Crime Without Punishment

The truth I weren't able to deny anything in the OP that brought you slithering in, ......seems to have gotten under your scales.

Sorry, your number pointed crazy isn't a "truth".

We have more crime than other industrialized nations, but it's because we have racism, poverty, income inequality and most importantly, any idiot who wants a gun can get one.

If guns and prisons made us safer, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.

Guns do prevent crimes, thousands a day. Show me your proof that guns cause crime. Prisons do prevent crimes, if you don't see that your too stupid to post with.

Prisons do prevent crimes, hell yes they do, they keep murderers off the streets. if you don't see that your too stupid to post with.

Joey does not care, In fact, Joey WANTS and NEEDS violence. He MUST have mass shootings. He CELEBRATES dead children, because they allow him to push his agenda.

Joey is pure and undiluted evil on the level of Stalin.
Look, another flame bait pile of horseshit by politicalshit. Imagine my surprise. I wonder if it was motivated by a desire to draw attention away from the criminal behavior of so many of the people Trump surrounds himself with? Not to mention Don's and the kid's.

Repubs, they take a different approach to the criminality in their ranks. When a high profile Repub breaks the law they simply seek to have the law repealed.

Uh, we lock up more people than any other country on earth.

We have 2 million in prison and another 7 million on probation and parole.

By Comparison, Japan only locks up 69,000. Germany only locks up 78,000 and the UK only locks up 68,000.

The notion of locking people up for every petty drug offense and property crime (if they are poor) really doesn't work for anyone but the people who profit off the prison-industrial complex.
Don't worry...

The Democrats in California are working on that...

6. In their debates, every Democrat candidate admitted that they plan to take the money Americans earned by working, and use it to pay for healthcare for illegal alien criminals.

“Democrats want to offer health care to undocumented immigrants.” Democrats want to offer health care to undocumented immigrants. Here's what that means

Tax Americans to pay criminals???? Yup.

“Currently, democrats support killing innocent babies in the womb while at the same time protecting guilty criminals on death row. Democrats believe in destroying the sanctity of marriage and they have done so through the Supreme Court. I could go on and on.

If it's evil, the Democrats defend it.

Population Control - Democrats defend it

Abortion - Democrats defend it

Sexual immorality - Democrats defend it

Islam - Democrats defend it

Socialism - Democrats defend it

Communism - Democrats defend it

Christian Persecution - Democrats defend it

Criminal Activity - Democrats defend it

Government Oppression - Democrats defend it

Envy - Democrats defend it”
Why Are Democrats Always On The Wrong Side Of Everything?

Democrats.....they're not on our side.
Americas "war on drugs" has created criminal empires,destabilised much of Central America and criminalised much of its population. But there is a lot of money in farming criminals so lets have more of it.
Guns do prevent crimes, thousands a day. Show me your proof that guns cause crime. Prisons do prevent crimes, if you don't see that your too stupid to post with.

We have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world... so, um, no. Guns and Prisons aren't helping.

Why Are So Many Americans in Prison?

1.”The U.S. does have a very large prison population—not because too many innocent people are incarcerated, but because too many people commit serious—usually violent—crimes. With rare exceptions, that’s why most people are imprisoned in America. Period.

2. …start with those convicted of drug offenses, the source of so much of the “mass incarceration” myth. While it’s true that about half of federal prisoners are incarcerated on drug charges, federal inmates constitute only about 12% of the American prison population. Almost nine of every ten prison inmates are in state facilities. And very few of them—less than 15%—are there for drug-related offenses.

3. Four times that number are behind bars for one of the following serious crimes: Murder14%

Rape or sexual assault—13%


Aggravated or simple assault—11%

And burglary—9%

In short, violent criminals make up the clear majority of the state prison population. What’s more, drug offenders who do end up in prison don’t actually serve very much time—almost half are released within a year.

4. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, almost 40% of released state prisoners served less than a year in prison. Even 20% of murderers and nearly 60% of those convicted of rape or sexual assault served less than five years of their sentences in prison.

5. …plea bargaining. Most prosecutions never go to court. Instead, a deal is made between the defendant’s attorney and the prosecutor to avoid going to trial. These negotiations often involve the offender agreeing to plead guilty in exchange for a reduced sentence, or dropping or downgrading the most serious charges. As a result, a prisoner’s conviction record often understates the crime that landed him behind bars in the first place.

6. Studies done by the Justice Department show that only about 40% of felony convictions lead to a prison sentence. Yes, many are given probation, sentenced to home confinement, or given credit for time served in pretrial detention. But most of the time, convicted criminals don’t go to prison.

7. …the left-leaning Brennan Center have called for an immediate 40% reduction in the number of inmates. CNN host Van Jones, founder of the #Cut50 initiative, tops that. He wants a 50% reduction. A January 2017 University of Chicago Crime Lab study found that, on average, someone arrested for a homicide or shooting in that city had nearly 12 prior arrests. Almost 20% had more than 20.

If we cut prison rolls by 20, 40 or 50%, it won’t be politicians and media celebrities living in gated communities who will pay the price; it will be the law-abiding citizens in underserved neighborhoods struggling to get ahead who will pay.
"What that means, today, is that many undocumented immigrants rely on emergency rooms -- which are required under federal law to screen and stabilize all patients who come through their doors -- when they get sick.
That ultimately costs the federal government billions in reimbursements to hospitals."

"It makes more moral and clinical sense, but also more financial sense, to take care of people before they are in crisis," said Chokshi. "The care we provide right now is too often emergency care, rather than primary care."

People who want to force women to have a baby against their will and then advocate for policies that immorally leave people, including babies, without medical care should be hung by their thumbs.
Japan doesn't have much crime, they are honorable people. The US has a lot of crime and criminals. See the difference?

Japan doesn't have much crime because they ban personal guns and they have extensive welfare benefits for their population.

I simply love the virtue-signaling posts from simpletons who decry treating all people equally.

No....let me get this straight: you show your love of black people by voting for this party?

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

The Republicans who sent in the 101st Airborne are not today's Republicans. They stopped being that when Nixon embraced the Southern Strategy and Reagan started talking about "Welfare Queens". This is why black folks vote 95% Democratic. They know who their enemies are.

I vote for the Democrats because I realize that MY REAL ENEMY is the white guy in the corner office thinking of new ways to screw me over. Please don't mistake me for doing anything but voting for my own economic interests.

That said, in identifying problems that don't involve me personally, you find the root causes and say, "Um, yeah, we need to do something about that."

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

Jefferson Davis quit the US Democratic Party. And the only people I see running concentration camps today is Trump.

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

We returned money we owed them... as for who is dealing cocaine to Americans.

That would be your boy Ronnie Reagan and Ollie North who worked with the drug pushers back in the 1980's.

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

Okay. Civil War, WWI and WWII, we were attacked. Korea, our allies were attacked. Vietnam was just plain stupid, but it was bipartisan stupid.

When I was growing up, my parents used to say that Democrats brought us wars and Republicans brought us Recessions.

Now Republicans bring us wars and recessions, and you are cheering the whole way.

US cities already have strict gun control laws, they don't prevent much crime do they? So that's not the reason Japan has a low crime rate is it? The Japanese are very religious as a society, maybe religion is worth a try since gun control doesn't work?
In 2017, around 70 percent of the total population of Japan participated in Shinto practices. Closely behind is Buddhism, with more than 69 percent of the population adhering to its practices. Most Japanese thus practice both religions.
Prisons do prevent crimes, hell yes they do, they keep murderers off the streets. if you don't see that your too stupid to post with.

No, they make the problem worse. Once someone is in the clutches of the Prison Industrial complex, it becomes very hard for them to get out.

One of out three Americans has a police record. That's just crazy.

So why is it that 1 in 3 Americans have a police record? Maybe since jobs went to China? Maybe because they went to holding pens instead of High School? Maybe they were never taught right from wrong? That crime rate has nothing to do with guns does it?
The truth I weren't able to deny anything in the OP that brought you slithering in, ......seems to have gotten under your scales.

Sorry, your number pointed crazy isn't a "truth".

We have more crime than other industrialized nations, but it's because we have racism, poverty, income inequality and most importantly, any idiot who wants a gun can get one.

If guns and prisons made us safer, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.

Guns do prevent crimes, thousands a day. Show me your proof that guns cause crime. Prisons do prevent crimes, if you don't see that your too stupid to post with.

Prisons do prevent crimes, hell yes they do, they keep murderers off the streets. if you don't see that your too stupid to post with.

Joey does not care, In fact, Joey WANTS and NEEDS violence. He MUST have mass shootings. He CELEBRATES dead children, because they allow him to push his agenda.

Joey is pure and undiluted evil on the level of Stalin.

I don't know if Joe is evil, but I do know he drinks the democrat KoolAde.
He seems to be the product of the urban public school system, preprogrammed with all of the democrats talking points.
He may yet see the light if he keeps posting here and actually thinking about the discussion points.
Guns do prevent crimes, thousands a day. Show me your proof that guns cause crime. Prisons do prevent crimes, if you don't see that your too stupid to post with.

We have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world... so, um, no. Guns and Prisons aren't helping.

Why Are So Many Americans in Prison?

1.”The U.S. does have a very large prison population—not because too many innocent people are incarcerated, but because too many people commit serious—usually violent—crimes. With rare exceptions, that’s why most people are imprisoned in America. Period.

2. …start with those convicted of drug offenses, the source of so much of the “mass incarceration” myth. While it’s true that about half of federal prisoners are incarcerated on drug charges, federal inmates constitute only about 12% of the American prison population. Almost nine of every ten prison inmates are in state facilities. And very few of them—less than 15%—are there for drug-related offenses.

3. Four times that number are behind bars for one of the following serious crimes: Murder14%

Rape or sexual assault—13%


Aggravated or simple assault—11%

And burglary—9%

In short, violent criminals make up the clear majority of the state prison population. What’s more, drug offenders who do end up in prison don’t actually serve very much time—almost half are released within a year.

4. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, almost 40% of released state prisoners served less than a year in prison. Even 20% of murderers and nearly 60% of those convicted of rape or sexual assault served less than five years of their sentences in prison.

5. …plea bargaining. Most prosecutions never go to court. Instead, a deal is made between the defendant’s attorney and the prosecutor to avoid going to trial. These negotiations often involve the offender agreeing to plead guilty in exchange for a reduced sentence, or dropping or downgrading the most serious charges. As a result, a prisoner’s conviction record often understates the crime that landed him behind bars in the first place.

6. Studies done by the Justice Department show that only about 40% of felony convictions lead to a prison sentence. Yes, many are given probation, sentenced to home confinement, or given credit for time served in pretrial detention. But most of the time, convicted criminals don’t go to prison.

7. …the left-leaning Brennan Center have called for an immediate 40% reduction in the number of inmates. CNN host Van Jones, founder of the #Cut50 initiative, tops that. He wants a 50% reduction. A January 2017 University of Chicago Crime Lab study found that, on average, someone arrested for a homicide or shooting in that city had nearly 12 prior arrests. Almost 20% had more than 20.

If we cut prison rolls by 20, 40 or 50%, it won’t be politicians and media celebrities living in gated communities who will pay the price; it will be the law-abiding citizens in underserved neighborhoods struggling to get ahead who will pay.
When I worked at the prison I got to know one convict pretty well. He was a Hillary man all the way but he couldn't vote. He seemed fairly decent, didn't cause problems like a lot of them did. One day he asked me if I knew why he was locked up and I said no, and he told me. He said he and his wife split and he let her use his truck to move and she kept the truck. So he called the police and they couldn't help get the truck back so he went to get it. He had the title and everything but his wife called the police and he got arrested and was sentenced to 6 years. All for getting his own truck back from his thieving wife. A pretty lousy thing to have happen to you.

A while later I happened to be in the Chiefs office and asked him about the guy and surprisingly the Chief told me it was true except the convict left out the part where he had taken his 3 year old daughter with the truck and the wife had custody! The vast majority of criminals are notorious liars, just like these vermin scum here. They are all the same class of scum.
I don't know if Joe is evil, but I do know he drinks the democrat KoolAde.
He seems to be the product of the urban public school system, preprogrammed with all of the democrats talking points.
He may yet see the light if he keeps posting here and actually thinking about the discussion points.

Joey is evil...I am talking Megele or Beria levels of evil. He worships The State with religious fervor, and believes that The State can do no wrong.
Guns do prevent crimes, thousands a day. Show me your proof that guns cause crime. Prisons do prevent crimes, if you don't see that your too stupid to post with.

We have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world... so, um, no. Guns and Prisons aren't helping.

Why Are So Many Americans in Prison?

1.”The U.S. does have a very large prison population—not because too many innocent people are incarcerated, but because too many people commit serious—usually violent—crimes. With rare exceptions, that’s why most people are imprisoned in America. Period.

2. …start with those convicted of drug offenses, the source of so much of the “mass incarceration” myth. While it’s true that about half of federal prisoners are incarcerated on drug charges, federal inmates constitute only about 12% of the American prison population. Almost nine of every ten prison inmates are in state facilities. And very few of them—less than 15%—are there for drug-related offenses.

3. Four times that number are behind bars for one of the following serious crimes: Murder14%

Rape or sexual assault—13%


Aggravated or simple assault—11%

And burglary—9%

In short, violent criminals make up the clear majority of the state prison population. What’s more, drug offenders who do end up in prison don’t actually serve very much time—almost half are released within a year.

4. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, almost 40% of released state prisoners served less than a year in prison. Even 20% of murderers and nearly 60% of those convicted of rape or sexual assault served less than five years of their sentences in prison.

5. …plea bargaining. Most prosecutions never go to court. Instead, a deal is made between the defendant’s attorney and the prosecutor to avoid going to trial. These negotiations often involve the offender agreeing to plead guilty in exchange for a reduced sentence, or dropping or downgrading the most serious charges. As a result, a prisoner’s conviction record often understates the crime that landed him behind bars in the first place.

6. Studies done by the Justice Department show that only about 40% of felony convictions lead to a prison sentence. Yes, many are given probation, sentenced to home confinement, or given credit for time served in pretrial detention. But most of the time, convicted criminals don’t go to prison.

7. …the left-leaning Brennan Center have called for an immediate 40% reduction in the number of inmates. CNN host Van Jones, founder of the #Cut50 initiative, tops that. He wants a 50% reduction. A January 2017 University of Chicago Crime Lab study found that, on average, someone arrested for a homicide or shooting in that city had nearly 12 prior arrests. Almost 20% had more than 20.

If we cut prison rolls by 20, 40 or 50%, it won’t be politicians and media celebrities living in gated communities who will pay the price; it will be the law-abiding citizens in underserved neighborhoods struggling to get ahead who will pay.
When I worked at the prison I got to know one convict pretty well. He was a Hillary man all the way but he couldn't vote. He seemed fairly decent, didn't cause problems like a lot of them did. One day he asked me if I knew why he was locked up and I said no, and he told me. He said he and his wife split and he let her use his truck to move and she kept the truck. So he called the police and they couldn't help get the truck back so he went to get it. He had the title and everything but his wife called the police and he got arrested and was sentenced to 6 years. All for getting his own truck back from his thieving wife. A pretty lousy thing to have happen to you.

A while later I happened to be in the Chiefs office and asked him about the guy and surprisingly the Chief told me it was true except the convict left out the part where he had taken his 3 year old daughter with the truck and the wife had custody! The vast majority of criminals are notorious liars, just like these vermin scum here. They are all the same class of scum.

7. “Democratic Views on the Death Penalty

The party’s support has diminished over the last 20 years, currently sitting at 49 percent (20 years ago it was at 75 percent). Many Democrats have begun to prefer the option of life imprisonment, according to recent Gallup polls. … most states that have abolished the death penalty in the last few years have been Democratic leaning states.

Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsome of California says, “I think we should repeal the death penalty. It’s not a deterrent; there are racial components to it.” Martin O’Malley, governor of Maryland, believes similarly. He says “It’s wasteful. It’s ineffective. It doesn’t work to reduce violent crime.” Democratic Views on the Death Penalty | Republican Views

The Old Testament demands the death penalty for premeditated murder. In fact, it is called for in each of the five books of the Old Testament.

Nor is any call to reverse that in the New Testament.
“While no New Testament passage expressly mandates capital punishment, several imply its appropriateness. For example, in Romans 13:1-7 Paul calls his readers to submit to the authority of civil government, reminding them that "if you do wrong, be afraid, for he [the authority] does not bear the sword for nothing." In its ultimate use, the word sword implies execution.” A Biblical Perspective on The Death Penalty

An ancient proverb teaches, “To spare the ravening leopard is an act of injustice to the sheep.”
Democrats are the party of institutionalized racism. They believe that Blacks are an inferior race who can never be held to the same standards of behavior as "privileged" Whites.
Democrats are the party of institutionalized racism. They believe that Blacks are an inferior race who can never be held to the same standards of behavior as "privileged" Whites.

Clear and evident from their actions!

Can we add that without the black vote the Democrat Party would never win a national election.
Uh, we lock up more people than any other country on earth.

We have 2 million in prison and another 7 million on probation and parole.

By Comparison, Japan only locks up 69,000. Germany only locks up 78,000 and the UK only locks up 68,000.

The notion of locking people up for every petty drug offense and property crime (if they are poor) really doesn't work for anyone but the people who profit off the prison-industrial complex.

do you agree that anyone should be allowed to leave a store with up to $745 worth of merchandize with no recourse for the store owners?
Japan doesn't have much crime, they are honorable people. The US has a lot of crime and criminals. See the difference?

Japan doesn't have much crime because they ban personal guns and they have extensive welfare benefits for their population.

I simply love the virtue-signaling posts from simpletons who decry treating all people equally.

No....let me get this straight: you show your love of black people by voting for this party?

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

The Republicans who sent in the 101st Airborne are not today's Republicans. They stopped being that when Nixon embraced the Southern Strategy and Reagan started talking about "Welfare Queens". This is why black folks vote 95% Democratic. They know who their enemies are.

I vote for the Democrats because I realize that MY REAL ENEMY is the white guy in the corner office thinking of new ways to screw me over. Please don't mistake me for doing anything but voting for my own economic interests.

That said, in identifying problems that don't involve me personally, you find the root causes and say, "Um, yeah, we need to do something about that."

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

Jefferson Davis quit the US Democratic Party. And the only people I see running concentration camps today is Trump.

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

We returned money we owed them... as for who is dealing cocaine to Americans.

That would be your boy Ronnie Reagan and Ollie North who worked with the drug pushers back in the 1980's.

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

Okay. Civil War, WWI and WWII, we were attacked. Korea, our allies were attacked. Vietnam was just plain stupid, but it was bipartisan stupid.

When I was growing up, my parents used to say that Democrats brought us wars and Republicans brought us Recessions.

Now Republicans bring us wars and recessions, and you are cheering the whole way.
In Vietnam the communist north was trying to take over the south by force

so an ally was being attacked

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