Criminal referral issued on Comey, McCabe, Lynch,Clinton,Strzok and Page

I notice that you didn't include the source for your graph.

Fake news.

It was from DailyKOS, as virtually everything the Troll posts is.

JimHate is a Russian or Iranian paid troll.

Ha Ha!!! Time to Ignore you...
Everyone who kicks your ass is on ignore. I'll bet that's a long list.

I guess u think I am a Russian Troll also....Idiot....

That's the message you reieved from my post?

No, I just think you're an idiot.

You are hilarious....but we know who the trump humper is....

Rosenstein is a scumbag who should be fired, but what crime did he engage in?

Strzok and Page committed Treason, McCabe and Comey obstructed justice and engaged in perjury. Lynch engaged in racketeering to rig a US election (Obama too, but the evidence isn't solid)

The piles of shit are all criminals who in an honest system will go to prison (or in the case of Page and Strzok, get the needle).

Rosenstein though, is just a leftist hack who engaged in highly unethical behavior. Scummy? YES, criminal? No.

You really are a waste of oxygen....

Brilliant rebuttal Comrade.

No wonder you only spew hate points from DailyKOS - thinking is beyond your ability.

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