Crystal Rivers Nazi

She’s done nothing illegal as far as I can tell. There could be a rather profitable discrimination suit in her future. People’s freedoms are usually protected; and one cannot legally be discriminated against by sex, race, creed, or religion.
I love watching the left spin themselves apoplectic upon finding out one of the teachers isn’t an indoctrinated parishioner of the Diversity Cult.
How is she being discriminated against ? She is unsuitable for the role. The school has a duty to protect the kids from nuts.
What about a teacher who supports Black Lives Matter ideology? No problem, huh?
It`s racist to think that a black life matters as much as a white life?



Every Time You Say "All Lives Matter" You Are Being an Accidental Racist | HuffPost


Here’s Why It Hurts When People Say, “All Lives Matter”

^^^^ So UNTIL the Leftist SJW Racists and Black Racists begin to accept that ALL LIVES MATTER we can say:

She’s done nothing illegal as far as I can tell. There could be a rather profitable discrimination suit in her future. People’s freedoms are usually protected; and one cannot legally be discriminated against by sex, race, creed, or religion.
I love watching the left spin themselves apoplectic upon finding out one of the teachers isn’t an indoctrinated parishioner of the Diversity Cult.
How is she being discriminated against ? She is unsuitable for the role. The school has a duty to protect the kids from nuts.
What about a teacher who supports Black Lives Matter ideology? No problem, huh?
It`s racist to think that a black life matters as much as a white life?
It is to some of the posters on here. They are pretty much all on this thread defending a white supremacist "teacher".
No doubt, cons would have supported Hitler, the white nationalist.

The Democratic (KKK, Jim Crow, Slavery, Ghetto Landlords) Party, their parasitic media and Joseph Goebbels... kindred spirits absolutely...
Yes, but those Southern Democrats are all republican now, as are Neo-Nazis.
That stupid opinion keeps rearing it's ugly head again. Try as you might, there is no proof the parties switched ideologies and repeating it over and over doesn't make it so. Democrats destroyed black families and continue to do so today.
I did read the article. I was particularly struck by her attack on the Florida shooting survivors. Now,tell me again why she should be educating kids
care to clarify? She attacaked all the students? Or did she criticize using some kids by outsiders as shills to attack the NRA?
They're not shills. They disagree with the NRA's position. That is no reason to discredit them. Listen politely and if you don't agree, say so. Politely.
I would be concerned about someone wanting to kill all Muslims teaching history. Math, it might not ever come up. It MIGHT not come up teaching history, either, but I'd want to be damned sure. I know the Right doesn't like it that schools teach inclusion and acceptance, but at least it's not annihilation. Which is actually worse? C'mon.
It’s not the schools place to teach “inclusion”, or “acceptance”. That’s the parents job. Know your role, and respect boundaries. Stick with reading, writing, arithmetic, science, and history. The rest is none of your business. And certainly not your place...

I agree. They can throw civics in there too. How the government works is a good thing to know.
She’s done nothing illegal as far as I can tell. There could be a rather profitable discrimination suit in her future. People’s freedoms are usually protected; and one cannot legally be discriminated against by sex, race, creed, or religion.
I love watching the left spin themselves apoplectic upon finding out one of the teachers isn’t an indoctrinated parishioner of the Diversity Cult.
How is she being discriminated against ? She is unsuitable for the role. The school has a duty to protect the kids from nuts.
What about a teacher who supports Black Lives Matter ideology? No problem, huh?
It`s racist to think that a black life matters as much as a white life?
It is to some of the posters on here. They are pretty much all on this thread defending a white supremacist "teacher".
As you’ve yet to even attempt to defend your position, or statements...
I know that is mainstream for you but decent folks dont hold those beliefs.She has no place in a school.

You openly take the side of the foulest of immoral sexual perverts. Who are you to presume to speak for decent folks?
the foulest of immoral sexual perverts is Donald Trump and he is not for Trump
Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, JFK. Excellent company, huh?
you have the GOP Speaker of the House , Historical figure , ;longest serving Dennis Hastert ...liked to Fuck school kids.....
I know that is mainstream for you but decent folks dont hold those beliefs.She has no place in a school.

You openly take the side of the foulest of immoral sexual perverts. Who are you to presume to speak for decent folks?
the foulest of immoral sexual perverts is Donald Trump and he is not for Trump
Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, JFK. Excellent company, huh?
you have the GOP Speaker of the House , Historical figure , ;longest serving Dennis Hastert ...liked to Fuck school kids.....
Yep, and he went to jail. Kennedy let a woman die, he did not serve a day. Clinton is a rapist, when is he going to jail?
I know that is mainstream for you but decent folks dont hold those beliefs.She has no place in a school.

You openly take the side of the foulest of immoral sexual perverts. Who are you to presume to speak for decent folks?
the foulest of immoral sexual perverts is Donald Trump and he is not for Trump
Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, JFK. Excellent company, huh?
you have the GOP Speaker of the House , Historical figure , ;longest serving Dennis Hastert ...liked to Fuck school kids.....
Yep, and he went to jail. Kennedy let a woman die, he did not serve a day. Clinton is a rapist, when is he going to jail?

Leftists do not think their crowd are sex perverts including when they rape children because Leftists have no Moral Compass and Leftists promote male on male anal sex and you know Paedophiles are just misunderstood or whatever :rolleyes-41:


^^^^ ALL Democrats.




At Least 11 Mayors Have Been Accused Of Child Sex-Related Crimes Since 2016
She’s done nothing illegal as far as I can tell. There could be a rather profitable discrimination suit in her future. People’s freedoms are usually protected; and one cannot legally be discriminated against by sex, race, creed, or religion.
I love watching the left spin themselves apoplectic upon finding out one of the teachers isn’t an indoctrinated parishioner of the Diversity Cult.
How is she being discriminated against ? She is unsuitable for the role. The school has a duty to protect the kids from nuts.
They did a great job for 17 didn't they?
She’s done nothing illegal as far as I can tell. There could be a rather profitable discrimination suit in her future. People’s freedoms are usually protected; and one cannot legally be discriminated against by sex, race, creed, or religion.
I love watching the left spin themselves apoplectic upon finding out one of the teachers isn’t an indoctrinated parishioner of the Diversity Cult.
How is she being discriminated against ? She is unsuitable for the role. The school has a duty to protect the kids from nuts.
What about a teacher who supports Black Lives Matter ideology? No problem, huh?
It`s racist to think that a black life matters as much as a white life?
I think he was referring to their violent and racist actions and if teacher supported that, but you already know that.
Yet another "White Nationalist" got busted. LOL

View attachment 180776


Not sure she is White as in White, looks sort of mixed race with some type of Mystery Meat.


^^^^ Facial shape and um Big Nose it would be good if we could have a picture to look at her ears to see what they are like the right picture she looks a bit Rodent Like with those teeth and the chin shape, obviously mixed race with some type of Mystery Meat and who desperately wants to be a White woman but can never be a White woman so is doing Podcasts to make White people look bad. Sad and pathetic.
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No doubt, cons would have supported Hitler, the white nationalist.

The Democratic (KKK, Jim Crow, Slavery, Ghetto Landlords) Party, their parasitic media and Joseph Goebbels... kindred spirits absolutely...
Yes, but those Southern Democrats are all republican now, as are Neo-Nazis.
Only one of the racist southern Democratic party politicians became a Republican the rest were life long Democrats. The parties switched sides is a bullshit myth.
The citizens of the South are mostly republican today as are most of the politicians. Are you too stupid to know that?
That started before the Civil rights movement so bullshit again. Economics is the reason people started switching. Historical revisionism is a time honored and repulsive tradition for liberals.
Reading, writing and racism? Florida teacher hosted white nationalist podcast

A Florida school district removed a middle school teacher from her classroom after it was revealed that she had secretly hosted a white nationalist podcast, raising concerns that she may have exposed her students to such ideology.

Dayanna Volitich, 25, remains a social studies teacher at Crystal River Middle School in Crystal River. The Citrus County School District said Sunday that it was initially contacted by HuffPost about Volitich's ties to the podcast "Unapologetic," which spurred it to notify human resources and launch a review. HuffPost first reported on the allegations on Saturday.

More proof that teachers are just as capable of being nuts as the rest of the population. Given her hatred of Jews and Muslims should she be teaching them ?

What does her podcast have to do with her day job?

The left once again demonstrates how they love to bully and punish anyone who they don’t agree with.
I know that is mainstream for you but decent folks dont hold those beliefs.She has no place in a school.

You openly take the side of the foulest of immoral sexual perverts. Who are you to presume to speak for decent folks?
the foulest of immoral sexual perverts is Donald Trump and he is not for Trump
Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, JFK. Excellent company, huh?
you have the GOP Speaker of the House , Historical figure , ;longest serving Dennis Hastert ...liked to Fuck school kids.....

Your beloved BJ Bill made at least 26 trips to Pedophille Island to screw around with little boys and girls, you voted for his prime enabler Hillary correct..
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