sure---the Tea Party founder who has a sign with 'niggar' on it is a Dem left, plant. He helped found the Tea Party so he could blame his racism on Dems.



Crash The Tea Party!

Glad to see the tea party has got you running scared.


I can't wait to be welcomed with open arms by the losers.

I have you and a few others who have prepared me for how to speak to the losers.

channeling pricks like you, I'll fit right in.

thanks for the primer


Your low IQ is betrayed by your inate immaturity....thanks for playing.
Next week, thousands of local tea party groups are planning peaceful events on April 15th to protest excessive taxation, federal spending, deficits and debt, and ObamaCare.

An organization has been launched by people intent on smearing and discrediting the Tea Parties: Crash The Tea Party!

It's not surprising that there has been a great deal of commentary in the leftwing press and attacks by the Dems to call Tea Party members racists, terrorists and the like. If any racist or violent incidents happen next Thursday at the Tea Parties, they will most certainly be caused by these Alinsky-esque infiltrators.

sure---the Tea Party founder who has a sign with 'niggar' on it is a Dem left, plant. He helped found the Tea Party so he could blame his racism on Dems.


What a great point.. except the founder of the tea-party didn't have such a sign... it simply didn't happen. It's a LIE; A DECIET... it is a FRAUD.

But hey... it's a Leftist assertion, so that serves reason.

The founder was on the radio show of Alan Colmes, FOX News personality. The Tea Party founder was confronted and refused to deny that was his sign

A Tea Party rally in another state, threw the bum out.

It is a true story.


This is in fact the truth Dogbert....Obama has raised taxes on "someone" by 500 billion dollars. Even though he lied through his fucking teeth to get this Bill passed into law and it will break the bank in 20 years WITHOUT raising taxes on ALL Americans is no reason to bring Bush into's got NOTHING to do with Obama's plan for a european socialist United States.

:lol: Wut?

To most Europeans, Obama is barely left leaning centrist, never mind Socialist.
Tea Partier Tells Mediaite Racist Sign Was Forged; We Have Him On Record Defending Its Use Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Tea Partier Tells Mediaite Racist Sign Was Forged; We Have Him On Record Defending Its Use

Colmes: What’s N-I-G-G-A-R?

Well, I just don’t agree with what Congress is doing to the American people. Really the proper word is “slave”…[Oakland mayor and former Congressman] Ron Dellums actually coined that word.


Colmes: Did you spell it wrong?

Roberston: I don’t think so.

Not once did Robertson deny using the word. In fact bent himself into a pretzel defending its use.

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That's their purpose - to reinforce the lies being spread by the leftwing media by providing staged photo ops.

I'm confused.

Are you advertising for the Tea Party, or for people who want their 15 minutes of fame?

You've inspired me to make a poorly drawn sign and strip down to my speedo.

Just providing a PSA - it will be received according to the agenda of the beholder.

Post Pics - and get one of Dante while you're at it.

He's claimed he is going to crash the Tea Party as well.
Can you support ANY of this?

Now I'm thinking that the answer is: No... And when ya fail to do so, you will, through the certainty of your failure to do so, CONCEDE to ME, that you're a lyin' sack of Leftist crap.

Now best of luck with your looming concession...

I ain't conceding shit to you, idiot.

Republicans had a majority in the senate until 1987.

Reagan increased taxes six times under his Administration.

Bruce Bartlett on Tax Increases & Reagan on NRO Financial

The only problem with this analysis is that it is historically inaccurate. Reagan may have resisted calls for tax increases, but he ultimately supported them. In 1982 alone, he signed into law not one but two major tax increases. The Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) raised taxes by $37.5 billion per year and the Highway Revenue Act raised the gasoline tax by another $3.3 billion.

According to a recent Treasury Department study, TEFRA alone raised taxes by almost 1 percent of the gross domestic product, making it the largest peacetime tax increase in American history. An increase of similar magnitude today would raise more than $100 billion per year.

In 1983, Reagan signed legislation raising the Social Security tax rate. This is a tax increase that lives with us still, since it initiated automatic increases in the taxable wage base. As a consequence, those with moderately high earnings see their payroll taxes rise every single year.

In 1984, Reagan signed another big tax increase in the Deficit Reduction Act. This raised taxes by $18 billion per year or 0.4 percent of GDP. A similar-sized tax increase today would be about $44 billion.

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 raised taxes yet again. Even the Tax Reform Act of 1986, which was designed to be revenue-neutral, contained a net tax increase in its first 2 years. And the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 raised taxes still more.

The year 1988 appears to be the only year of the Reagan presidency, other than the first, in which taxes were not raised legislatively. Of course, previous tax increases remained in effect. According to a table in the 1990 budget, the net effect of all these tax increases was to raise taxes by $164 billion in 1992, or 2.6 percent of GDP. This is equivalent to almost $300 billion in today's economy.

Bruce Bartlett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bruce Bartlett (b. October 11, 1951, in Ann Arbor, Michigan) is an American historian who turned to writing about supply-side economics. He was a domestic policy adviser to President Ronald Reagan and was a Treasury official under President George H.W. Bush.

And of course Reagan's expansion of government:

Five Reasons Why Ronald Reagan Should Never Be on the $50 Bill

1). The size of the federal government exploded under Ronald Reagan

The Republican myth is that Reagan shrunk the size of the federal government, but this is not true. In fact, it is blatantly false. It was reported as early as 1988 that the size of the federal government had grown by 7% under Ronald Reagan. Also, government became a larger percentage of GDP under Reagan than it had previously been. When defense spending is included on the Reagan resume, the size of the federal government grew by 90% during the Reagan years, so much for small government conservatism.

Under Reagan, the VA was created at the cabinet level. War on Drugs was expanded to the point that the Government was getting billions to go into people's homes and arrest them for simply using drugs in their own homes.

Is that not Government Intrusion?

Ball's in your court.
Oh come can't look at It was a Democrat Congress under Reagan wasn't it Dogbert?

Reagan went along with the tax increases after awhile. Plus, the Republicans had the senate for most of the 80's, and didn't at the tailend which is when the tax increases stopped under Reagan.

Also, he expanded the Federal Government to new levels.

I still don't get the hero worship of Reagan by Republicans. He'd be in the same boat as McCain today in the modern GOP.

Wrong....the Senate pretty much split the 80's but the House was firmly in the hands of the Democrats.
Go ahead Doggie The Bubble Boy - remain ignorant. That is your right.

History has already proven that Reagan was a net Tax Reducer by a wide margin - and Obama has already achieve a huge tax increase by a wide margin.

Obama is Nothing Like Reagan.
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Here is the most recent statement from

"We're going to attend their rally, but plan to have a bunch of truly ludicrous signs. Things that say "Obama drinks Christian Baby Blood" or "Jesus wrote the constitution". The more misspelled words the better...You could also dress in overalls with no shirt, or a stained "wifebeater" t-shirt, But you get the general idea.

Some other thoughts are to ask people at the rally to sign a petition renouncing socialism. See just how much info you can get from these folks (name address, DOB, Social Security #). The more data we can mine from the Tea Partiers, the more mayhem we can cause with it!!!!"

Crash The Tea Party!

Judging from this--they'll be doing a little identity theft on the side--must be a paid volunteer group from ACORN--LOL.
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That's their purpose - to reinforce the lies being spread by the leftwing media by providing staged photo ops.

I'm confused.

Are you advertising for the Tea Party, or for people who want their 15 minutes of fame?

You've inspired me to make a poorly drawn sign and strip down to my speedo.

Just providing a PSA - it will be received according to the agenda of the beholder.

Post Pics - and get one of Dante while you're at it.

He's claimed he is going to crash the Tea Party as well.

I will post picts. I will have an awesome sign. I will be elected a leader.

I will tell them I only play at being a liberal.

HEll, I'm not even a registered Democrat---anymore.


btw, go ahead and stalk me in real life. I hope you have good homeowner's insurance.:lol:
This is in fact the truth Dogbert....Obama has raised taxes on "someone" by 500 billion dollars. Even though he lied through his fucking teeth to get this Bill passed into law and it will break the bank in 20 years WITHOUT raising taxes on ALL Americans is no reason to bring Bush into's got NOTHING to do with Obama's plan for a european socialist United States.

:lol: Wut?

To most Europeans, Obama is barely left leaning centrist, never mind Socialist.

Most Europeans are Communists so I can see their viewpoint.
Here is the most recent statement from

"We're going to attend their rally, but plan to have a bunch of truly ludicrous signs. Things that say "Obama drinks Christian Baby Blood" or "Jesus wrote the constitution". The more misspelled words the better...You could also dress in overalls with no shirt, or a stained "wifebeater" t-shirt, But you get the general idea.

Some other thoughts are to ask people at the rally to sign a petition renouncing socialism. See just how much info you can get from these folks (name address, DOB, Social Security #). The more data we can mine from the Tea Partiers, the more mayhem we can cause with it!!!!"

Crash The Tea Party!


Pay back is a mutha-fouker!


I'm going.

thanks for providing the link
Wrong....the Senate pretty much split the 80's but the House was firmly in the hands of the Democrats.

Uh no. I don't consider 55-45 to be split. Plus, Democrats have always had a number who were Conservative.

You want to blame this on the Dems, but you're deluding yourself.

Ronald Reagan lowered taxes for the rich, raised them on the poor six times.

Ronald Reagan brought the national debt to new levels.

Ronald Reagan brought government intrusion into the home to new levels with the biggest expansion of the War on Drugs ever at the time. He can also be blamed for the failure of the War on Drugs and the prison population exploding to such high levels that the system is now straining greatly.

Ronald Reagan saved Social Security.

Ronald Reagan created the VA at the cabinet level, which has turned into the 2nd biggest Government program, only behind Homeland Security. (Another Republican creation)

Let's face it, Reagan was no conservative. Economically he wasn't and Socially he wasn't.
Go ahead Doggie The Bubble Boy - remain ignorant. That is your right.

History has already proven that Reagan was a net Tax Reducer by a wide margin - and Obama has already achieve a huge tax increase by a wide margin.

Obama is Nothing Like Reagan.

Keeping up a strong resolve when faced with facts, how foolishly ignorant of you. :thup:

But keep worshipping your faux Conservative, tax raising idol. :thup:
That's their purpose - to reinforce the lies being spread by the leftwing media by providing staged photo ops.

I'm confused.

Are you advertising for the Tea Party, or for people who want their 15 minutes of fame?

You've inspired me to make a poorly drawn sign and strip down to my speedo.

Just providing a PSA - it will be received according to the agenda of the beholder.

Post Pics - and get one of Dante while you're at it.

He's claimed he is going to crash the Tea Party as well.


Who said I was going to crash the Tea Party?:confused:

I wanted to Freely Express my Outrage!!!:evil:

Why else would I wear the speedo?
Wrong....the Senate pretty much split the 80's but the House was firmly in the hands of the Democrats.

Uh no. I don't consider 55-45 to be split. Plus, Democrats have always had a number who were Conservative.

You want to blame this on the Dems, but you're deluding yourself.

Ronald Reagan lowered taxes for the rich, raised them on the poor six times.

Ronald Reagan brought the national debt to new levels.

Ronald Reagan brought government intrusion into the home to new levels with the biggest expansion of the War on Drugs ever at the time. He can also be blamed for the failure of the War on Drugs and the prison population exploding to such high levels that the system is now straining greatly.

Ronald Reagan saved Social Security.

Ronald Reagan created the VA at the cabinet level, which has turned into the 2nd biggest Government program, only behind Homeland Security. (Another Republican creation)

Let's face it, Reagan was no conservative. Economically he wasn't and Socially he wasn't.

You poor little booby. The House was firmly in Dem control during all of Reagan's presidency - and they controlled the Senate during the final two years.

As you do not GROK Conservatism in any sense, your assessment is not informed enough to warrant a response.

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