Crimes Obama 'supposedly' committed.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
"According to Trump."

That's how ABC and the rest of the MSM echo chamber are
trying to frame and spin the narrative, as if this is all cooked up by Barr and Trump for some kind of political revenge.

Instead of what they should be doing which is apologizing to the world for 3 years of lies.

William Barr said he does not expect a criminal investigation of the former president and vice president after Trump alleged they are guilty of political crimes.
"According to Trump."

That's how ABC and the rest of the MSM echo chamber are
trying to frame and spin the narrative, as if this is all cooked up by Barr and Trump for some kind of political revenge.

Instead of what they should be doing which is apologizing to the world for 3 years of lies.

William Barr said he does not expect a criminal investigation of the former president and vice president after Trump alleged they are guilty of political crimes.

Yeah, and supposedly Trump broke so many laws, and the reality is he did nothing wrong.

So.... hypocrite much? After making up false accusations... now suddenly they are crying about false claims?

They can stuff it.
I think they should just duel. Bring back the duel! :eusa_dance:

They should settle it the way our founders did. The old fashioned way.

These elites don't give a shit about the law anyway. . . so at least we'll get rid of one of them. . .
I think they should just duel. Bring back the duel! :eusa_dance:

They should settle it the way our founders did. The old fashioned way.

These elites don't give a shit about the law anyway. . . so at least we'll get rid of one of them. . .
74 year old Trump could take 58 year old Obama I believe.
I would send the JSOC team to his Martha's Vineyard mansion at 4 am with Fox news at the scene for a little surprise wake up call, while simultaneously hitting Biden's, Brennan's, Clapper's and Comey's..
He allowed terrorists to go free from Gitmo. He sent terrorists pallets of cash. He was/is a worthless piece of shit.
He created more terrorists than Bush even.
Syria is worse than Iraq now and so is Libya---both were on their way to democracy before Barack Hussein stepped in. They covertly shut down the Arab Spring, helped fuel the massacre in Yemen. We have more troops in Africa than the ME now, and Trump didn't put them there.

But now to come out of hiding and saying that Trump and AG Barr are stepping on the "rule of law", is really almost laughable from the author of ' The Audacity of Hope '. What a joke....and he should lose his Nobel prize and his Secret Service protection, and go broke from legal defense fees... then go to prison.
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I think they should just duel. Bring back the duel! :eusa_dance:

They should settle it the way our founders did. The old fashioned way.

These elites don't give a shit about the law anyway. . . so at least we'll get rid of one of them. . .
74 year old Trump could take 58 year old Obama I believe.
I would send the JSOC team to his Martha's Vineyard mansion at 4 am with Fox news at the scene for a little surprise wake up call, while simultaneously hitting Biden's, Brennan's, Clapper's and Comey's..
trump would get hurt bad if he tried Obama. trump is a 74 year old spoiled brat. He doesn't know how to fight unless he has a lawyer. Obama has broken no laws.
"According to Trump."

That's how ABC and the rest of the MSM echo chamber are
trying to frame and spin the narrative, as if this is all cooked up by Barr and Trump for some kind of political revenge.

Instead of what they should be doing which is apologizing to the world for 3 years of lies.

William Barr said he does not expect a criminal investigation of the former president and vice president after Trump alleged they are guilty of political crimes.

This explains it in detail....

None of this happened without obama knowing about it, consenting to it, and directing the over all plan....

Scandal No. 1: Massive, illegal surveillance of American citizens, using the database of the National Security Agency

During the second term of President Obama, and perhaps earlier, private firms from outside the government were allowed to trawl through the massive NSA database of phone calls, emails, and text messages. Without any warrants, they spied on vast numbers of American citizens. The public still doesn’t know who did it, who authorized it, or how the metadata was used.

This illegal practice ended in summer 2016 when the agency’s head, Adm. Mike Rogers, learned about it. He stopped it immediately and reported it to the Rosemary Collyer, chief judge of the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) Court. Judge Collyer issued a scathing, heavily redacted report about the illegal activity, but, so far, no one has been indicted.

Scandal No. 2: Spying on the Trump campaign

When NSA surveillance was halted, the Obama administration lost its secret eyes on domestic political activity and especially on the rising Trump campaign. To regain that vision, the CIA and FBI launched new surveillance efforts. Three elements stand out. First, the executive branch, then controlled by Democrats, was determined to spy on the opposition party. Second, much of the spying was conducted by agencies that are limited, by law, to foreign operations. Since their goal was actually domestic surveillance and since that was illegal, they apparently outsourced some of it to friendly foreign governments, who relayed the information back to Washington. Third, since the FBI wanted to spy on Trump aides who were not actually suspected of crimes, they couldn’t get regular warrants. To work around that, the FBI (under James Comey) and Department of Justice (under Loretta Lynch) falsely claimed the targets were foreign spies, making them eligible for FISA warrants. They also tried to entrap them (with help from CIA assets abroad), hoping they would commit illegal acts or say their colleagues had done so.

We know the FBI and CIA did all that, though we still don’t know all the details. We know, too, that the FBI and DoJ used opposition-party research and worthless gossip (the “Steele Dossier”) to gain the secret warrants on Carter Page. The second-ranking official in Comey’s FBI, Andrew McCabe, testified the warrants would never had been issued without the Steele material. Yet the FBI and DoJ never told the court it was unverified and never said who commissioned it.

Before the warrant was renewed, the FBI finally spoke with Steele’s main source, who told them the information was garbage. Instead of telling the court immediately, the bureau simply said the sub-source was truthful and falsely implied he backed Steele. This dunghill of deceit should lead to criminal indictments and major civil suits for damages.

Scandal No. 3: Covering up this spying, continuing it during the new administration, charging that Trump was not legitimately elected, and impeding his presidency with major investigations, based on false charges

After Trump was elected, top officials from the outgoing administration made two fundamental decisions. The first was to hide the earlier spying and continue it during the new presidency, using holdover officials and friendly bureaucrats. The second was to entangle the new administration in a series of sprawling investigations designed to prevent it from governing, even though Republicans had won the White House and both branches of Congress.

The Obama team did whatever it could to bring down the new administration, primarily with accusations Trump had won with Russia’s help. They went even further, saying Trump’s campaign had actively worked with the Kremlin. That’s treason. There was no evidence for it, but the mainstream media, led by the New York Times, Washington Post and all cable news channels except Fox, promoted it nonstop. The implication was clear: Because Trump was elected with help from a foreign enemy, he was not a legitimate president. This accusation has been the leitmotif of Democratic Party messaging and mainstream media coverage for the entire Trump presidency.

Proving these specious accusations was the main task of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, appointed after leaks from Comey. The fired FBI director told Congress his leaks were designed to force Mueller’s appointment. Mueller’s deputy, Andrew Weissmann, appointed a team of virulently anti-Trump lawyers to investigate and prosecute.

From the beginning, the Mueller team should have known, as the FBI did, that the charge of “Russian collusion” was false. Despite a massive, prolonged investigation, the Office of Special Counsel never charged any American (inside or outside the Trump campaign) with helping the Russians during the 2016 campaign. Yet the OSC continued its investigation, hiding exculpatory evidence, trying to catch Trump officials in false statements, and using strong-arm tactics to force confessions. The great prize would be nailing Trump himself. That failed, of course, but, as long as Mueller’s investigation continued, the thunderclouds of legal peril and a fraudulent election hung over the presidency.

The House Intelligence Committee knew the truth, early on, after conducting classified interviews with top Obama officials. The committee, controlled by Republicans in 2017-18, asked Obama’s senior officials in law enforcement, intelligence, and national security if they had any evidence the Trump campaign actually colluded with Russia. Every single one, testifying under oath, said they did not. In public, however, they said the exact opposite. Their false statements to the cameras carried weight because the public assumed, reasonably enough, that these former officials must have seen damning classified evidence. They hadn’t. Still, they spewed devastating anti-Trump messages the mainstream media was eager to broadcast. “Trump-Russia Collusion” was their biggest story for three years. And it wasn’t true.


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