CPAC: Speaker pledges end of American democracy to wild applause.

We are a constitutional republic with democratic institutions. You all want to see the end of those democratic institutions, That is why you all cheer for its demise. MAGA can’t wait to dance on the grave of the US Constitution.
Too late.
You got there first...

Time to roll up a newspaper.
You'll never understand because you've been brainwashed into irrationally hating the other side so badly you only see what you want and believe what the others on your side are repeating.

I almost feel sorry for you and others like you. Because all you know is to hate conservatives and Republicans to the point you ignore the irreparable damage being done to America being done by your own party.

You breed hatred. I know conservatives have shortcomings and problems, I'm not so blinded by tribalistic anger that I can't see it.
The problem with conservatives is their lack of education and generally poor understanding of anything.
No, we’re not. The only democratic part of our government is our voting to elect our leaders. Democracy ends there. The cotus says so.
Well, no. The representatives then have to vote on everything that comes before them. :rolleyes:

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