Cyclonus/Boleyn: Governance & Gender [Magazine Debate]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a prestige/celebrity psychology vignette symbolic of humanity and inspired by the films Celebrity (Woody Allen), Anne of the Thousand Days (Charles Jarrott), and The Bonfire of the Vanities (Brian De Palma).

It references Queen Anne Boleyn (a female monarch under great prestige-controversy) and the fictional modernism-paranoia A.I. robot Cyclonus (a wolfish first-knight robot representing governance dissatisfaction).




A diabolical robot general named Galvatron sent his wolfish first-knight robot Cyclonus to planet Earth during the reign of Anne Boleyn in England. Cyclonus was ordered to evaluate how governance and monarchy were weighed in human civilization and how queens were weighed against kings. Cyclonus was obligated to make a report to Galvatron about the 'value' of invading/colonizing human civilization.


Anne Boleyn was a smart and defiant queen who was embroiled in a controversy with the king involving apparent accusations that she was involved in adulterous affairs with members of the royal court including soldiers and guardsmen. Queen Anne had to defend her honor and maintain her dignity/composure while understanding why her king would be so condemning of her femininity. This is when Cyclonus landed to challenge Anne.


CYCLONUS: You seem flustered by monarchy, Queen Anne.
ANNE: I see you're a mechanical 'alien being' from a faraway planet!
CYCLONUS: You didn't think no other intelligent creature would ever visit.
ANNE: No, I suppose I kept such a 'possibility' open in my mind.
CYCLONUS: Your mind is currently troubled by gender-loaded condemnations.
ANNE: Yes, the king believes I've sullied his court by 'indulging' with other men!
CYCLONUS: You feel obligated to defend your femininity?
ANNE: Well, I don't see why male virility is viewed higher than feminine yearnings.
CYCLONUS: I'm to report to my robotic-general Galvatron about the value of humanity.
ANNE: You mean you have to tell him if Earth is worth colonizing...
CYCLONUS: Haha, that's right.
ANNE: Well, what're your impressions, overall, of governance in England?
CYCLONUS: I see that gender-intrigue makes for various forms of social dialogue!
ANNE: This is not an England catering to 'liberal dialogue' about the femininity of the Queen.
CYCLONUS: In other words, kings still 'rule' in England.
ANNE: For now, it seems that way, but things might change some day.
CYCLONUS: Do you believe that dialogue can shift thinking regarding political norms?
ANNE: Multiple queens have to take the initiative to claim their right to be rulers!
CYCLONUS: You might be the standard-setter, Queen Anne...
ANNE: Do you find me attractive?
CYCLONUS: I can see that you're a woman of charm to the males of your species.
ANNE: I can likewise see your wolfish mechanical stature sets you apart as a 'knight.'
CYCLONUS: There's a peculiar 'aesthetics' to knighthood.
ANNE: Do you consider yourself a male interested in feminism?
CYCLONUS: I can see the general 'academic value' of women's rights!
ANNE: Perhaps someday they'll make leaflets about gender products.


Cyclonus concluded that human civilization and governance in England was still rather primitive and clouded by considerations about power, prestige, and gossip. However, the cunning robot also concluded that Anne Boleyn was an English monarch of great smartness and defiance. Cyclonus concluded that human civilization would someday 'explore' the ramifications of women's rights and gender in the context of political development/evolution. He reasoned that governments and monarchies would explore social discussions about the weight of queens embroiled in liberty-themed analyses. He even theorized that there would someday be entertaining poems about Anne Boleyn.


Cyclonus sought the counsel of a wizard in England before departing Earth. The wizard, a man named Merlin, told the perceptive alien-robot that in Earth's future, human beings would invent toy-models of weapons such as 'water-guns' which would reflect the species' developed/evolved interest in competitive behaviors and instincts. Cyclonus decided o make a drawing and model of such a toy 'water-gun' to take back to Galvatron. Cyclonus wanted to tell his robot-general that human civilization was a system of great 'inventiveness.'


When Cyclonus reached his robot planet of Cybertron and presented his report to Galvatron, his military-general wanted to know what Cyclonus learned about governance aesthetics on Earth. Cyclonus explained that Queen Anne of England was a diplomat of progressing values regarding women's rights in human monarchies which were still 'hampered' by simple considerations regarding prestige and gossip. Galvatron saw Cyclonus was obviously impressed by Queen Anne's shrewdness, and Cyclonus explained that Anne's court was like a 'wall of game symbolism' which represented a human fascination with 'inventive etiquette.'


GALVATRON: Maybe humans love games...
CYCLONUS: I believe their civilization will develop varied entertainment!
GALVATRON: They'll make poems about Queen Anne being a 'feminist.'
CYCLONUS: I'd imagine that Anne could use such 'publicity.'
GALVATRON: You know here in Cybertron we have dialogue-magazines.
CYCLONUS: Yes, and I think there will some day be feminism-magazines on Earth.
GALVATRON: I imagine such magazines will have titles like Vanity Fair and People.
CYCLONUS: Yes, I agree; humans are fascinated by 'traffic.'
GALVATRON: In that case, let's not invade/colonize such a planet.
CYCLONUS: I agree; they seem to be simply like 'romance-ants.'
GALVATRON: It's unwise to crush a 'charming ant-hill.'
CYCLONUS: I will never forget Queen Anne.



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