Cuomo: “Hatred Exploding in Our Country.” Really?


May 23, 2014
This is such a crock of shit. There is no more hate in our society today than there was when Obama was President. Liberal media wants to promote this shit and it triggers all the Chicken Littles out there to run in circles screaming. It’s all to play on the psyche of the simple minded:
Democrat in Office as President... “Oh boy! Everyone loves each other! Weeeee! :twirl:
Republican in Office as President... “Hate fills the hearts of men! Racism is on rise! Everyday I am sad for the human race! Why can’t we love each other again! Whhhhyyyyy!:206:
Cuomo calls machete attack during Hanukkah celebration an 'act of terrorism' as other politicians react
This is such a crock of shit. There is no more hate in our society today than there was when Obama was President. Liberal media wants to promote this shit and it triggers all the Chicken Littles out there to run in circles screaming. It’s all to play on the psyche of the simple minded:
Democrat in Office as President... “Oh boy! Everyone loves each other! Weeeee! :twirl:
Republican in Office as President... “Hate fills the hearts of men! Racism is on rise! Everyday I am sad for the human race! Why can’t we love each other again! Whhhhyyyyy!:206:
Cuomo calls machete attack during Hanukkah celebration an 'act of terrorism' as other politicians react
I don't remember so many synagogue attacks in the past. Or mass shootings, come to think of it.
I think there may actually be more, Bush--I don't know why you feel the need to deny it.
This is such a crock of shit. There is no more hate in our society today than there was when Obama was President. Liberal media wants to promote this shit and it triggers all the Chicken Littles out there to run in circles screaming. It’s all to play on the psyche of the simple minded:
Democrat in Office as President... “Oh boy! Everyone loves each other! Weeeee! :twirl:
Republican in Office as President... “Hate fills the hearts of men! Racism is on rise! Everyday I am sad for the human race! Why can’t we love each other again! Whhhhyyyyy!:206:
Cuomo calls machete attack during Hanukkah celebration an 'act of terrorism' as other politicians react
I don't remember so many synagogue attacks in the past. Or mass shootings, come to think of it.
I think there may actually be more, Bush--I don't know why you feel the need to deny it.
Do the statistics support your opinion?
This is such a crock of shit. There is no more hate in our society today than there was when Obama was President. Liberal media wants to promote this shit and it triggers all the Chicken Littles out there to run in circles screaming. It’s all to play on the psyche of the simple minded:
Democrat in Office as President... “Oh boy! Everyone loves each other! Weeeee! :twirl:
Republican in Office as President... “Hate fills the hearts of men! Racism is on rise! Everyday I am sad for the human race! Why can’t we love each other again! Whhhhyyyyy!:206:
Cuomo calls machete attack during Hanukkah celebration an 'act of terrorism' as other politicians react
I think you're wrong. Hate is preached 24/7 by the left
This is such a crock of shit. There is no more hate in our society today than there was when Obama was President. Liberal media wants to promote this shit and it triggers all the Chicken Littles out there to run in circles screaming. It’s all to play on the psyche of the simple minded:
Democrat in Office as President... “Oh boy! Everyone loves each other! Weeeee! :twirl:
Republican in Office as President... “Hate fills the hearts of men! Racism is on rise! Everyday I am sad for the human race! Why can’t we love each other again! Whhhhyyyyy!:206:
Cuomo calls machete attack during Hanukkah celebration an 'act of terrorism' as other politicians react
I think you're wrong. Hate is preached 24/7 by the left
They teach by example, attacking those they simply don’t like over and over and over. Do remember Loretta Lynch stated blood may need to be shed.

This is such a crock of shit. There is no more hate in our society today than there was when Obama was President. Liberal media wants to promote this shit and it triggers all the Chicken Littles out there to run in circles screaming. It’s all to play on the psyche of the simple minded:
Democrat in Office as President... “Oh boy! Everyone loves each other! Weeeee! :twirl:
Republican in Office as President... “Hate fills the hearts of men! Racism is on rise! Everyday I am sad for the human race! Why can’t we love each other again! Whhhhyyyyy!:206:
Cuomo calls machete attack during Hanukkah celebration an 'act of terrorism' as other politicians react
I don't remember so many synagogue attacks in the past. Or mass shootings, come to think of it.
I think there may actually be more, Bush--I don't know why you feel the need to deny it.
Do the statistics support your opinion?
I don't know. Did the OP's? I should think if we're going to pull out the statistics, it would be Bush first.
The political duopoly has to convince the public that they are afraid

And they are doing a good job of it.
It's a self-fulfilling prophesy. The media promotes racial hatred 24/7 which then results in hateful acts that can be exploited by the media.

They whip up the black community to a froth by manipulating any action between blacks and non blacks in such a way as to create the impression of victimhood, and then when the so-called victims vent their racist hatred in ways like this, they have another story.
This is such a crock of shit. There is no more hate in our society today than there was when Obama was President. Liberal media wants to promote this shit and it triggers all the Chicken Littles out there to run in circles screaming. It’s all to play on the psyche of the simple minded:
Democrat in Office as President... “Oh boy! Everyone loves each other! Weeeee! :twirl:
Republican in Office as President... “Hate fills the hearts of men! Racism is on rise! Everyday I am sad for the human race! Why can’t we love each other again! Whhhhyyyyy!:206:
Cuomo calls machete attack during Hanukkah celebration an 'act of terrorism' as other politicians react
I don't remember so many synagogue attacks in the past. Or mass shootings, come to think of it.
I think there may actually be more, Bush--I don't know why you feel the need to deny it.
Do the statistics support your opinion?
I don't know. Did the OP's? I should think if we're going to pull out the statistics, it would be Bush first.
"That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida. Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him. He stole billions of dollars from the United States government and he's running for governor of Florida. He's a millionaire and a billionaire. He's no hero. He's a damn crook. It's just we don't prosecute big crooks." -- Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-P
“..And then there’s Rumsfeld who said of Iraq ‘We have our good days and our bad days.’ We should put this S.O.B. up against a wall and say ‘This is one of our bad days’ and pull the trigger. Do you want to salvage our country? Be a savior of our country? Then vote for John Kerry and get rid of the whole Bush Bunch.” — From a fund raising ad put out by the St. Petersburg Democratic Club
“Cheney deserves same final end he gave Saddam. Hope there are cell cams.” — Rep. Chuck Kruger (D-Thomaston)
“May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.” — Allan Brauer, the communications chair of the Democratic Party of Sacramento County to Ted Cruz staffer Amanda Carpenter

Mass. College Professor: White Males Are A Cancer And Must Die, Urges Students To Kill Themselves - Truth And Action
This is such a crock of shit. There is no more hate in our society today than there was when Obama was President. Liberal media wants to promote this shit and it triggers all the Chicken Littles out there to run in circles screaming. It’s all to play on the psyche of the simple minded:
Democrat in Office as President... “Oh boy! Everyone loves each other! Weeeee! :twirl:
Republican in Office as President... “Hate fills the hearts of men! Racism is on rise! Everyday I am sad for the human race! Why can’t we love each other again! Whhhhyyyyy!:206:
Cuomo calls machete attack during Hanukkah celebration an 'act of terrorism' as other politicians react
I don't remember so many synagogue attacks in the past. Or mass shootings, come to think of it.
I think there may actually be more, Bush--I don't know why you feel the need to deny it.

"The reason the city’s liberal political class was ignoring it, I argued, is that the criminals don’t fit their picture of Evil Bigots. They aren’t, for the most part, MAGA-hat wearing white guys with tiki torches. In fact, many of the attackers are people of color, as investigative reporting by Tablet’s Armin Rosen and others has shown.

Imagine if they were white nationalists. How much faster would the mayor and other city leaders have taken action?"


"The attacks, and the silence of progressive New York, are utterly appalling, it’s more than appalling. It’s complicit."
This is such a crock of shit. There is no more hate in our society today than there was when Obama was President. Liberal media wants to promote this shit and it triggers all the Chicken Littles out there to run in circles screaming. It’s all to play on the psyche of the simple minded:
Democrat in Office as President... “Oh boy! Everyone loves each other! Weeeee! :twirl:
Republican in Office as President... “Hate fills the hearts of men! Racism is on rise! Everyday I am sad for the human race! Why can’t we love each other again! Whhhhyyyyy!:206:
Cuomo calls machete attack during Hanukkah celebration an 'act of terrorism' as other politicians react
I think you're wrong. Hate is preached 24/7 by the left

that’s nothing new though
This is such a crock of shit. There is no more hate in our society today than there was when Obama was President. Liberal media wants to promote this shit and it triggers all the Chicken Littles out there to run in circles screaming. It’s all to play on the psyche of the simple minded:
Democrat in Office as President... “Oh boy! Everyone loves each other! Weeeee! :twirl:
Republican in Office as President... “Hate fills the hearts of men! Racism is on rise! Everyday I am sad for the human race! Why can’t we love each other again! Whhhhyyyyy!:206:
Cuomo calls machete attack during Hanukkah celebration an 'act of terrorism' as other politicians react
I think you're wrong. Hate is preached 24/7 by the left

that’s nothing new though
To this degree I think it is starting with Trump's election.
This is such a crock of shit. There is no more hate in our society today than there was when Obama was President. Liberal media wants to promote this shit and it triggers all the Chicken Littles out there to run in circles screaming. It’s all to play on the psyche of the simple minded:
Democrat in Office as President... “Oh boy! Everyone loves each other! Weeeee! :twirl:
Republican in Office as President... “Hate fills the hearts of men! Racism is on rise! Everyday I am sad for the human race! Why can’t we love each other again! Whhhhyyyyy!:206:
Cuomo calls machete attack during Hanukkah celebration an 'act of terrorism' as other politicians react

I'd say that the fact that conservatives want a CIVIL WAR so they can

1. kill as many liberals and democrats (gays and atheists and muslims) as possible

2. make the USA OFFICIALLY a CHRISTIAN nation so they can make LAWS banning (criminalizing) everyone who is NOT right wing

is pretty strong evidence that there is MORE hate today.

This is such a crock of shit. There is no more hate in our society today than there was when Obama was President. Liberal media wants to promote this shit and it triggers all the Chicken Littles out there to run in circles screaming. It’s all to play on the psyche of the simple minded:
Democrat in Office as President... “Oh boy! Everyone loves each other! Weeeee! :twirl:
Republican in Office as President... “Hate fills the hearts of men! Racism is on rise! Everyday I am sad for the human race! Why can’t we love each other again! Whhhhyyyyy!:206:
Cuomo calls machete attack during Hanukkah celebration an 'act of terrorism' as other politicians react

I'd say that the fact that conservatives want a CIVIL WAR so they can

1. kill as many liberals and democrats (gays and atheists and muslims) as possible

2. make the USA OFFICIALLY a CHRISTIAN nation so they can make LAWS banning (criminalizing) everyone who is NOT right wing

is pretty strong evidence that there is MORE hate today.

View attachment 297211


I don't remember so many synagogue attacks in the past. Or mass shootings, come to think of it.
I think there may actually be more, Bush--I don't know why you feel the need to deny it.
Because those attacks are happening in Cuomo's backyard, the need to share the blame with the rest of the country is the same tactic liberals use to share the payment of reparations for slavery with the folks who fought and died to free the slaves from the lefts evil grip...they are using their signature characteristic, faux compassion, to get others to pay their debt to humanity.
In my opinion, hatred or resentment, which ever word you want to use, has always been there. It just didn't have as much of a microphone before the internet was here. To me, the only thing that can be done about those who express their feelings in an illegal way is to do what is supposed to be done and that is arrest them and everything that comes after that.

God bless you always!!!

This is such a crock of shit. There is no more hate in our society today than there was when Obama was President. Liberal media wants to promote this shit and it triggers all the Chicken Littles out there to run in circles screaming. It’s all to play on the psyche of the simple minded:
Democrat in Office as President... “Oh boy! Everyone loves each other! Weeeee! :twirl:
Republican in Office as President... “Hate fills the hearts of men! Racism is on rise! Everyday I am sad for the human race! Why can’t we love each other again! Whhhhyyyyy!:206:
Cuomo calls machete attack during Hanukkah celebration an 'act of terrorism' as other politicians react
I don't remember so many synagogue attacks in the past. Or mass shootings, come to think of it.
I think there may actually be more, Bush--I don't know why you feel the need to deny it.
6,000 blacks were shot in Chicago’s home town alone during his administration.. embarrassing
This is such a crock of shit. There is no more hate in our society today than there was when Obama was President. Liberal media wants to promote this shit and it triggers all the Chicken Littles out there to run in circles screaming. It’s all to play on the psyche of the simple minded:
Democrat in Office as President... “Oh boy! Everyone loves each other! Weeeee! :twirl:
Republican in Office as President... “Hate fills the hearts of men! Racism is on rise! Everyday I am sad for the human race! Why can’t we love each other again! Whhhhyyyyy!:206:
Cuomo calls machete attack during Hanukkah celebration an 'act of terrorism' as other politicians react
I don't remember so many synagogue attacks in the past. Or mass shootings, come to think of it.
I think there may actually be more, Bush--I don't know why you feel the need to deny it.
Perhaps when our nation allowed it’s moral fabric to be destroyed with the murder of babies and LGBQT immoral parades down our streets...the rest just falls into place.
In my opinion, hatred or resentment, which ever word you want to use, has always been there. It just didn't have as much of a microphone before the internet was here. To me, the only thing that can be done about those who express their feelings in an illegal way is to do what is supposed to be done and that is arrest them and everything that comes after that.

God bless you always!!!

Agree 100%.
This is such a crock of shit. There is no more hate in our society today than there was when Obama was President. Liberal media wants to promote this shit and it triggers all the Chicken Littles out there to run in circles screaming. It’s all to play on the psyche of the simple minded:
Democrat in Office as President... “Oh boy! Everyone loves each other! Weeeee! :twirl:
Republican in Office as President... “Hate fills the hearts of men! Racism is on rise! Everyday I am sad for the human race! Why can’t we love each other again! Whhhhyyyyy!:206:
Cuomo calls machete attack during Hanukkah celebration an 'act of terrorism' as other politicians react
I don't remember so many synagogue attacks in the past. Or mass shootings, come to think of it.
I think there may actually be more, Bush--I don't know why you feel the need to deny it.

"The reason the city’s liberal political class was ignoring it, I argued, is that the criminals don’t fit their picture of Evil Bigots. They aren’t, for the most part, MAGA-hat wearing white guys with tiki torches. In fact, many of the attackers are people of color, as investigative reporting by Tablet’s Armin Rosen and others has shown.

Imagine if they were white nationalists. How much faster would the mayor and other city leaders have taken action?"


"The attacks, and the silence of progressive New York, are utterly appalling, it’s more than appalling. It’s complicit."
The left would have an orgasm if machete man was wearing a MAGA hat.

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