Death By Firing Squad, in a Nonmilitary case, Odd.

There is a moratorium on the death penalty here in NJ. We just poison them slowly with balogna sandwiches.

I didn't know about the firing squad. It seems far more humane than a gas chamber.
I would rather get the firing squad than the gas chamber or the electric chair.

Yeah, the electric chair. Go out with a bang! What a rush that would be.

Yeah. I agree that electrocution is cruel and unusual.


What does that image of the late scumbag, Ted Bundy, prove?

That the jolt comes with some burning?

Somehow I doubt the sensation on his fucking scalp is the thing going through an electrocuted scumbag's "mind."

Which reminds me. When your car is going 75 mph and hits a fly, what's the last thing that goes through the fly's mind?

It's asshole!

And if we gave it some thought, we could probably arrange to execute scumbags like Ted Bundy in a way that would permit the last thing that goes through HIS mind to be HIS asshole.
Ya know I am not for execution with dignity. Most cases the people on death row committed some fucked up murders. Why should the criminal have a death any less brutal or painful or LONG?

Death by firing squad. I hope they get some marksmen to nick a few vital organs and let him bleed out. Slowly

How compassionate of you:lol:

When it comes to criminals, none.

Or did I miss something when you wrote this?
Personally I think one sentenced to death should be able to choose the method. No scratch that, actually what I believe is that the victim's family may choose the method.
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Ya know I am not for execution with dignity. Most cases the people on death row committed some fucked up murders. Why should the criminal have a death any less brutal or painful or LONG?

Death by firing squad. I hope they get some marksmen to nick a few vital organs and let him bleed out. Slowly

Because cruel and un-unsual punishment is unconstitutional.

It's bad enough that the state sanctions the taking of life. It shouldn't further lower itself to inflict misery on the condemned.
Ya know I am not for execution with dignity. Most cases the people on death row committed some fucked up murders. Why should the criminal have a death any less brutal or painful or LONG?

Death by firing squad. I hope they get some marksmen to nick a few vital organs and let him bleed out. Slowly

Because cruel and un-unsual punishment is unconstitutional.

It's bad enough that the state sanctions the taking of life. It shouldn't further lower itself to inflict misery on the condemned.

Damn! We need to change some laws then. :lol:

What does that image of the late scumbag, Ted Bundy, prove?

Two things:

1st: They did an autopsy or at least removed his brain.
2nd: That the amount of current going through his body was enough to fry his tissue.

That the jolt comes with some burning?

Somehow I doubt the sensation on his fucking scalp is the thing going through an electrocuted scumbag's "mind."

What does that have to do with anything? We are talking about what is cruel and unusual punishment at the hands of the state. Bundy's execution apparently wasn't problematic. Many of them have been, which is why lethal injection is the new standard.

More at the link. There are some graphic pictures for those with weak stomachs.

Botched Executions In The USA

And if we gave it some thought, we could probably arrange to execute scumbags like Ted Bundy in a way that would permit the last thing that goes through HIS mind to be HIS asshole.

I am not a lawyer, but I thought justice and not vengeance was the guiding principle behind executions.
Ya know I am not for execution with dignity. Most cases the people on death row committed some fucked up murders. Why should the criminal have a death any less brutal or painful or LONG?

Death by firing squad. I hope they get some marksmen to nick a few vital organs and let him bleed out. Slowly

Because cruel and un-unsual punishment is unconstitutional.

It's bad enough that the state sanctions the taking of life. It shouldn't further lower itself to inflict misery on the condemned.

Damn! We need to change some laws then. :lol:

Go for it.

It won't be a popular position.
What does that image of the late scumbag, Ted Bundy, prove?

Two things:

1st: They did an autopsy or at least removed his brain.
2nd: That the amount of current going through his body was enough to fry his tissue.

That the jolt comes with some burning?

Somehow I doubt the sensation on his fucking scalp is the thing going through an electrocuted scumbag's "mind."

What does that have to do with anything? We are talking about what is cruel and unusual punishment at the hands of the state. Bundy's execution apparently wasn't problematic. Many of them have been, which is why lethal injection is the new standard.

More at the link. There are some graphic pictures for those with weak stomachs.

Botched Executions In The USA

And if we gave it some thought, we could probably arrange to execute scumbags like Ted Bundy in a way that would permit the last thing that goes through HIS mind to be HIS asshole.

I am not a lawyer, but I thought justice and not vengeance was the guiding principle behind executions.

So many people like to pretend that vengeance isn't a part of justice.

It is, though.

It always has been.

It should be.

If you send 6 bazillions volts at a high enough amperage through the electrodes attached to a condemned prisoner, it is actually damn unlikely (for physiological reasons) that he's gonna be aware of the burning sensation on his forehead. It looks a bit gruesome to us, perhaps. But the guy with all that electricity running through his nervous system isn't attending to the itch on his foot or the trickle of sweat running down behind his ear.

In fact, there is no compelling physiological argument that the electric chair is either cruel or unusual.

Many opponents of the Death Penalty take the position (in one way or another) that ANY execution is cruel (barbaric) and should be considered "unusual." Never mind that this is not what the phrase was intended to mean.

I am opposed to execution by torture. If we insist on having a death penalty, it should be used VERY sparingly (reserved for the most foul cases and for the protection of the rest of society) and it's ok by me if it comes via a set of needles that inject drugs that knock the prisoner out cold before shutting him down for good. Hell, I'm not even a big proponent of the Death Penalty. I just acknowledge that there are cases where it is still needed.
I cannot think of anything less dignified than being dead.

How ya get there is merely a question of how much you suffer.

Death by firing squad seems like one of the least painful ways of being dispatched.

Death by heroin overdose is the way I'd design it if I was seeking to be merciful.
I cannot think of anything less dignified than being dead.

How ya get there is merely a question of how much you suffer.

Death by firing squad seems like one of the least painful ways of being dispatched.

Death by heroin overdose is the way I'd design it if I was seeking to be merciful.

Go for carbon monoxide or OD'ing on barbiturates.
What does that image of the late scumbag, Ted Bundy, prove?

Two things:

1st: They did an autopsy or at least removed his brain.
2nd: That the amount of current going through his body was enough to fry his tissue.

What does that have to do with anything? We are talking about what is cruel and unusual punishment at the hands of the state. Bundy's execution apparently wasn't problematic. Many of them have been, which is why lethal injection is the new standard.

More at the link. There are some graphic pictures for those with weak stomachs.

Botched Executions In The USA

And if we gave it some thought, we could probably arrange to execute scumbags like Ted Bundy in a way that would permit the last thing that goes through HIS mind to be HIS asshole.

I am not a lawyer, but I thought justice and not vengeance was the guiding principle behind executions.

So many people like to pretend that vengeance isn't a part of justice.

It is, though.

It always has been.

It should be.

If you send 6 bazillions volts at a high enough amperage through the electrodes attached to a condemned prisoner, it is actually damn unlikely (for physiological reasons) that he's gonna be aware of the burning sensation on his forehead. It looks a bit gruesome to us, perhaps. But the guy with all that electricity running through his nervous system isn't attending to the itch on his foot or the trickle of sweat running down behind his ear.

In fact, there is no compelling physiological argument that the electric chair is either cruel or unusual.

Many opponents of the Death Penalty take the position (in one way or another) that ANY execution is cruel (barbaric) and should be considered "unusual." Never mind that this is not what the phrase was intended to mean.

I am opposed to execution by torture. If we insist on having a death penalty, it should be used VERY sparingly (reserved for the most foul cases and for the protection of the rest of society) and it's ok by me if it comes via a set of needles that inject drugs that knock the prisoner out cold before shutting him down for good. Hell, I'm not even a big proponent of the Death Penalty. I just acknowledge that there are cases where it is still needed.

And when hanging is done correctly, it's humane. When it's not, people dance on the end of the rope until they are strangled.

The magnitude of botched electrocutions is why it is now considered by most states to be cruel and unusual. I see you didn't read my link which cited several instances of people having to be re-hit with voltage or catching on fire from the voltage.

I oppose the death penalty, but I recognize it's legal. So on the strict issue of cruel and unusual, I don't find digging for a vein with a needle for 45 minutes to be "cruel and unusual" as the website claims. However, botching an electrocution is.
Ya know I am not for execution with dignity. Most cases the people on death row committed some fucked up murders. Why should the criminal have a death any less brutal or painful or LONG?

Death by firing squad. I hope they get some marksmen to nick a few vital organs and let him bleed out. Slowly

So that bit in the Constitution about cruel and unusual punishment doesn't mean that much, eh?

funny, I thought that 'well regulated militia' part is held in the same regard.
Ya know I am not for execution with dignity. Most cases the people on death row committed some fucked up murders. Why should the criminal have a death any less brutal or painful or LONG?

Death by firing squad. I hope they get some marksmen to nick a few vital organs and let him bleed out. Slowly

So that bit in the Constitution about cruel and unusual punishment doesn't mean that much, eh?

funny, I thought that 'well regulated militia' part is held in the same regard.

It's a pick and choose thing. Like the bible.
Ya know I am not for execution with dignity. Most cases the people on death row committed some fucked up murders. Why should the criminal have a death any less brutal or painful or LONG?

Death by firing squad. I hope they get some marksmen to nick a few vital organs and let him bleed out. Slowly

So that bit in the Constitution about cruel and unusual punishment doesn't mean that much, eh?

funny, I thought that 'well regulated militia' part is held in the same regard.

No you didn't think any such thing. That would require the ability TO think.

You don't have the foggiest first freakin' notion of what is meant by "well regulated militia."
* * * *

And when hanging is done correctly, it's humane. When it's not, people dance on the end of the rope until they are strangled.

So let's commit to doing it right. Wouldn't want to have a condemned murderer "dance" at the end of a rope for a few extra moments.

The magnitude of botched electrocutions is why it is now considered by most states to be cruel and unusual. I see you didn't read my link which cited several instances of people having to be re-hit with voltage or catching on fire from the voltage.

There is very little magnitude to a botched electrocution. Again, the simple expedient of doing it correctly is the right answer. And again, I personally don't give a damn if the condemned has his scalp burst into flames. For that doesn't constitute "cruel and unusual" if he's not feeling it due to the fact that his nervous system is already being overloaded with amps and volts.

I oppose the death penalty, but I recognize it's legal. So on the strict issue of cruel and unusual, I don't find digging for a vein with a needle for 45 minutes to be "cruel and unusual" as the website claims. However, botching an electrocution is.

Botching an electrocution is probably NOT cruel and unusual punishment for the reasons I have stated. On the other hand, if we insist on putting some of these rabid dogs down for the eternal dirt nap, then I'm ok with doing it by way of injections.

It's not the rope dance or the spontaneous combustion we need to be going for anyway. It's the whole "put that guy out of our misery" thing we need to be seeking if we are content with any death penalty at all.
Ya know I am not for execution with dignity. Most cases the people on death row committed some fucked up murders. Why should the criminal have a death any less brutal or painful or LONG?

Death by firing squad. I hope they get some marksmen to nick a few vital organs and let him bleed out. Slowly

So that bit in the Constitution about cruel and unusual punishment doesn't mean that much, eh?

funny, I thought that 'well regulated militia' part is held in the same regard.

No you didn't think any such thing. That would require the ability TO think.

You don't have the foggiest first freakin' notion of what is meant by "well regulated militia."
Your point can be found at the top of your skull.
So that bit in the Constitution about cruel and unusual punishment doesn't mean that much, eh?

funny, I thought that 'well regulated militia' part is held in the same regard.

No you didn't think any such thing. That would require the ability TO think.

You don't have the foggiest first freakin' notion of what is meant by "well regulated militia."
Your point can be found at the top of your skull.

Zzz. Your lines may all be old, stale, boring and unfunny, but it would still be easier for you to just admit that you don't have the foggiest notion of what you're rambling and blithering and blathering on about.
Ya know I am not for execution with dignity. Most cases the people on death row committed some fucked up murders. Why should the criminal have a death any less brutal or painful or LONG?

Death by firing squad. I hope they get some marksmen to nick a few vital organs and let him bleed out. Slowly

Because cruel and un-unsual punishment is unconstitutional.

It's bad enough that the state sanctions the taking of life. It shouldn't further lower itself to inflict misery on the condemned.

I disagree. The only reason I would be for NOT sentencing a scumbag murderer to death by the very means he/she inflicted upon his/her victim is so I could put them in a cell in general population with a dude named "Lee-Roy".

How much concern did said predator show for the Rights of said predator's victim? Yet we as a society are supposed to be all concerned about the Rights of the predator?


Bundy should have been hanged, drawn and quartered and it STILL would have been too merciful.:evil:

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