De Blasio does what? Calls for election audit? lolololol


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Well now I've seen everything. But wait .... I think old Bill is on to something. I say follow the money and find out who paid Dominion... or whatever Dominion look alike was involved in the election process... And you will find out why the dead bodies are rolling out of the barn.

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The new system they are trying is having problems.

You mean like mail-out ballots, millions sent from California alone, Ballot Harvesting and results days later that were drastically different from the Election Night?

Oh wait, that was just your general election for your president, as you were.
NY has been miscounting votes intentionally for so long, they probably don't have a clue how to do a real count.
Well now I've seen everything. But wait .... I think old Bill is on to something. I say follow the money and find out who paid Dominion... or whatever Dominion look alike was involved in the election process... And you will find out why the dead bodies are rolling out of the barn.


There were also recounts and audits after November 3 as well and all of them confirmed that Joe Biden won.

What is going on in Arizona right now is not an audit. The audit in Arizona was done before the election was certified along with a recount and a hand recount.

All of the elections that Donald Trump has been disputing have already been audited. Trump has rejected the results of all of these recounts and all of these audits because he didn’t get the result he wanted.

What is happening in New York right now is what happens in every disputed election. The problem with accounts has to do with this being a ranked election, the first of its kind. It is not because of fraud or malfeasance.

In the case of the November 3 election there was no dispute as to the result. All of the counts, all of the recounts, and all of the audits confirmed that Joe Biden won.

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