Criminal referral issued on Comey, McCabe, Lynch,Clinton,Strzok and Page

11 Congressmen out of 288 Republicans in Congress? Less than 4%.

Get that cell ready, again, one more time........

But no protection this time from the inside, aren’t you glad that maybe we will have a fair investigation into this finally.
Maybe they will appoint a anti Hillery/Obable investigation team, that way it will be fair. Kinda like the Trump haters investigation of Trump.

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Yes! Finally, at last. They'll get the whole unvarnished yet truthful story out that will fulfill any potential Imperialist Fascist's wildest fantasy of finally catching and jailing that diabolical debutante and master criminal, Hillary, oh, and her cohorts.

Donnies gonna make sure of it, you can believe that too.
When these corrupt LIB POS find out who is going to be in charge of the investigation none of them are going to get another good night's sleep again.
I hope they enjoy cat food sandwiches every day for lunch.
This type of activity is good cover for the Prez and puts Sessions in a bad
position. He doesn't act...Trump can fire his ass and nobody will say anything.
The problem becomes the waiting game to get a new AG confirmed. He would
need to fire Rosenstein also and put the #3 in charge to protect the DOJ from

But he would have ample reason to fire both of them for refusing the requests
from Congress, and nobody can argue that point
Trump has the authority to move Rosenstein to another gov. position. That way he doesn't have to fire Rosenstein.
Which is what Trump is planning to do.
11 Congressmen out of 288 Republicans in Congress? Less than 4%.

Get that cell ready, again, one more time........

But no protection this time from the inside, aren’t you glad that maybe we will have a fair investigation into this finally.
Maybe they will appoint a anti Hillery/Obable investigation team, that way it will be fair. Kinda like the Trump haters investigation of Trump.

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Yes! Finally, at last. They'll get the whole unvarnished yet truthful story out that will fulfill any potential Imperialist Fascist's wildest fantasy of finally catching and jailing that diabolical debutante and master criminal, Hillary, oh, and her cohorts.

Donnies gonna make sure of it, you can believe that too.
When these corrupt LIB POS find out who is going to be in charge of the investigation none of them are going to get another good night's sleep again.
I hope they enjoy cat food sandwiches every day for lunch. mean the GOP wasn't in charge of the H. Clinton investigations? Ever? You DO know we all have memories, right?
11 Congressmen out of 288 Republicans in Congress? Less than 4%.

Get that cell ready, again, one more time........

But no protection this time from the inside, aren’t you glad that maybe we will have a fair investigation into this finally.
Maybe they will appoint a anti Hillery/Obable investigation team, that way it will be fair. Kinda like the Trump haters investigation of Trump.

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There’s already been 17 investigations of Bill and Hillary Clinton - almost all of them by Republicans and they found nothing!! Zip! NADA!!! And no one has every turned on the Clintons.

In the meantime, former Trump staffers can’t flip fast enough. Only Manifort and the Dutch lawyer didn’t turn. That’s the thing with conspiracies. There’s always guys who will turn on you to save their own asses.

There is no vast conspiracy against Trump. No cabal, no coup. The left doesn’t need to lie about Trump. Donald Trump shoots himself in the foot daily. He went on TV and said he fired Comey to end the Russia Investigation. Hello - that’s obstruction of justice.

Donald Junior talked in an email about getting dirt on Hillary Clinton from the Rusdian government. That’s collusion right there whether the Russians had anything or not.

Don helps writes a letter to the New York Times about Junior’s meeting with the Russians, a letter that’s full of lies. More obstruction of Justice.

There is no cabal, no coup. There’s a President who violates the law and the Constitution on a daily basis.
How many days does the Dutch lawyer have left to serve? Ten/? HAAAA HAAAAAA The judge sent the lawyer to what amounts to a resort. No uniformed guards. Snack bar open 24/7, big screen TV in each room, 'conjugal visits', cell phone etc etc. Ya that Mueller REALLY threw the book at the lawyer! HAAAAA HAAAAAAA.
tyroneweaver, post: 19752961

Since Trumpo told us that Bush lied his way into invading Iraq, why stop at investigating a bunch of nothing. Go for the red meat Trumporoids. Billions upon billions of dollars spent and thousands and thousands of dead Iraqis and invading troops all for a god damned lie (per Trumpo) to get in and then a quagmire weakened our military before getting out.

Lets investigate what Trumpo tells us was Bush's lie. So many dead and wounded and so much money and military assets spent based on a lies? How can there not be s crime there?
so - since no one in your post has EVER hit 0, i smell bullshit. either from your story itself and the *facts* they chose to include, or the right is correct in that obama made it to where he got away with a lot of shit.

now - let's count the indictments of their staff, shall we? now i'm curious.

in the end - if this is another dog and pony show just stop. just fucking stop. if there is nothing new and the odds of this ending the same remain high, just god damn fucking cut it out and stop.

i think clinton is dirty as hell and needs to live the rest of her moistened bint life on alcatraz making potted flowers to have the left sell in san francisco. but if i had my choices of:

1. hillary in prison
2. the country moving past a crap time in life to working together again

i'll take 2 all day long if it ended the bullshit on both sides.

By the way Trump has had several of his top officials plead guilty to crimes already!

View attachment 188861
so you won't answer the question and have a talk about this - it's just an "i'm 12 so NEENER NEENER" it is.

you win.

have fun getting to 13.
View attachment 188865
fake news

They are all Hillary supporters. Comey has admitted it. Mueller hired a bunch of Hillary supporters to. Rosenstein reccomended that Comey be fired, and then appointed a special counsel to investigate Comey being fired.

These people are all deepstate scum.

All well and good but:

A). It is still a matter for Jeff Session to ACT ON (and there seems to be a lot of resistance to pursuing this).

B). If the GOP indicts these people and prosecutes them, you can bet the GOP has sealed their fate in winning the Mid-terms handily. Question is whether the GOP wants to win and are they dragging this out past that point?

C). At best, justice proceeds far too slowly in this country.

Quick civics lesson for you:

Political parties do not have the power to indict.

They're looking to hold Rosenstein in contempt for refusing ridiculous demands, rile up the base and grease the skids for his firing.

They may well succeed with their latest blackmail attempt to shut down this investigation or severely hamstring Mueller at a minimum.
Crimes have been proven....the WILL to put these clowns In jail has not so far.
tyroneweaver, post: 19752961

Since Trumpo told us that Bush lied his way into invading Iraq, why stop at investigating a bunch of nothing. Go for the red meat Trumporoids. Billions upon billions of dollars spent and thousands and thousands of dead Iraqis and invading troops all for a god damned lie (per Trumpo) to get in and then a quagmire weakened our military before getting out.

Lets investigate what Trumpo tells us was Bush's lie. So many dead and wounded and so much money and military assets spent based on a lies? How can there not be s crime there?

dude, they don't care about facts. they make it up as they go. it's trump. ewwwwwwww fk em all
Crimes have been proven....the WILL to put these clowns In jail has not so far.

Sure they have - Why doesn't Mango Mussolini just lock them up?

You'd like living in Turkey, Russia or the Philippines - we'll all pitch in on a one way ticket.
see, we use rule of law. unlike you and your leftists buds.

Yeah, of course you do :rolleyes:

The light has shined on the 'cockroaches', and they have begun to attack each other.

McCabe has already lashed out at Comey, calling him a liar and a perjurer.

Comey has called McCabe a liar, a perjurer, a leaker, etc... He has attacked Rosenstein for betraying him and getting him fired....

And there is enough evidence of crimes by all of them to put all of them away....

Use Myeller's tactics - indict them all and let them all know the 1st one to cut a deal and rat out their fellow Secret Society cohorts does NOT go to prison....

They're already attacking each would work.

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