DDT might have stopped Zika, but environmentalists chose mosquitoes over people


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
This thread should suck in some liberals like mosquitoes to blood...

January 28, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


The Zika virus outbreak is the latest batch of blood on the dirty hands of Rachel Carson and the entire environmental movement which puts mosquitoes ahead of people. There was a time when we beat insect-born diseases through simple and easymethods that worked.


But environmentalists eradicated DDT instead. DDTworked in Brazil.


Environmentalists love control policies.

The quickest way to stop it in Brazil will be to attack the mosquitoes. The Olympics are near. Perhaps DDT will make a comeback.


That view comes fromHugh Pennington, a professor of bacteriology at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland who was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE).

The bottom line is that this isa mosquito problem, which requires eradicating them. And environmentalists really, really hate that. So you can bet Obama won't go that route.


We could just start eradicating mosquitoes using methods and technology that works. Or we could tell women to stop getting pregnant. You just know how much environmentalists and the Zero Population Growth crowd loves the second option.

Anyway environmentalists have already shifted to blaming the Zika virus on Global Warming, because the angry Flying Global Warming Monster is responsible for all our ills, including the Syrian Civil War, the Cologne sex attacks and absolutely any other thing you can think of.

And the Rachel Carson Environmentalist Genocide rolls on.

DDT Might Have Stopped Zika, but Environmentalists Chose Mosquitoes Over People
They have much better pest control now which neutralizes the reproduction abilities of the female..But that does not mean that all mosquitoes will be affected, which is also true with DDT use..
And the Rachel Carson Environmentalist Genocide rolls on.

Um... really Jizzhat?

And who did Rachel Carson kill, hm?

Fair warning: I've been down this road before your ass too, and I'll make you scream for mama just like I did the last time.

So ---- answer the question.
POO, you don't carry any weight, your the biggest bull shitter on site and EVERYBODY knows it. I have a lot of posts, now get your ass to work boiy...

This thread should suck in some liberals like mosquitoes to blood, already got 2...
I feel a long winded B/S response from poo coming...:fu:
Last edited:
And the Rachel Carson Environmentalist Genocide rolls on.

Um... really Jizzhat?

And who did Rachel Carson kill, hm?

Fair warning: I've been down this road before your ass too, and I'll make you scream for mama just like I did the last time.

So ---- answer the question.
POO, you don't carry any weight, your the biggest bull shitter on site and EVERYBODY knows it. I have a lot of posts, now get your ass to work boiy...

This thread should suck in some liberals like mosquitoes to blood, already got 2...
I feel a long winded B/S response from poo coming...:fu:

No answer then Jizzhat?

Couldn't find anything huh?

What a surprise. Try doing your homework next time, jizz-for-brains.
This thread should suck in some liberals like mosquitoes to blood...

January 28, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


The Zika virus outbreak is the latest batch of blood on the dirty hands of Rachel Carson and the entire environmental movement which puts mosquitoes ahead of people. There was a time when we beat insect-born diseases through simple and easymethods that worked.


But environmentalists eradicated DDT instead. DDTworked in Brazil.


Environmentalists love control policies.

The quickest way to stop it in Brazil will be to attack the mosquitoes. The Olympics are near. Perhaps DDT will make a comeback.


That view comes fromHugh Pennington, a professor of bacteriology at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland who was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE).

The bottom line is that this isa mosquito problem, which requires eradicating them. And environmentalists really, really hate that. So you can bet Obama won't go that route.


We could just start eradicating mosquitoes using methods and technology that works. Or we could tell women to stop getting pregnant. You just know how much environmentalists and the Zero Population Growth crowd loves the second option.

Anyway environmentalists have already shifted to blaming the Zika virus on Global Warming, because the angry Flying Global Warming Monster is responsible for all our ills, including the Syrian Civil War, the Cologne sex attacks and absolutely any other thing you can think of.

And the Rachel Carson Environmentalist Genocide rolls on.

DDT Might Have Stopped Zika, but Environmentalists Chose Mosquitoes Over People

What a bunch of self-serving propoganda.

Mosquitos were already becoming resistant to DDT by the time it was banned.

If Malaria's the Problem, DDT's Not the Only Answer
What people aren't remembering about the history of DDT is that, in many places, it failed to eradicate malaria not because of environmentalist restrictions on its use but because it simply stopped working. Insects have a phenomenal capacity to adapt to new poisons; anything that kills a large proportion of a population ends up changing the insects' genetic composition so as to favor those few individuals that manage to survive due to random mutation. In the continued presence of the insecticide, susceptible populations can be rapidly replaced by resistant ones. Though widespread use of DDT didn't begin until WWII, there were resistant houseflies in Europe by 1947, and by 1949, DDT-resistant mosquitoes were documented on two continents.
This thread should suck in some liberals like mosquitoes to blood...

January 28, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


The Zika virus outbreak is the latest batch of blood on the dirty hands of Rachel Carson and the entire environmental movement which puts mosquitoes ahead of people. There was a time when we beat insect-born diseases through simple and easymethods that worked.


But environmentalists eradicated DDT instead. DDTworked in Brazil.


Environmentalists love control policies.

The quickest way to stop it in Brazil will be to attack the mosquitoes. The Olympics are near. Perhaps DDT will make a comeback.


That view comes fromHugh Pennington, a professor of bacteriology at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland who was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE).

The bottom line is that this isa mosquito problem, which requires eradicating them. And environmentalists really, really hate that. So you can bet Obama won't go that route.


We could just start eradicating mosquitoes using methods and technology that works. Or we could tell women to stop getting pregnant. You just know how much environmentalists and the Zero Population Growth crowd loves the second option.

Anyway environmentalists have already shifted to blaming the Zika virus on Global Warming, because the angry Flying Global Warming Monster is responsible for all our ills, including the Syrian Civil War, the Cologne sex attacks and absolutely any other thing you can think of.

And the Rachel Carson Environmentalist Genocide rolls on.

DDT Might Have Stopped Zika, but Environmentalists Chose Mosquitoes Over People

What a bunch of self-serving propoganda.

Mosquitos were already becoming resistant to DDT by the time it was banned.

If Malaria's the Problem, DDT's Not the Only Answer
What people aren't remembering about the history of DDT is that, in many places, it failed to eradicate malaria not because of environmentalist restrictions on its use but because it simply stopped working. Insects have a phenomenal capacity to adapt to new poisons; anything that kills a large proportion of a population ends up changing the insects' genetic composition so as to favor those few individuals that manage to survive due to random mutation. In the continued presence of the insecticide, susceptible populations can be rapidly replaced by resistant ones. Though widespread use of DDT didn't begin until WWII, there were resistant houseflies in Europe by 1947, and by 1949, DDT-resistant mosquitoes were documented on two continents.
That's all we need more liberal poppycock from wile e coyote...
DDT-resistant mosquito strains with cross-resistance to pyrethroids
  1. Chusak Prasittisuk and
  2. James R. Busvine
Article first published online: 28 APR 2006

DOI: 10.1002/ps.2780080516


Various DDT-resistant strains of mosquito, comprising 8 strains of Aedes aegypti from the Neotropics (tropical and South America) and one each of Anopheles gambiae and An. quadrimaculatus were tested for resistance to pyrethroids. Susceptibility was measured by LT50values, after exposure to impregnated papers in the cylinders used in the WHO standardised test for adult mosquitoes. DDT-resistance levels (by comparison with susceptible strains) ranged from × 2 to × 73, with simultaneous low resistance to permethrin (× 1.4 to × 3.4) except in one strain from Guyana which reached × 30. Further comparisons were made with this Guyana strain and one from Salvador with similar DDT-resistance (about × 70) but low permethrin-resistance. Tests with methoxychlor and I,I-di-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-nitropropane and with the synergist I,I-di-(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trifluoroethanol suggested that a considerable part of the DDT-resistance of both strains was due to a dehydrochlorination mechanism. Tests with the synergist piperonyl butoxide (PB) suggested that microsomal oxidase systems were also involved, especially in the Guyana strain. The cross-resistance in both strains extended to 3 other pyrethroids. Addition of the synergist PB had little effect on the Salvador strain, but substantially reduced permethrin-resistance in the Guyana strain. It is concluded that an unknown mechanism associated with DDT-resistance confers a low level cross-tolerance to pyrethroids; this can be substantially augmented by the development of a microsomal oxidase mechanism, as in the Guyana strain.

Now little Yaalhad, you are about a dumb fuck. The fact that many strains of mosqitoes have developed resistance to DDT and other pesticides has long been known.
technology > mosquitos

But the eco loons efforts prevent technology innovation.

These confused souls have been responsible for the death of untold numbers all over the world.........that's what a fascist mindset has always resulted in.

This thread illustrates how profoundly stupid cultists (AJ, skook) who fall for one idiot conspiracy theory (such global warming denial) tend to fall for every conspiracy theory that comes down the pipe, such as the one proposed in this thread. The same lack of critical thinking ability that leads to falling for one conspiracy theory ensures that they fall for whole bunches of conspiracy theories.

It would be nice if we could write them off as harmless cranks, but we can't. If AJ and skook had their way, mosquitoes would have developed resistance to DDT, DDT would have become useless for malaria control, and millions would have died. The cult stupidity of dimbulbs like AJ and Skook would kill millions if it was implemented, therefore all decent humans are obligated to expose and oppose their genocidal stupidity.
This thread should suck in some liberals like mosquitoes to blood...

January 28, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


The Zika virus outbreak is the latest batch of blood on the dirty hands of Rachel Carson and the entire environmental movement which puts mosquitoes ahead of people. There was a time when we beat insect-born diseases through simple and easymethods that worked.


But environmentalists eradicated DDT instead. DDTworked in Brazil.


Environmentalists love control policies.

The quickest way to stop it in Brazil will be to attack the mosquitoes. The Olympics are near. Perhaps DDT will make a comeback.


That view comes fromHugh Pennington, a professor of bacteriology at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland who was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE).

The bottom line is that this isa mosquito problem, which requires eradicating them. And environmentalists really, really hate that. So you can bet Obama won't go that route.


We could just start eradicating mosquitoes using methods and technology that works. Or we could tell women to stop getting pregnant. You just know how much environmentalists and the Zero Population Growth crowd loves the second option.

Anyway environmentalists have already shifted to blaming the Zika virus on Global Warming, because the angry Flying Global Warming Monster is responsible for all our ills, including the Syrian Civil War, the Cologne sex attacks and absolutely any other thing you can think of.

And the Rachel Carson Environmentalist Genocide rolls on.

DDT Might Have Stopped Zika, but Environmentalists Chose Mosquitoes Over People

What a bunch of self-serving propoganda.

Mosquitos were already becoming resistant to DDT by the time it was banned.

If Malaria's the Problem, DDT's Not the Only Answer
What people aren't remembering about the history of DDT is that, in many places, it failed to eradicate malaria not because of environmentalist restrictions on its use but because it simply stopped working. Insects have a phenomenal capacity to adapt to new poisons; anything that kills a large proportion of a population ends up changing the insects' genetic composition so as to favor those few individuals that manage to survive due to random mutation. In the continued presence of the insecticide, susceptible populations can be rapidly replaced by resistant ones. Though widespread use of DDT didn't begin until WWII, there were resistant houseflies in Europe by 1947, and by 1949, DDT-resistant mosquitoes were documented on two continents.
That's all we need more liberal poppycock from wile e coyote...

It's science, but then, it's well know that rightwingnuts have issues with science.
This thread illustrates how profoundly stupid cultists (AJ, skook) who fall for one idiot conspiracy theory (such global warming denial) tend to fall for every conspiracy theory that comes down the pipe, such as the one proposed in this thread. The same lack of critical thinking ability that leads to falling for one conspiracy theory ensures that they fall for whole bunches of conspiracy theories.

It would be nice if we could write them off as harmless cranks, but we can't. If AJ and skook had their way, mosquitoes would have developed resistance to DDT, DDT would have become useless for malaria control, and millions would have died. The cult stupidity of dimbulbs like AJ and Skook would kill millions if it was implemented, therefore all decent humans are obligated to expose and oppose their genocidal stupidity.

So the global warming skeptics are a cult?


Actually s0n.....this poll displays very clearly ( taken 2 weeks ago btw )........the alarmists re not only a cult but a pronounced cult.:coffee:


LMAO......looks like conspiracy theorists are now mainstream!!!:fu::fu:
DDT is like our common antibiotics. because we only used them half way, the mosquito's became drug resistant by mutating. (The partial ban was worse than an all out ban. Stupidity by the left never ceases to amaze me). We should have used DDT to its full potential years ago. Now its becoming useless due to stupid liberal policies and natural selection..

I have long believed that one day a little bug (microbe) would be the undoing of our species as it has done to millions of species before us.

Nature abhors imbalance. And it will restore balance despite what we do to try and stop it. (this is why the AGW nutters are so stupid to believe that they can somehow affect the changes happening).

The real question is, are we prepared, as a species, to survive the next pandemic? Are we prepared to change, adapt and overcome?

Most cities will begin tearing themselves apart in less than a week, once basic services stop. Most cities only have three days food in the stores that serve them. When the next true pandemic hits it will not be pretty!
DDT is like our common antibiotics. because we only used them half way, the mosquito's became drug resistant by mutating. (The partial ban was worse than an all out ban. Stupidity by the left never ceases to amaze me). We should have used DDT to its full potential years ago. Now its becoming useless due to stupid liberal policies and natural selection..

I have long believed that one day a little bug (microbe) would be the undoing of our species as it has done to millions of species before us.

Nature abhors imbalance. And it will restore balance despite what we do to try and stop it. (this is why the AGW nutters are so stupid to believe that they can somehow affect the changes happening).

The real question is, are we prepared, as a species, to survive the next pandemic? Are we prepared to change, adapt and overcome?

Most cities will begin tearing themselves apart in less than a week, once basic services stop. Most cities only have three days food in the stores that serve them. When the next true pandemic hits it will not be pretty!

That's not totally accurate. If you had used DDT all out, it would still have resulted in resistance - that's evolution in actoin. Resistance was occurring long before it was banned and in areas where it was heavily used. It has nothing to do with "liberal policies". DDT had a host of serious side effects to it.

There will always new bugs - that's nature's way. She's always changing.

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