Crippling COVID Experimental Vaccine Reactions - Video


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Crippling COVID Experimental Vaccine Reactions

“Experimental” because they are, still only used under EUA, “emergency use authorization,” not approved for general public use. Why isn't the media running down each of these cases and getting the facts? Why is all media relentlessly promoting experimental drugs for a 99.4% to 99.8% survival rate virus, the death toll for which may be inflated by 40% or much more?

Official CDC possible vaccine-related deaths as of Jan. 29, 2021: 501 deaths. 10,748 reported injuries, 153 permanent disability.

Video: Crippling COVID Experimental Vaccine Reactions

Official CDC Possible Vaccine-Related Deaths as of Jan. 29, 2021: 501 Deaths, 10,748 Injuries, 153 Permanent Disability

Science Backs Dr. Judy Mikovits’ Warning That COVID Vaccine Could Kill 50 Million Americans

Vaccine rollout hits snag as health workers balk at shots

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Thats some scarey shit.

It is good though that many doctors are coming out even though it may mean the loss of their licenses and money. That is how the Medical Cartel pretty much keeps them in line to push a certain agenda. After years of medical school, the last thing you want to do is lose your license and medical practice. So you can understand why most Doctors won't speak up and just go along with the conspiracy.
I'd rather die from the damn flu than have to live like that or go thru that. No way will I EVER get that fucking shot.
The cabal not only cooked that shit up just in time for the election, then stole that election, then damaged and ruined lives by making everyone go broke, NOW is the time to kill off as many as they can with a cocktail dreamed up by the same assholes that cooked it up in the first place.
Even Gates said he wouldn't let his kids get the shot, nor would take it himself. And those in higher up places than us peons SHOW themselves getting the shot to prove its safe...alas the shot is empty or still has the cap on the needle, which means they think we are too stupid to see that.


Even Gates said he wouldn't let his kids get the shot, nor would take it himself. And those in higher up places than us peons SHOW themselves getting the shot to prove its safe...alas the shot is empty or still has the cap on the needle, which means they think we are too stupid to see that.
Or it’s not the vaccine itself and it’s some kind of healthy stuff for you they are putting in their bodies? Has hubby taken his shot? From eveything you have told me about him I am guessing yes,he sounds like he is the same as my brother and sister.I don’t expect to see them around in a couple more years and they will leave this planet by then I’m afraid because they sealed their fate,they have already taken it,we both know that it’s designed so that within two years it slowly kills you off.

My aunt has always been against vaccines so sense I knew my brother and sister would not listen to me I tried to get them to listen to my aunt but it did no good,they would not listen to her either. They are so ignorant they signed their death warrants taking the vaccine,they seriously think the government is looking out over them.they are so ignorant they live in denial still thinking oswald killed kennedy incredibly so I never had a prayer to reason with them on the vaccine,they seriously think New York will soon be back to normal again and don’t believe me that the world will never be the same again thinking the vaccines will save us. :cuckoo:

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