Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED

You have a right to your opinion. You say mail in votes are a problem. What if your in the military station overseas or working in the embassy or overseas for some reason. Should you not be allowed to vote because your cannot go to a voting center.

elections have been doing mail in ballots for over a century. why is it a problem know. Trump won 4 years ago with mail in or absentee ballots were being used. The two bushes won, Ronald Reagan won.

COVID -19 is a problem. If you do not see it as a reason for doing mail in then that is your opinion. Yet other agree that it is a good idea. People have different perceptions about exposing themselves. Some will protect themselves while others will throw caution to the wind. They both have a right to vote and use the best method that they believe keeps them safe.

I already said mail in should be allowed for people that have a legitimate reason to use it. Being overseas in the military is the best reason ever.

We did use mail in in the past, but a fraction of what was used this time. Why is it okay to go shopping at Walmart in person but too dangerous to vote? The Democrats used Covid as an excuse for more mail in. They've been pushing for more mail in long before Covid. Voting in person could have easily been done safely.

So why do Democrats push for mail in? The same reason they fought against Voter-ID's. The Democrats rely on ignorant voters to win elections. Without ignorant voters, the only time you'd hear of the Democrat party is in history books. People who are politically ignorant don't have an interest in politics, so voting is not that important either. I have no interest in the NFL. I couldn't tell you the teams that played in the last five Super Bowls.

Since voting is not that important to ignorant voters, they will only vote if it's convenient enough: rides to the polls, polls open for several days instead of one, no lines, late evening voting hours.... If there is any inconvenience in voting, ignorant voters will stay home, and that means Democrats losses. The Obama Phone and Obama Money people won't show up.

But when you plop a mail in ballot right on somebody's kitchen table, yes, they will vote. They have no idea of what they are voting on, but vote anyhow. And this is why we end up with people like Biden. Anybody with a D next to their name is going to get the votes from these lazy welfare types.

Well so ignorance is you reasoning behind mail in ballots and general voting that you do not agree with. Yet you accept mail in ballots in certain circumstances. Mail in ballots allows more people to vote as is shown in the total numbers. There are controls in place and some votes are thrown out. It allows more people to vote but some do not want more people to vote. They fear getting more people to vote.

Its bad to repub because they lost. The swing states are being attacked by Texas which also has mail in ballots. Florida has mail in ballots. Trump won those states but repubs are not concern with mail in ballots in those states.

So attacking places where they lost is not seen by them as self-serving. Other words for self serving is egocentric, egoistic, egomaniacal

These are the things that make people ignorant. Trump has these qualities that endear him to his followers.

Yet when Mitch would not hold a vote on Obama's pick for the court because he says that the people should decide , Mitch blocked it. Now when trump does it with 3 months left. He rush it thru. The crowd is pleased. They want more.

Is that ignorance? It certainly is self serving. Does self serving make one ignorant?

Well it is the repubs who cannot accept the defeat of their guy. Making claims that have been shot down like ducks in hunting season.

You believe voter fraud cost Trump the election but you cannot prove it. Instead it is more important to spread lies in the hope that certain group of people will believe it without any actual proof. It is also easier to claim ignorance and jump on a bandwagon.

Well you say mail in vote create fraud. IF you allow it in certain situation and disallow it in other then where is this fraud. Who decides when and what group of people can do mail in vote. If you allow one group to do it then in a true democracy you allow others the same convenience.

still states like Texas allow mail in ballot. You do not know what percentage voted Rep or Demo. Fear breeds distrust especially when you do not have the numbers.

thus why they are ignorant in your opinion is because they do not vote repub. The simplicity of this is blinded by motive.

well I would say that you statement lacks any verifiable facts. In fact it is an opinion. When opinions are replaced with facts then that certainly is problematic. Calling others ignorant is in itself ignorance.

The constitution does not require voters to be ignorant or not ignorant. It just requires them to choose. Some even say that the electoral college can be used by the ignorant to overrule the ones they perceive as ignorant. Akin to the blind leading the blind.

Choose is given to everyone who are eligible to vote. Yet some repubs like to take away that choice while waving the flag.

Disagreement amongst people is common but it is a problem if someone cannot handle it. Democracy requires not just lip service but accepting defeat gracefully and accepting the win without demeaning the loser. Well that is one meaning but I am sure your is different.

Well I want to give a shout out to Annie. Hey I miss you but I will stop by soon.

Ignorant simply means uneducated about something. A good example is this election. Some polls have shown that if people in swing states knew about the Hunter scandal, they would have never voted for Biden. They would have either voted for Trump or not vote at all. That would have made Trump the winner this election. But because they are ignorant voters, they voted for the Democrat.

You look at all those blue dots on an election map. Those are areas that have the most people; the inner-city and ghettos of our country. Think they know anything about our policies, candidates or even how our government works? They don't know the first thing about government.

So what we end up is with tens of millions of people who vote, but have no idea WTF they're even voting on. The only knowledge they were given is Republicans are for the rich people and Democrats for the poor. Who told them that? The Democrats.

As I have posted, a lot of states do not do signature matches. Yes, that opens the door to much more fraud, especially in states that sent ballots to everybody whether they wanted one or not. In person, the worker looks at your signature and does match it to your last one. You have to show ID. You actually have to prove who you are and you are indeed a legal voter.
There was no way going in that SCOTUS was going to act on the Texas Petition. Texas had no standing and such a suit was a blatant attack on State's Rights...which Cons are suppose be willing to shed blood for.

There was never any clear evidence of fraud or tampering. Courts require proof, evidence of wrong. Using post-it notes and hearsay does not work.

V.B.M (Vote By Mail) is one the most secure way to vote, hell 45 and criminal cabal V.B.M.

The election itself was NOT rigged. Not one of 50-Secretaries of States in the United States found proof/evidence of Voter Fraud/Election Fraud. 45 losing is NOT the result Election Fraud/Voter Fraud. It is the result of his being a piss poor excuse of a POTUS.

As of today, Three Hundred Thousand Three Nine Hundred Two (304,902) people have died from COVID in the United States.


The Orange Draft Dodging Russian Loving Shit Stain 45 is directly responsible for those deaths. Through his failure to respond, his ineptitude, his incompetence and his indifference these people died. 45 would rather golf (that Gold Star Family Attacking Asshole has spent fully one year of one and only term in office golfing) than deal with COVID.

The only reason he won his only term is because Russian Interference (the Republican Led Senate Intelligence Committee issued a report saying so). He is mean, petty, vindictive asshole who is more interested in NOT looking like the loser he is than looking after health, welfare, safety and security of the people of the United States.

He lost. It is as simple and easy of that. He fucking lost.

Oh, and just for shits and giggles. The RWNJ member of this forum who Biden would said never President. Fuck Off. Biden won. 45 lost.
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You have a right to your opinion. You say mail in votes are a problem. What if your in the military station overseas or working in the embassy or overseas for some reason. Should you not be allowed to vote because your cannot go to a voting center.

elections have been doing mail in ballots for over a century. why is it a problem know. Trump won 4 years ago with mail in or absentee ballots were being used. The two bushes won, Ronald Reagan won.

COVID -19 is a problem. If you do not see it as a reason for doing mail in then that is your opinion. Yet other agree that it is a good idea. People have different perceptions about exposing themselves. Some will protect themselves while others will throw caution to the wind. They both have a right to vote and use the best method that they believe keeps them safe.

I already said mail in should be allowed for people that have a legitimate reason to use it. Being overseas in the military is the best reason ever.

We did use mail in in the past, but a fraction of what was used this time. Why is it okay to go shopping at Walmart in person but too dangerous to vote? The Democrats used Covid as an excuse for more mail in. They've been pushing for more mail in long before Covid. Voting in person could have easily been done safely.

So why do Democrats push for mail in? The same reason they fought against Voter-ID's. The Democrats rely on ignorant voters to win elections. Without ignorant voters, the only time you'd hear of the Democrat party is in history books. People who are politically ignorant don't have an interest in politics, so voting is not that important either. I have no interest in the NFL. I couldn't tell you the teams that played in the last five Super Bowls.

Since voting is not that important to ignorant voters, they will only vote if it's convenient enough: rides to the polls, polls open for several days instead of one, no lines, late evening voting hours.... If there is any inconvenience in voting, ignorant voters will stay home, and that means Democrats losses. The Obama Phone and Obama Money people won't show up.

But when you plop a mail in ballot right on somebody's kitchen table, yes, they will vote. They have no idea of what they are voting on, but vote anyhow. And this is why we end up with people like Biden. Anybody with a D next to their name is going to get the votes from these lazy welfare types.

Well so ignorance is you reasoning behind mail in ballots and general voting that you do not agree with. Yet you accept mail in ballots in certain circumstances. Mail in ballots allows more people to vote as is shown in the total numbers. There are controls in place and some votes are thrown out. It allows more people to vote but some do not want more people to vote. They fear getting more people to vote.

Its bad to repub because they lost. The swing states are being attacked by Texas which also has mail in ballots. Florida has mail in ballots. Trump won those states but repubs are not concern with mail in ballots in those states.

So attacking places where they lost is not seen by them as self-serving. Other words for self serving is egocentric, egoistic, egomaniacal

These are the things that make people ignorant. Trump has these qualities that endear him to his followers.

Yet when Mitch would not hold a vote on Obama's pick for the court because he says that the people should decide , Mitch blocked it. Now when trump does it with 3 months left. He rush it thru. The crowd is pleased. They want more.

Is that ignorance? It certainly is self serving. Does self serving make one ignorant?

Well it is the repubs who cannot accept the defeat of their guy. Making claims that have been shot down like ducks in hunting season.

You believe voter fraud cost Trump the election but you cannot prove it. Instead it is more important to spread lies in the hope that certain group of people will believe it without any actual proof. It is also easier to claim ignorance and jump on a bandwagon.

Well you say mail in vote create fraud. IF you allow it in certain situation and disallow it in other then where is this fraud. Who decides when and what group of people can do mail in vote. If you allow one group to do it then in a true democracy you allow others the same convenience.

still states like Texas allow mail in ballot. You do not know what percentage voted Rep or Demo. Fear breeds distrust especially when you do not have the numbers.

thus why they are ignorant in your opinion is because they do not vote repub. The simplicity of this is blinded by motive.

well I would say that you statement lacks any verifiable facts. In fact it is an opinion. When opinions are replaced with facts then that certainly is problematic. Calling others ignorant is in itself ignorance.

The constitution does not require voters to be ignorant or not ignorant. It just requires them to choose. Some even say that the electoral college can be used by the ignorant to overrule the ones they perceive as ignorant. Akin to the blind leading the blind.

Choose is given to everyone who are eligible to vote. Yet some repubs like to take away that choice while waving the flag.

Disagreement amongst people is common but it is a problem if someone cannot handle it. Democracy requires not just lip service but accepting defeat gracefully and accepting the win without demeaning the loser. Well that is one meaning but I am sure your is different.

Well I want to give a shout out to Annie. Hey I miss you but I will stop by soon.
Many interesting ideas in your post but just too many to respond to

As far as mail in ballots, any state that goes to all mail voting will never go back to poll voting. It is secure, safe, convenient, and encourages people to vote. The success of American democracy depends on it's citizens turning out to vote. There are lots of people that hate the idea of large turnouts because they believe voting should be a privilege not a right, reserved for only the best people and of course they determine who the best are.
You have a right to your opinion. You say mail in votes are a problem. What if your in the military station overseas or working in the embassy or overseas for some reason. Should you not be allowed to vote because your cannot go to a voting center.

elections have been doing mail in ballots for over a century. why is it a problem know. Trump won 4 years ago with mail in or absentee ballots were being used. The two bushes won, Ronald Reagan won.

COVID -19 is a problem. If you do not see it as a reason for doing mail in then that is your opinion. Yet other agree that it is a good idea. People have different perceptions about exposing themselves. Some will protect themselves while others will throw caution to the wind. They both have a right to vote and use the best method that they believe keeps them safe.

I already said mail in should be allowed for people that have a legitimate reason to use it. Being overseas in the military is the best reason ever.

We did use mail in in the past, but a fraction of what was used this time. Why is it okay to go shopping at Walmart in person but too dangerous to vote? The Democrats used Covid as an excuse for more mail in. They've been pushing for more mail in long before Covid. Voting in person could have easily been done safely.

So why do Democrats push for mail in? The same reason they fought against Voter-ID's. The Democrats rely on ignorant voters to win elections. Without ignorant voters, the only time you'd hear of the Democrat party is in history books. People who are politically ignorant don't have an interest in politics, so voting is not that important either. I have no interest in the NFL. I couldn't tell you the teams that played in the last five Super Bowls.

Since voting is not that important to ignorant voters, they will only vote if it's convenient enough: rides to the polls, polls open for several days instead of one, no lines, late evening voting hours.... If there is any inconvenience in voting, ignorant voters will stay home, and that means Democrats losses. The Obama Phone and Obama Money people won't show up.

But when you plop a mail in ballot right on somebody's kitchen table, yes, they will vote. They have no idea of what they are voting on, but vote anyhow. And this is why we end up with people like Biden. Anybody with a D next to their name is going to get the votes from these lazy welfare types.

Well so ignorance is you reasoning behind mail in ballots and general voting that you do not agree with. Yet you accept mail in ballots in certain circumstances. Mail in ballots allows more people to vote as is shown in the total numbers. There are controls in place and some votes are thrown out. It allows more people to vote but some do not want more people to vote. They fear getting more people to vote.

Its bad to repub because they lost. The swing states are being attacked by Texas which also has mail in ballots. Florida has mail in ballots. Trump won those states but repubs are not concern with mail in ballots in those states.

So attacking places where they lost is not seen by them as self-serving. Other words for self serving is egocentric, egoistic, egomaniacal

These are the things that make people ignorant. Trump has these qualities that endear him to his followers.

Yet when Mitch would not hold a vote on Obama's pick for the court because he says that the people should decide , Mitch blocked it. Now when trump does it with 3 months left. He rush it thru. The crowd is pleased. They want more.

Is that ignorance? It certainly is self serving. Does self serving make one ignorant?

Well it is the repubs who cannot accept the defeat of their guy. Making claims that have been shot down like ducks in hunting season.

You believe voter fraud cost Trump the election but you cannot prove it. Instead it is more important to spread lies in the hope that certain group of people will believe it without any actual proof. It is also easier to claim ignorance and jump on a bandwagon.

Well you say mail in vote create fraud. IF you allow it in certain situation and disallow it in other then where is this fraud. Who decides when and what group of people can do mail in vote. If you allow one group to do it then in a true democracy you allow others the same convenience.

still states like Texas allow mail in ballot. You do not know what percentage voted Rep or Demo. Fear breeds distrust especially when you do not have the numbers.

thus why they are ignorant in your opinion is because they do not vote repub. The simplicity of this is blinded by motive.

well I would say that you statement lacks any verifiable facts. In fact it is an opinion. When opinions are replaced with facts then that certainly is problematic. Calling others ignorant is in itself ignorance.

The constitution does not require voters to be ignorant or not ignorant. It just requires them to choose. Some even say that the electoral college can be used by the ignorant to overrule the ones they perceive as ignorant. Akin to the blind leading the blind.

Choose is given to everyone who are eligible to vote. Yet some repubs like to take away that choice while waving the flag.

Disagreement amongst people is common but it is a problem if someone cannot handle it. Democracy requires not just lip service but accepting defeat gracefully and accepting the win without demeaning the loser. Well that is one meaning but I am sure your is different.

Well I want to give a shout out to Annie. Hey I miss you but I will stop by soon.

Ignorant simply means uneducated about something. A good example is this election. Some polls have shown that if people in swing states knew about the Hunter scandal, they would have never voted for Biden. They would have either voted for Trump or not vote at all. That would have made Trump the winner this election. But because they are ignorant voters, they voted for the Democrat.

You look at all those blue dots on an election map. Those are areas that have the most people; the inner-city and ghettos of our country. Think they know anything about our policies, candidates or even how our government works? They don't know the first thing about government.

So what we end up is with tens of millions of people who vote, but have no idea WTF they're even voting on. The only knowledge they were given is Republicans are for the rich people and Democrats for the poor. Who told them that? The Democrats.

As I have posted, a lot of states do not do signature matches. Yes, that opens the door to much more fraud, especially in states that sent ballots to everybody whether they wanted one or not. In person, the worker looks at your signature and does match it to your last one. You have to show ID. You actually have to prove who you are and you are indeed a legal voter.
You seem to prefer to ignore the fact that states that did not match signatures on ballots, verified identify when they issued the ballots. In states that do all mail-in voting, ever ballot goes through signatures matching before scanning the ballot.
You have a right to your opinion. You say mail in votes are a problem. What if your in the military station overseas or working in the embassy or overseas for some reason. Should you not be allowed to vote because your cannot go to a voting center.

elections have been doing mail in ballots for over a century. why is it a problem know. Trump won 4 years ago with mail in or absentee ballots were being used. The two bushes won, Ronald Reagan won.

COVID -19 is a problem. If you do not see it as a reason for doing mail in then that is your opinion. Yet other agree that it is a good idea. People have different perceptions about exposing themselves. Some will protect themselves while others will throw caution to the wind. They both have a right to vote and use the best method that they believe keeps them safe.

I already said mail in should be allowed for people that have a legitimate reason to use it. Being overseas in the military is the best reason ever.

We did use mail in in the past, but a fraction of what was used this time. Why is it okay to go shopping at Walmart in person but too dangerous to vote? The Democrats used Covid as an excuse for more mail in. They've been pushing for more mail in long before Covid. Voting in person could have easily been done safely.

So why do Democrats push for mail in? The same reason they fought against Voter-ID's. The Democrats rely on ignorant voters to win elections. Without ignorant voters, the only time you'd hear of the Democrat party is in history books. People who are politically ignorant don't have an interest in politics, so voting is not that important either. I have no interest in the NFL. I couldn't tell you the teams that played in the last five Super Bowls.

Since voting is not that important to ignorant voters, they will only vote if it's convenient enough: rides to the polls, polls open for several days instead of one, no lines, late evening voting hours.... If there is any inconvenience in voting, ignorant voters will stay home, and that means Democrats losses. The Obama Phone and Obama Money people won't show up.

But when you plop a mail in ballot right on somebody's kitchen table, yes, they will vote. They have no idea of what they are voting on, but vote anyhow. And this is why we end up with people like Biden. Anybody with a D next to their name is going to get the votes from these lazy welfare types.

Well so ignorance is you reasoning behind mail in ballots and general voting that you do not agree with. Yet you accept mail in ballots in certain circumstances. Mail in ballots allows more people to vote as is shown in the total numbers. There are controls in place and some votes are thrown out. It allows more people to vote but some do not want more people to vote. They fear getting more people to vote.

Its bad to repub because they lost. The swing states are being attacked by Texas which also has mail in ballots. Florida has mail in ballots. Trump won those states but repubs are not concern with mail in ballots in those states.

So attacking places where they lost is not seen by them as self-serving. Other words for self serving is egocentric, egoistic, egomaniacal

These are the things that make people ignorant. Trump has these qualities that endear him to his followers.

Yet when Mitch would not hold a vote on Obama's pick for the court because he says that the people should decide , Mitch blocked it. Now when trump does it with 3 months left. He rush it thru. The crowd is pleased. They want more.

Is that ignorance? It certainly is self serving. Does self serving make one ignorant?

Well it is the repubs who cannot accept the defeat of their guy. Making claims that have been shot down like ducks in hunting season.

You believe voter fraud cost Trump the election but you cannot prove it. Instead it is more important to spread lies in the hope that certain group of people will believe it without any actual proof. It is also easier to claim ignorance and jump on a bandwagon.

Well you say mail in vote create fraud. IF you allow it in certain situation and disallow it in other then where is this fraud. Who decides when and what group of people can do mail in vote. If you allow one group to do it then in a true democracy you allow others the same convenience.

still states like Texas allow mail in ballot. You do not know what percentage voted Rep or Demo. Fear breeds distrust especially when you do not have the numbers.

thus why they are ignorant in your opinion is because they do not vote repub. The simplicity of this is blinded by motive.

well I would say that you statement lacks any verifiable facts. In fact it is an opinion. When opinions are replaced with facts then that certainly is problematic. Calling others ignorant is in itself ignorance.

The constitution does not require voters to be ignorant or not ignorant. It just requires them to choose. Some even say that the electoral college can be used by the ignorant to overrule the ones they perceive as ignorant. Akin to the blind leading the blind.

Choose is given to everyone who are eligible to vote. Yet some repubs like to take away that choice while waving the flag.

Disagreement amongst people is common but it is a problem if someone cannot handle it. Democracy requires not just lip service but accepting defeat gracefully and accepting the win without demeaning the loser. Well that is one meaning but I am sure your is different.

Well I want to give a shout out to Annie. Hey I miss you but I will stop by soon.

Ignorant simply means uneducated about something. A good example is this election. Some polls have shown that if people in swing states knew about the Hunter scandal, they would have never voted for Biden. They would have either voted for Trump or not vote at all. That would have made Trump the winner this election. But because they are ignorant voters, they voted for the Democrat.

You look at all those blue dots on an election map. Those are areas that have the most people; the inner-city and ghettos of our country. Think they know anything about our policies, candidates or even how our government works? They don't know the first thing about government.

So what we end up is with tens of millions of people who vote, but have no idea WTF they're even voting on. The only knowledge they were given is Republicans are for the rich people and Democrats for the poor. Who told them that? The Democrats.

As I have posted, a lot of states do not do signature matches. Yes, that opens the door to much more fraud, especially in states that sent ballots to everybody whether they wanted one or not. In person, the worker looks at your signature and does match it to your last one. You have to show ID. You actually have to prove who you are and you are indeed a legal voter.
You seem to prefer to ignore the fact that states that did not match signatures on ballots, verified identify when they issued the ballots. In states that do all mail-in voting, ever ballot goes through signatures matching before scanning the ballot.

Cons hate the Idea of All Americans Voting, that is why they oppose V.B.M.
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You seem to prefer to ignore the fact that states that did not match signatures on ballots, verified identify when they issued the ballots. In states that do all mail-in voting, ever ballot goes through signatures matching before scanning the ballot.

Those signature scanners have a tolerance setting. One of the states that used it was set to 45%. For the ones that are humanly verified, all they check is that the name on the ballot matches the return address.
Here is what happens with a Vote By Mail Ballot.

When the ballot is sent out to the voter, on that envelope is a bar code. That bar code contains the voter's information given on the Registration Form.

Such information as Place of Birth, Date of Birth, Party Affiliation, Correct Spelling of the Voter's Name and the Voter's Home Address.

The Voter fills out the ballot and places the now filled out ballot in the return envelope.

The Voter MUST SIGN THEIR NAME AS IT APPEARS ON THE REGISTRATION FORM. IF the ballot is being return by another person, that person must sign the return envelope in designated space.

Once the ballot is received at the Registrars Office to be counted, the first done is to enter the voters name into voter data base. There on the screen is a copy original Voter Regtration Form, which includes Name, Address and Party Affiliation. IF the signature on form and the signature on the ballot do not match, the ballot is put to one side. The voter is contacted and they come and make any necessary corrections.

The V.B.M. can also be returned to Polling Station where the Voter cast his/her vote. There is separate box for V.B.M. Ballots to be place or there is a side compartment in tally box used to hold voted ballots. At the end of evening, the box is opened and the V.B.M. Ballots are removed and counted.

The Voter can also "Surrender" their ballot to vote on Election Day. The voter turns their V.B.M Ballot to the Clerk at their Polling Station. The Clerk tear the ballot and writes "Surrender" on the Ballot and the now mangled ballot is placed in a plastic bag. The Voter SIGNS THEIR NAME ON THE VOTER ROSTER AND A NEW BALLOT IS ISSUED. The torn/mangled V.B.M. is already in another bag and cannot be counted.

V.B.M is the most secure way to insure Full Voter Participation in the Electoral Process. In California, a bill is being put forward to go full V.B.M. in every election AND to make Election Day a State Holiday.

Cons do not want full voter participation. They are shit scared of every American of Voting going out on Election Day and Voting....
You seem to prefer to ignore the fact that states that did not match signatures on ballots, verified identify when they issued the ballots. In states that do all mail-in voting, ever ballot goes through signatures matching before scanning the ballot.

Those signature scanners have a tolerance setting. One of the states that used it was set to 45%. For the ones that are humanly verified, all they check is that the name on the ballot matches the return address.
In my state, the people that verify signatures are trained in signature verification and they do not just check that it matches the address. The electronic signature scanners compare the signature on the envelope to the signature on file with the registrar and the signature last used in voting. If the scanner can not match the signature of the voter, it will be kicked out for research by a signature specialist. This will include comparing the envelope signature to signatures used on all previous voting available. In some states the DMV files are also available. If the signature characterizes including pressure, pen lifts, speed and direction of pen strokes do not have an 80% score, the ballot will be marked provision and an attempt will be made to contact the voter. Generally a person signing the envelope fraudulently without a copy of the voter's signature in front of them will score less than 10. A person that has a copy of the voters signature has a chance of less than 1 in 10 of passing the signature validation. Studies have shown that signature validation in an election office is generally better than the id validation or signature validation at polling places.

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In my state, the people that verify signatures are trained in signature verification and they do not just check that it matches the address. The electronic signature scanners compare the signature on the envelope to the signature on file with the registrar and the signature last used in voting. If the scanner can not match the signature of the voter, it will be kicked out for research by a signature specialist. This will include comparing the envelope signature to signatures used on all previous voting available. In some states the DMV files are also available. If the signature characterizes including pressure, pen lifts, speed and direction of pen strokes do not have an 80% score, the ballot will be marked provision and an attempt will be made to contact the voter. Generally a person signing the envelope fraudulently without a copy of the voter's signature in front of them will score less than 10. A person that has a copy of the voters signature has a chance of less than 1 in 10 of passing the signature validation. Studies have shown that signature validation in an election office is generally better than the id validation or signature validation at polling places.

That may be your state, but not others. As my link pointed out, states do not match signatures with those on file.
You have a right to your opinion. You say mail in votes are a problem. What if your in the military station overseas or working in the embassy or overseas for some reason. Should you not be allowed to vote because your cannot go to a voting center.

elections have been doing mail in ballots for over a century. why is it a problem know. Trump won 4 years ago with mail in or absentee ballots were being used. The two bushes won, Ronald Reagan won.

COVID -19 is a problem. If you do not see it as a reason for doing mail in then that is your opinion. Yet other agree that it is a good idea. People have different perceptions about exposing themselves. Some will protect themselves while others will throw caution to the wind. They both have a right to vote and use the best method that they believe keeps them safe.

I already said mail in should be allowed for people that have a legitimate reason to use it. Being overseas in the military is the best reason ever.

We did use mail in in the past, but a fraction of what was used this time. Why is it okay to go shopping at Walmart in person but too dangerous to vote? The Democrats used Covid as an excuse for more mail in. They've been pushing for more mail in long before Covid. Voting in person could have easily been done safely.

So why do Democrats push for mail in? The same reason they fought against Voter-ID's. The Democrats rely on ignorant voters to win elections. Without ignorant voters, the only time you'd hear of the Democrat party is in history books. People who are politically ignorant don't have an interest in politics, so voting is not that important either. I have no interest in the NFL. I couldn't tell you the teams that played in the last five Super Bowls.

Since voting is not that important to ignorant voters, they will only vote if it's convenient enough: rides to the polls, polls open for several days instead of one, no lines, late evening voting hours.... If there is any inconvenience in voting, ignorant voters will stay home, and that means Democrats losses. The Obama Phone and Obama Money people won't show up.

But when you plop a mail in ballot right on somebody's kitchen table, yes, they will vote. They have no idea of what they are voting on, but vote anyhow. And this is why we end up with people like Biden. Anybody with a D next to their name is going to get the votes from these lazy welfare types.

Well so ignorance is you reasoning behind mail in ballots and general voting that you do not agree with. Yet you accept mail in ballots in certain circumstances. Mail in ballots allows more people to vote as is shown in the total numbers. There are controls in place and some votes are thrown out. It allows more people to vote but some do not want more people to vote. They fear getting more people to vote.

Its bad to repub because they lost. The swing states are being attacked by Texas which also has mail in ballots. Florida has mail in ballots. Trump won those states but repubs are not concern with mail in ballots in those states.

So attacking places where they lost is not seen by them as self-serving. Other words for self serving is egocentric, egoistic, egomaniacal

These are the things that make people ignorant. Trump has these qualities that endear him to his followers.

Yet when Mitch would not hold a vote on Obama's pick for the court because he says that the people should decide , Mitch blocked it. Now when trump does it with 3 months left. He rush it thru. The crowd is pleased. They want more.

Is that ignorance? It certainly is self serving. Does self serving make one ignorant?

Well it is the repubs who cannot accept the defeat of their guy. Making claims that have been shot down like ducks in hunting season.

You believe voter fraud cost Trump the election but you cannot prove it. Instead it is more important to spread lies in the hope that certain group of people will believe it without any actual proof. It is also easier to claim ignorance and jump on a bandwagon.

Well you say mail in vote create fraud. IF you allow it in certain situation and disallow it in other then where is this fraud. Who decides when and what group of people can do mail in vote. If you allow one group to do it then in a true democracy you allow others the same convenience.

still states like Texas allow mail in ballot. You do not know what percentage voted Rep or Demo. Fear breeds distrust especially when you do not have the numbers.

thus why they are ignorant in your opinion is because they do not vote repub. The simplicity of this is blinded by motive.

well I would say that you statement lacks any verifiable facts. In fact it is an opinion. When opinions are replaced with facts then that certainly is problematic. Calling others ignorant is in itself ignorance.

The constitution does not require voters to be ignorant or not ignorant. It just requires them to choose. Some even say that the electoral college can be used by the ignorant to overrule the ones they perceive as ignorant. Akin to the blind leading the blind.

Choose is given to everyone who are eligible to vote. Yet some repubs like to take away that choice while waving the flag.

Disagreement amongst people is common but it is a problem if someone cannot handle it. Democracy requires not just lip service but accepting defeat gracefully and accepting the win without demeaning the loser. Well that is one meaning but I am sure your is different.

Well I want to give a shout out to Annie. Hey I miss you but I will stop by soon.

Ignorant simply means uneducated about something. A good example is this election. Some polls have shown that if people in swing states knew about the Hunter scandal, they would have never voted for Biden. They would have either voted for Trump or not vote at all. That would have made Trump the winner this election. But because they are ignorant voters, they voted for the Democrat.

You look at all those blue dots on an election map. Those are areas that have the most people; the inner-city and ghettos of our country. Think they know anything about our policies, candidates or even how our government works? They don't know the first thing about government.

So what we end up is with tens of millions of people who vote, but have no idea WTF they're even voting on. The only knowledge they were given is Republicans are for the rich people and Democrats for the poor. Who told them that? The Democrats.

As I have posted, a lot of states do not do signature matches. Yes, that opens the door to much more fraud, especially in states that sent ballots to everybody whether they wanted one or not. In person, the worker looks at your signature and does match it to your last one. You have to show ID. You actually have to prove who you are and you are indeed a legal voter.
They may all not do signature matches but there are other things they do to verify the legitimacy of the vote. Signature matches are a problem and that is why they have other methods such as verifying if the person is registered to be able to cast a ballot. Like I said people out of the country can not show a voter ID but there votes are counted. They do check for legitimacy. So it does work if done properly.

The problem is the lying which is spread using social media and takes on a life of its own

Social media
a recent Facebook text post shared by more than 16,000 users tells the story like this: “Feds Seize 19,888 Fake State Driver Licenses (Made in China) in Chicago O’Hare Airport – ALL Registered to Vote — ALL Demorats!”

I wonder who is lying and posting such ignorant melodrama that can easily be verified as false.

Government officials
U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced that it had seized nearly 20,000 fake IDs in a Chicago airport since the start of the year — saying that most were for college-age students in nearby states

Trump lies and if people knew the extend of his lying they would still vote for him

His actions after the election show the level he will go to lie for personal gain.

All his court actions have ended in failure yet his supports applaud his efforts. The things he pointed to as voter fraud have been debunked and he lied about what they showed.

His lawyers are of the lowest denominator - greed and why because that is what Trump wants because he can understand greed. Doing the right thing is foreign to him

If people want to kiss his hand then that is not my problem.

Repubs are starting to revolt against him and it will get worse.

He will control the repubs because he likes to repeat the extreme elements of the party but in the end they should worry about how his presidency ended in failure. He is like the pied piper.

Watch out for that cliff
Here is what happens with a Vote By Mail Ballot.

When the ballot is sent out to the voter, on that envelope is a bar code. That bar code contains the voter's information given on the Registration Form.

Such information as Place of Birth, Date of Birth, Party Affiliation, Correct Spelling of the Voter's Name and the Voter's Home Address.

The Voter fills out the ballot and places the now filled out ballot in the return envelope.

The Voter MUST SIGN THEIR NAME AS IT APPEARS ON THE REGISTRATION FORM. IF the ballot is being return by another person, that person must sign the return envelope in designated space.

Once the ballot is received at the Registrars Office to be counted, the first done is to enter the voters name into voter data base. There on the screen is a copy original Voter Regtration Form, which includes Name, Address and Party Affiliation. IF the signature on form and the signature on the ballot do not match, the ballot is put to one side. The voter is contacted and they come and make any necessary corrections.

The V.B.M. can also be returned to Polling Station where the Voter cast his/her vote. There is separate box for V.B.M. Ballots to be place or there is a side compartment in tally box used to hold voted ballots. At the end of evening, the box is opened and the V.B.M. Ballots are removed and counted.

The Voter can also "Surrender" their ballot to vote on Election Day. The voter turns their V.B.M Ballot to the Clerk at their Polling Station. The Clerk tear the ballot and writes "Surrender" on the Ballot and the now mangled ballot is placed in a plastic bag. The Voter SIGNS THEIR NAME ON THE VOTER ROSTER AND A NEW BALLOT IS ISSUED. The torn/mangled V.B.M. is already in another bag and cannot be counted.

V.B.M is the most secure way to insure Full Voter Participation in the Electoral Process. In California, a bill is being put forward to go full V.B.M. in every election AND to make Election Day a State Holiday.

Cons do not want full voter participation. They are shit scared of every American of Voting going out on Election Day and Voting....

Truth sometimes hurts but it is what happens when you make false claims.
They may all not do signature matches but there are other things they do to verify the legitimacy of the vote. Signature matches are a problem and that is why they have other methods such as verifying if the person is registered to be able to cast a ballot. Like I said people out of the country can not show a voter ID but there votes are counted. They do check for legitimacy. So it does work if done properly.

The problem is the lying which is spread using social media and takes on a life of its own

Social media
a recent Facebook text post shared by more than 16,000 users tells the story like this: “Feds Seize 19,888 Fake State Driver Licenses (Made in China) in Chicago O’Hare Airport – ALL Registered to Vote — ALL Demorats!”

I wonder who is lying and posting such ignorant melodrama that can easily be verified as false.

Government officials
U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced that it had seized nearly 20,000 fake IDs in a Chicago airport since the start of the year — saying that most were for college-age students in nearby states

Trump lies and if people knew the extend of his lying they would still vote for him

His actions after the election show the level he will go to lie for personal gain.

All his court actions have ended in failure yet his supports applaud his efforts. The things he pointed to as voter fraud have been debunked and he lied about what they showed.

His lawyers are of the lowest denominator - greed and why because that is what Trump wants because he can understand greed. Doing the right thing is foreign to him

If people want to kiss his hand then that is not my problem.

Repubs are starting to revolt against him and it will get worse.

He will control the repubs because he likes to repeat the extreme elements of the party but in the end they should worry about how his presidency ended in failure. He is like the pied piper.

Watch out for that cliff

Trump's support has never been stronger. I guess you missed the clash between pro-Trump people demanding a fair election and Antifa. It resulted in several stabbings and two dozen arrests. Trump gets no personal gain from remaining President. Trump has donated every dollar of presidential pay to charity of some sort. He lost over a billion dollars of personal net worth since taking the job. So where is this personal gain you speak of? Who else would sacrifice such a loss just to be President? For most politicians, becoming President is a huge financial gain. Just ask Obama or Biden.

All that aside, if nobody in the courts or states are going to address this problem, then Biden's name will always have a question mark next to it for many Americans.
Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED

What's Up, Ruby?... BREAKING: Crooked Operative Filmed Pulling Out Suitcases of Ballots in Georgia IS IDENTIFIED (
3 Dec 2020 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Earlier today Cristina Laila reported on the explosive video that was revealed during the Georgia ballot counting at the State Farm Arena where crooked Democrats pulled out suitcases full of ballots and began counting those ballots without election monitors in the room.
Trump’s legal team showed a video from the State Farm Arena tabulation center when poll workers were told to leave at 10:25 PM.
A few “workers” stayed behind and were seen pulling suitcases full of ballots out from under tables to be tabulated!
This was the most explosive video of the entire campaign season!

We now have identified one of these criminals who were caught on video counting illegal ballots from a suitcase stashed under a table!
As you can see from the video one woman in a purple top was filmed helping pull out the ballots and then sitting down to count the ballots.
That woman has now been identified.

Local 11 News covered the story from the State Farm Arena that a pipe had burst.
(This later was proven to be complete fraud and an excuse to kick out the GOP election observers!)
One woman in the video is wearing a purple top.
She later appeared in the suitcase video!
Her name is Ruby Freeman.
And she made the mistake of advertising her purse on her desk the same night she was involved in voter fraud on a MASSIVE SCALE.

Maybe the Georgia police or Bill Barr’s DOJ may want to pay Ruby Freeman a visit.

Ballots Do Not Come In Suit Cases....
Good Bye Ruby Tuesday Time to pin vote fraud on you When you change the vote count at night
We're not gonna miss her. “We are saddened to hear about her impending suicide.”

Was the law broken and please state the law that was broken.

I want them arrested. Then the habit of turning in your mother to save your self will have all those Rats in jail by next week with SWAT surrounding biden for the grand finally. Don't need law only a short rope.
They may all not do signature matches but there are other things they do to verify the legitimacy of the vote. Signature matches are a problem and that is why they have other methods such as verifying if the person is registered to be able to cast a ballot. Like I said people out of the country can not show a voter ID but there votes are counted. They do check for legitimacy. So it does work if done properly.

The problem is the lying which is spread using social media and takes on a life of its own

Social media
a recent Facebook text post shared by more than 16,000 users tells the story like this: “Feds Seize 19,888 Fake State Driver Licenses (Made in China) in Chicago O’Hare Airport – ALL Registered to Vote — ALL Demorats!”

I wonder who is lying and posting such ignorant melodrama that can easily be verified as false.

Government officials
U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced that it had seized nearly 20,000 fake IDs in a Chicago airport since the start of the year — saying that most were for college-age students in nearby states

Trump lies and if people knew the extend of his lying they would still vote for him

His actions after the election show the level he will go to lie for personal gain.

All his court actions have ended in failure yet his supports applaud his efforts. The things he pointed to as voter fraud have been debunked and he lied about what they showed.

His lawyers are of the lowest denominator - greed and why because that is what Trump wants because he can understand greed. Doing the right thing is foreign to him

If people want to kiss his hand then that is not my problem.

Repubs are starting to revolt against him and it will get worse.

He will control the repubs because he likes to repeat the extreme elements of the party but in the end they should worry about how his presidency ended in failure. He is like the pied piper.

Watch out for that cliff

Trump's support has never been stronger. I guess you missed the clash between pro-Trump people demanding a fair election and Antifa. It resulted in several stabbings and two dozen arrests. Trump gets no personal gain from remaining President. Trump has donated every dollar of presidential pay to charity of some sort. He lost over a billion dollars of personal net worth since taking the job. So where is this personal gain you speak of? Who else would sacrifice such a loss just to be President? For most politicians, becoming President is a huge financial gain. Just ask Obama or Biden.

All that aside, if nobody in the courts or states are going to address this problem, then Biden's name will always have a question mark next to it for many Americans.

Trump’s Businesses Raked In $1.9 Billion Of Revenue During His First Three Years In Office (

No personal gain when he never divested his interests in these organizations while being the president.
Yes I would guess that he forfeit his pay which is tax deductible yet he still raked in 1.9 billion from his businesses. Golfing at his club with a full staff and people that needed to eat and have a place to stay.
Trump lost money on this gig , I do not think so.

Foreigners flocking to his place so that they can tell him that they stayed as his resorts.

Proud Boys well I am sure right wing sites are saying antifa was involved but in other stores they are not mention as being there.

In the aftermath of the protests, Black Lives Matter banners and signs were torn from two historic Black churches downtown and destroyed. A banner belonging to Asbury United Methodist Church, one of the oldest Black churches in the city, was set on fire.

Well with 3 dozen arrest it will have to be determined later on what side it was but initial reports say that Proud boys outnumber the other at least 3 to 1

Here is a nice video of Proud Boys supporting Trump

They may all not do signature matches but there are other things they do to verify the legitimacy of the vote. Signature matches are a problem and that is why they have other methods such as verifying if the person is registered to be able to cast a ballot. Like I said people out of the country can not show a voter ID but there votes are counted. They do check for legitimacy. So it does work if done properly.

The problem is the lying which is spread using social media and takes on a life of its own

Social media
a recent Facebook text post shared by more than 16,000 users tells the story like this: “Feds Seize 19,888 Fake State Driver Licenses (Made in China) in Chicago O’Hare Airport – ALL Registered to Vote — ALL Demorats!”

I wonder who is lying and posting such ignorant melodrama that can easily be verified as false.

Government officials
U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced that it had seized nearly 20,000 fake IDs in a Chicago airport since the start of the year — saying that most were for college-age students in nearby states

Trump lies and if people knew the extend of his lying they would still vote for him

His actions after the election show the level he will go to lie for personal gain.

All his court actions have ended in failure yet his supports applaud his efforts. The things he pointed to as voter fraud have been debunked and he lied about what they showed.

His lawyers are of the lowest denominator - greed and why because that is what Trump wants because he can understand greed. Doing the right thing is foreign to him

If people want to kiss his hand then that is not my problem.

Repubs are starting to revolt against him and it will get worse.

He will control the repubs because he likes to repeat the extreme elements of the party but in the end they should worry about how his presidency ended in failure. He is like the pied piper.

Watch out for that cliff

Trump's support has never been stronger. I guess you missed the clash between pro-Trump people demanding a fair election and Antifa. It resulted in several stabbings and two dozen arrests. Trump gets no personal gain from remaining President. Trump has donated every dollar of presidential pay to charity of some sort. He lost over a billion dollars of personal net worth since taking the job. So where is this personal gain you speak of? Who else would sacrifice such a loss just to be President? For most politicians, becoming President is a huge financial gain. Just ask Obama or Biden.

All that aside, if nobody in the courts or states are going to address this problem, then Biden's name will always have a question mark next to it for many Americans.
Trump gets no personal gain from remaining President. Trump has donated every dollar of presidential pay to charity of some sort.

You flaming idiot. Impeached Trump just made hundreds of millions of dollars more from cultists throwing dollar bills at him than the $1.6 million he donates to charities.
You have a right to your opinion. You say mail in votes are a problem. What if your in the military station overseas or working in the embassy or overseas for some reason. Should you not be allowed to vote because your cannot go to a voting center.

elections have been doing mail in ballots for over a century. why is it a problem know. Trump won 4 years ago with mail in or absentee ballots were being used. The two bushes won, Ronald Reagan won.

COVID -19 is a problem. If you do not see it as a reason for doing mail in then that is your opinion. Yet other agree that it is a good idea. People have different perceptions about exposing themselves. Some will protect themselves while others will throw caution to the wind. They both have a right to vote and use the best method that they believe keeps them safe.

I already said mail in should be allowed for people that have a legitimate reason to use it. Being overseas in the military is the best reason ever.

We did use mail in in the past, but a fraction of what was used this time. Why is it okay to go shopping at Walmart in person but too dangerous to vote? The Democrats used Covid as an excuse for more mail in. They've been pushing for more mail in long before Covid. Voting in person could have easily been done safely.

So why do Democrats push for mail in? The same reason they fought against Voter-ID's. The Democrats rely on ignorant voters to win elections. Without ignorant voters, the only time you'd hear of the Democrat party is in history books. People who are politically ignorant don't have an interest in politics, so voting is not that important either. I have no interest in the NFL. I couldn't tell you the teams that played in the last five Super Bowls.

Since voting is not that important to ignorant voters, they will only vote if it's convenient enough: rides to the polls, polls open for several days instead of one, no lines, late evening voting hours.... If there is any inconvenience in voting, ignorant voters will stay home, and that means Democrats losses. The Obama Phone and Obama Money people won't show up.

But when you plop a mail in ballot right on somebody's kitchen table, yes, they will vote. They have no idea of what they are voting on, but vote anyhow. And this is why we end up with people like Biden. Anybody with a D next to their name is going to get the votes from these lazy welfare types.

Well so ignorance is you reasoning behind mail in ballots and general voting that you do not agree with. Yet you accept mail in ballots in certain circumstances. Mail in ballots allows more people to vote as is shown in the total numbers. There are controls in place and some votes are thrown out. It allows more people to vote but some do not want more people to vote. They fear getting more people to vote.

Its bad to repub because they lost. The swing states are being attacked by Texas which also has mail in ballots. Florida has mail in ballots. Trump won those states but repubs are not concern with mail in ballots in those states.

So attacking places where they lost is not seen by them as self-serving. Other words for self serving is egocentric, egoistic, egomaniacal

These are the things that make people ignorant. Trump has these qualities that endear him to his followers.

Yet when Mitch would not hold a vote on Obama's pick for the court because he says that the people should decide , Mitch blocked it. Now when trump does it with 3 months left. He rush it thru. The crowd is pleased. They want more.

Is that ignorance? It certainly is self serving. Does self serving make one ignorant?

Well it is the repubs who cannot accept the defeat of their guy. Making claims that have been shot down like ducks in hunting season.

You believe voter fraud cost Trump the election but you cannot prove it. Instead it is more important to spread lies in the hope that certain group of people will believe it without any actual proof. It is also easier to claim ignorance and jump on a bandwagon.

Well you say mail in vote create fraud. IF you allow it in certain situation and disallow it in other then where is this fraud. Who decides when and what group of people can do mail in vote. If you allow one group to do it then in a true democracy you allow others the same convenience.

still states like Texas allow mail in ballot. You do not know what percentage voted Rep or Demo. Fear breeds distrust especially when you do not have the numbers.

thus why they are ignorant in your opinion is because they do not vote repub. The simplicity of this is blinded by motive.

well I would say that you statement lacks any verifiable facts. In fact it is an opinion. When opinions are replaced with facts then that certainly is problematic. Calling others ignorant is in itself ignorance.

The constitution does not require voters to be ignorant or not ignorant. It just requires them to choose. Some even say that the electoral college can be used by the ignorant to overrule the ones they perceive as ignorant. Akin to the blind leading the blind.

Choose is given to everyone who are eligible to vote. Yet some repubs like to take away that choice while waving the flag.

Disagreement amongst people is common but it is a problem if someone cannot handle it. Democracy requires not just lip service but accepting defeat gracefully and accepting the win without demeaning the loser. Well that is one meaning but I am sure your is different.

Well I want to give a shout out to Annie. Hey I miss you but I will stop by soon.

Ignorant simply means uneducated about something. A good example is this election. Some polls have shown that if people in swing states knew about the Hunter scandal, they would have never voted for Biden. They would have either voted for Trump or not vote at all. That would have made Trump the winner this election. But because they are ignorant voters, they voted for the Democrat.

You look at all those blue dots on an election map. Those are areas that have the most people; the inner-city and ghettos of our country. Think they know anything about our policies, candidates or even how our government works? They don't know the first thing about government.

So what we end up is with tens of millions of people who vote, but have no idea WTF they're even voting on. The only knowledge they were given is Republicans are for the rich people and Democrats for the poor. Who told them that? The Democrats.

As I have posted, a lot of states do not do signature matches. Yes, that opens the door to much more fraud, especially in states that sent ballots to everybody whether they wanted one or not. In person, the worker looks at your signature and does match it to your last one. You have to show ID. You actually have to prove who you are and you are indeed a legal voter.
"So what we end up is with tens of millions of people who vote, but have no idea WTF they're even voting on."

Speak for yourself you fucking arrogant asshole.

Dems are an organization to commit fraud

we have it in joes own words

you know he’s senile and quotes like that make it so obvious

because no democrat in his right mind would admit the truth like that in public

Liar, those are your words, not J'Biden's. Here's what J'Biden actually said in context. The transcript in black is the part cut out from the deceptively edited video you posted...

@ 18:40

But one of the things that I think is most important is those who haven’t voted yet, first of all go to to make a plan exactly how you’re going to vote, where you’re going to vote, when you’re going to vote. Because it can get complicated, because the Republicans are doing everything they can to make it harder for people to vote — particularly people of color — to vote. So go to

Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration — President Obama’s administration before this — we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. What the president is trying to do is discourage people from voting by implying that their vote won’t be counted, it can’t be counted, we’re going to challenge it and all these things. If enough people vote, it’s going to overwhelm the system.

You see what’s happening now, you guys know it as well as I do, you see the long, long lines and early voting. You see the millions of people who have already cast a ballot. And so, don’t be intimidated. If in fact you have any, any problem go to — and I don’t have the number but it’s 833-DEM-VOTE… Call that number. We have over a thousand lawyers, over a thousand of them, they’ll answer the phone, if you think there’s any challenge to your voting. Go to 833-DEM-VOTE, dial those letters on your phone. That will get you the assistance that we have already put in place.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to post.
Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to post.
None of your “context”’changes the meaning of bidens own words

he did not say “anti fraud”

Biden said democrat vote fraud

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