Cruz predicts a GOP House will impeach Biden 'whether it's justified or not'

Do you loons even realize how hypocritical you are ? The mental gymnastics you people have to use to get though the day is staggering. Anyway, if Republicans are smart they will just sit back and point out everything Biden does wrong and make it clear they won't put the voter/taxpayer though the same expensive dog and pony shows that the Democrats did for 4 years.

And when somebody sucker punches you in the face, the smart thing to do is stand there until they do it again.
Is that all you ever have to say? Then when we post evidence of our claims you say that reliable news outlets are lying. Why are you in a political discussion group when you don't even know the major things going on in our politics?
You don't post evidence. You post right wing bullshit.

The news sources you use are not credible.

I know what's going on. You don't

That's why your dumb ass is here thinking republicans can impeach Biden. 81 million people voted for him, and if republicans try this shit, you best not tell anybody you are a republican.

Because you will get hurt.
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And when somebody sucker punches you in the face, the smart thing to do is stand there until they do it again.

Republicans did that with Trump. They gave his a pass in his first impeachment, voted for a second term, and he did something worse the second time.

You let Trump continue as President, and he tried to become dictator for life. That's about as gullible and stupid as it gets. And you're still defending him. What a fool you are!!!
Yes, out of wars while giving 83 billion dollars of US military equipment to the Taliban making them the most well armed terrorist group in the world. Taking credit for jobs that have been there for nearly a year but Dementia paid people more to stay home than work them. The economy still sucks with labor and supply chain shortages he caused. Yeah, I'm sure Trump wishes he had that after presiding over the best economy in 50 years.
Biden didn't give a damn thing to the taliban.

Trump presided over an economy handed to him. Be glad his ass ain't president now.

Everything you say about Biden is a lie. I started a thread about how good Biden has done. And don't run your fucking mouth about taking credit for jobs that were already there then talk about trumps punk ass presiding over an economy he took credit for that his ass didn't create. And your racist ass credits him for it because you can't face the fact that we had a black president and that black president was one of the best we have had in modern times.

Trump did not do a motherfucking thing but cut taxes for the richest Americans and made certain his corporation pays low taxes forever.
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Biden didn't give a damn thing to the taliban.

Trump presided over an economy handed to him. Be glad his ass ain't president now.

Everything you say about Biden is a lie. I started a thread about how good Biden has done. And don't run your fucking mouth about taking credit for jobs that were alreasy there then talk about trumps punk ass presiding over an economy he took credit for that his ass didn't create. And your racist ass credits him for it because you can't face the fact that we had a black president and that black president was one of the best we have had in modern times.

Trump did do a motherfucking thing but cut taxes for the richest Americans and made certain his corporation pays low taxes forever.

I'm not rich and I got a tax cut. If you worked you probably would have too.

Again, why do you participate in a political blog when you know nothing about politics? Biden giving the Taliban all our military equipment has been reported by every single news outlet in the country, but for some dumb reason, it's the first you heard about it and because of your political ignorance, you call it a lie. Why don't you try looking stuff up first? It will make you look a lot less stupid when you post.
Republicans did that with Trump. They gave his a pass in his first impeachment, voted for a second term, and he did something worse the second time.

You let Trump continue as President, and he tried to become dictator for life. That's about as gullible and stupid as it gets. And you're still defending him. What a fool you are!!!

You claim Trump tried to be a dictator for life and call me a fool? Tell us how Trump tried to do that liar.

Impeachment is for a representative that commits a misdemeanor or high crimes. Asking a leader of another country for a favor or having a rally is neither. Impeachment is covered in that document you leftists hate so much called the US Constitution. Try reading it sometime.
You don't post evidence. You post right wing bullshit.

The news sources you use are not credible.

I know what's going on. You don't

That's why your dumb ass is here thinking republicans can impeach Biden. 81 million people voted for him, and if republicans try this shit, you best not tell anybody you are a republican.

Because you will get hurt.

Let's see somebody hurt me. They will end up with four 9mm in the skull.

Yes, we are going to impeach him, and hopefully twice. Like I said, you commies can dish it out but you can't take it.
I'm not rich and I got a tax cut. If you worked you probably would have too.

Again, why do you participate in a political blog when you know nothing about politics? Biden giving the Taliban all our military equipment has been reported by every single news outlet in the country, but for some dumb reason, it's the first you heard about it and because of your political ignorance, you call it a lie. Why don't you try looking stuff up first? It will make you look a lot less stupid when you post.
Look white boy, drop the stupid shit. I started working at 9 throwing newspapers bitch. So don't be a descendant of motherfuckers so lazy thsat they needed slaves to do work because they were to sorry and shiftless to work on free land and then tell me about "if I had a motherfucking job." Have I made myself clearsaltine?

Biden didn't give a damn thing to the taliban. that has not been reported but by bullshite right wing garbage sites. YTrump made the deal with the aliban dumb ass and the creddibl news sources DID report that. The gateway pundit is not credible.
Let's see somebody hurt me. They will end up with four 9mm in the skull.

Yes, we are going to impeach him, and hopefully twice. Like I said, you commies can dish it out but you can't take it.
You will get 5 put in you before you die. There will be no impeachments of Joe Biden. You guys are counting your chickens but there is going to be prime time coverage of the 1-6 hearings and when that is done you republicans can kiss your asses goodbye. You are the commie son. That's why you're hear supporting a man who tried to end our democracy.

Fact check: Biden didn't 'gift' weapons to Taliban, hasn't proposed banning pistols

Ray, STFU.

Over the course of the war in Afghanistan, the U.S. spent more than $83 billion building up the Afghan military, according to an August report from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. More than $28 billion of U.S. aid went to "defense articles and services, including weapons, ammunition, vehicles, night-vision devices, aircraft, and surveillance systems," according to a separate report published in December.

That's over the entire 20 year war. Trump gave the taliban money for 4 years.
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Do the Republicans and other assorted self-professed Conservatives on USMB agree w/this lawlessness?

Why/why not?
I think it's a horrible idea but I wouldn't be surprised if they did as it's the logical result of turning impeachment into a partisan tool that can be used to hurt the opposing party in the Executive. "They started it" isn't a good reason to do anything but Im not sure what the Democrats thought was going to happen when they brought charges twice against Trump basically because they didn't like him. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if they impeached him 3 times just as a fuck you. I can already hear someone saying "Biden will be impeached 3 times forever"
Do the Republicans and other assorted self-professed Conservatives on USMB agree w/this lawlessness?

Why/why not?
Yep....they will.... There's no such thing as justification for impeachment idiot. Any president can be impeached at any time for any reason large small or otherwise. Make it into a frivolous thing like the Democrats did expect it right back in your face frivolously.

Fact check: Biden didn't 'gift' weapons to Taliban, hasn't proposed banning pistols

Ray, STFU.

Do you bother to read your own links? It says right in there that Dementia left all that military weaponry in Afghanistan and the Taliban of course took it. Word games like "gift" and mostly the article talks about taking away guns from Americans. But that doesn't change the fact that the Taliban have 83 billion dollars of our military equipment because of that incompetent idiot you elected.

Try reading your own posts sometime.

Fact check: Biden didn't 'gift' weapons to Taliban, hasn't proposed banning pistols

Ray, STFU.

Over the course of the war in Afghanistan, the U.S. spent more than $83 billion building up the Afghan military, according to an August report from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. More than $28 billion of U.S. aid went to "defense articles and services, including weapons, ammunition, vehicles, night-vision devices, aircraft, and surveillance systems," according to a separate report published in December.

That's over the entire 20 year war. Trump gave the taliban money for 4 years.

And now the Taliban has it. Geeze you are lost.

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