And he's raising taxes when the Bush tax cuts expire and adding the taxes and fines for ObamaCare - as well as driving the country into far deeper debt.

On balance, he is a tax increaser, not a decreaser.

Really now? Let me know when that happens.

Because as of April 9, 2010, Barack Obama is a tax decreaser.


Ain't that the truth ..... that fucking ass clown has raised the National Debt by more than 2 trillion dollars in 14 months
Ain't that the truth ..... that fucking ass clown has raised the National Debt by more than 2 trillion dollars in 14 months

Link? And man, if raising the national debt is how you gauge a Presidency, you must HATE Reagan?
And he's raising taxes when the Bush tax cuts expire and adding the taxes and fines for ObamaCare - as well as driving the country into far deeper debt.

On balance, he is a tax increaser, not a decreaser.

Really now? Let me know when that happens.

Because as of April 9, 2010, Barack Obama is a tax decreaser.


That's wrong.

ObamaCare includes a minimum of $500B tax increases, so on balance he is already a tax increaser.
Next week, thousands of local tea party groups are planning peaceful events on April 15th to protest excessive taxation, federal spending, deficits and debt, and ObamaCare.

An organization has been launched by people intent on smearing and discrediting the Tea Parties: Crash The Tea Party!

It's not surprising that there has been a great deal of commentary in the leftwing press and attacks by the Dems to call Tea Party members racists, terrorists and the like. If any racist or violent incidents happen next Thursday at the Tea Parties, they will most certainly be caused by these Alinsky-esque infiltrators.

sure---the Tea Party founder who has a sign with 'niggar' on it is a Dem left, plant. He helped found the Tea Party so he could blame his racism on Dems.


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That's wrong.

ObamaCare includes a minimum of $500B tax increases, so on balance he is already a tax increaser.


And what's with this on balance bullshit? This isn't an Accounting books we're dealing with here. Because otherwise, you would of wanted to crucify Bush for having the war spending off the books for YEARS.
Ain't that the truth ..... that fucking ass clown has raised the National Debt by more than 2 trillion dollars in 14 months

Link? And man, if raising the national debt is how you gauge a Presidency, you must HATE Reagan?

Here's what Obama has done already, without ObamaCare's inevitable deficit increases:


And they count on people like you to not understand this even though they have spent So Much Money.

And he's raising taxes when the Bush tax cuts expire and adding the taxes and fines for ObamaCare - as well as driving the country into far deeper debt.

On balance, he is a tax increaser, not a decreaser.

Really now? Let me know when that happens.

Because as of April 9, 2010, Barack Obama is a tax decreaser.


Absolutely False... the increase in Cafe Standards; which The Brown Clown just accelerated; alone, will far exceed ANY promised tax decrease... not to mention the Cap and trade he is intent on passing...


Socialist policies cause economic REGRESSION; they do NOT produce GROWTH THEY INDUCE ECONOMIC MALAISE... So the US Treasury is going to realize LESS MONEY THAN IT PROJECTED IT WOULD RECIEVE...

This will cause the Left to blame that SHORT FALL on the CAPITALISM... which will require them to 'admit' that 'things were MUCH worse than even THEY believed them to BE... and that 'this is the hardest thing I've ever had to DO!...' and they'll increase tax rates on everyone... blowing the top marginal rates back to 70-90%. Which will cause a cash flight, which will induce new regulations on capital management, confiscatory regulatory fees... New IRS reglations... Another collapse of the equity markets... as people pull their investments to get ahead of the socialism... and at the end of the day, the wealthy will keep theirs and the little guy gets SCREWED BY THE PROGRESSIVES...

This whole play went 13 years in the early 20th century... There's nothing new here.

The only way to stop it is at the November elections... PERIOD.

And the good news here is that with Kennedy's retirement, those in the Democratic KNOW... see that the last good chance to get another socialist on the Bench ends on election day...

So don't let your heart be troubled.

Turn your focus upon: REPEAL AND REPLACE!
That's wrong.

ObamaCare includes a minimum of $500B tax increases, so on balance he is already a tax increaser.


And what's with this on balance bullshit? This isn't an Accounting books we're dealing with here. Because otherwise, you would of wanted to crucify Bush for having the war spending off the books for YEARS.

Don't you even know how they justified ObamaCare? It's funded via Medicare cuts and tax increases. It's been signed into law, which clocks the tax increases as part of the Obama Legacy.

Over the 2010–2019 period, the net cost of the coverage expansions would be more than offset by the combination of other spending changes, which CBO estimates would save $426 billion, and receipts resulting from the income tax surcharge on high-income individuals and other provisions, which JCT and CBO estimate would increase federal revenues by $572 billion over that period.

So, offset the tax cuts with the $572B of tax increases for Obama's tax increase score.
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Next week, thousands of local tea party groups are planning peaceful events on April 15th to protest excessive taxation, federal spending, deficits and debt, and ObamaCare.

An organization has been launched by people intent on smearing and discrediting the Tea Parties: Crash The Tea Party!

It's not surprising that there has been a great deal of commentary in the leftwing press and attacks by the Dems to call Tea Party members racists, terrorists and the like. If any racist or violent incidents happen next Thursday at the Tea Parties, they will most certainly be caused by these Alinsky-esque infiltrators.

sure---the Tea Party founder who has a sign with 'niggar' on it is a Dem left, plant. He helped found the Tea Party so he could blame his racism on Dems.


Glad to see the tea party has got you running scared.
Oh come can't look at It was a Democrat Congress under Reagan wasn't it Dogbert?

Reagan went along with the tax increases after awhile. Plus, the Republicans had the senate for most of the 80's, and didn't at the tailend which is when the tax increases stopped under Reagan.

Also, he expanded the Federal Government to new levels.

I still don't get the hero worship of Reagan by Republicans. He'd be in the same boat as McCain today in the modern GOP.
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Next week, thousands of local tea party groups are planning peaceful events on April 15th to protest excessive taxation, federal spending, deficits and debt, and ObamaCare.

An organization has been launched by people intent on smearing and discrediting the Tea Parties: Crash The Tea Party!

It's not surprising that there has been a great deal of commentary in the leftwing press and attacks by the Dems to call Tea Party members racists, terrorists and the like. If any racist or violent incidents happen next Thursday at the Tea Parties, they will most certainly be caused by these Alinsky-esque infiltrators.

sure---the Tea Party founder who has a sign with 'niggar' on it is a Dem left, plant. He helped found the Tea Party so he could blame his racism on Dems.


What a great point.. except the founder of the tea-party didn't have such a sign... it simply didn't happen. It's a LIE; A DECIET... it is a FRAUD.

But hey... it's a Leftist assertion, so that serves reason.
That's their purpose - to reinforce the lies being spread by the leftwing media by providing staged photo ops.

I'm confused.

Are you advertising for the Tea Party, or for people who want their 15 minutes of fame?

You've inspired me to make a poorly drawn sign and strip down to my speedo.
Next week, thousands of local tea party groups are planning peaceful events on April 15th to protest excessive taxation, federal spending, deficits and debt, and ObamaCare.

An organization has been launched by people intent on smearing and discrediting the Tea Parties: Crash The Tea Party!

It's not surprising that there has been a great deal of commentary in the leftwing press and attacks by the Dems to call Tea Party members racists, terrorists and the like. If any racist or violent incidents happen next Thursday at the Tea Parties, they will most certainly be caused by these Alinsky-esque infiltrators.

sure---the Tea Party founder who has a sign with 'niggar' on it is a Dem left, plant. He helped found the Tea Party so he could blame his racism on Dems.


Glad to see the tea party has got you running scared.


I can't wait to be welcomed with open arms by the losers.

I have you and a few others who have prepared me for how to speak to the losers.

channeling pricks like you, I'll fit right in.

thanks for the primer

That's wrong.

ObamaCare includes a minimum of $500B tax increases, so on balance he is already a tax increaser.


And what's with this on balance bullshit? This isn't an Accounting books we're dealing with here. Because otherwise, you would of wanted to crucify Bush for having the war spending off the books for YEARS.

Don't you even know how they justified ObamaCare? It's funded with approximately $500B of Medicare cuts and $500 in tax increases. It's been signed into law, which clocks the tax increases as part of the Obama Legacy.

This is in fact the truth Dogbert....Obama has raised taxes on "someone" by 500 billion dollars. Even though he lied through his fucking teeth to get this Bill passed into law and it will break the bank in 20 years WITHOUT raising taxes on ALL Americans is no reason to bring Bush into's got NOTHING to do with Obama's plan for a european socialist United States.
Next week, thousands of local tea party groups are planning peaceful events on April 15th to protest excessive taxation, federal spending, deficits and debt, and ObamaCare.

An organization has been launched by people intent on smearing and discrediting the Tea Parties: Crash The Tea Party!

It's not surprising that there has been a great deal of commentary in the leftwing press and attacks by the Dems to call Tea Party members racists, terrorists and the like. If any racist or violent incidents happen next Thursday at the Tea Parties, they will most certainly be caused by these Alinsky-esque infiltrators.

Here is the TEA PARTY CRASHERS most recent statement: BTW--you liberals can use your credit cards to donate to this organization--:clap2:

We're going to attend their rally, but plan to have a bunch of truly ludicrous signs. Things that say "Obama drinks Christian Baby Blood" or "Jesus wrote the constitution". The more misspelled words the better...You could also dress in overalls with no shirt, or a stained "wifebeater" t-shirt, But you get the general idea.

Some other thoughts are to ask people at the rally to sign a petition renouncing socialism. See just how much info you can get from these folks (name address, DOB, Social Security #). The more data we can mine from the Tea Partiers, the more mayhem we can cause with it!!!!

$tea party health care bill.jpg

The "real" tea partiers--health care protest--Washington D.C.
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Oh come can't look at It was a Democrat Congress under Reagan wasn't it Dogbert?

Reagan went along with the tax increases after awhile. Plus, the Republicans had the senate for most of the 80's, and didn't at the tailend which is when the tax increases stopped under Reagan.

Also, he expanded the Federal Government to new levels.

I still don't get the hero worship of Reagan by Republicans. He'd be in the same boat as McCain today in the modern GOP.

Can you support ANY of this?

Now I'm thinking that the answer is: No... And when ya fail to do so, you will, through the certainty of your failure to do so, CONCEDE to ME, that you're a lyin' sack of Leftist crap.

Now best of luck with your looming concession...

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