Death By Government


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Unless you know where you have come from, you can’t see where you’re going.

Selective breeding has been favored among the elite for hundreds of years, but, recently, it has been clothed in the patina of ‘scientific respectability.’

1. Francis Galton, geneticist, statistician, eugenicist, and psychologist: a prime mover in these fields in the 19th century. He introduced terms like “nature versus nurture,” and used surveys to gather data about intellect, and encouraged the breeding of those he believed superior. By the early 20th century, Galton’s eugenics-disciples predominated in academia, and wrote that the mentally retarded and other ‘degenerates’ should be prevented from breeding. A utopia organized by a eugenic religion, designed to breed fitter and smarter humans. Francis Galton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Edward Murray East, Harvard geneticist applied the studies of the genetics of agriculture: corn, tobacco, and potatoes to human beings, promoted the reduction of ‘defective germ plasm’ by segregation and sterilization. Geneticists and Race -- PROVINE 26 (3): 857 -- Integrative and Comparative Biology

3. Henry Herbert Goddard was a prominent American psychologist and eugenicist in the early 20th century, and the first to translate the Binet intelligence test into English in 1908:
“His seminal work, The Kallikak Family, studying two strains of the same family (one strain considered normal, the other considered "defective") became an international bestseller and became extremely popular in Germany under the Nazi regime. He personally instituted a testing system at Ellis Island in order to keep these "feeble-minded" people out of the United State used to reject an estimated 80% of potential immigrants [Italians, Hungarians, Russians, and Jews] and forcing them to be deported back to their home country.” Origin of the Word Moron: Eugenics, Racism and Henry H. Goddard - Associated Content -
Although he corrected some of his ‘miscalculations’ later in life, the die had been cast: many intellectuals, academics, and legislators accepted these slanders, and in 1924 the Congress passed an immigration act limiting Sothern and Eastern Europeans. In fact, President Coolidge declared: “America must be kept American. Biological laws show that Nordics deteriorate when mixed with other races.”( Visions of Perfection)

4. Lewis Terman, inventor of the Stanford-Binet IQ test, was a prominent eugenicist and was a member of the Human Betterment Foundation. He declared that his major goal in IQ testing was “curtailing the reproduction of feeble-mindedness and in the elimination of an enormous amount of crime, pauperism, and industrial inefficiency.” (Human Intelligence: Alfred Binet). Terman found intellectual weakness and racial dullness in ‘Spanish-Indians, Mexicans, and Negroes’

5. Science marches on: Charles Davenport, at the University of Chicago, “pushed negative eugenics remedies to prevent births among those deemed genetically undesirable: the ‘feebleminded,’ paupers, alcoholics, criminals, epileptics, the insane, the constitutionally weak, people predisposed to specific diseases, deformed persons, and those born deaf, blind, or mute…called for segregating, incarcerating, sterilizing, and castrating all such persons.” Daniel Kevles on the History of Eugenics, In the Name of Eugenics

6. Davenport’s views, supported by Rockefeller and Carnegie dollars, was embraced by family-planning movements, and between 1911 and 1937, eugenic sterilization laws were passed in 32 states, and in Germany, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and Denmark. The National Association of Charities and Corrections was the first to use the term ‘final solution.’ In 1909, California compulsorily sterilized all inmates of state hospitals judged “perverted, mentally ill or feebleminded.” In 1913 the law was broadened to include non-institutionalized people with “marked departure from normal mentality.” Without Free Choice-A History of Forced Sterilization

7. In 1927, a young unwed mother named Carrie Buck was sterilized against her will by order of the Supreme Court, decision written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, who said : ”The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.” Based on the Buck Decision, more than 60 thousand were operated on across the U.S. as late as the 1970’s. And the opinion was adopted in Germany, where, within a year, some 56 thousand German ‘patients’ had been sterilized.

8. But has this atavistic philosophy disappeared? In Holland, physician-assisted suicide has moved on to euthanasias- ‘mercy killings’- and it has been reported that as many as one-third have been carried out without the patients’ consent. - Euthanasia in the Netherlands

9. Now called ‘bioethicists,’ there are new acolytes of eugenics who are ready and able to make decisions about the lives of patients, assigning numerical ‘quality of life’ measurements, and parcel out health care based on the scores. The retarded, handicapped, elderly, infirm would be low on the list. Those who don’t score high enough will surely be deprived of healthcare.

10. "In the emergency stimulus legislation was substantial funding for a Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research, comparative effectiveness research is generally code for limiting care based on the patient's age. Economists are familiar with the formula already in use in the U.K., where the cost of a treatment is divided by the number of years (called QALYS or quality-adjusted life years) the patient is likely to benefit. In the U.K., the formula leads to denying treatments for age-related diseases because older patients have a denominator problem -- fewer years to benefit than younger patients with other diseases."
Defend Your Health Care

So, historical precedent reveals the recurring plan to use ‘science’ to do away with those not considered desirable. Is this what you voted for?
Thanks for the history lesson.

Do you have anything a little more up-to-date?

More up to date...SURE!!!

Insurance Companies: Get Sterilized and Then We'll Cover You

October 15, 2009 10:33 AM

ABC's Tom Shine reports from Washington:

When Peggy Robertson went shopping for a more affordable health insurance plan for her self-employed husband and two young boys, she ran into an unexpected problem: the birth of her son Luke in 2006 by caesarean section. The healthy young mother was shocked when the Golden Rule Insurance company denied her coverage due to the C-Section birth of her son. "I called Golden Rule and they said that if I would get sterilized, they would then be able to offer insurance to me."

When Amanda Buchanan's husband got a job teaching in a rural school at a salary of $33,000 a year, the family was faced with a tough decision when it came to health care. To cover the entire family under her husband's group insurance policy would cost $760 a month which would take a big bite out of their yearly income. So Amanda went shopping for an individual insurance policy to cover just her and her son. She found one for $280 a month but it came with one very big deductible: a maternity deduction of $5,000. When Amanda purchased the policy she was not planning to have another child. But several months later, "my husband and I found ourselves discussing the possibility of a second child. Instead of an intimate conversation between the two of us about goals and family, I felt like there were actually three of us at the table -- myself, my husband and our insurance policy...I was very angry that an insurance company could set up a policy in a way that would either discourage women from getting pregnant or if they did become pregnant, force them to pay for basically the entire cost of a typical pregnancy.

Thanks for the history lesson.

Do you have anything a little more up-to-date?

More up to date...SURE!!!

Insurance Companies: Get Sterilized and Then We'll Cover You

October 15, 2009 10:33 AM

ABC's Tom Shine reports from Washington:

When Peggy Robertson went shopping for a more affordable health insurance plan for her self-employed husband and two young boys, she ran into an unexpected problem: the birth of her son Luke in 2006 by caesarean section. The healthy young mother was shocked when the Golden Rule Insurance company denied her coverage due to the C-Section birth of her son. "I called Golden Rule and they said that if I would get sterilized, they would then be able to offer insurance to me."

When Amanda Buchanan's husband got a job teaching in a rural school at a salary of $33,000 a year, the family was faced with a tough decision when it came to health care. To cover the entire family under her husband's group insurance policy would cost $760 a month which would take a big bite out of their yearly income. So Amanda went shopping for an individual insurance policy to cover just her and her son. She found one for $280 a month but it came with one very big deductible: a maternity deduction of $5,000. When Amanda purchased the policy she was not planning to have another child. But several months later, "my husband and I found ourselves discussing the possibility of a second child. Instead of an intimate conversation between the two of us about goals and family, I felt like there were actually three of us at the table -- myself, my husband and our insurance policy...I was very angry that an insurance company could set up a policy in a way that would either discourage women from getting pregnant or if they did become pregnant, force them to pay for basically the entire cost of a typical pregnancy.


Not exactly weeding out undesirables. Nor even enforcing sterilization.

It is interesting to note that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was interested in eugenics.
Thanks for the history lesson.

Do you have anything a little more up-to-date?

More up to date...SURE!!!

Insurance Companies: Get Sterilized and Then We'll Cover You

October 15, 2009 10:33 AM

ABC's Tom Shine reports from Washington:

When Peggy Robertson went shopping for a more affordable health insurance plan for her self-employed husband and two young boys, she ran into an unexpected problem: the birth of her son Luke in 2006 by caesarean section. The healthy young mother was shocked when the Golden Rule Insurance company denied her coverage due to the C-Section birth of her son. "I called Golden Rule and they said that if I would get sterilized, they would then be able to offer insurance to me."

When Amanda Buchanan's husband got a job teaching in a rural school at a salary of $33,000 a year, the family was faced with a tough decision when it came to health care. To cover the entire family under her husband's group insurance policy would cost $760 a month which would take a big bite out of their yearly income. So Amanda went shopping for an individual insurance policy to cover just her and her son. She found one for $280 a month but it came with one very big deductible: a maternity deduction of $5,000. When Amanda purchased the policy she was not planning to have another child. But several months later, "my husband and I found ourselves discussing the possibility of a second child. Instead of an intimate conversation between the two of us about goals and family, I felt like there were actually three of us at the table -- myself, my husband and our insurance policy...I was very angry that an insurance company could set up a policy in a way that would either discourage women from getting pregnant or if they did become pregnant, force them to pay for basically the entire cost of a typical pregnancy.


Thanks for the link.

But what does that have to do with "Death by Government"...the title of this thread.
Thanks for the history lesson.

Do you have anything a little more up-to-date?

More up to date...SURE!!!

Insurance Companies: Get Sterilized and Then We'll Cover You

October 15, 2009 10:33 AM

Thanks for the link.

But what does that have to do with "Death by Government"...the title of this thread.


Innocent man’s execution shows shame of death penalty


Posted: 09.23.09

The death penalty may have finally crossed a shameful line that, if there is any sense of reason or justice in American society, should bring the practice to a swift and final end. The state of Texas, despite all of the safeguards that proponents of the death penalty claim would prevent this from happening, may have executed an innocent man.

A story in the Sept. 7 issue of The New Yorker details the case of Cameron Todd Willingham who was executed on Feb. 17, 2004, by lethal injection in the Texas death house at the state prison in Huntsville. Texas has made the most prolific use of the death penalty since its re–establishment in 1977.

Investigators determined that the fire was arson, although there was a history of the children tampering with a space heater used to warm part of the small house where the family lived in a rundown, failed oil town.

However, later reviews of the case by arson and forensics experts determined that investigators used a combination of junk science and folklore to reach their flawed conclusion of arson.

Willingham quickly became the prime suspect, and like most poor defendants, had weak legal representation. As his case worked its way through the process, he steadfastly professed his innocence, to the point of rejecting a plea bargain that would have spared him the death penalty. But based on essentially unchallenged “scientific” evidence, he went to his death.

All of the safeguards failed.

In a U.S. Supreme Court case decided this summer, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in his opinion that “a criminal defendant proved guilty after a fair trial does not have the same liberty interests as a free man.” Which raises a question: can a trial be fair if an innocent person is convicted?

That there are wrongly convicted inmates on death row is nothing new. Well over 100 people on the nation’s death rows have been shown to be completely innocent of the crimes for which they were convicted through scientific reviews of their cases. How many others, without access to the technology and resources that could prove their innocence have been walked to their death in a prison execution chamber? How many have died unjustly, all in the name of justice?

We are not so naive to believe that everyone on death row is innocent. Prisons across the country are filled with guilty people paying their debt to society. But we shouldn’t strip someone of their dignity when they enter prison, like it’s an old T–shirt. The dignity God gives every person follows them every step of their life. As Catholics, we pray the guilty will repent and be redeemed. And we must demand that the innocent receive justice.

As the church has long taught, the death penalty is not the proper response to crime and violence. Society has both the right and duty to protect its citizens, but modern society has the capacity to do so without resorting to the execution of criminals.

Perhaps the good that might come from the tragic death of three young girls in a house fire and the egregious actions of the state in the execution of their father might open the eyes of our nation to the failed system that has very likely executed an innocent man.

Florida Catholic | Innocent man’s execution shows shame of death penalty

Unless you know where you have come from, you can’t see where you’re going.

Selective breeding has been favored among the elite for hundreds of years, but, recently, it has been clothed in the patina of ‘scientific respectability.’

1. Francis Galton, geneticist, statistician, eugenicist, and psychologist: a prime mover in these fields in the 19th century. He introduced terms like “nature versus nurture,” and used surveys to gather data about intellect, and encouraged the breeding of those he believed superior. By the early 20th century, Galton’s eugenics-disciples predominated in academia, and wrote that the mentally retarded and other ‘degenerates’ should be prevented from breeding. A utopia organized by a eugenic religion, designed to breed fitter and smarter humans. Francis Galton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Edward Murray East, Harvard geneticist applied the studies of the genetics of agriculture: corn, tobacco, and potatoes to human beings, promoted the reduction of ‘defective germ plasm’ by segregation and sterilization. Geneticists and Race -- PROVINE 26 (3): 857 -- Integrative and Comparative Biology

3. Henry Herbert Goddard was a prominent American psychologist and eugenicist in the early 20th century, and the first to translate the Binet intelligence test into English in 1908:
“His seminal work, The Kallikak Family, studying two strains of the same family (one strain considered normal, the other considered "defective") became an international bestseller and became extremely popular in Germany under the Nazi regime. He personally instituted a testing system at Ellis Island in order to keep these "feeble-minded" people out of the United State used to reject an estimated 80% of potential immigrants [Italians, Hungarians, Russians, and Jews] and forcing them to be deported back to their home country.” Origin of the Word Moron: Eugenics, Racism and Henry H. Goddard - Associated Content -
Although he corrected some of his ‘miscalculations’ later in life, the die had been cast: many intellectuals, academics, and legislators accepted these slanders, and in 1924 the Congress passed an immigration act limiting Sothern and Eastern Europeans. In fact, President Coolidge declared: “America must be kept American. Biological laws show that Nordics deteriorate when mixed with other races.”( Visions of Perfection)

4. Lewis Terman, inventor of the Stanford-Binet IQ test, was a prominent eugenicist and was a member of the Human Betterment Foundation. He declared that his major goal in IQ testing was “curtailing the reproduction of feeble-mindedness and in the elimination of an enormous amount of crime, pauperism, and industrial inefficiency.” (Human Intelligence: Alfred Binet). Terman found intellectual weakness and racial dullness in ‘Spanish-Indians, Mexicans, and Negroes’

5. Science marches on: Charles Davenport, at the University of Chicago, “pushed negative eugenics remedies to prevent births among those deemed genetically undesirable: the ‘feebleminded,’ paupers, alcoholics, criminals, epileptics, the insane, the constitutionally weak, people predisposed to specific diseases, deformed persons, and those born deaf, blind, or mute…called for segregating, incarcerating, sterilizing, and castrating all such persons.” Daniel Kevles on the History of Eugenics, In the Name of Eugenics

6. Davenport’s views, supported by Rockefeller and Carnegie dollars, was embraced by family-planning movements, and between 1911 and 1937, eugenic sterilization laws were passed in 32 states, and in Germany, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and Denmark. The National Association of Charities and Corrections was the first to use the term ‘final solution.’ In 1909, California compulsorily sterilized all inmates of state hospitals judged “perverted, mentally ill or feebleminded.” In 1913 the law was broadened to include non-institutionalized people with “marked departure from normal mentality.” Without Free Choice-A History of Forced Sterilization

7. In 1927, a young unwed mother named Carrie Buck was sterilized against her will by order of the Supreme Court, decision written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, who said : ”The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.” Based on the Buck Decision, more than 60 thousand were operated on across the U.S. as late as the 1970’s. And the opinion was adopted in Germany, where, within a year, some 56 thousand German ‘patients’ had been sterilized.

8. But has this atavistic philosophy disappeared? In Holland, physician-assisted suicide has moved on to euthanasias- ‘mercy killings’- and it has been reported that as many as one-third have been carried out without the patients’ consent. - Euthanasia in the Netherlands

9. Now called ‘bioethicists,’ there are new acolytes of eugenics who are ready and able to make decisions about the lives of patients, assigning numerical ‘quality of life’ measurements, and parcel out health care based on the scores. The retarded, handicapped, elderly, infirm would be low on the list. Those who don’t score high enough will surely be deprived of healthcare.

10. "In the emergency stimulus legislation was substantial funding for a Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research, comparative effectiveness research is generally code for limiting care based on the patient's age. Economists are familiar with the formula already in use in the U.K., where the cost of a treatment is divided by the number of years (called QALYS or quality-adjusted life years) the patient is likely to benefit. In the U.K., the formula leads to denying treatments for age-related diseases because older patients have a denominator problem -- fewer years to benefit than younger patients with other diseases."
Defend Your Health Care

So, historical precedent reveals the recurring plan to use ‘science’ to do away with those not considered desirable. Is this what you voted for?

The worst part about the health care bill is that there is no escape because private doctors will be regulated up the ass so if they think your treatment cost to much or causes some kind of uptick in demand which causes it to be become more expensive then they will deny you the right to seek care using that treatment despite you and your doctor agreed to it.

I believe that half the left know this and don't have a problem with it because it is the way they think. Individuals being independent of the group and pursuing goals independent of the "collective" is forbidden. Individuals must give up their rights in order to focus their efforts to the community. Its the fascist flip of the communist idea that individuals don't exist where fascism says you can do what you wish as long as it is for the collective.

This is why fascism and communism are the same because each one had the same end but chose a different means to that end.
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