Cruz: Galileo was branded a denier for saying Earth was round

omg, how petty can you people get. I can't believe they frikken fact checked this.


of course they did...Cruz is incredibly intelligent as testified to by his law professor Alan Dershowitz and Jeffery rabid lefties who actually know him....

But...calling every republican stupid seems to work for them because their minions in the media, their minions in Hollywood and their minions in education will push that meme against Cruz until the uninformed "moderates" and dumb democrats ( who are uneducated in democrat controlled public schools) believe it....

losing sends them off into the twilight zone. But notice Obama won lie of the year and they just yawn. they are tools for a party. its sad
Welcome to the Millennial generation.
omg, how petty can you people get. I can't believe they frikken fact checked this.


of course they did...Cruz is incredibly intelligent as testified to by his law professor Alan Dershowitz and Jeffery rabid lefties who actually know him....

But...calling every republican stupid seems to work for them because their minions in the media, their minions in Hollywood and their minions in education will push that meme against Cruz until the uninformed "moderates" and dumb democrats ( who are uneducated in democrat controlled public schools) believe it....

losing sends them off into the twilight zone. But notice Obama won lie of the year and they just yawn. they are tools for a party. its sad
Welcome to the Millennial generation.

I know. but damn
the democrats in the media have their orders from the Borg Queen...destroy Cruz......
the democrats in the media have their orders from the Borg Queen...destroy Cruz......

Of course. look what they did to Palin. some of the most vile stuff I've ever seen thrown at woman candidate for Vice President of our country. and all for what? politics, their party. It's like they are brainwashed zombies and the Democrat say some code word and they come alive to spread smears and dirt.

it's scary to see how low they will go for a party in our government. the thing is Democrats know they have their base marching for them. so they don't give a shit what they say about us the people they represent. Look what they did to the people of Tea Party

it's hopeless in this country
The Borg collective is a deadly enemy...their drones aere relentless...
omg, how petty can you people get. I can't believe they frikken fact checked this.


of course they did...Cruz is incredibly intelligent as testified to by his law professor Alan Dershowitz and Jeffery rabid lefties who actually know him....

But...calling every republican stupid seems to work for them because their minions in the media, their minions in Hollywood and their minions in education will push that meme against Cruz until the uninformed "moderates" and dumb democrats ( who are uneducated in democrat controlled public schools) believe it....

law professors......with an "s"

You poor, poor persecuted nutters. Nobody ever gets the truth in this nation. Nothing but lies, lies and more lies from the media. Your candidates can never escape the vortex of lies. Waaaaaaaaa!
omg, how petty can you people get. I can't believe they frikken fact checked this.


of course they did...Cruz is incredibly intelligent as testified to by his law professor Alan Dershowitz and Jeffery rabid lefties who actually know him....

But...calling every republican stupid seems to work for them because their minions in the media, their minions in Hollywood and their minions in education will push that meme against Cruz until the uninformed "moderates" and dumb democrats ( who are uneducated in democrat controlled public schools) believe it....

losing sends them off into the twilight zone. But notice Obama won lie of the year and they just yawn. they are tools for a party. its sad
Welcome to the Millennial generation.

Look at yoo! Standing their with the hilee educated Stephanie and 2aguy....those too brilliant socila commenters! Looking up you're nose at the younger generations!

the democrats in the media have their orders from the Borg Queen...destroy Cruz......

Of course. look what they did to Palin. some of the most vile stuff I've ever seen thrown at woman candidate for Vice President of our country. and all for what? politics, their party. It's like they are brainwashed zombies and the Democrat say some code word and they come alive to spread smears and dirt.

it's scary to see how low they will go for a party in our government. the thing is Democrats know they have their base marching for them. so they don't give a shit what they say about us the people they represent. Look what they did to the people of Tea Party

it's hopeless in this country
They beat down Palin and put Biden in as VP! Anyone else see the irony!
omg, how petty can you people get. I can't believe they frikken fact checked this.


of course they did...Cruz is incredibly intelligent as testified to by his law professor Alan Dershowitz and Jeffery rabid lefties who actually know him....

But...calling every republican stupid seems to work for them because their minions in the media, their minions in Hollywood and their minions in education will push that meme against Cruz until the uninformed "moderates" and dumb democrats ( who are uneducated in democrat controlled public schools) believe it....

yeah actually lefties are pretty funny getting right on the fact checker with cruz

while accepting the prezbos 57 states as fact --LOL
You see what happens when you have a difference of opinion?

you get beat down by a stupid factcheck. I doubt many people are worried over this while trying to survive, work and take of their families. for crying out loud.

I know. Facts and the truth are always interfering with right wing beliefs. It must be frustrating for you.
Cruz is one weird dude, he is living proof intelligence has nothing to do with smarts. An Einstein who lived in the deepest ideological fantasies would still be a fanatic. Consider the below as another example.

"You know, music is interesting. I grew up listening to classic rock and I’ll tell you sort of an odd story. My music tastes changed on 9/11. And it’s a very strange — I actually, intellectually, find this very curious, but on 9/11, I didn’t like how rock music responded. And country music collectively, the way they responded, it resonated with me and I have to say, it — just as a gut level, I had an emotional reaction that says, “These are my people.” And so ever since 2001 I listen to country music, but I’m an odd country music fan because I didn’t listen to it prior to 2001." Ted Cruz Ted Cruz country music 9 11 pandering VIDEO .

So 9/11 convinced him life is short,

so he got into cheatin' songs?
omg, how petty can you people get. I can't believe they frikken fact checked this.


of course they did...Cruz is incredibly intelligent as testified to by his law professor Alan Dershowitz and Jeffery rabid lefties who actually know him....

But...calling every republican stupid seems to work for them because their minions in the media, their minions in Hollywood and their minions in education will push that meme against Cruz until the uninformed "moderates" and dumb democrats ( who are uneducated in democrat controlled public schools) believe it....

Cruz is very intelligent. That's what makes it so easy for him to manipulate his feeble minded followers. As long as he repeats the right dog whistle statements, they fall right in line.
the democrats in the media have their orders from the Borg Queen...destroy Cruz......

Of course. look what they did to Palin. some of the most vile stuff I've ever seen thrown at woman candidate for Vice President of our country. and all for what? politics, their party. It's like they are brainwashed zombies and the Democrat say some code word and they come alive to spread smears and dirt.

it's scary to see how low they will go for a party in our government. the thing is Democrats know they have their base marching for them. so they don't give a shit what they say about us the people they represent. Look what they did to the people of Tea Party

it's hopeless in this country

I guess it was pretty heartless to report what Palin actually said.
omg, how petty can you people get. I can't believe they frikken fact checked this.


of course they did...Cruz is incredibly intelligent as testified to by his law professor Alan Dershowitz and Jeffery rabid lefties who actually know him....

But...calling every republican stupid seems to work for them because their minions in the media, their minions in Hollywood and their minions in education will push that meme against Cruz until the uninformed "moderates" and dumb democrats ( who are uneducated in democrat controlled public schools) believe it....

losing sends them off into the twilight zone. But notice Obama won lie of the year and they just yawn. they are tools for a party. its sad
Welcome to the Millennial generation.
They are a clueless mass of sheep, aren't they?

All tattooed to be unique just like everybody else; mindless dolts for the most part.

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