Curtis Sliwa plans to crack down on crime as NYC mayor

Here's an idea. Don't use your badge and gun to indiscriminately beat and kill innocent people, and your insurance rates will go way down.
Here's a better idea...

When a cop gives you a command during the course of a stop or arrest, obey that command, immediately... resist violently and you get a nice little toe-tag.

As we have seen over and over again, obeying a cop’s command will not save your life. In video after video, the police shoot suspects who are obeying police commands.

The issue is not the behaviour of the suspects, the problem is the behaviour of the police. American police or treating citizens like an enemy combatants in the field, instead of people in need of assistance. They must be “neutralized”.

Show us the videos. You said "we have seen", which as PROGS are concerned it's code for give me some security for my corrupted head.

Show us all there's some substance to your rants, for once. It will be easy to locate, after all "As we have seen over and over again, obeying a cop’s command will not save your life. In video after video, the police shoot suspects who are obeying police commands."

My money is you're just a parrot.
Here's an idea. Don't use your badge and gun to indiscriminately beat and kill innocent people, and your insurance rates will go way down.
Heres an idea, dont have your community robbing, murdering and assaulting people and we wont need to beat or kill any of them.
Please say which government agency is responsible for beating and killing people based on the beater and killer's mood?
The police. If you are in a violent mood, expect a violent response.
While I probably would not have recognized Sliwa in public, I recognized his name immediately and of course he's wearing the Guardian Angel's trademark red beret.

I found the article to be a very interesting though especially the part where he's explaining that the police in New York City are now "reduced" to having to go out and shop around for liability insurance on a $42,000/hr salary for their first 5 years out of the police academy (and who can find housing there on that salary). The numbers don't seem to quite make sense to me unless there is something I'm ciuntamissing.
Qualified immunity doesn't exist in many countries. Hold these pigs accountable. Silwa is a racist communist who wants stop and frisk.
So why did that pig think it was OK to murder Floyd?
Floyd was not murdered. He died while
resisting arrest. Got that PIG ? I have
seen lots of instances of resistance to arrest.
It is a wonder more people do not die
in the struggle
Qualified immunity doesn't exist in many countries. Hold these pigs accountable. Silwa is a racist communist who wants stop and frisk.
Far more people want black criminals to be held accountable than cops, but your absurd left wing rhetoric is scoring my party a fuckload of points in the eyes of the public, so i encourage you to publicly share more of your absurd rhetoric.
As we have seen over and over again, obeying a cop’s command will not save your life. In video after video, the police shoot suspects who are obeying police commands.

The issue is not the behaviour of the suspects, the problem is the behaviour of the police. American police or treating citizens like an enemy combatants in the field, instead of people in need of assistance. They must be “neutralized”.
More opinions by the woman with all the wrong opinions and no facts.
You are just an innocent victim.
Yes. I was guilty of speeding 12 miles above the speed limit, but the cop got pissed when I wouldn't unlock the trunk for him. After the beating, they took the key out of my pocket and opened it, but there was nothing there..
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for the record---Curtis Sliwa was born and bred in Brooklyn, New York. As such he knows about the sort of crime that tickles the fancy
of the dragon "lady"
I was hit and kicked by a cop while he shouted "quit resisting". I wasn't resisting, but was charged with resisting arrest.
really? where did that take place?
Qualified immunity doesn't exist in many countries. Hold these pigs accountable. Silwa is a racist communist who wants stop and frisk.
Curtis Sliwa lost. But we still need to end qualified immunity.
I was hit and kicked by a cop while he shouted "quit resisting". I wasn't resisting, but was charged with resisting arrest.
Cop are on a power trip and know they can get away with what they do.

Too many people blindly take their side. This must stop.
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