Critical Race Theory at Stanford Leads to Antisemitism Complaint From Jewish Faculty


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
More and more the progressives reveal their true colors and they are of an extreme aka fascist nature.

The kicker goes well beyond what's happening at stanford.

These outrageous tactics create paradigms that affect people far beyond those at Stanford.

Wow, I read the article and I seriously thought it was the Onion. There's no way this can be serious, I thought. But it is.

I left a comment, but it's being "held for moderation", so it likely won't be approved, so here it is:

“My people were murdered because we were seen as contaminants to the white race, so being told that I would have to identify and have commonality with people who systematically imposed genocide on Jews was very triggering to me,” Levin told The Daily. “Being told to identify with the oppressor felt like a betrayal to my family.”

This is really too much. In the first place, it's disgusting that an American Jew refers to white American Gentiles as "the oppressor" on the grounds the Nazis were white when more than a million white Americans died fighting against the Nazis--foolishly, it appears.

And it's really really too much this Jew wants to spew venom about how white Christians persecuted "her people" when it was "her people" that murdered 66 million Russian Christians in the Bolshevik holocaust that started 20 years before Hitler even came to power--a holocaust turned up to eleven.

What it sounds like to me is this woman is an insufferable witch no one can stand, a trouble-making braying beast. Stanford should throw her and her friend out on their kosher asses. And then Stanford should grow up and act like adults and shut down this D.I.E. garbage.
But to get the full scope of the insanity of the modern university, read the article. You won't believe this howling yenta, either.
Catholic-CIA puppet JoeXi and his sleep-up are moving genuflectors across the border. Where’s your sense of competition for media limelight?
More and more the progressives reveal their true colors and they are of an extreme aka fascist nature.

The kicker goes well beyond what's happening at stanford.

These outrageous tactics create paradigms that affect people far beyond those at Stanford.

CRT isn't even mentioned in the Stanford article. These people are complaining that there was no "anti-semitic" component to the anti-racism program; that anti-semitism was not even discussed or mentioned, other than Jewish people contribute to systemic racism; and that when the participants were split into "ethnically segregated" discussion groups, they were forced to join the "white" group even though Jews have been persecuted for centuries for "polluting" the white race.
More and more the progressives reveal their true colors and they are of an extreme aka fascist nature.

The kicker goes well beyond what's happening at stanford.

These outrageous tactics create paradigms that affect people far beyond those at Stanford.

CRT isn't even mentioned in the Stanford article. These people are complaining that there was no "anti-semitic" component to the anti-racism program; that anti-semitism was not even discussed or mentioned, other than Jewish people contribute to systemic racism; and that when the participants were split into "ethnically segregated" discussion groups, they were forced to join the "white" group even though Jews have been persecuted for centuries for "polluting" the white race.
OMG!! We can't have more "protection" for blacks than for Jews now can we?
I'm reminded of that old TV show "Queen for a Day".
There were three women all with sob stories, and the audience applause for each determined the winner.
So now we have a fight for the most persecuted class between Jews and blacks.
So who do you vote for as most deserving of pity?
Jews control this bullshit and invented CRT. Cute, little fake drama though since "anti-semitism" is impossible.

anti white stuff is fine
anti islam stuff is fine
anti homo stuff is homophobic
anti black stuff is racist

anti jew stuff is grounds for censorship, endless card tosses... nevermind it is all true
More and more the progressives reveal their true colors and they are of an extreme aka fascist nature.

The kicker goes well beyond what's happening at stanford.

These outrageous tactics create paradigms that affect people far beyond those at Stanford.

CRT isn't even mentioned in the Stanford article. These people are complaining that there was no "anti-semitic" component to the anti-racism program; that anti-semitism was not even discussed or mentioned, other than Jewish people contribute to systemic racism; and that when the participants were split into "ethnically segregated" discussion groups, they were forced to join the "white" group even though Jews have been persecuted for centuries for "polluting" the white race.
OMG!! We can't have more "protection" for blacks than for Jews now can we?
I'm reminded of that old TV show "Queen for a Day".
There were three women all with sob stories, and the audience applause for each determined the winner.
So now we have a fight for the most persecuted class between Jews and blacks.
So who do you vote for as most deserving of pity?

The complaint and the article would never have been brought up for discussion if not for the attempt by the fake news site linked to in the OP, to tie this whole thing to "critical race theory". CRT is the latest bullshit culture war topic so here we are.
More and more the progressives reveal their true colors and they are of an extreme aka fascist nature.

The kicker goes well beyond what's happening at stanford.

These outrageous tactics create paradigms that affect people far beyond those at Stanford.

CRT isn't even mentioned in the Stanford article. These people are complaining that there was no "anti-semitic" component to the anti-racism program; that anti-semitism was not even discussed or mentioned, other than Jewish people contribute to systemic racism; and that when the participants were split into "ethnically segregated" discussion groups, they were forced to join the "white" group even though Jews have been persecuted for centuries for "polluting" the white race.
OMG!! We can't have more "protection" for blacks than for Jews now can we?
I'm reminded of that old TV show "Queen for a Day".
There were three women all with sob stories, and the audience applause for each determined the winner.
So now we have a fight for the most persecuted class between Jews and blacks.
So who do you vote for as most deserving of pity?

The complaint and the article would never have been brought up for discussion if not for the attempt by the fake news site linked to in the OP, to tie this whole thing to "critical race theory". CRT is the latest bullshit culture war topic so here we are.
You don't like how you'd have to answer so you attack the link without proving that the link is "fake news".
When we prove CNN's fake news we always have plenty of credible links proving so.
I read the article, it is very related to CRT. Here is some of the proof that the Jews found being "white and privileged" distasteful. They prefer to play the victim card and not the oppressor card.
Before their first meeting, CAPS staff were asked to read “White Fragility,” the 2018 New York Times bestseller by Robin DiAngelo. Albucher said the assignment did not appeal to him as an introduction to DEI training because it is deeply pessimistic about race relations in the U.S., and it argues that all white people are fragile on race issues, no matter what.
When he expressed that view, according to the complaint, “several CAPS co-workers verbally harassed and intimidated” him.
That's how struggle sessions begin.
To discuss “White Fragility,” the complaint says, DEI members split up CAPS staff by race, facilitating “space for white staff” to “process [their] reaction” to it. The group was later named the “Whiteness Accountability group/book club.”
First you join a 'white' group, then the group is defined as guilty and forced to engage in accountability.
“No affinity group was ever created for members of Jewish ancestral identity,” it continues. “As a result, there was no ‘space’ in the DEI program for Dr. Albucher and Ms. Levin to safely express their lived Jewish experience.”
Jews control this bullshit and invented CRT. Cute, little fake drama though since "anti-semitism" is impossible.

anti white stuff is fine
anti islam stuff is fine
anti homo stuff is homophobic
anti black stuff is racist

anti jew stuff is grounds for censorship, endless card tosses... nevermind it is all true

This is Sheila Levin, the "Eating Disorders Specialist" at Stanford and one of the plaintiffs. I just knew this screeching yenta would be a beast.

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