Crystal Rivers Nazi

Why do you deflect for Nazis ? Do you support this monsters views
If you support the reparations theology of Black Lives Matter or the cop-killer movement itself, then you're no better than this teacher you want the denounce. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of the Left. Tale the log out of your eye. Don't bitch to me about perceived white nationalists when you say nothing about BLM.
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I know that is mainstream for you but decent folks dont hold those beliefs.She has no place in a school.

You openly take the side of the foulest of immoral sexual perverts. Who are you to presume to speak for decent folks?
the foulest of immoral sexual perverts is Donald Trump and he is not for Trump
Says the guy who voted for the wife of the rapist in chief and chummed up with Harvey Weinstein...



:fu: Mid-90s Hillary does a lil somethin' for me. Yeah, she's a terrible person, but that ass! :rolleyes:

I liked this butt shot..

Reading, writing and racism? Florida teacher hosted white nationalist podcast

A Florida school district removed a middle school teacher from her classroom after it was revealed that she had secretly hosted a white nationalist podcast, raising concerns that she may have exposed her students to such ideology.

Dayanna Volitich, 25, remains a social studies teacher at Crystal River Middle School in Crystal River. The Citrus County School District said Sunday that it was initially contacted by HuffPost about Volitich's ties to the podcast "Unapologetic," which spurred it to notify human resources and launch a review. HuffPost first reported on the allegations on Saturday.

More proof that teachers are just as capable of being nuts as the rest of the population. Given her hatred of Jews and Muslims should she be teaching them ?


^^^^ Given their hatred of White people including advocating killing White police officers shouldn't these racist teachers be fired?



#BlackLivesMatter Week of Action in Schools Nationwide - Teaching for Change
She’s done nothing illegal as far as I can tell. There could be a rather profitable discrimination suit in her future. People’s freedoms are usually protected; and one cannot legally be discriminated against by sex, race, creed, or religion.
I love watching the left spin themselves apoplectic upon finding out one of the teachers isn’t an indoctrinated parishioner of the Diversity Cult.
How is she being discriminated against ? She is unsuitable for the role. The school has a duty to protect the kids from nuts.
How is she unsuitable. How do her beliefs make her unable to teach history?
shared anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and suggested that Muslims be eradicated from the planet.

I know that is mainstream for you but decent folks dont hold those beliefs.She has no place in a school.

Black Racism against White students, SUPPORTED by Leftists including Leftist SJW teachers, the below is also against the United States Supreme Court Brown vs Board of Education 1954 where that ruling banned School Segregation. I think when that ugly walking corpse Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies and/or Anthony Kennedy retires and the Republicans get another solid Conservative on the USSC then the gloves will come off on issues like this and these Black Racists and the Leftist SJW teachers will be put to the wall about the below and other issues.


UC Berkeley Protesters Demand Racially Segregated “Safe Space”


^^^^ Brown vs Board of Education 1954 United States Supreme Court banned School Segregation.


Black students demand segregated spaces from white students - The College Fix


'POC Only': College Students Now Openly Refusing To Live With White People
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No doubt, cons would have supported Hitler, the white nationalist.

The Democratic (KKK, Jim Crow, Slavery, Ghetto Landlords) Party, their parasitic media and Joseph Goebbels... kindred spirits absolutely...
Yes, but those Southern Democrats are all republican now, as are Neo-Nazis.
That stupid opinion keeps rearing it's ugly head again. Try as you might, there is no proof the parties switched ideologies and repeating it over and over doesn't make it so. Democrats destroyed black families and continue to do so today.
I did read the article. I was particularly struck by her attack on the Florida shooting survivors. Now,tell me again why she should be educating kids
care to clarify? She attacaked all the students? Or did she criticize using some kids by outsiders as shills to attack the NRA?
She attacked victims. Much the same as the underclass on this board did.
Still spoiling over the fact that hiding behind children didn’t save you... I love it.
No doubt, cons would have supported Hitler, the white nationalist.

The Democratic (KKK, Jim Crow, Slavery, Ghetto Landlords) Party, their parasitic media and Joseph Goebbels... kindred spirits absolutely...
Yes, but those Southern Democrats are all republican now, as are Neo-Nazis.
That stupid opinion keeps rearing it's ugly head again. Try as you might, there is no proof the parties switched ideologies and repeating it over and over doesn't make it so. Democrats destroyed black families and continue to do so today.
I did read the article. I was particularly struck by her attack on the Florida shooting survivors. Now,tell me again why she should be educating kids
care to clarify? She attacaked all the students? Or did she criticize using some kids by outsiders as shills to attack the NRA?
They're not shills. They disagree with the NRA's position. That is no reason to discredit them. Listen politely and if you don't agree, say so. Politely.
I would be concerned about someone wanting to kill all Muslims teaching history. Math, it might not ever come up. It MIGHT not come up teaching history, either, but I'd want to be damned sure. I know the Right doesn't like it that schools teach inclusion and acceptance, but at least it's not annihilation. Which is actually worse? C'mon.
No doubt, cons would have supported Hitler, the white nationalist.

The Democratic (KKK, Jim Crow, Slavery, Ghetto Landlords) Party, their parasitic media and Joseph Goebbels... kindred spirits absolutely...
Yes, but those Southern Democrats are all republican now, as are Neo-Nazis.
Only one of the racist southern Democratic party politicians became a Republican the rest were life long Democrats. The parties switched sides is a bullshit myth.
Reading, writing and racism? Florida teacher hosted white nationalist podcast

A Florida school district removed a middle school teacher from her classroom after it was revealed that she had secretly hosted a white nationalist podcast, raising concerns that she may have exposed her students to such ideology.

Dayanna Volitich, 25, remains a social studies teacher at Crystal River Middle School in Crystal River. The Citrus County School District said Sunday that it was initially contacted by HuffPost about Volitich's ties to the podcast "Unapologetic," which spurred it to notify human resources and launch a review. HuffPost first reported on the allegations on Saturday.

More proof that teachers are just as capable of being nuts as the rest of the population. Given her hatred of Jews and Muslims should she be teaching them ?


^^^^ Given their hatred of White people including advocating killing White police officers shouldn't these racist teachers be fired?



#BlackLivesMatter Week of Action in Schools Nationwide - Teaching for Change
Please show us the mission statement of BLM that says they want to kill cops. There is nothing wrong with the topics they plan to cover.
Reading, writing and racism? Florida teacher hosted white nationalist podcast

A Florida school district removed a middle school teacher from her classroom after it was revealed that she had secretly hosted a white nationalist podcast, raising concerns that she may have exposed her students to such ideology.

Dayanna Volitich, 25, remains a social studies teacher at Crystal River Middle School in Crystal River. The Citrus County School District said Sunday that it was initially contacted by HuffPost about Volitich's ties to the podcast "Unapologetic," which spurred it to notify human resources and launch a review. HuffPost first reported on the allegations on Saturday.

More proof that teachers are just as capable of being nuts as the rest of the population. Given her hatred of Jews and Muslims should she be teaching them ?

Given your submission to Islam, no one cares.
Reading, writing and racism? Florida teacher hosted white nationalist podcast

A Florida school district removed a middle school teacher from her classroom after it was revealed that she had secretly hosted a white nationalist podcast, raising concerns that she may have exposed her students to such ideology.

Dayanna Volitich, 25, remains a social studies teacher at Crystal River Middle School in Crystal River. The Citrus County School District said Sunday that it was initially contacted by HuffPost about Volitich's ties to the podcast "Unapologetic," which spurred it to notify human resources and launch a review. HuffPost first reported on the allegations on Saturday.

More proof that teachers are just as capable of being nuts as the rest of the population. Given her hatred of Jews and Muslims should she be teaching them ?


^^^^ Given their hatred of White people including advocating killing White police officers shouldn't these racist teachers be fired?



#BlackLivesMatter Week of Action in Schools Nationwide - Teaching for Change
Please show us the mission statement of BLM that says they want to kill cops. There is nothing wrong with the topics they plan to cover.

BTW OL you are White so your Pet Black Racists hate YOU also, Leftist SJW low IQ idiots thinking that these Black Racists like them, lol.


^^^^ Harvard University Anti White People Race Hate "debate"


^^^^ "We need to start killing people" this from a Leftist SJW TEACHER who supports Black Lives Matter.








No doubt, cons would have supported Hitler, the white nationalist.

The Democratic (KKK, Jim Crow, Slavery, Ghetto Landlords) Party, their parasitic media and Joseph Goebbels... kindred spirits absolutely...
Yes, but those Southern Democrats are all republican now, as are Neo-Nazis.
Only one of the racist southern Democratic party politicians became a Republican the rest were life long Democrats. The parties switched sides is a bullshit myth.
The citizens of the South are mostly republican today as are most of the politicians. Are you too stupid to know that?
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Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy, and too cowardly to address the topic, instead engaging in childish, failed attempts to deflect.

We have discussed the topic and what we get is that Leftist SJW Maniacs trash White people because ALL white people are in the KKK or whatever and at the same time think it's okay for Black Racists to be teaching Anti White Propaganda and Black Supremacist Propaganda to children in schools.



No doubt, cons would have supported Hitler, the white nationalist.

The Democratic (KKK, Jim Crow, Slavery, Ghetto Landlords) Party, their parasitic media and Joseph Goebbels... kindred spirits absolutely...
Yes, but those Southern Democrats are all republican now, as are Neo-Nazis.
That stupid opinion keeps rearing it's ugly head again. Try as you might, there is no proof the parties switched ideologies and repeating it over and over doesn't make it so. Democrats destroyed black families and continue to do so today.
I did read the article. I was particularly struck by her attack on the Florida shooting survivors. Now,tell me again why she should be educating kids
care to clarify? She attacaked all the students? Or did she criticize using some kids by outsiders as shills to attack the NRA?
They're not shills. They disagree with the NRA's position. That is no reason to discredit them. Listen politely and if you don't agree, say so. Politely.
I would be concerned about someone wanting to kill all Muslims teaching history. Math, it might not ever come up. It MIGHT not come up teaching history, either, but I'd want to be damned sure. I know the Right doesn't like it that schools teach inclusion and acceptance, but at least it's not annihilation. Which is actually worse? C'mon.
It’s not the schools place to teach “inclusion”, or “acceptance”. That’s the parents job. Know your role, and respect boundaries. Stick with reading, writing, arithmetic, science, and history. The rest is none of your business. And certainly not your place...
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but blacks can be black nationalists
blacks/Asians/hispanics can have their own groups to promote their race --but whites can't
this is one of the reasons Trump/right won in the last election
She’s done nothing illegal as far as I can tell. There could be a rather profitable discrimination suit in her future. People’s freedoms are usually protected; and one cannot legally be discriminated against by sex, race, creed, or religion.
I love watching the left spin themselves apoplectic upon finding out one of the teachers isn’t an indoctrinated parishioner of the Diversity Cult.
How is she being discriminated against ? She is unsuitable for the role. The school has a duty to protect the kids from nuts.
What about a teacher who supports Black Lives Matter ideology? No problem, huh?
It`s racist to think that a black life matters as much as a white life?
Reading, writing and racism? Florida teacher hosted white nationalist podcast

A Florida school district removed a middle school teacher from her classroom after it was revealed that she had secretly hosted a white nationalist podcast, raising concerns that she may have exposed her students to such ideology.

Dayanna Volitich, 25, remains a social studies teacher at Crystal River Middle School in Crystal River. The Citrus County School District said Sunday that it was initially contacted by HuffPost about Volitich's ties to the podcast "Unapologetic," which spurred it to notify human resources and launch a review. HuffPost first reported on the allegations on Saturday.

More proof that teachers are just as capable of being nuts as the rest of the population. Given her hatred of Jews and Muslims should she be teaching them ?


^^^^ Given their hatred of White people including advocating killing White police officers shouldn't these racist teachers be fired?



#BlackLivesMatter Week of Action in Schools Nationwide - Teaching for Change
Please show us the mission statement of BLM that says they want to kill cops. There is nothing wrong with the topics they plan to cover.


She’s done nothing illegal as far as I can tell. There could be a rather profitable discrimination suit in her future. People’s freedoms are usually protected; and one cannot legally be discriminated against by sex, race, creed, or religion.
I love watching the left spin themselves apoplectic upon finding out one of the teachers isn’t an indoctrinated parishioner of the Diversity Cult.
How is she being discriminated against ? She is unsuitable for the role. The school has a duty to protect the kids from nuts.
What about a teacher who supports Black Lives Matter ideology? No problem, huh?
It`s racist to think that a black life matters as much as a white life?

The Leftist SJW Racists CRAPPED themselves when this appeared:



So yes the Leftist SJW Racists hate White people and hate ALL peoples including themselves because they wish they were Black or whatever, but essentially according to Leftist SJW Racists and their Black Supremacist Racist Pets ONLY Black lives matter.





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