Death Wish - The Left Hates It

It's totally wrong for you to go see a movie just to piss off liberals. You know it, too. What in hell is wrong with you? Are you finally giving up the facade of being "fair?" I hope the movie stinks and that they burn your popcorn.
how is coming after a movie like they are *fair*? how can you fairly reason with that mindset? open to suggestions over some burnt popcorn.

now - when i was in high school, my brother checked a book out of the library. wanna say catcher in the rye, and a week or so later it was banned and he had to bring it back. when asked why he was not really given a reason just told he couldn't read it. so he gave it back.

and then turned around to go to the public library to get it and bring it to school and read it *in* the library. sure did piss off that librarian but not much she could do about it.

i'll have my extremes, oldlady. i have to think we all do. you do, i do, even extreme people extreme out. but when everything coming out i may actually want to go see is demonized by the left, yea, screw 'em. it only makes people want to do it more. that's human nature, not an assault on fair minded behavior.

i am who i am and we all think we're fair i suppose. if you don't think so great. i'm glad you can take the time to tell me. won't change who i am any more than my telling you how odd you act at times. but i do listen to what you have to say and try to be respectful. i don't often attack unless the claws come out and i respond in kind. and if you chose to go see something like "mr hollands opus" i'd not wish your tea sour and crumpets stale, i'd hope you have a good time in what you like to do whether i liked it or not.

guess that's how we're different. well that and 126,391,183 other ways.

morning and hope you have a good day!
Being sensitive this morning, aren't you?
Well, at least you're not pretending anymore.
not at all. just responding in kind. if you try less attacks and more questions you may get answers you can do more with.
There is no thoughtful answer to the post that "I'm gonna go see a movie I won't like to piss off liberals."
So you get what you get.
then don't reply.

i've come to find from you there is no middle ground, you're going to bitch at what i say and tell me how horrible i am. i've learned to live with this in my life and my therapist says i shouldn't take it out on my mary poppins dolls like i have been in a voodoo fashion.

maybe you should be less of a judgemental bitch but i don't see that happening so i'll be ok with you there and me here.

have a nice day.
hey pot, have you met kettle?
If I am not mistaken, those original "Death Wish" films were popular because they were made at a time when crime was really out of control in the United States.

One of the actual heroes in those days (to many people) was a man who shot a mugger on the New York City subway.

Many ordinary people, of course, would not dare do the same, so they had a safe outlet for their anger by watching the "Death Wish" movies.


Today, some people are very angry because they feel that violent individuals are (literally) getting away with murder.

Since those angry people cannot take the law into their own hands, they can at least watch a movie and get some vicarious pleasure in seeing bad guys get their comeuppance.

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