Dearborn, Ameabia: Police Suspend Constitution


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
"No one in authority stopped the non-Catholic groups from their efforts to proselytize the Catholic pilgrims (many of which were high school and college age). And, speaking as a Catholic who was at the event, I’m glad for that. I took the literature, read it, and engaged in conversations. For goodness sake, they were handing me a pamphlet, not pointing a gun at me. They told me I was going to hell by virtue of being Catholic. I disagreed and stated my case as to why. There was freedom here.

We, both the Catholics and the anti-Catholics, were Americans exercising our rights to free expression and freedom of religion.

Fast forward now to 2010, to Dearborn, Michigan, where an Arab Cultural Festival was recently held … a group of 3 Christians stood outside of the festival grounds and peacefully handed out the Gospel of John presented in both English and Arabic. They did not harass. They did not throw about epithets. They simply handed out a book for anyone willing to take one.

In about 3 minutes’ time … yes, just a scant 3 minutes … they were descended upon by no less than 8 Dearborn Police Officers. They were arrested and their video camera was confiscated."
Amerabia | RedState

[youtube]<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>[/youtube]
So they were asked to protest five blocks away from the festival? The issue at hand kind of reminds me of Fred Phelps and his piece of shit church trying to protest military funerals but these people in that video are not as morally contemptible. I think both parties have a right to engage in such an form of expression but at a distance that doesnt interfere with others.
"No one in authority stopped the non-Catholic groups from their efforts to proselytize the Catholic pilgrims (many of which were high school and college age). And, speaking as a Catholic who was at the event, I’m glad for that. I took the literature, read it, and engaged in conversations. For goodness sake, they were handing me a pamphlet, not pointing a gun at me. They told me I was going to hell by virtue of being Catholic. I disagreed and stated my case as to why. There was freedom here.

We, both the Catholics and the anti-Catholics, were Americans exercising our rights to free expression and freedom of religion.

Fast forward now to 2010, to Dearborn, Michigan, where an Arab Cultural Festival was recently held … a group of 3 Christians stood outside of the festival grounds and peacefully handed out the Gospel of John presented in both English and Arabic. They did not harass. They did not throw about epithets. They simply handed out a book for anyone willing to take one.

In about 3 minutes’ time … yes, just a scant 3 minutes … they were descended upon by no less than 8 Dearborn Police Officers. They were arrested and their video camera was confiscated."
Amerabia | RedState

[youtube]<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>[/youtube]

That doesn't make sense to me. Why go to an Arab Cultural event and pass out Catholic doctrine? Isn't that just stirring the pot to be stirring the pot? It's no damn different than building a mosque within sight of the WTC. It's just shit stirring. I'm not in favor of that. It's just like a Jehovah Witness coming to my door. Get away from me. I'll never be a Jehovah Withness. It's harassment.
So they were asked to protest five blocks away from the festival? The issue at hand kind of reminds me of Fred Phelps and his piece of shit church trying to protest military funerals but these people in that video are not as morally contemptible. I think both parties have a right to engage in such an form of expression but at a distance that doesnt interfere with others.

Probably my greatest fear, and realization, is that America has raised a significant proportion of its population that are as ignorant of American principles as you are.
So they were asked to protest five blocks away from the festival? The issue at hand kind of reminds me of Fred Phelps and his piece of shit church trying to protest military funerals but these people in that video are not as morally contemptible. I think both parties have a right to engage in such an form of expression but at a distance that doesnt interfere with others.

They were not protesting.
Muslims scream that loudest and protest in the most disobedient ways when Jews and Israel have any public speeches or festivals. Heck, they even disrupt local Hillel meetings and speakers. Yet they cry foul everytime someone give it back to them and in this case there was no disobedience or disruption whatsoever!

Muslims are hypocrites and the left is retarded for protecting them!
So they were asked to protest five blocks away from the festival? The issue at hand kind of reminds me of Fred Phelps and his piece of shit church trying to protest military funerals but these people in that video are not as morally contemptible. I think both parties have a right to engage in such an form of expression but at a distance that doesnt interfere with others.

Probably my greatest fear, and realization, is that America has raised a significant proportion of its population that are as ignorant of American principles as you are.

Yeah .... well Glenn Beck is a slobbering dry drunk.
as ignorant of American principles as you are.

Elaborate as to what principles I am ignorant of.

Happy to, and thanks for the opportunity...

"So they were asked to protest five blocks away from the festival?"

Clearly the point is to make sure they can neither be seen nor heard.

Essentially this deprives those offering the pamphlets of their rights under the first amendment.
"Congress shall mak
e no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

This amendment has been incorporated, meaning it applies to the states, as well as the federal government.
Muslims scream that loudest and protest in the most disobedient ways when Jews and Israel have any public speeches or festivals. Heck, they even disrupt local Hillel meetings and speakers. Yet they cry foul everytime someone give it back to them and in this case there was no disobedience or disruption whatsoever!

Muslims are hypocrites and the left is retarded for protecting them!

Actually, I can attribute none of the blame to Muslims.

As fellow Americans, they can request of the police whatever they wish...but the police should have refused to enforce what I find to be clearly censorship and unconstitutional action.

The pamphleteers are within rights to hand out information, as are the Muslims to refuse same.

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