Deer Hunting Season Is Coming Up Soon...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
... and for all those who have never had the opportunity to here "Bananas At Large" sing, "Da Turdy Point Buck," here ya go. This is on practically every juke box in Wisconsin during deer season...

[ame=]YouTube - Da Turdy Point Buck[/ame]
o cool so a bunch of guys with inferiority complexes can chase around animals that would normally kill them but since they have high powered rifles with scopes they can kill them from afar and then hang their heads on their walls to make up for their otherwise lack of achievement
o cool so a bunch of guys with inferiority complexes can chase around animals that would normally kill them but since they have high powered rifles with scopes they can kill them from afar and then hang their heads on their walls to make up for their otherwise lack of achievement

o cool so a bunch of guys with inferiority complexes can chase around animals that would normally kill them but since they have high powered rifles with scopes they can kill them from afar and then hang their heads on their walls to make up for their otherwise lack of achievement

You obviously are not aware that hunting PAYS for animal management in every State. That controlled hunting prevents animals from over populating their habitats and wiping out the species. Dumb ass.
o cool so a bunch of guys with inferiority complexes can chase around animals that would normally kill them but since they have high powered rifles with scopes they can kill them from afar and then hang their heads on their walls to make up for their otherwise lack of achievement

Whilst I agree with you if you are referring to trophy hunting, it never ceases to amaze me how insulated some people are to the harsh realities of the relationship between man and beast.

I hunt small game (rabbits and wood pigeons) with a .22 air rifle and have taken a Deer in France. One of my cousins is an animal rights nuisance, and vehemently opposes hunting. My response to her?

Where on earth do you think your meat comes from. Trees?
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I should have known some little bleeding heart, tree hugger, liberal sissie would turn this into a debate on whether or not people should be allowed to hunt. It was supposed to just be about a funny song.

But if the deer herd in Wisconsin wasn't culled yearly, the deer would over run the state. Crop damage would be catastrophic, deer-vehicle accidents would sky rocket, and people would bitch like crazy about all the deer and demand the DNR do something about it. Well, what pray tell, do they think that would be? Shoot them for crying out loud.
I don't hunt and never would, but I have absolutely no problem with people who long as they know what they are doing and don't shoot me by accident.
yea I totally posted that just to see people go crazy about it. its the same thing down here with alligators, watch the new show swamp people to see about it
yea I totally posted that just to see people go crazy about it. its the same thing down here with alligators, watch the new show swamp people to see about it

Alligators are great! In handbag and shoe form......
I prefer my alligator skin covering the steering wheel. Chicks dig it. Although they aren't too enthusiastic about the baby Panda paws dangling from the rear-view mirror.
Yep- DH is patiently awaiting hunting season.:) And so am I- it gives me some alone time, and gives me the opportunity to get my hands bloody while butchering and packaging.;)
I'm trying to recall a few years back.....wasn't it in Wisconsin that some Vietnamese dude actually did shoot up some deer hunters after they "threatened" him?

***opens Google Search "Vietnamese Deer Hunter Bags Cheeseheads"****

YEAH here it is, back in '05:

Trial opens in case of Wisconsin hunter killings

HAYWARD, Wis. (AP) — A deer hunter went on a rampage last fall, killing six hunters and wounding two others, after he felt insulted, a prosecutor told jurors Saturday. The defense said Chai Soua Vang felt physically threatened by a group of white hunters who tormented him with racial slurs

Damn, be careful about callin any slants, "fuckin' gooks" while you're out in the woods there, Pale.
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There is no shortage of deer on our farm here in northwestern Illinois. They do alot of damage to our corn every year - in excess of $2,000.00 easy. Because I am a landowner, and pay the taxes on the farm, I get four deer tags from the state every year for free. The wife also gets four deer tags from the state for free too. So, we harvest 8 deer a year from the farm. I love venison and will usually put a whole deer in the freezer and then we give the other seven away to various friends who like it but don't hunt. I've got my eye on a couple of nice bucks that I've been seeing a lot of here of late. You can get a deer here on our farm in about 20 minutes or less on most days. About those racks... While it is nice to get one with a big rack, so far I haven't found a really good recipe for cooking these racks up so it makes no real difference to me if it is a buck or a doe. Whichever deer happens along has the bad day. Sometimes it's a buck, sometimes it a doe.
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o cool so a bunch of guys with inferiority complexes can chase around animals that would normally kill them but since they have high powered rifles with scopes they can kill them from afar and then hang their heads on their walls to make up for their otherwise lack of achievement

Admittedly, there are some hunters who are solely headhunters, but the predatory instinct to kill for food is ingrained in us from waaaaay back. The difference in those who kill for food as opposed to those who buy at the grocery store, is that hunters are more honest with themselves about what it means to live and die, and they are willing to do the dirty work themselves, rather than pay someone else while they close their eyes.

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