Deaths of 2 Texas toddlers left in hot car ruled homicides! What about Dogs? So unfair!

What do liberals gotta do with this? I did not read about it being a one party only parking lot BBQ bake off.

Btw. Can you answer post #27?
There are 33,000 liberal babies executed every month and you libfucks don't give a shit about it. Then when 2 children die in a hot car, you start bitching that dogs left in a car is just as bad. So babies bad, dogs good, right? I used to be against abortion on demand, but after seeing you liberals and how fucked up in the brain you are, I am glad Darwin has given you guys the reward.

there are no babies being executed, you insane twit.
Abortion Clinic Workers Admit Babies Who Survive Abortions are Killed Outside the Womb |
In the Stanford Law & Policy Review, several abortionists revealed the shocking way that they handled late-term abortions. While performing late-term abortions during the 1990s, they resorted to extreme measures to confirm that the baby was killed while still in the womb, Sarah Terzo with Live Action News reported.
Their remark about the “unsettling” experience of seeing an aborted baby born alive raises the question of how frequently infants survive abortions. There are countless narratives by abortion clinic workers and mothers testifying to the horrors that occur when a child is born alive.
It is ignorant fucks like you that have 33,000 liberal babies executed in or out of the womb, which is why your side is losing the political battle, because your voters are decreasing(which is why Obummber had to import illegal voters). Go ahead kill the baby, kill each other in the inner cites, keep reducing your voter base, and that drives moderates more to the right. Pretty soon the world will be a better place as all liberals will be dead, for liberalism is self destruction, as seen by my examples.
Articles: Why Don't Liberals Care About Black-on-Black Killing?

Oh yeah, save the animals, because to you liberals dogs and cats are better than babies.

again, moron... no babies are executed.

a) you're off topic and no one cares about your radical religious right propaganda.

b) you're not smart enough to tie your own shoes much less tell other people what decisions to make with their loved ones and doctors.

now kindly confine your BS to the appropriate threads.

So it is okay for you fucks to tell US that we HAVE to buy health insurance, but it isn't okay to tell some people not to execute their babies? You are hypocritical morons to the Nth degree. Go ahead keep on killing your future voters, I don't give a rats ass about your unborn children anymore, because since you don't love them, you want to destroy them, I understand that, and when you don't have any liberal voters left , you side will go away, and the world will be a better place. Thank God, that you liberals are so stupid....

View attachment 142569

I always know I kick rightwingnut loons' butts when they start posting imbecilic memes/.

again, stick to your own threads.... leave everyone else are entitled to your own beliefs... not to mine.

now piss off little loon.
Homocide... Homo means man. Dogs aren't men.

Such a WEAK point. Did I say anything about the kiddies were not human?
I never addressed them. The story said they are dead. They are investigating it.
They may or may not go to trial. TBD later. So I was thinking about all the dogs that
go this way.

BTW.. It was a White Women, not a black one.
Cynthia Marie Randolph smoked marijuana and took a nap while her children were locked in her car Police handout

NOTE: I don't know if these are the facts! But Manslaughter is not murder. By our Laws, is it now? The medical examiner determined to be murder
but waiting for charges. If the story ever comes to light again.
I was addressing the "dog" aspect of your inane diatribe; to which the race of the women in the story has fuck all to do with...

Seems like this mom made a bad choice leaving them in the car.
Someone needs to prove this was a premeditated action. As this is in the texAss
courtroom of texAss injustice of American values. They should be able to make
murder charges stick if charged that way. TBD>
Of course she could always use the Ted Kennedy Defense and get off and become a liberal senator.
Ted Kennedy: The Senator of Sleaze who was a drunk sexual bully... and left a young woman to die | Daily Mail Online
A drunk Ted had been driving back from a party to the family 'compound' on Martha's Vineyard when he veered off a bridge and into a deep tidal dyke.
Mary Jo Kopechne was killed after Ted Kennedy drove his car off a bridge with her inside"
Mary Jo was in the back seat and, while he claimed he was just giving her a lift back to her hotel, it was widely thought that he had picked her up for sex. Kennedy swam ashore to save himself, but left Mary Jo to drown - in fact, it was even worse than that.

What does Ted or abortions have to do with anything?
Seems the thread is about babies. And anti-dog lovers.

btw. Can you answer post #27?

You realize that post #27 is by VASTATOR, don't you?
There are 33,000 liberal babies executed every month and you libfucks don't give a shit about it. Then when 2 children die in a hot car, you start bitching that dogs left in a car is just as bad. So babies bad, dogs good, right? I used to be against abortion on demand, but after seeing you liberals and how fucked up in the brain you are, I am glad Darwin has given you guys the reward.

there are no babies being executed, you insane twit.
Abortion Clinic Workers Admit Babies Who Survive Abortions are Killed Outside the Womb |
In the Stanford Law & Policy Review, several abortionists revealed the shocking way that they handled late-term abortions. While performing late-term abortions during the 1990s, they resorted to extreme measures to confirm that the baby was killed while still in the womb, Sarah Terzo with Live Action News reported.
Their remark about the “unsettling” experience of seeing an aborted baby born alive raises the question of how frequently infants survive abortions. There are countless narratives by abortion clinic workers and mothers testifying to the horrors that occur when a child is born alive.
It is ignorant fucks like you that have 33,000 liberal babies executed in or out of the womb, which is why your side is losing the political battle, because your voters are decreasing(which is why Obummber had to import illegal voters). Go ahead kill the baby, kill each other in the inner cites, keep reducing your voter base, and that drives moderates more to the right. Pretty soon the world will be a better place as all liberals will be dead, for liberalism is self destruction, as seen by my examples.
Articles: Why Don't Liberals Care About Black-on-Black Killing?

Oh yeah, save the animals, because to you liberals dogs and cats are better than babies.

again, moron... no babies are executed.

a) you're off topic and no one cares about your radical religious right propaganda.

b) you're not smart enough to tie your own shoes much less tell other people what decisions to make with their loved ones and doctors.

now kindly confine your BS to the appropriate threads.

So it is okay for you fucks to tell US that we HAVE to buy health insurance, but it isn't okay to tell some people not to execute their babies? You are hypocritical morons to the Nth degree. Go ahead keep on killing your future voters, I don't give a rats ass about your unborn children anymore, because since you don't love them, you want to destroy them, I understand that, and when you don't have any liberal voters left , you side will go away, and the world will be a better place. Thank God, that you liberals are so stupid....

View attachment 142569

I always know I kick rightwingnut loons' butts when they start posting imbecilic memes/.

again, stick to your own threads.... leave everyone else are entitled to your own beliefs... not to mine.

now piss off little loon.

And the shitfucks says Rightwingnut are loons. What we believe offends you and you want to subjugate us to yours, so go fuck yourself you righteous bitch.

there are no babies being executed, you insane twit.
Abortion Clinic Workers Admit Babies Who Survive Abortions are Killed Outside the Womb |
In the Stanford Law & Policy Review, several abortionists revealed the shocking way that they handled late-term abortions. While performing late-term abortions during the 1990s, they resorted to extreme measures to confirm that the baby was killed while still in the womb, Sarah Terzo with Live Action News reported.
Their remark about the “unsettling” experience of seeing an aborted baby born alive raises the question of how frequently infants survive abortions. There are countless narratives by abortion clinic workers and mothers testifying to the horrors that occur when a child is born alive.
It is ignorant fucks like you that have 33,000 liberal babies executed in or out of the womb, which is why your side is losing the political battle, because your voters are decreasing(which is why Obummber had to import illegal voters). Go ahead kill the baby, kill each other in the inner cites, keep reducing your voter base, and that drives moderates more to the right. Pretty soon the world will be a better place as all liberals will be dead, for liberalism is self destruction, as seen by my examples.
Articles: Why Don't Liberals Care About Black-on-Black Killing?

Oh yeah, save the animals, because to you liberals dogs and cats are better than babies.

again, moron... no babies are executed.

a) you're off topic and no one cares about your radical religious right propaganda.

b) you're not smart enough to tie your own shoes much less tell other people what decisions to make with their loved ones and doctors.

now kindly confine your BS to the appropriate threads.

So it is okay for you fucks to tell US that we HAVE to buy health insurance, but it isn't okay to tell some people not to execute their babies? You are hypocritical morons to the Nth degree. Go ahead keep on killing your future voters, I don't give a rats ass about your unborn children anymore, because since you don't love them, you want to destroy them, I understand that, and when you don't have any liberal voters left , you side will go away, and the world will be a better place. Thank God, that you liberals are so stupid....

View attachment 142569

I always know I kick rightwingnut loons' butts when they start posting imbecilic memes/.

again, stick to your own threads.... leave everyone else are entitled to your own beliefs... not to mine.

now piss off little loon.

And the shitfucks says Rightwingnut are loons. What we believe offends you and you want to subjugate us to yours, so go fuck yourself you righteous bitch.

*nutbar's waste of bandwidth deleted*

is that supposed to be English lowlife poindscum?

typical inarticulate uneducated white trash trumptard would be better off going to school and getting an education and a job than sitting here cursing at normal people.

now go back to your mommy's basement.

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