Days of '47: The Mormon Wars


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Following where this left off Sunday, the Mormon Wars of 1838 just started to really heat up. Henry Root had sold most of his land in De Witt, Missouri, which was in Carroll County. Root, a non-Mormon, sold the land to high ranking members of the church, which George M. Hinkle and Jon Murdock led the groups to colonize the area.

Because of the new Mormon colonization of De Witt, people of Carroll County met to discuss expelling them from the area. After an August 6 election, the majority of the people in the county wanted the Mormons to be forced to leave. Both Hinkle and Murdock refused to leave, making note that it was their right as Americans to settle wherever they so chose.

The strong refusal by members of the Mormon Church would only anger the others, instigating an armed force led by Colonel William Claude Jones to lead 100 armed men to arrest Mormon settler Smith Humphery. He was then detained for a few hours and threatened about the colonization of the area.
This would be the spark that ignited those who wanted the Mormons out of their counties. In surrounding counties, committees were coming together in all of the surrounding counties – Jackson, Daviess, Ray, Howard, Saline, Chariton, and others – to create a force to expel the Mormon people for good.

No mention of the seer stones yet.
Following where this left off Sunday, the Mormon Wars of 1838 just started to really heat up. Henry Root had sold most of his land in De Witt, Missouri, which was in Carroll County. Root, a non-Mormon, sold the land to high ranking members of the church, which George M. Hinkle and Jon Murdock led the groups to colonize the area.

Because of the new Mormon colonization of De Witt, people of Carroll County met to discuss expelling them from the area. After an August 6 election, the majority of the people in the county wanted the Mormons to be forced to leave. Both Hinkle and Murdock refused to leave, making note that it was their right as Americans to settle wherever they so chose.

The strong refusal by members of the Mormon Church would only anger the others, instigating an armed force led by Colonel William Claude Jones to lead 100 armed men to arrest Mormon settler Smith Humphery. He was then detained for a few hours and threatened about the colonization of the area.
This would be the spark that ignited those who wanted the Mormons out of their counties. In surrounding counties, committees were coming together in all of the surrounding counties – Jackson, Daviess, Ray, Howard, Saline, Chariton, and others – to create a force to expel the Mormon people for good.

No mention of the seer stones yet.
Like I said, I don't follow, but you keep coming up with stuff I have never heard of while taking history in Kentucky, Tennesse and two colleges. Thanks for the posts.., again.
So you admit it was the non church members that armed themselves and attacked peaceful Mormons.
Nope. I expect this history to be as white washed as it gets in these articles. Especially when there is zero mention of the whole we will go to war and then inherit our neighbor's lands or............seer stones.
You posted what happened and now claim it does not say what it says? The history is clear in every instance the locals armed themselves and attacked peaceful Mormons.
I agree with Retired, that is what the article says, the Mormons were living in peace and they were attacked because their religion and way of life.

You can disagree and even attack religions and their doctrines, but not so religious people if they are not imposing their beliefs on you.
You posted what happened and now claim it does not say what it says? The history is clear in every instance the locals armed themselves and attacked peaceful Mormons.

My stance has not changed since the last discussion we had about this. The article I posted painted them as victims and appears to leave out a hell of a lot of information. LDS loves to rewrite history.
You posted what happened and now claim it does not say what it says? The history is clear in every instance the locals armed themselves and attacked peaceful Mormons.

My stance has not changed since the last discussion we had about this. The article I posted painted them as victims and appears to leave out a hell of a lot of information. LDS loves to rewrite history.
Wrong in EVERY SINGLE CASE the NON Mormons attacked the Mormons. Hell even after all the Mormons moved to a desolate barren salt lake the Government sent troops to murder them and try and take their land. In EVERY case Mormons LEGALLY Bought the land in the US and were driven out by NON Mormons, IN EVERY CASE. In the case of UTAH they settled what NO ONE else wanted and then after making it work the Government fabricated a threat and sent an entire Army to attack them in their homes.
You posted what happened and now claim it does not say what it says? The history is clear in every instance the locals armed themselves and attacked peaceful Mormons.

My stance has not changed since the last discussion we had about this. The article I posted painted them as victims and appears to leave out a hell of a lot of information. LDS loves to rewrite history.
Wrong in EVERY SINGLE CASE the NON Mormons attacked the Mormons. Hell even after all the Mormons moved to a desolate barren salt lake the Government sent troops to murder them and try and take their land. In EVERY case Mormons LEGALLY Bought the land in the US and were driven out by NON Mormons, IN EVERY CASE. In the case of UTAH they settled what NO ONE else wanted and then after making it work the Government fabricated a threat and sent an entire Army to attack them in their homes.

Nope. We haven't even gotten to the Mountain Meadows Massacre.
You posted what happened and now claim it does not say what it says? The history is clear in every instance the locals armed themselves and attacked peaceful Mormons.

My stance has not changed since the last discussion we had about this. The article I posted painted them as victims and appears to leave out a hell of a lot of information. LDS loves to rewrite history.
Wrong in EVERY SINGLE CASE the NON Mormons attacked the Mormons. Hell even after all the Mormons moved to a desolate barren salt lake the Government sent troops to murder them and try and take their land. In EVERY case Mormons LEGALLY Bought the land in the US and were driven out by NON Mormons, IN EVERY CASE. In the case of UTAH they settled what NO ONE else wanted and then after making it work the Government fabricated a threat and sent an entire Army to attack them in their homes.

LOL YUP you lying sack of prejudice shit. History is clear on this and you just try to claim otherwise because you are a frothing at the mouth hating ignorant shit stain. Tell me what did a Mormon do to you?
You posted what happened and now claim it does not say what it says? The history is clear in every instance the locals armed themselves and attacked peaceful Mormons.

My stance has not changed since the last discussion we had about this. The article I posted painted them as victims and appears to leave out a hell of a lot of information. LDS loves to rewrite history.
Wrong in EVERY SINGLE CASE the NON Mormons attacked the Mormons. Hell even after all the Mormons moved to a desolate barren salt lake the Government sent troops to murder them and try and take their land. In EVERY case Mormons LEGALLY Bought the land in the US and were driven out by NON Mormons, IN EVERY CASE. In the case of UTAH they settled what NO ONE else wanted and then after making it work the Government fabricated a threat and sent an entire Army to attack them in their homes.

LOL YUP you lying sack of prejudice shit. History is clear on this and you just try to claim otherwise because you are a frothing at the mouth hating ignorant shit stain. Tell me what did a Mormon do to you?

There is nothing to lie about. History is very clear on this. The Mormons were not innocent victims in all of this. I'm sorry if that makes you unhappy.
You posted what happened and now claim it does not say what it says? The history is clear in every instance the locals armed themselves and attacked peaceful Mormons.

My stance has not changed since the last discussion we had about this. The article I posted painted them as victims and appears to leave out a hell of a lot of information. LDS loves to rewrite history.
Wrong in EVERY SINGLE CASE the NON Mormons attacked the Mormons. Hell even after all the Mormons moved to a desolate barren salt lake the Government sent troops to murder them and try and take their land. In EVERY case Mormons LEGALLY Bought the land in the US and were driven out by NON Mormons, IN EVERY CASE. In the case of UTAH they settled what NO ONE else wanted and then after making it work the Government fabricated a threat and sent an entire Army to attack them in their homes.

LOL YUP you lying sack of prejudice shit. History is clear on this and you just try to claim otherwise because you are a frothing at the mouth hating ignorant shit stain. Tell me what did a Mormon do to you?

There is nothing to lie about. History is very clear on this. The Mormons were not innocent victims in all of this. I'm sorry if that makes you unhappy.
LOL yet History CLEARLY shows that local non Mormons in every case created mobs and went after Mormons killing some and jailing others. The only thing Mormons did is occasionally fight back. In Utah the Government fabricated a threat and sent an Army to kill or drive out the Mormons that had reclaimed inhospitable land and made it thrive. The Mormons buried the temple foundation they were building and did NOTHING when the Army arrived. The Army could not get a reaction from the Mormons and was forced to leave.
You posted what happened and now claim it does not say what it says? The history is clear in every instance the locals armed themselves and attacked peaceful Mormons.

My stance has not changed since the last discussion we had about this. The article I posted painted them as victims and appears to leave out a hell of a lot of information. LDS loves to rewrite history.
Wrong in EVERY SINGLE CASE the NON Mormons attacked the Mormons. Hell even after all the Mormons moved to a desolate barren salt lake the Government sent troops to murder them and try and take their land. In EVERY case Mormons LEGALLY Bought the land in the US and were driven out by NON Mormons, IN EVERY CASE. In the case of UTAH they settled what NO ONE else wanted and then after making it work the Government fabricated a threat and sent an entire Army to attack them in their homes.

LOL YUP you lying sack of prejudice shit. History is clear on this and you just try to claim otherwise because you are a frothing at the mouth hating ignorant shit stain. Tell me what did a Mormon do to you?

There is nothing to lie about. History is very clear on this. The Mormons were not innocent victims in all of this. I'm sorry if that makes you unhappy.
LOL yet History CLEARLY shows that local non Mormons in every case created mobs and went after Mormons killing some and jailing others. The only thing Mormons did is occasionally fight back. In Utah the Government fabricated a threat and sent an Army to kill or drive out the Mormons that had reclaimed inhospitable land and
made it thrive. The Mormons buried the temple foundation they were building and did NOTHING when the Army arrived. The Army could not get a reaction from the Mormons and was forced to leave.

You need to go back and read the articles that contain information regarding the Mormon mobs.
link for YOU. Constitutional Rights Foundation There were no mobs and in every case State authorities ATTACKED the members of the Church even MURDERING Joseph Smith in a Jail cell. In every instance the violence and attacks STARTED from NON Mormons.

No. It didn't all start from Non-Mormons.
Lie all you want but Mormons are and have always been peaceful people. I asked you what a Mormon did to you to make you hate a peaceful religious group........
link for YOU. Constitutional Rights Foundation There were no mobs and in every case State authorities ATTACKED the members of the Church even MURDERING Joseph Smith in a Jail cell. In every instance the violence and attacks STARTED from NON Mormons.

No. It didn't all start from Non-Mormons.
Lie all you want but Mormons are and have always been peaceful people. I asked you what a Mormon did to you to make you hate a peaceful religious group........

There is nothing to lie about. I have an entire line that traveled with Joseph Smith. I'm sorry if the truth is offense to you.
link for YOU. Constitutional Rights Foundation There were no mobs and in every case State authorities ATTACKED the members of the Church even MURDERING Joseph Smith in a Jail cell. In every instance the violence and attacks STARTED from NON Mormons.

No. It didn't all start from Non-Mormons.
Lie all you want but Mormons are and have always been peaceful people. I asked you what a Mormon did to you to make you hate a peaceful religious group........

There is nothing to lie about. I have an entire line that traveled with Joseph Smith. I'm sorry if the truth is offense to you.
LOL you wouldn't know the truth if it raised up and tore your LYING head off. You twist and pervert information and even when it does not say what you want you claim it is the lie.
link for YOU. Constitutional Rights Foundation There were no mobs and in every case State authorities ATTACKED the members of the Church even MURDERING Joseph Smith in a Jail cell. In every instance the violence and attacks STARTED from NON Mormons.

No. It didn't all start from Non-Mormons.
Lie all you want but Mormons are and have always been peaceful people. I asked you what a Mormon did to you to make you hate a peaceful religious group........

There is nothing to lie about. I have an entire line that traveled with Joseph Smith. I'm sorry if the truth is offense to you.
LOL you wouldn't know the truth if it raised up and tore your LYING head off. You twist and pervert information and even when it does not say what you want you claim it is the lie.

Ok. No more nice girl.

Listen up--the LDS were absolutely involved in some brutal crap. They instigated fights and they continued to use the seer stones in Missouri.

I provide you a link to a crapload of newspaper articles at the time. LDS has struggled with the history here. Pull your head out of your ass. Thanks.
No. It didn't all start from Non-Mormons.
Just as a note..late, as it were...but Joseph Smith was in that jail cell for a reason...and part of that was his followers destroying a newspaper office..after they published an article claiming that Smith and the LDS practiced plural marriage. So yeah, there was some violence on both sides. Mormons have never believed in turning the other cheek.. the settling of Deseret---Utah--- was rife with Mormon and Gentile violence, Brigham Young was not shy about stating that God gave them this land for their New Jerusalem and gentiles were tolerated, at best. Sniping and lynching did occur, again, on all sides.
Many thought that we were going to go to claim Utah

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