Crime Without Punishment

8. Perhaps the greatest ‘advantage’ of being a Liberal/Democrat, is that one can lie without qualms. And when the lie is revealed, either shrug, or continue ‘is not!’

How often do they use this lie: ‘the death penalty doesn’t work!’ Of course it does, on both the recipient of same, and on those knowing it awaits.

The importance of the death penalty is explained here: “The rest of the people will hear of this and be afraid, and never again will such an evil thing be done among you.” Deuteronomy 19:20

And, as in so very many cases, facts prove the Bible correct.

“Capital Punishment Works

Recent evidence, however, suggests that the death penalty, when carried out, has an enormous deterrent effect on the number of murders. More precisely, our recent research shows that each execution carried out is correlated with about 74 fewer murders the following year.


Shouldn’t the Democrats strand with the 74 innocent victims, rather than the one murderer?

Why would the Democrats not support the death penalty?

For the same reason they oppose gun ownership, and institute gun-free zones.

Because it is the party of felons, not of innocent hard working law-abiding citizens.

They’re not on our side.
Americas "war on drugs" has created criminal empires,destabilised much of Central America and criminalised much of its population. But there is a lot of money in farming criminals so lets have more of it.
Does the UK have freedom of speech?

only for far left wacko’s it seems

A fine lady named Katie Hopkins is being threatened with death for her opinions

and the British government funds some of the threats against her

such as this one

what an insane country you live in
The most provocative thing about this show is the title. Chris Bush and Matt Winkworth’s musical is definitely not a call for the murder of a self-styled hate figure. Rather, it’s an intelligent, thoughtful and often wryly enjoyable look at the polarisation of public debate in the age of social media, and what happen
Americas "war on drugs" has created criminal empires,destabilised much of Central America and criminalised much of its population. But there is a lot of money in farming criminals so lets have more of it.
Does the UK have freedom of speech?

only for far left wacko’s it seems

A fine lady named Katie Hopkins is being threatened with death for her opinions

and the British government funds some of the threats against her

such as this one

what an insane country you live in
The most provocative thing about this show is the title. Chris Bush and Matt Winkworth’s musical is definitely not a call for the murder of a self-styled hate figure. Rather, it’s an intelligent, thoughtful and often wryly enjoyable look at the polarisation of public debate in the age of social media, and what happen
This production suggests that we do have freedom of speech. Its actually my local theatre and they often show experimental stuff. I have seen some right stinkers in there in my time. I missed this one though.

You mistake Katie Hopkins for a "fine lady" though. She is a rentagob spouting right wing slogans in a bid to outrage. She came to fame a few years back by losing an edition of the Apprentice. She then found she could gain headlines by making disgusting comments about the usual right wing targets. You know, poor folk, minorities.women and so on. But her career path has headed determinedly south since then as every outlet who gave her a job has sacked her soon after.
I believe she recently lost her house in a defamation case. She basically made up some shit about a minor celeb and refused to retract her lies when given several chances to do so. The Judge ruled she was lying and she was shown that free speech comes with responsibilities.
I am not sure how she pays her bills these days but I suspect that some trashy US right wing outlet pays her to say "outrageous" shit. Rather like "tommy robinson" another icon of the sewer trash.
9. “Liberals hate cops, honest citizens with guns, and hard sentencing laws because liberals identify with criminals.

Once we realize that liberals identify with criminals, their actions make sense. A person who thinks the justice system is anything but just, will work hard to make cop’s job harder while giving criminals as many loopholes as he can.

When visiting a Federal prison Obama summarized the view of liberals when he said:
“These are young people who made mistakes that aren’t that different than the mistakes I made and the mistakes that a lot of you guys made."

While the people in the prison he was talking about were really drug dealers and violent felons, Obama, was repeating the liberal lie that the prisons are full of folks who just smoked a joint and got caught.
liberals tend to be people who eschew personal responsibility so they fail to see the connection between their giving money to criminal organizations and the violent acts of those cartels.

If liberals were to admit to themselves that the average cop is a decent person who tries to treat people fairly, they’d have to confront the fact that it’s a liberal’s choice to break the law that makes liberals fear the police. Sadly, liberal DNA just doesn’t include accepting responsibility for one’s actions so they continue to blame others for the consequences of their drug use, including their fear of police.
liberals aren’t like honest folk instead liberals identify with criminals and therefore support laws that favor criminals over victims and society.

It’s time to realize that liberals are rooting for the wrong side in the war on crime.” Why Liberals Identify with Criminals

They aren't on our side.
As you are reliably wrong about everything, and ineducable as well, this is meant for any who believe what you and government school sell, about drug crimes.

No black kid is in prison for 'a bag of weed.'


“What's less well-known is that early on, many African-American leaders championed those mandatory minimum sentences and other tough-on-crime policies. These efforts could be seen at the federal and state levels, as well as across black communities such as Harlem.

Yes, they made the mistake of trusting the racists... never a good idea.

Which is how we got from 500,000 incarcerated in 1980 to 2 million incarcerated today.

You don't keep doing something stupid because you thought it was a good idea 40 years ago.
None of those countries have anywhere near the population of the US, derpwad.

Again, I realize that you are challenged in math. Japan has a population of 110 million, and they only lock up 69,000 people. In short, they lock up .06% of their population.

We have a population of 310 million and lock up 2 million people. We lock up .7% of our population. That's just crazy.

We lock up more people than China does, a communist dictatorship with 4 times as many people.
As you are reliably wrong about everything, and ineducable as well, this is meant for any who believe what you and government school sell, about drug crimes.

No black kid is in prison for 'a bag of weed.'


“What's less well-known is that early on, many African-American leaders championed those mandatory minimum sentences and other tough-on-crime policies. These efforts could be seen at the federal and state levels, as well as across black communities such as Harlem.

Yes, they made the mistake of trusting the racists... never a good idea.

Which is how we got from 500,000 incarcerated in 1980 to 2 million incarcerated today.

You don't keep doing something stupid because you thought it was a good idea 40 years ago.

Any in jail are in for sale, not use.

Wise up, you dunce.
"In the '80s and '90s, many black leaders supported tough anti-drug laws. Facing an inner-city explosion of gang activity, violent crime and a crack epidemic, black politicians pressured Congress to pass these laws. The Rev. George McMurray was pastor of Harlem's Mother A.M.E. Zion Church in the '70s, a time when New York City faced a major heroin epidemic. He favored life sentences for convicted drug dealers. "When you send a few men to prison for life, someone's going to pass the word down, 'It's not too good over here,'" McMurray said. "So instead of robbery and selling dope, (they'll think) 'I want to go to school and live a good life.'"

When President Ronald Reagan signed the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 into law -- the law that punished crack cocaine dealers far more harshly than powder cocaine dealers -- Harlem's Rep. Charlie Rangel stood right behind Reagan. Crack dealers, many of whom were black, got harsher sentences than those who dealt powder cocaine, many of whom were white. And Congressional Black Caucus members pushed Reagan to create the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

Then came the massive 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, which included longer sentences for first-time offenders. An influential group of black pastors wrote to the Congressional Black Caucus, "While we do not agree with every provision in the crime bill, we do believe and emphatically support the bill's goal to save our communities, and most importantly, our children."

The black mayor of Baltimore, Kurt Schmoke, said: "I believe the crime bill ... is part of the answer, and the crime bill should be supported by us. We do need to send a signal throughout our communities that certain types of activities will not be tolerated, that people will be held accountable and that if there is evil manifested by actions taken by individuals who choose to prey upon our residents that that evil will be responded to quickly and correctly." The majority of the Congressional Black Caucus supported Congress' final bill. President Bill Clinton signed it. Hillary Clinton defended the crime bill a couple years later, saying that these laws were necessary to combat "superpredators" -- a comment that came back to haunt her during the 2016 presidential campaign.

But after black crack dealers received longer sentences than whites who dealt powder, the 1986 law became "racist." The CBC later asked President Bill Clinton to fix the disparity. His sentencing commission also advised him to narrow the disparity. Clinton, who wanted to appear "tough on drugs," refused. So when Clinton signed his own tough anti-drug law in 1995, it preserved the crack-powder disparity. The Los Angeles Times wrote: "One week after President Clinton decried the 'disproportionate percentage' of young black men going to prison, he has decided to sign into law a bill that would maintain stiff prison sentences for those caught with small amounts of crack cocaine."
If Tough Anti-Drug Laws Are 'Racist,' Blame Black Leaders
8. Perhaps the greatest ‘advantage’ of being a Liberal/Democrat, is that one can lie without qualms. And when the lie is revealed, either shrug, or continue ‘is not!’
I'd say this was more of a slap on the wrist than punishment.

Trump Children Ordered To Undergo Training On How To Not Steal From Charities
When I worked at the prison I got to know one convict pretty well. He was a Hillary man all the way but he couldn't vote. He seemed fairly decent, didn't cause problems like a lot of them did. One day he asked me if I knew why he was locked up and I said no, and he told me. He said he and his wife split and he let her use his truck to move and she kept the truck. So he called the police and they couldn't help get the truck back so he went to get it. He had the title and everything but his wife called the police and he got arrested and was sentenced to 6 years. All for getting his own truck back from his thieving wife. A pretty lousy thing to have happen to you.

A while later I happened to be in the Chiefs office and asked him about the guy and surprisingly the Chief told me it was true except the convict left out the part where he had taken his 3 year old daughter with the truck and the wife had custody! The vast majority of criminals are notorious liars, just like these vermin scum here. They are all the same class of scum.

Actually, six years for a custody dispute seems a bit harsh, too.

I think you are kind of making my point, but again, as Upton Sinclair said, it's hard to get a man to understand a problem if his paycheck depends on him NOT understanding it.
When I worked at the prison I got to know one convict pretty well. He was a Hillary man all the way but he couldn't vote. He seemed fairly decent, didn't cause problems like a lot of them did. One day he asked me if I knew why he was locked up and I said no, and he told me. He said he and his wife split and he let her use his truck to move and she kept the truck. So he called the police and they couldn't help get the truck back so he went to get it. He had the title and everything but his wife called the police and he got arrested and was sentenced to 6 years. All for getting his own truck back from his thieving wife. A pretty lousy thing to have happen to you.

A while later I happened to be in the Chiefs office and asked him about the guy and surprisingly the Chief told me it was true except the convict left out the part where he had taken his 3 year old daughter with the truck and the wife had custody! The vast majority of criminals are notorious liars, just like these vermin scum here. They are all the same class of scum.

Actually, six years for a custody dispute seems a bit harsh, too.

I think you are kind of making my point, but again, as Upton Sinclair said, it's hard to get a man to understand a problem if his paycheck depends on him NOT understanding it.
Kidnapping you filthy criminal loving liar!
Americas "war on drugs" has created criminal empires,destabilised much of Central America and criminalised much of its population. But there is a lot of money in farming criminals so lets have more of it.
Does the UK have freedom of speech?

only for far left wacko’s it seems

A fine lady named Katie Hopkins is being threatened with death for her opinions

and the British government funds some of the threats against her

such as this one

what an insane country you live in
The most provocative thing about this show is the title. Chris Bush and Matt Winkworth’s musical is definitely not a call for the murder of a self-styled hate figure. Rather, it’s an intelligent, thoughtful and often wryly enjoyable look at the polarisation of public debate in the age of social media, and what happen
This production suggests that we do have freedom of speech. Its actually my local theatre and they often show experimental stuff. I have seen some right stinkers in there in my time. I missed this one though.

You mistake Katie Hopkins for a "fine lady" though. She is a rentagob spouting right wing slogans in a bid to outrage. She came to fame a few years back by losing an edition of the Apprentice. She then found she could gain headlines by making disgusting comments about the usual right wing targets. You know, poor folk, minorities.women and so on. But her career path has headed determinedly south since then as every outlet who gave her a job has sacked her soon after.
I believe she recently lost her house in a defamation case. She basically made up some shit about a minor celeb and refused to retract her lies when given several chances to do so. The Judge ruled she was lying and she was shown that free speech comes with responsibilities.
I am not sure how she pays her bills these days but I suspect that some trashy US right wing outlet pays her to say "outrageous" shit. Rather like "tommy robinson" another icon of the sewer trash.
Your country has "hatespeech" laws. Therefore you are a cuck faggot.

I cannot type the rest of that in this forum, but do have some words for you. Oh yeah. :biggrin:
9. “Liberals hate cops, honest citizens with guns, and hard sentencing laws because liberals identify with criminals.

Once we realize that liberals identify with criminals, their actions make sense. A person who thinks the justice system is anything but just, will work hard to make cop’s job harder while giving criminals as many loopholes as he can.

When visiting a Federal prison Obama summarized the view of liberals when he said:
“These are young people who made mistakes that aren’t that different than the mistakes I made and the mistakes that a lot of you guys made."

While the people in the prison he was talking about were really drug dealers and violent felons, Obama, was repeating the liberal lie that the prisons are full of folks who just smoked a joint and got caught.
liberals tend to be people who eschew personal responsibility so they fail to see the connection between their giving money to criminal organizations and the violent acts of those cartels.

If liberals were to admit to themselves that the average cop is a decent person who tries to treat people fairly, they’d have to confront the fact that it’s a liberal’s choice to break the law that makes liberals fear the police. Sadly, liberal DNA just doesn’t include accepting responsibility for one’s actions so they continue to blame others for the consequences of their drug use, including their fear of police.
liberals aren’t like honest folk instead liberals identify with criminals and therefore support laws that favor criminals over victims and society.

It’s time to realize that liberals are rooting for the wrong side in the war on crime.” Why Liberals Identify with Criminals

They aren't on our side.
They do like some cops, like the ones arresting the hair dresser for trying to feed her kids, and the one arresting a parent for playing with his kids at an empty park, yeah they love those cops.
It is hard to ignore that this is the aim of the Democrat Party. They see criminals as their most important constituency.

They’re not on our side.

1."Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

2. "...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

3. "Why some Democrats want to decriminalize crossing the US border
(CNN)As Democratic presidential hopefuls spar in the leadup to 2020, there's one immigration proposal that keeps coming up.
Should the US repeal the section of the Immigration and Nationality Act that makes illegally crossing the border a crime?
It's an idea that's been floated in immigration policy circles for a while. Julian Castro pushed it into the national spotlight during the first Democratic presidential debates in June, and it came up again in Tuesday night's debate. The notion seems to be gaining steam."
Why some Democrats want to decriminalize crossing the US border - CNNPolitics

4. “Those same criminals are no longer being thrown in jail for crimes they commit, and they now openly defecate, shoot up heroin, and commit theft crimes without fear of retribution. This has led to more violent encounters with residents and business-owners.” George Soros’s under-the-radar plan to make crime explode in American cities

5. "Here’s the simple and undeniable fact: The overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats."
Ted Cruz on Monday, November 30th, 2015 in a radio interview with Hugh Hewitt

This is the party that wants to allow prisoners to vote from jail, and is behind the Green New Deal that offers “economic security” even to thoseunwilling to work.”

Sooo….whose side is this party on????
It's pretty clear.

You know, numbering your paragraphs is really irritating to read. If you are making a list fine, but otherwise you make it hard to read.
It is hard to ignore that this is the aim of the Democrat Party. They see criminals as their most important constituency.

They’re not on our side.

1."Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No
An initiative by John Creuzot is stopping prosecutions for theft of personal items worth less than $750."
Should All Thefts Be Prosecuted? Dallas County’s District Attorney Says No | Houston Public Media

2. "...Seattle’s 96,000-square-foot Target if employees followed a “no touch, no chase” policy, he responded: “Officially, I can’t tell you our policy, but if you watch our front door for an hour, you’ll see pretty clearly what’s happening.” According to reports, the store likely has ten to 40 “security incidents” a day, including a dramatic incident last year when a drug-frenzied man went on a 15-minute rampage, destroying displays and merchandise, only to walk out the door with duffel bags full of goods. Police never arrived."
The “Supermarket Sweep”

3. "Why some Democrats want to decriminalize crossing the US border
(CNN)As Democratic presidential hopefuls spar in the leadup to 2020, there's one immigration proposal that keeps coming up.
Should the US repeal the section of the Immigration and Nationality Act that makes illegally crossing the border a crime?
It's an idea that's been floated in immigration policy circles for a while. Julian Castro pushed it into the national spotlight during the first Democratic presidential debates in June, and it came up again in Tuesday night's debate. The notion seems to be gaining steam."
Why some Democrats want to decriminalize crossing the US border - CNNPolitics

4. “Those same criminals are no longer being thrown in jail for crimes they commit, and they now openly defecate, shoot up heroin, and commit theft crimes without fear of retribution. This has led to more violent encounters with residents and business-owners.” George Soros’s under-the-radar plan to make crime explode in American cities

5. "Here’s the simple and undeniable fact: The overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats."
Ted Cruz on Monday, November 30th, 2015 in a radio interview with Hugh Hewitt

This is the party that wants to allow prisoners to vote from jail, and is behind the Green New Deal that offers “economic security” even to thoseunwilling to work.”

Sooo….whose side is this party on????
It's pretty clear.
Of course you do have to recognize the fact that democrats and convicted felons have so much in common. To being with they're all lying thieves and the similarities go on from there.
The notion of locking people up for every petty drug offense and property crime (if they are poor) really doesn't work for anyone but the people who profit off the prison-industrial complex.
Unfortunatly, an awful lot of people profit off the prison industry...which is deplorable.

No, it it was deplorable, Democrats would hate it instead of enabling it!
7. “Democratic Views on the Death Penalty

The party’s support has diminished over the last 20 years, currently sitting at 49 percent (20 years ago it was at 75 percent). Many Democrats have begun to prefer the option of life imprisonment, according to recent Gallup polls. … most states that have abolished the death penalty in the last few years have been Democratic leaning states.

Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsome of California says, “I think we should repeal the death penalty. It’s not a deterrent; there are racial components to it.” Martin O’Malley, governor of Maryland, believes similarly. He says “It’s wasteful. It’s ineffective. It doesn’t work to reduce violent crime.” Democratic Views on the Death Penalty | Republican Views

The Old Testament demands the death penalty for premeditated murder. In fact, it is called for in each of the five books of the Old Testament.

Nor is any call to reverse that in the New Testament.
“While no New Testament passage expressly mandates capital punishment, several imply its appropriateness. For example, in Romans 13:1-7 Paul calls his readers to submit to the authority of civil government, reminding them that "if you do wrong, be afraid, for he [the authority] does not bear the sword for nothing." In its ultimate use, the word sword implies execution.” A Biblical Perspective on The Death Penalty

An ancient proverb teaches, “To spare the ravening leopard is an act of injustice to the sheep.”
Stop numbering your fucking posts, retard! Nobody pays any attention to the numbers! Cut out all the blank spaces in your posts. Learn to write properly!

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