Dead soldier's mom faces deportation......

The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional as to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation
American Gold Star Mothers - American Gold Star Mothers Inc, Home
The willingness of immigrant mothers to allow there sons to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional as to how they perceive the immigrant mothers of veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their adopted nation

Allow? ALLOW?! She didn't "allow" her son to do jack shit. He was a grown man who made his own choice. I'm getting really disgusted with all these attempts to belittle and lessen this man and his sacrifice in the service of your own warm fuzzies. Dead soldier?s mom still fighting to stay in U.S.

The really sad thing is that this soldier was killed by the dude who snapped off line at the clinic in Baghdad. He had already made US citizen, and was sponsoring his mother.

They were almost home free when he was killed senselessly.

I think this woman should be allowed to stay, she's done more for this country than most.

My heart says DEFINATELY let her stay and give her citizenship.

What does the law say though? Unfortunately IF the law says no then she can't stay....we can't change that law for one person. HOWEVER, if obama is a good man he could use an executive order to make an exception in this one specific instance.

If he's a REALLY good man, he'll think with his brain instead of his glands - or his political posturing - and stay the fuck out of it, so that INS can do its job properly.
My point is, we ALL have mothers. Should they get credit and/or be punished for everything we do as adults?

This entire thread is an appeal to emotion, not logic. I understand mourning the loss of a loved one. That doesn't mean it applies here.

I think allowing her to live here for 20 years then denying her citizenship is stupid. In it's own right. Not because she's someone's mother.

No parents should not get credit or be punished for decisions and actions we take on our own as adults.

I too agree that encouraging people to come here illegally, through our practices as employers and as a government, then punishing them for doing it and staying is stupid.

Still doesn't change anything though about what the law is or states.

Thats all. I still say Obama should grant an executive order, much like presidents do with presidential pardons, to do what I feel is the right thing in this situation.

I am assuming here ... but I would say she either was allowed to stay because she gave birth on US soil, or she gave birth to a child fathered by a US citizen. While I don't agree with those laws, they ARE the law.

THEN you factor in humanity. She's been here 20 years. She's met all the requirements. She has nowhere to go back to.

Let her stay.

I suspect that'll be the way INS decides, barring anything really wrong with her. So we should let them do their job and handle it.
Actually, no, I'm not appealing to emotion. Of course, I am sorry for my loss - I am human. But.... had I asked my SO to leave the Corps, he absolutely would have done to. So, in that respect, it was my choice. I would not ask him to give up something that he loved for me. No big deal to you - but to me, it was a hard one. Same with my brothers, one word from my Mom and they'd quit.

Are you kidding? I spent 20+ years in the Marines and was in one war. I had a wife and children, then was a single parent, then had a wife and a child.

You think I'm oblivious?

The argument appeals to emotion. Let her stay because she gave birth to someone who chose to join the US military and died as a result. That's about as good as "appeal to emotion" gets.

There's a BIG difference between "mom" and a SO. The impact on the SO; especially, a wife with children, IS significant and direct. For mom, it's emotional.

You seem unable to differentiate between the law and logic, and emotion here. There IS a difference. This topic is the former, not the latter.

Losing a son is not a prerequisite for US citizenship, nor should it be.

No, that's your point. It is not mine. Mine is the fact that she has been here - legally - for 20 years. That she has gone through all the checks. That her son was her sponsor and he died just before her paperwork was completed. It is unfair that because her son died in the service of this country, that she should fall at the final hurdle. That, mo chara, is logic - not emotion.

Apparently she HASN'T gone through all the checks, or they wouldn't still be reviewing her case.

I would be very surprised if INS doesn't have provisions for occasions when the sponsor dies before the case is decided.
Whats his service got to do with her, wasn't he paid every month, you sign up, you should no the risk involved. thats the way it was when i was in.

Because he was her fucking sponsor - are you really this stupid?

Oh wait...

No dunce, do you think just because he served in the armed forces, she should get a free ticket to america? Why don't we post a sign at the border "Come join the military and your family gets to be legal citzs".

Hey news for you........we've got signs posted in the PI, American Samoa, and some other places where they are told that one of the perks of serving with the US Forces is that they can earn citizenship.

They learn our rules, they learn our language, they learn how our political system works.

They also defend this country for several years as payment.

What have YOU done to earn YOUR citizenship? Be born here? Cool.........we should also give you an award for using oxygen you mouth breathing asshole.
José;2108049 said:
This may be slightly off-topic since I'm not referring to this peruvian family in particular but green card soldiers are just another variation of the good old mercenary, soldier of fortune.

Only a nation of patriotic retards like the US glorifies this human scum.
Look here, you burrito bending, refried bean scarfing, welfare sucking lil' ****. I dare you to go to any military post in the US or abroad and talk that shit!
Originally posted by Crimsom White
Fuck off.

Originally posted by PLYMCO_PILGRIM

Couldn't have said it better myself crimson.

Gunny you made a wise choice

Originally posted by Harry Dresden
well your not too patriotic....but you are a spec of scum....mas puto...

Originally posted by Wicked Jester
Look here, you burrito bending, refried bean scarfing, welfare sucking lil' ****. I dare you to go to any military post in the US or abroad and talk that shit!
LOL... LOL... LOL... LOL...

Crimsom, Pilgrim, Harry and Jester... The four GULLIBLE stooges!!!!

You guys are braindead if you really believe the shit green card soldiers vomit in front of the press:

"We Ecuadorians, Bolivians and Panamanians love THE IDEALS OF AMERICA!!!!

We love all the freedoms we didn't have back home!!

The freedom to elect our political representatives!!!!

The freedom to speak our minds!!!

Even the oxygen we breathe in America is freer and more democratic!!


They love American values my ass!!!

Just lower the US minimum wage from 1000 dollars to 50, 100 bucks like in their home countries and see how much they still "love" US values!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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José;2108664 said:
Originally posted by Crimsom White
Fuck off.

Originally posted by PLYMCO_PILGRIM

Couldn't have said it better myself crimson.

Gunny you made a wise choice

Originally posted by Harry Dresden
well your not too patriotic....but you are a spec of scum....mas puto...

Originally posted by Wicked Jester
Look here, you burrito bending, refried bean scarfing, welfare sucking lil' ****. I dare you to go to any military post in the US or abroad and talk that shit!
LOL... LOL... LOL... LOL...

Crimsom, Pilgrim, Harry and Jester... The three GULLIBLE stooges!!!!

You guys are braindead if you really believe the shit green card soldiers vomit in front of the press:

"We Ecuadorians, Bolivians and Panamanians love THE IDEALS OF AMERICA!!!!

We love all the freedoms we didn't have back home!!

The freedom to elect our political representatives!!!!

The freedom to speak our minds!!!

Even the oxygen we breathe in America is freer and more democratic!!


They love American values my ass!!!

Just lower the US minimum wage from 1000 dollars to 50, 100 bucks like in their home countries and see how much they still "love" US values!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mas Puto.....
José;2108664 said:
Originally posted by Crimsom White
Fuck off.

Originally posted by PLYMCO_PILGRIM

Couldn't have said it better myself crimson.

Gunny you made a wise choice

Originally posted by Harry Dresden
well your not too patriotic....but you are a spec of scum....mas puto...

Originally posted by Wicked Jester
Look here, you burrito bending, refried bean scarfing, welfare sucking lil' ****. I dare you to go to any military post in the US or abroad and talk that shit!
LOL... LOL... LOL... LOL...

Crimsom, Pilgrim, Harry and Jester... The four GULLIBLE stooges!!!!

You guys are braindead if you really believe the shit green card soldiers vomit in front of the press:

"We Ecuadorians, Bolivians and Panamanians love THE IDEALS OF AMERICA!!!!

We love all the freedoms we didn't have back home!!

The freedom to elect our political representatives!!!!

The freedom to speak our minds!!!

Even the oxygen we breathe in America is freer and more democratic!!


They love American values my ass!!!

Just lower the US minimum wage from 1000 dollars to 50, 100 bucks like in their home countries and see how much they still "love" US values!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Shut up ****, and go wash my cars, motherfucker!
Whats his service got to do with her, wasn't he paid every month, you sign up, you should no the risk involved. thats the way it was when i was in.

Because he was her fucking sponsor - are you really this stupid?

Oh wait...

No dunce, do you think just because he served in the armed forces, she should get a free ticket to america? Why don't we post a sign at the border "Come join the military and your family gets to be legal citzs".

Froggy, you can be such a fucking moron. She has lived here - LEGALLY - for 20 years. Her son was her sponsor. She has done all the paperwork, been through all the checks and, just before it gets completed - he died... in service to this country. That's why. Try to engage in rational thought occasionally.
José;2108664 said:
Originally posted by Crimsom White
Fuck off.

Originally posted by PLYMCO_PILGRIM

Couldn't have said it better myself crimson.

Gunny you made a wise choice

Originally posted by Harry Dresden
well your not too patriotic....but you are a spec of scum....mas puto...

Originally posted by Wicked Jester
Look here, you burrito bending, refried bean scarfing, welfare sucking lil' ****. I dare you to go to any military post in the US or abroad and talk that shit!
LOL... LOL... LOL... LOL...

Crimsom, Pilgrim, Harry and Jester... The four GULLIBLE stooges!!!!

You guys are braindead if you really believe the shit green card soldiers vomit in front of the press:

"We Ecuadorians, Bolivians and Panamanians love THE IDEALS OF AMERICA!!!!

We love all the freedoms we didn't have back home!!

The freedom to elect our political representatives!!!!

The freedom to speak our minds!!!

Even the oxygen we breathe in America is freer and more democratic!!


They love American values my ass!!!

Just lower the US minimum wage from 1000 dollars to 50, 100 bucks like in their home countries and see how much they still "love" US values!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Let me reiterate.

Fuck off.
José;2108664 said:
Originally posted by Crimsom White
Fuck off.

Originally posted by PLYMCO_PILGRIM

Couldn't have said it better myself crimson.

Gunny you made a wise choice

Originally posted by Harry Dresden
well your not too patriotic....but you are a spec of scum....mas puto...

Originally posted by Wicked Jester
Look here, you burrito bending, refried bean scarfing, welfare sucking lil' ****. I dare you to go to any military post in the US or abroad and talk that shit!
LOL... LOL... LOL... LOL...

Crimsom, Pilgrim, Harry and Jester... The four GULLIBLE stooges!!!!

You guys are braindead if you really believe the shit green card soldiers vomit in front of the press:

"We Ecuadorians, Bolivians and Panamanians love THE IDEALS OF AMERICA!!!!

We love all the freedoms we didn't have back home!!

The freedom to elect our political representatives!!!!

The freedom to speak our minds!!!

Even the oxygen we breathe in America is freer and more democratic!!


They love American values my ass!!!

Just lower the US minimum wage from 1000 dollars to 50, 100 bucks like in their home countries and see how much they still "love" US values!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I know a person from my town, who happens to be a member of this forum, who's father immigrated here from cuba and joined the armed services. I suppose his dad, who is one of the most red-blooded americans around, is just full of crap :rolleyes:

I also suppose you think my grandfather, who immigrated here from italy and fought for the US in WW2, was as you describe above too you ignorant person.
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Jose is insulting the services because he's too fucking stupid to be allowed in.

Hey.........Jose much do you know about military history, or the military in general?

I'm guessing not much, seeing as you probably just snuck across the border last week.......
José;2108664 said:
Originally posted by Crimsom White
Fuck off.

Originally posted by Wicked Jester
Look here, you burrito bending, refried bean scarfing, welfare sucking lil' ****. I dare you to go to any military post in the US or abroad and talk that shit!
LOL... LOL... LOL... LOL...

Crimsom, Pilgrim, Harry and Jester... The four GULLIBLE stooges!!!!

You guys are braindead if you really believe the shit green card soldiers vomit in front of the press:

"We Ecuadorians, Bolivians and Panamanians love THE IDEALS OF AMERICA!!!!

We love all the freedoms we didn't have back home!!

The freedom to elect our political representatives!!!!

The freedom to speak our minds!!!

Even the oxygen we breathe in America is freer and more democratic!!


They love American values my ass!!!

Just lower the US minimum wage from 1000 dollars to 50, 100 bucks like in their home countries and see how much they still "love" US values!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I know a person from my town, who happens to be a member of this forum, who's father immigrated here from cuba and joined the armed services. I suppose his dad, who is one of the most red-blooded americans around, is just full of crap :rolleyes:

I also suppose you think my grandfather, who immigrated here from italy and fought for the US in WW2, was as you describe above too you ignorant person.
How many people from your town have you and del recruited to the board now?
Originally posted by ABikerSailor
Jose is insulting the services because he's too fucking stupid to be allowed in.

Hey.........Jose much do you know about military history, or the military in general?

I'm guessing not much, seeing as you probably just snuck across the border last week.......

Sailor, let's put patriotism aside for a moment and be reasonable here...

People who sneak across the border and manage to live in the US without losing any limb in the process or becoming a vegetable, AT BEST, and worm food, AT WORST, are, BY DEFINITION, more intelligent than green card seeking cannon fodder that, IF LUCKY, get the same result by putting their asses on the line of fire for years so that John Anglo can stay safe in good, ol' US of A. :D
Originally posted by Plymco_Pilgrim
I know a person from my town, who happens to be a member of this forum, who's father immigrated here from cuba and joined the armed services. I suppose his dad, who is one of the most red-blooded americans around, is just full of crap

I also suppose you think my grandfather, who immigrated here from italy and fought for the US in WW2, was as you describe above too you ignorant person.


Show me someone who immigrated to America during the Great Depression and I'll show you someone who really loved the America as a nation not as a cash cow.

Are there people who immigrate to America in times of prosperity driven by genuine love for the country?

Of course there are!! But don't delude yourself... most immigrants to America, green card soldiers or not, would gladly move to Stalinist Russia or Maoist China if they were offered the same standard of living. But don't expect to hear it directly from their mouths in English cause they know exactly what the american people want to hear.
People don't get me wrong...

I don't have anything against economic immigrants in general.

Without the basic instinct of leaving impoverished lands behind to find new ones there would be no Europe, no America, no Asia, no nothing. Earth would still be mostly uninhabited and humans would still be confined to a tiny part of Africa, at best, or extinct, at worst.

Humans owe their very survival as a species to the same basic instinct that leads a poor immigrant to seek a better life elsewhere in the world.

My only problem with this kind of economic immigrants known as green card soldiers is that the idea of killing and dying in exchange for the right to immigrate to a richer part of the world sounds a bit disgusting to me.

Way too similar to what a "traditional" mercenary does.
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