Thank you to San Francisco archbishop Cordileone for banning Communion for Nancy Pelosi for her horrible pushing of the killing of little babies in the womb. And shame on Archbishiop of Wilton Gregory of Washington DC for not doing the same. Pelosi was seen taking Communion at the 9 am mass in Georgetown Sunday. This is a disgrace. The teaching is clear, and Cordileone did the right thing. Of course the leftwing San Francisco Chronicle is demanding the pope remove Cordileone because of this. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be shocked if this happened. Pope Francis has already spoken out against denying Communion, and he's the one who installed Gregory in DC. Gregory should also ban Biden, Cortez, and all other leftwing Catholic politicians from receiving. It's time to stand up and be counted! I am very grateful to the young priest at my church who spoke out vociferously in favor of this ruling by Cordileone. I look forward to our next pope, hopefully an African conservative more in the mold of Jesus.
What makes this especially vile are Pelosi's snarky comments and disobedience. Not an ounce of humility or respect. Of course the atheist left sides with Pelosi. They don't believe in consequences for evil acts anyway.