Cruz: Abolish The IRS...

There's a tad more to Cruz's proposal, which reading the OP rather than just the thread title would clue you into:

Notice that 'flatter, simpler, fairer' part? If you want to watch it, its right here at around the 26 or 27 minute mark:

Senator Ted Cruz R-TX Remarks Conservative Video

Oh, and if you want details, here's the tax bill that Cruz co-sponsored on exactly this issue:

S.122 - 113th Congress 2013-2014 Fair Tax Act of 2013 Library of Congress

100% tax rates, huh? Who are these people?
Of course it is not "100% tax rates." You are too stupid to figure out what I actually wrote.
I've posted this many times and of course you ignore it.
CBO Top 40 Paid 106.2 of Income Taxes Bottom 40 Paid -9.1 Got Average of 18 950 in Transfers CNS News

Can I take it then that you recognize Cruz's proposal included a flat tax? A flat tax he's cosponsored legislation in support of?
There is no "Cruz' proposal." He mentioned a policy he's in favor of, and has been.
Your problem seems to be an inability to read and understand what's written.

Except that there is. He talked about implementing a flat tax. And has co-sponsored a bill outlining the specifics:

S.122 - 113th Congress 2013-2014 Fair Tax Act of 2013 Library of Congress

Which you poor, willfully ignorant souls refuse to look at or acknowledge exists. can't fix stupid.
Which was 2 years ago and not really germane here because he hast indicated if he will push the same details or not.
Which part of that is unclear to you? Hell you cant tell a flat tax from a fair tax. Jarhead is right.
Rabbi....Skylar actually thinks that the IRS takes into consideration ones geographical location and corresponding cost of living when determining ones tax burden.

Do you not see what we are debating with?
Which was 2 years ago and not really germane here because he hast indicated if he will push the same details or not.
Which part of that is unclear to you? Hell you cant tell a flat tax from a fair tax. Jarhead is right.

So is there any indication from Cruz that his flat tax proposal has changed since co-sponsoring that bill on the flat tax two years ago? If so, show me, don't tell me.

Unless you have something better, that stands as the best source available on Cruz's position.

Or in yet another spasm of desperate, willful ignorance, are you going to ignore Cruz's own proposal, his own numbers, his own tax rates, his own exemptions from the very bill HE cosponsored........and insist that Cruz's proposal on the flat tax is 'unknowable'?

You guys are raising willful ignorance to an art form here.
Which was 2 years ago and not really germane here because he hast indicated if he will push the same details or not.
Which part of that is unclear to you? Hell you cant tell a flat tax from a fair tax. Jarhead is right.

So is there any indication from Cruz that his flat tax proposal has changed since co-sponsoring that bill on the flat tax two years ago? If so, show me, don't tell me.

Unless you have something better, that stands as the best source available on Cruz's position.

Or in yet another spasm of desperate, willful ignorance, are you going to ignore Cruz's own proposal, his own numbers, his own tax rates, his own exemptions from the very bill HE cosponsored........and insist that Cruz's proposal on the flat tax is 'unknowable'?

You guys are raising willful ignorance to an art form here.
The bill he sponsored was not a flat tax bill. WHat about that do you not get, despite being told by Jarhead many many times already?
For crying out loud, S.122 which outlines Cruz's flat tax overhaul is still on Cruz's website under 'co-sponsored legislation'.

Co-Sponsored Legislation Ted Cruz U.S. Senator for Texas

But its NOT what he's proposing? Not what he believes in? Now what he wants enacted?

Really, guys? If so....holy shit. There really is no depths of willful ignorance that you two aren't willing to descend to keep clinging to your 'we can't possibly know what Cruz meant by 'flat tax'', nonsense.
Of course it is not "100% tax rates." You are too stupid to figure out what I actually wrote.
I've posted this many times and of course you ignore it.
CBO Top 40 Paid 106.2 of Income Taxes Bottom 40 Paid -9.1 Got Average of 18 950 in Transfers CNS News

Can I take it then that you recognize Cruz's proposal included a flat tax? A flat tax he's cosponsored legislation in support of?
There is no "Cruz' proposal." He mentioned a policy he's in favor of, and has been.
Your problem seems to be an inability to read and understand what's written.

Except that there is. He talked about implementing a flat tax. And has co-sponsored a bill outlining the specifics:

S.122 - 113th Congress 2013-2014 Fair Tax Act of 2013 Library of Congress

Which you poor, willfully ignorant souls refuse to look at or acknowledge exists. can't fix stupid.
Which was 2 years ago and not really germane here because he hast indicated if he will push the same details or not.
Which part of that is unclear to you? Hell you cant tell a flat tax from a fair tax. Jarhead is right.
Rabbi....Skylar actually thinks that the IRS takes into consideration ones geographical location and corresponding cost of living when determining ones tax burden.

Do you not see what we are debating with?
I see no evidence to support Skylar's contention. And here is the IRS's own publication, which of course says nothing about location.
New IRS Fresh Start Initiative Helps Taxpayers Who Owe Taxes
Yes we are dealing with someone who cannot read and comprehend. And who probably votes.
So we'd have to report *every* fucking purchase to the government throughout the year in order to get our refund?

Nope. The Fair Tax gives you a set rebate every month, dependent only on the number of people in your household. It has nothing to do with how much you spent.

And everyone gets the same amount. It is not dependent on income. So a poor person gets the same rebate as a rich person.

The prebate – or “annual consumption allowance” – is designed in part to relieve poverty-level Americans by providing a monthly check that would essentially offset all of their sales tax expenditures. The amount of the allowance would be based on poverty-level guidelines and would increase for larger families.

Though the prebate is geared toward poorer families, everyone would receive monthly checks, regardless of income. The prebate brings up yet another point of contention between critics and supporters. It is the most expensive element of the entire plan, would be the largest entitlement program in American history, and would constitute a welfare payment, even for those without a need. In other words, a two-parent billionaire household with two kids would receive the same monthly prebate as a two-parent, two-child household struggling to get by on $20,000 per year.

How is a refund of the taxes I paid in considered an entitlement?
It isn't. However, there are folks who unfortunately earn incomes that are unusually low and with the write offs of their children and other dependents, they actually get more of a refund than they actually paid out in taxes during the calendar year.
Is it an entitlement? I don't know if I would call it an entitlement......but it is not money that was came from someone else.
For crying out loud, S.122 which outlines Cruz's flat tax overhaul is still on Cruz's website under 'co-sponsored legislation'.

Co-Sponsored Legislation Ted Cruz U.S. Senator for Texas

But its NOT what he's proposing? Not what he believes in? Now what he wants enacted?

Really, guys? If so....holy shit. There really is no depths of willful ignorance that you two aren't willing to descend to keep clinging to your 'we can't possibly know what Cruz meant by 'flat tax'', nonsense.
Um, Skylar. S.122 is labeled a "Fair Tax" proposal. A fair tax is a tax on comsumption, like a VAT. It is not a flat tax proposal, which is a tax on income.
Again what about this remains unclear to you?
Which was 2 years ago and not really germane here because he hast indicated if he will push the same details or not.
Which part of that is unclear to you? Hell you cant tell a flat tax from a fair tax. Jarhead is right.

So is there any indication from Cruz that his flat tax proposal has changed since co-sponsoring that bill on the flat tax two years ago? If so, show me, don't tell me.

Unless you have something better, that stands as the best source available on Cruz's position.

Or in yet another spasm of desperate, willful ignorance, are you going to ignore Cruz's own proposal, his own numbers, his own tax rates, his own exemptions from the very bill HE cosponsored........and insist that Cruz's proposal on the flat tax is 'unknowable'?

You guys are raising willful ignorance to an art form here.
The bill he sponsored was not a flat tax bill. WHat about that do you not get, despite being told by Jarhead many many times already?

So this is a national sales tax of 23% IN ADDITION to the flat tax that he's proposing?
Can I take it then that you recognize Cruz's proposal included a flat tax? A flat tax he's cosponsored legislation in support of?
There is no "Cruz' proposal." He mentioned a policy he's in favor of, and has been.
Your problem seems to be an inability to read and understand what's written.

Except that there is. He talked about implementing a flat tax. And has co-sponsored a bill outlining the specifics:

S.122 - 113th Congress 2013-2014 Fair Tax Act of 2013 Library of Congress

Which you poor, willfully ignorant souls refuse to look at or acknowledge exists. can't fix stupid.
Which was 2 years ago and not really germane here because he hast indicated if he will push the same details or not.
Which part of that is unclear to you? Hell you cant tell a flat tax from a fair tax. Jarhead is right.
Rabbi....Skylar actually thinks that the IRS takes into consideration ones geographical location and corresponding cost of living when determining ones tax burden.

Do you not see what we are debating with?
I see no evidence to support Skylar's contention. And here is the IRS's own publication, which of course says nothing about location.
New IRS Fresh Start Initiative Helps Taxpayers Who Owe Taxes
Yes we are dealing with someone who cannot read and comprehend. And who probably votes.
Rabii...I have prepared hundreds of returns over the years.....mine, my children, my sister, brother, friends....I do it for the fun of it.
Nowhere is there a consideration of where you live and what your cost of living is compared to someone elses.....
Ones personal income tax is based solely on ones income .....not based on where you live.
Which was 2 years ago and not really germane here because he hast indicated if he will push the same details or not.
Which part of that is unclear to you? Hell you cant tell a flat tax from a fair tax. Jarhead is right.

So is there any indication from Cruz that his flat tax proposal has changed since co-sponsoring that bill on the flat tax two years ago? If so, show me, don't tell me.

Unless you have something better, that stands as the best source available on Cruz's position.

Or in yet another spasm of desperate, willful ignorance, are you going to ignore Cruz's own proposal, his own numbers, his own tax rates, his own exemptions from the very bill HE cosponsored........and insist that Cruz's proposal on the flat tax is 'unknowable'?

You guys are raising willful ignorance to an art form here.
The bill he sponsored was not a flat tax bill. WHat about that do you not get, despite being told by Jarhead many many times already?

So this is a national sales tax of 23% IN ADDITION to the flat tax that he's proposing?
No skylar. Read the specifically states that income tax would be eliminated.
Which was 2 years ago and not really germane here because he hast indicated if he will push the same details or not.
Which part of that is unclear to you? Hell you cant tell a flat tax from a fair tax. Jarhead is right.

So is there any indication from Cruz that his flat tax proposal has changed since co-sponsoring that bill on the flat tax two years ago? If so, show me, don't tell me.

Unless you have something better, that stands as the best source available on Cruz's position.

Or in yet another spasm of desperate, willful ignorance, are you going to ignore Cruz's own proposal, his own numbers, his own tax rates, his own exemptions from the very bill HE cosponsored........and insist that Cruz's proposal on the flat tax is 'unknowable'?

You guys are raising willful ignorance to an art form here.
The bill he sponsored was not a flat tax bill. WHat about that do you not get, despite being told by Jarhead many many times already?

So this is a national sales tax of 23% IN ADDITION to the flat tax that he's proposing?
OMFG! NO! GO AWAY!! You are way too fucking stupid to engage any more. Bye. We wish you luck.
Every citizen in the country should get behind this, I don't care if you're left, right, sideways or upside down.

We need to start CUTTING this over bloated Government down to size, they are becoming so big they now believe they are, OUR MASTERS.

and when they are done with the IRS, they can go after the EPA, NEA, etc etc or at least start putting a LEASH on them
yeah, it's big government taxing us not big corporations raping us strickly in the name of business and profits. Them dam regulators not stopping anyone from polluting anything or cleaning up after they do ain't good for nothing any how. Them damn bankers robbing our 401ks or just using them to gamble for themselves. Get rid of them. Those toll authorities not using the money to fix a dam or a damn thing, get rid of them too. Those governors reps etc.. selling us out to big oil, gas or building/unions, get rid of all them people. Those judges and lawyers using the law for ill gotten gains of all sorts, get rid of them good fir nothings. Those public tit milking free range ranchers never pay us for the land our government seized for itself, get rid of them... those celebrities getn rich poisoning us all with their vain side show freaks show get rid of them too. Those drug companies raking in millions keeping old worthless people alive, for what? get rid of them all. lol. this is fun. lol

All of those things can be done cheaper and more efficiently than the government is doing them today.
dont think for a second I don't know that or believe that a private company won't take advantage either. We are being privatized to death. The more we try to make it all about our private huge slice of this silly material false heaven we keep making for ourselves thinking saved money or stored power will make us or our children more likely to survive as individuals among the sea of humanities waves of social, enviromental, economic upheaval coming in this storm, the more we must realize just the opposite is true.
It says one is to be taxed on what they spend...not what they make. I don't know if it is a viable idea seeing as there will also be a state sales in the end, here in NY we would be paying 32% between fed and state....and whereas I can afford it, I cant see how someone making 20K a year can afford it.
There is no "Cruz' proposal." He mentioned a policy he's in favor of, and has been.
Your problem seems to be an inability to read and understand what's written.

Except that there is. He talked about implementing a flat tax. And has co-sponsored a bill outlining the specifics:

S.122 - 113th Congress 2013-2014 Fair Tax Act of 2013 Library of Congress

Which you poor, willfully ignorant souls refuse to look at or acknowledge exists. can't fix stupid.
Which was 2 years ago and not really germane here because he hast indicated if he will push the same details or not.
Which part of that is unclear to you? Hell you cant tell a flat tax from a fair tax. Jarhead is right.
Rabbi....Skylar actually thinks that the IRS takes into consideration ones geographical location and corresponding cost of living when determining ones tax burden.

Do you not see what we are debating with?
I see no evidence to support Skylar's contention. And here is the IRS's own publication, which of course says nothing about location.
New IRS Fresh Start Initiative Helps Taxpayers Who Owe Taxes
Yes we are dealing with someone who cannot read and comprehend. And who probably votes.
Rabii...I have prepared hundreds of returns over the years.....mine, my children, my sister, brother, friends....I do it for the fun of it.
Nowhere is there a consideration of where you live and what your cost of living is compared to someone elses.....
Ones personal income tax is based solely on ones income .....not based on where you live.
The claim was in regards to back taxes they would consider location. Which is sort of kind of true if real estate tax paid is part of your tax return.
But as I say, I see no evidence to support Skylar's claim. And with the last post wondering if Cruz is proposing both a VAT and a flat tax I am convinced we are dealing with a mental midget.
No skylar. Read the specifically states that income tax would be eliminated.

So in 2012 he calls for a flat tax. In 2013 he calls for a national sales tax. In 2014 he calls for a flat tax.

Does that about cover it?
The claim was in regards to back taxes they would consider location. Which is sort of kind of true if real estate tax paid is part of your tax return.
But as I say, I see no evidence to support Skylar's claim. And with the last post wondering if Cruz is proposing both a VAT and a flat tax I am convinced we are dealing with a mental midget.

Why would I need to support my claim if you agree with it?
Except that there is. He talked about implementing a flat tax. And has co-sponsored a bill outlining the specifics:

S.122 - 113th Congress 2013-2014 Fair Tax Act of 2013 Library of Congress

Which you poor, willfully ignorant souls refuse to look at or acknowledge exists. can't fix stupid.
Which was 2 years ago and not really germane here because he hast indicated if he will push the same details or not.
Which part of that is unclear to you? Hell you cant tell a flat tax from a fair tax. Jarhead is right.
Rabbi....Skylar actually thinks that the IRS takes into consideration ones geographical location and corresponding cost of living when determining ones tax burden.

Do you not see what we are debating with?
I see no evidence to support Skylar's contention. And here is the IRS's own publication, which of course says nothing about location.
New IRS Fresh Start Initiative Helps Taxpayers Who Owe Taxes
Yes we are dealing with someone who cannot read and comprehend. And who probably votes.
Rabii...I have prepared hundreds of returns over the years.....mine, my children, my sister, brother, friends....I do it for the fun of it.
Nowhere is there a consideration of where you live and what your cost of living is compared to someone elses.....
Ones personal income tax is based solely on ones income .....not based on where you live.
The claim was in regards to back taxes they would consider location. Which is sort of kind of true if real estate tax paid is part of your tax return.
But as I say, I see no evidence to support Skylar's claim. And with the last post wondering if Cruz is proposing both a VAT and a flat tax I am convinced we are dealing with a mental midget.
Oh...I see...higher cost of living areas have higher real estate a larger write off....
But seeing as that only applies to property owners, you cant really say it is taking "cost of living" into consideration as the moron claimed.
The claim was in regards to back taxes they would consider location. Which is sort of kind of true if real estate tax paid is part of your tax return.
But as I say, I see no evidence to support Skylar's claim. And with the last post wondering if Cruz is proposing both a VAT and a flat tax I am convinced we are dealing with a mental midget.

Why would I need to support my claim if you agree with it?
I dont agree with it.

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