Don't go into Gov't. Your debt, your responsibility. Not mine!

View attachment 460371

Unbelievable she says " We know that Black and Brown students are five times more likely to default for those loans, than our white counterparts." Is that supposed to be a compliment, slight on races, an excuse and/or just another race card? Rings whites are more responsible lady, perhaps you shouldn't treat blacks and such as though they're lessor humans?

No mention of Asians, weird.

Her mother was a Chicago community organizer, ring a bell? Her father a drug addict, which in PROG it's because he's black. He made good and became a teacher. I guess he told PROG-think to get fucked, am I right? Probably still a Democrat, some people just don't get it, and blacks love me some Democrat.

The bitch attended a private school & was cheerleader too, now she's selling two victim cards because she's black and has student debt too. I can see where this is going.

She was a model for planned parenthood, told you I knew where this was going. :abgg2q.jpg: Did some voice over too.

As a Senior she was voted the "most likely to be mayor of Chicago". Yeah this fucking bitch demonstrates all kinds of the underprivileged, I hate her already.

And of course ah fuck, she attended BOSTON UNIVERSITY for her general studies, fucking knew it. So first she demonstrates she's privy and because of her high privy desires she "needed" a big ass expensive university for her general studies, and now she wants you to pay for her privilege's because she's flashed a two carded victim role. She has needs such as the best smartphone you can buy and you have to pay for it.

Get fucked Ayanna Pressley You fucking PROGS support that shit, shame on you.
That is why they made bankruptcy courts for when people can't pay their bills. If a rich man can write off his loans so can a student.
Student loans can't be written off.
That's good to know. Thanks.

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