Cyber Ninjas: "The reality is they just made up the numbers."


So it goes
Gold Supporting Member
May 14, 2010
Arizona's Maricopa County
"It's the Senate's own data," Moore told The Arizona Republic. "This blows apart everything that's happened in the past nine months. Anybody with a hand calculator and five minutes could figure it out."

This is based on examination of 40 ballot boxes for which the Arizona Senate broke down by number, batches and various types of tallies.

Key findings:




And here I was saddened that the silliness had ended.
"It's the Senate's own data," Moore told The Arizona Republic. "This blows apart everything that's happened in the past nine months. Anybody with a hand calculator and five minutes could figure it out."

This is based on examination of 40 ballot boxes for which the Arizona Senate broke down by number, batches and various types of tallies.

Key findings:

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And here I was saddened that the silliness had ended.

At this point ... it doesn't matter. The crime has been committed. We will pretend it hasn't.

We can't acknowledge the crime without destroying the system.

It's time to realize that we no longer live in a society where voting is representative of the will of the people (if it ever was).
"It's the Senate's own data," Moore told The Arizona Republic. "This blows apart everything that's happened in the past nine months. Anybody with a hand calculator and five minutes could figure it out."

This is based on examination of 40 ballot boxes for which the Arizona Senate broke down by number, batches and various types of tallies.

Key findings:

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View attachment 546237

And here I was saddened that the silliness had ended.
So basically, another group of frauds is analyzing the first fraud group's work and telling fresh lies about it. Wheeeeeeeeeeeee
"It's the Senate's own data," Moore told The Arizona Republic. "This blows apart everything that's happened in the past nine months. Anybody with a hand calculator and five minutes could figure it out."

This is based on examination of 40 ballot boxes for which the Arizona Senate broke down by number, batches and various types of tallies.

Key findings:

View attachment 546241
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View attachment 546237

And here I was saddened that the silliness had ended.
The problem is, this orange national humiliation is nowhere near over.
o basically, another group of frauds is analyzing the first fraud group's work and telling fresh lies about it. Wheeeeeeeeeeeee

Well, the thing is that a 3rd count was done by the Arizona Senate during July using machines to read the ballots. This is the count that got Senate liaison Ken Bennett booted and banned from the Cyber Ninjas fairground facility. I'm not vouching for anybody, but it did seem to me that the Ninja's primary focus in releasing information during the conduct of their so-called audit was to solicit funds.
You mean, you will pretend you aren't believing something without a shred of evidence. Or maybe you aren't sure how this works..?

It's hard to form an opinion one way or another without verifiable facts.

Was this last election very unusual, undoubtedly.

Did the uncharismatic Biden win millions more votes than the most charismatic candidate in recent history, Obama? Unlikely.

The unprecedented numbers of ultimately unverifiable postal votes makes independent evaluation of turnouts impossible to confirm.

Why was vote counting suspended when Trump was ahead in most swing states? That in itself is unprecedented.

Why were poll watchers and news cameras excluded from several counting stations in swing states? That is unprecedented.

I know that Biden won the election because the election was certified by electoral commissions. He won because they said he won and there is no realistic way to challenge that.

However, in the absence of transparency, there will always be doubt. It was a very hard-fought election, and "because we said so" isn't going to convince a lot of people who feel disenfranchised.
And here I was saddened that the silliness had ended.
I assume you had no complaints about the data dump/erasure on the machines just prior to the recount? Nevermind. The conflict has accomplished much of what was intended. Restrictions on the kind of mass mail-outs and refusal to accept ballots that are insecure have been accomplished so the cheating you deny, won't be possible again. Want proof? Watch the Left losing its collective mind next year.
I'm not vouching for anybody, but it did seem to me that the Ninja's primary focus in releasing information during the conduct of their so-called audit was to solicit funds.
Well of course. And the point of letting them vomit their lies on national TV (made possible by the GOP Arizona State Senators) was to influence public opinion ahead of trying to pass laws intended to suppress voter turnout.
Is it? Wow, you must be very confused about the existence of unicorns.

I understand why mockery is the standard response to any questioning of the election. I understand why that has to be the case.

The fact there isn't a single verifiable sighting of a unicorn leaves me very confident that unicorns don't exist.
understand why mockery is the standard response to any questioning of the election.
Weak copout. Both of our comments can be taken out of the context of election fraud, and both will retain their meaning.

Unicorns are just horses with horns. Lots of mammals have horns, even some that are related to horses.

But not one instance of the type of fraud suggested has ever been found, nor has a shred of evidence ever been found that could support such nonsense.

Seems to me the existence of unicorns is more plausible than the election fraud fantasy.

Enough context for ya?
The fraud was not the dominion machines, the fraud was a combination of bombing the system with ballots via mail it in scams, and the media apparatus, most especially the traditional big six, along with google, twitter, facebook and instagram, censoring and disinforming the American people! The election was grotesquely unfair and stacked in favor of the psychopath whom I seriously doubt received more than 45-50 million actual votes from legal American citizens!

What I have just explained to you, is indisputable truth, you saw, all of you saw it in real time, the difference being of course, that the 45-50 million who did legally cast a ballot for Biden/Harris, enthusiastically embraced the naked corruption, everyone knows the election was rigged, at every conceivable step, the killer being the high court with straight face, telling the largest state that it lacked standing in a federal election action that it had righteously brought before that court!

I never supported or lent a jot of credibility to the dominion machine silliness, a deliberate rabbit hole of impossible to ever shake out, the scam that worked was far more primitive, it was the mail-it in voting in which the states in question fully dispensed with any pretense of identifying actual, legal voters!
The fraud was not the dominion machines, the fraud was a combination of bombing the system with ballots via mail it in scams, and the media apparatus, most especially the traditional big six, along with google, twitter, facebook and instagram, censoring and disinforming the American people! The election was grotesquely unfair and stacked in favor of the psychopath whom I seriously doubt received more than 45-50 million actual votes from legal American citizens!

What I have just explained to you, is indisputable truth, you saw, all of you saw it in real time, the difference being of course, that the 45-50 million who did legally cast a ballot for Biden/Harris, enthusiastically embraced the naked corruption, everyone knows the election was rigged, at every conceivable step, the killer being the high court with straight face, telling the largest state that it lacked standing in a federal election action that it had righteously brought before that court!

I never supported or lent a jot of credibility to the dominion machine silliness, a deliberate rabbit hole of impossible to ever shake out, the scam that worked was far more primitive, it was the mail-it in voting in which the states in question fully dispensed with any pretense of identifying actual, legal voters!
Take your evidence to the DHS, or go sit in the corner with the alien abductees and the astrologists. That's how it works.
"It's the Senate's own data," Moore told The Arizona Republic. "This blows apart everything that's happened in the past nine months. Anybody with a hand calculator and five minutes could figure it out."

This is based on examination of 40 ballot boxes for which the Arizona Senate broke down by number, batches and various types of tallies.

Key findings:

View attachment 546241
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View attachment 546237

And here I was saddened that the silliness had ended.

CYBER NINJAS, claiming election results were deleted from Maricopa County’s election management system: “So some individual went into an application, and they chose specifically to run something that would clear all records in the system that was used to generate the official results, the day before an audit started.”

THE FACTS: No, the data never disappeared; it was just moved. Maricopa County officials made copies of the data and archived it before removing it from the election management system.

“We have backups for all Nov. data & those archives were never subpoenaed,” the county said in a statement on Twitter. County officials said data cannot be stored indefinitely on the election management system. “Cyber Ninjas don’t understand the business of elections,” the county said. “We can’t keep everything on the EMS server because it has storage limits.”


CYBER NINJAS: “23,344 people voted when they should no longer have access, or would not normally have access” to voting in Maricopa County because they have moved.

THE FACTS: No, that’s not what happened. Logan reviewed the names of voters against a commercial database of addresses, not a database of voters. He found that 23,344 reported moving before ballots went out in October. While the review suggests something improper, election officials note that voters such as college students, those who own vacation homes and military members, can move to temporary locations while still legally voting at the address where they are registered.

“A competent reviewer of an election would not make a claim like that,” said Trey Grayson, a former Republican secretary of state in Kentucky.


CYBER NINJAS: There were 9,041 mail-in voters who “were mailed one ballot but somehow two ballots were received, which I do not know how you would have one ballot sent and two received.”

THE FACTS: This isn’t unusual, and it’s not a sign of wrongdoing. The file Logan consulted, known as EV33, shows two returned ballot entries whenever a voter’s mail-in ballot has a signature discrepancy that gets fixed.

When a voter mails in a ballot with a blank or mismatched signature, election officials contact the voter. If the discrepancy is resolved, they enter a second record in the EV33 file, election officials said.

“The appropriate conclusion to draw from this finding is that the early voting team was performing their statutory-required responsibility by reviewing signatures on all returned mail-in ballots,” Maricopa County tweeted in response to Logan’s claim.

You shouldn't get your news from fake news sources.

Associated Press has a lot of integrity.
"It's the Senate's own data," Moore told The Arizona Republic. "This blows apart everything that's happened in the past nine months. Anybody with a hand calculator and five minutes could figure it out."

This is based on examination of 40 ballot boxes for which the Arizona Senate broke down by number, batches and various types of tallies.

Key findings:

View attachment 546241
View attachment 546242

View attachment 546237

And here I was saddened that the silliness had ended.

It didn't end. Do a web search for Tina Peters.
Weak copout. Both of our comments can be taken out of the context of election fraud, and both will retain their meaning.

Unicorns are just horses with horns. Lots of mammals have horns, even some that are related to horses.

But not one instance of the type of fraud suggested has ever been found, nor has a shred of evidence ever been found that could support such nonsense.

Seems to me the existence of unicorns is more plausible than the election fraud fantasy.

Enough context for ya?

Are you familiar with the line from Hamlet, "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."?

You got away with it. The logical thing to do is enjoy your victory and not draw too much attention on it.

It's hard to form an opinion one way or another without verifiable facts.

Was this last election very unusual, undoubtedly.

Did the uncharismatic Biden win millions more votes than the most charismatic candidate in recent history, Obama? Unlikely.

The unprecedented numbers of ultimately unverifiable postal votes makes independent evaluation of turnouts impossible to confirm.

Why was vote counting suspended when Trump was ahead in most swing states? That in itself is unprecedented.

Why were poll watchers and news cameras excluded from several counting stations in swing states? That is unprecedented.

I know that Biden won the election because the election was certified by electoral commissions. He won because they said he won and there is no realistic way to challenge that.

However, in the absence of transparency, there will always be doubt. It was a very hard-fought election, and "because we said so" isn't going to convince a lot of people who feel disenfranchised.

None of this is true.

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